cassius-selwyn · 4 years
location: leaky cauldron status: open!
it was always an eventful day being an auror and having his hand on the rein of control was why he picked this profession but some days it was just a chore. dealing with drunken idiots who basically got themselves arrested was at the least of his interest. he slumped over a seat at the bar, making idle chat with the other patrons when he heard a murmur from next to him. cassius tuned in his chair to tell the other to be quiet. everyone knew his name or most people did and he tried to ignore the drunken slurs of insults coming out from the person beside him. “that wasn’t a warning, that was a threat,” cassius ensured when the man continued. when he felt a poke on his shoulder, cassius’ jaw tensed and he stood. “going to arrest me now are you?” the man cackled and cassius rolled his eyes. “no, but harassing someone is grounds to be removed from this establishment and issue a citation especially when you are harassing a public official.” cassius gave a weathering gaze and watched the man disappear outside, hoping he would go fuck with someone else. he turned back and asked for another glass of whiskey. 
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cassius-selwyn · 4 years
Their encounter at the masquerade should have been a one off. It should have been attributed to the veritaserum and nothing more. The last thing that Irene expected was for them to repeat the act again and again. It was rare that she visited the same man twice. It was even rarer that someone could capture her attention and yet - she’d been faithful to a man that she wasn’t even courting. Whatever it was between them wasn’t serious. It wasn’t anything other than a physical attraction to each other. A chemistry that they both needed to quench. At least that was what she kept telling herself. 
Irene leaned into Cassius’ touch, a small smirk on her lips. “I assure you, Mister Selwyn, that I can pay for the robes myself,” she replied lowly, surprised that he was offering. This wasn’t the act of a casual lover. This was more. The blonde kissed him back without hesitation, knowing that no one was paying attention to them. If they were, they’d regret it later. One of her hands twisted into his hair when his head fell to her shoulder. “What if I want you, Mister Selwyn?” Irene whispered to him lowly, “Then what?” 
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Cassius had tried not to entertain the idea of Irene more than what was going on. They were in a partnered dance and it was one he would like to continue. There were not many times he felt so natural around someone and rarely was that in another woman. The two had advanced from mere acts of passion to conversation and now it felt less casual than what it was meant to. When Cassius found Irene in the dressing rooms, he could only smile at her and it was enough to step into the space. 
“And where is the fun with that?” he asked with a brow raise, wanting to buy anything and everything for Irene if she wished. It was true she would only look good in everything that was put on her just as much as she looked good without anything. She always wore the dress and not the dress wearing her. Cassius roughly kissed Irene, pulling her closer towards him. “Then you can have me,” he breathed out between the two. “Anywhere and whenever...is that what you would like Miss Rosier?”
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cassius-selwyn · 4 years
If she were being completely honest, Harriet missed the field missions that she’d used to be sent on as a hit-witch. She missed the adrenaline that it provided. When she’d chose to be a hit-witch, she’d done it simply because she didn’t want to sit behind a desk. When she found out about her pregnancy, she took the safe option for the babies. She was now spending her days sat behind a desk at the Ministry and usually bored out of her mind. The days grew harder to get through the more uncomfortable that she became because of the babies. 
Today, she was taking a small walk about the Ministry because she simply couldn’t find it in her to stare at her paperwork any longer. Harriet was standing in the line for coffee and tea when she spotted Cassius Selwyn. Her first instinct was to run in the other direction, but she wouldn’t get very far. Instead, she nodded politely (as politely as she could), “Mister Selwyn.” 
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There was not much activity in the field and Cassius was doing paperwork in the office, shooting glances up when someone passed by. There had been a few missions that he was sent on that he had to do a follow up report. It had come to his attention that for the last five missions, he failed to do a comprehensive report on each one. It required doing some research on names he had sense forgot and locations that were hard to spell and didn’t want to re enter it into the typewriter each time. 
Cassius removed himself from his desk for a refreshment, knowing where the coffee and tea would be. When he saw Harriet Fawley in the hallway he only smiled. This had been one of his past girlfriends and he had indeed and intentionally messed it up by finding another lover. “Miss Fawley. It is good to see you. I see you’ve been busy,” he commented, glancing down at her growing stomach. “Or should I say Mrs...?”
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cassius-selwyn · 4 years
location: Flint resident closed: @reflint​
When he received notice that there was someone who had illegaly smuggled in imports to an establishment, Cassius barely gave it any attention. It was something that could be paid mind another day but when he saw who the suspect name was, he paused and deliberated seeing the man at all. Roderick was a well known person already but Cassius had come to know him for his activity in the Redeemers and his previous companionship to Irene. He loathed the man and perhaps it was out of spite that he finally did go to the residence with a few other aurors and guards. 
Cassius and the others entered without warning and he ordered them to search for anything or any information related to the information given to them. When he saw the man in question he merely smiled. “Afternoon, Flint,” he said evenly as the manor was being searched. “You are suspected of illegal imports. Do you not currently own your own establishment?”
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cassius-selwyn · 4 years
location: hog’s head closed: @ofseamus​
It was late at night on a weekend and it was when the auror department got the most calls. There were people off of work who had no consequences for the next day. He loathed the unsettling feeling that a report would be sent in soon and just as he was about to leave, Cassius received an urgent report from someone about a fight happening in one of the pub establishments. It was with haste that he left, arriving at Hog’s Head. It was obvious why a fight started there as it seemed people who cared more about getting drunk than what they were drinking would fall to the hands of this place. 
“Alright, that’s enough,” he said, his voice booming throughout the place. It was a mad house and there were about nine people piled into a fight. Cassius raised his wand and a bright light was released to earn a distraction from people. It was the least violent thing he could do with so many people around. “Keep fighting and you spend a night in the cells. Who is the manager here?” he called out, giving a warning look to everyone who dared to look at him. “I do not have all night.”
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cassius-selwyn · 4 years
She’d be an idiot not to realize what was happening between them. It had started as a craving that needed to be tended to and with each night that passed, it had grown into something more. Something that neither one of them would ever dare admit out loud. At the beginning, it had been a frenzy. A mad rush to get their clothes off and end up in bed together. As the time passed, it turned into a slower dance. They stayed in bed together. They talked. Irene enjoyed his presence. It was a dangerous path that they were flirting with. 
“To hell with Blackwood,” Irene muttered, the frustration clear upon her face. If it were in her hands, there would be a mysterious accident and then she’d take over as the rightful lead of the Redeemers. The blonde took a sip of her drink, her eyes on Cassius, the frustration clear in her shoulders. “Do you not have doubts of your own? I do not trust the imbeciles to not fuck up.” 
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When Cassius first joined the Redeemers it was first in spite of his parents, his house, every judgement placed on him. There was a craving to fight and Cassius wanted to dedicate himself to the allegiance. It would be a fool’s choice not to when it seemed what Blackwood had planned would bring what was needed to the wizarding world. Peace was needed and Cassius agreed with most things. The trust placed in Irene had earned his attention at first, followed by her quick wit and passion for the Redeemers. Unlike the others, she wanted what was best for the group not just themselves. It was easy to think about oneself when thinking about power and focus. 
Cassius drained the last of his drink and poured himself another one as Irene talked. Discussing the last mission in secret seemed almost unreal but no one was listening. They were allowed to share their opinions and negative thoughts about the matter. Cassius hummed in agreement that they were on the same page at least. “They might. But that will speak about them than about us...we are stronger than them. And Blackwood. You could do anything he does and better easily.”
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cassius-selwyn · 4 years
There was something about Cassius that kept Irene coming back for more. At the beginning, she’d passed it off as a temptation that both of them needed to fulfill. The longer it went on, she knew that it was more. She’d deny it if anyone asked, but there was just something about him. She enjoyed his company and it was more than just in the bedroom. She kept her distance at meetings and in the public because she did not want to hear the gossip, but she longed to be close to him at all times. 
When Cassius closed the distance, Irene smiled knowingly, her eyes flickering around the shop to make sure that no one else was watching. When she saw no one, she leaned into his touch, a hand resting over his. “You think so? I suppose I could purchase it, yes,” Irene murmured her approval. Turning around, Irene pulled him by the collar closer to her, her lips brushing over his. “And what do you think of the one hanging over there?” She nodded towards a green number, before turning back to him. 
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Cassius hadn’t expected anything to happen with Irene after the masquerade event that went wrong. There shouldn’t have been another time and yet there had been. Cassius didn’t know what it was about her that go under his skin. Usually when that happened, Cassius moved on to whoever interested him next but he hadn’t been with anyone since Irene and him started sleeping together. He didn’t know if that was symbolic but he didn’t want to put too much thought into it.
His hands were already on her sides, following her curves and trying to be subtle about it. “Pick anything you want. I can buy it,” Cassius said, wanting to see her in the robes but mostly so he could take them off. She looked beautiful in anything and there was no question about that. His lips pressed against hers eagerly, not caring who watched now. The fact of someone seeing them together made him more excited, wanting people to know she was his. He barely glanced at the robes she asked about, flicking his gaze before turning his attention to her. When her attention drifted, his head fell to her shoulder. “That one too. Anything you want.”
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cassius-selwyn · 4 years
Irene wasn’t particularly interested in the Holiday Market or the things that were being offered. It was a coincidence that her visit to Madam Malkin’s occurred during the market. She didn’t technically need new robes, but she often bought new ones when she grew bored of her current wardrobe. Seeing Cassius was a mere bonus to her visit. Irene wasn’t sure what was going on between them, but she knew that she was beginning to crave his presence when he wasn’t around. She knew that she preferred the evenings when he was in her bed. 
“Do you like this one?” She asked, turning to face him, a tiny smirk upon her lips. Irene knew that it looked good; otherwise she wouldn’t have bothered to try it on. It fit well. Lowering her voice, Irene murmured, “Although, I suppose you’d prefer to take it off, mm?” 
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Whatever idle browsing or patrolling was dismissed from his mind as he stopped to see Irene. It had been her beauty that attracted him to her as well as her intellect and wit. In a moment like this, she looked natural and beautiful as she admired her reflection. She looked in a natural state when she thought no one was watching and the moment her eyes found hers his posture straightened. It seemed inevitable to try and avert his gaze and her words seemed like an invitation to come closer. 
He appeared beside her in the reflection and his hands on the neckline of the robes. There was little much in the way of the crowd and no one seemed to pay them attention. “I would...al though it does suit you. Perhaps you should buy it...so I can take it off in the comfort of the manor.”
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cassius-selwyn · 4 years
Their nights together were becoming more and more frequent. Irene found it a habit now to let her wards down for Cassius to enter. Most of the time she expected him. It was a dangerous line that they were walking, but she tried her best not to think about what it meant. He still meant nothing to her, didn’t he? Perhaps, but she had grown used to their routine. He’d show up at her place or she’d show up at his and they’d fall into a familiar rhythm together. That rhythm always ended with them in bed together, only now - it involved more talking than it had before. 
The blonde wasn’t surprised when Cassius showed up, but she was surprised by his frankness. To be completely honest, she was surprised that he admitted anything at all to her. She agreed with his words. He was right. “Someone needs to knock them down a few pegs.” She would have if it didn’t risk something happening within the Redeemers. She knew that they couldn’t stand to lose members. Even if she wanted to take a few of them out with her bare hands. “The guards are weak. Do you think that their plan will work?” She questioned, before taking a long sip of her drink. 
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It wasn’t unusual for Cassius to come over without notice as Irene came over several times. They knew what each other were to each other. It wasn’t dependency but a craving that needed to be fed to. The last few times, Cassius had noticed more subtle things like the geography of each dot on her body or how soft her skin looked with the evening light cast on it. It was things like that which left him thinking of her even when he left her presence. They were starting to open up to each other and Cassius wasn’t sure if it was good or something to take notice to. 
Cassius chased down his words with a thick swallow of the drink. “That should be Blackwood’s responsibility, but...I believe you are more than equipped to handle such matters. Perhaps even a better choice,” Cassius commented, knowing the last time he said something similar had been under a cursing potion but his words were still true now. “It should...you have doubts.” It wasn’t a question but instead an observation. “Do tell me what worries you.”
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cassius-selwyn · 4 years
Irene’s closet was full of dress robes for all occasions. She didn’t hesitate to shell out cash on the latest fashions or just a new outfit for a singular occasion. It was rare that she wore the same thing twice. That involved a lot of shopping which was why she was in Madam Malkin’s, standing in front of a mirror and observing the latest robes that had come in. It was a black number that fit her perfectly. It hardly needed any adjustments whatsoever. As she’d requested, there was a slit in one of the sides. It was a signature that she wore quite frequently. 
The blonde turned to the side and admired the sight, before catching Cassius’ gaze in the mirror as well. “Do you see something that you like, Mister Selwyn?” Irene asked, a hint of teasing to her voice. 
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The market was still ongoing and Cassius found himself in the medley of people attending. It wasn’t for his interest to be there but felt more necessary. He had checked in on the merchants in Knockturn Alley and had not been overly curious at what was being offered. They were doing so with legal intentions though perhaps questionable. He passed the robes shop during his pacing down the narrow alley in Diagon Alley and stopped. The familiar sight of Irene caught him off guard. She was in the shop and he paused as he saw her face in the reflection in the mirror. 
“Miss Rosier,” he echoed, nodding formally and glancing away as if he wasn’t looking. The vision of her looking elegant and beautiful was embedded in his mind now. “Yes, though it isn’t the robes I find engaging.” Cassius stepped further into the store, glancing around at the selections. “Whichever one will you choose?”
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cassius-selwyn · 4 years
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cassius-selwyn · 4 years
Regina shrugged, though she certainly hoped that she wouldn’t turn out anything like their mother. Though at least the woman was rich so she at least had that going for her. “Did they?” She questioned, furrowing her brows. “I don’t really remember much from when we were young.” That was mostly in part of her being so sick, her and her father having been so ill. Though only one of them got better. It left her with very little memories. It seemed like it was better off that way though. 
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“It was either like animals when they would fight or complete silence. You didn’t miss too much,” Cassius reassured, thinking that their father not being around anymore was the best thing to happen to the family. Mother was still a pain but somehow less so without the awfulness of their father. “No one says you have to marry though. You have enough money to live a happy life alone. Mother has thrown enough women at me like I’m some bachelor. I am much rather happy without any of that.”
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cassius-selwyn · 4 years
“I’m not lost.” She forced a fake smile onto her lips as she looked at Cassius. Last time she’d seen him had been at Blackwell Manor after the disasterous mission they had been a part of. They’d been partnered together. Octavia didn’t think either of them was the blame of the failure, it was more them not knowing the full picture and thus not being prepared correctly. Not that she would voice those thoughts of course, maybe in private if she was talking to Roman. Blackwell wouldn’t take the critique well, she knew that. 
“Hilarious. Truly. I’ll laugh later, Selwyn.” Octavia rolled her eyes, watching the people going through Knockturn Alley. She was definitely the best dressed with here. She usually was the best dressed in any place, so this wasn’t surprising. “I’m looking for a Christmas gift for Roman.” 
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“Since when do you shop recreationally?” he asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. The likes of Octavia Flint-Avery rarely came through Knockturn Alley and Cassius looked on in interest. They had been barricaded in the courtrooms at the Ministry, having nearly escaped being detected by the guards. It was a devastating blow all around with not getting the list and the New Order being there and ruining any chances at all. “Oh, yes. Anything in particular he would need? New stationary that has Mr and Mrs. Avery?”
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cassius-selwyn · 4 years
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This love. This will not be pretty as we hoped for, This love. This will be messy, This love. This will break our heart, This love, This love, Oh, this love. This is worth a shot
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cassius-selwyn · 4 years
Georgina wasn’t a great fan of Christmas. It was something sentimental that died out a long time ago. The way the English celebrated it was significantly different from how she used to celebrate it back in the states when she was only little. More propaganda, more showing off for the others of the greatness of their family. Massive Christmas tree, stockings, sugar canes, Santa laps. A child’s dream and now Georgina’s nightmare. It all just did not seem to be real. It was the echo of the memories she had, whispering in her ear that everyone was simply playing a role. 
She noticed Cassius just as he was talking to some stranger. He was right. They looked scared, lost, but also up to no good. Probably some sickly person deciding between what was right or wrong. “Don’t dismiss them so quick, Cassius.” Her eyes were focused on the person who seemed to be more afraid now. “The alley needs some customers too. You can’t scare away every one who may look for revenge.” This time, Georgina looked up at him. 
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Cassius regarded the person, raising a brow when there was little response. The next voice he heard wasn’t from the person he had stopped but instead Georgina Snyde. His gaze went over the person’s shoulder and his gaze hardened. What on earth was she trying to do? Cassius’ stance did not waver and instead his posture straightened. “Leave. Go on,” he dismissed the person. Once the person was out of sight, he turned on Georgina. 
“Knockturn Alley doesn’t participate in the festivities. Not at the same length that is out there,” he said, gesturing to the direction of Diagon Alley. “Trust me, they might not be looking for revenge, but that doesn’t mean the word should be thrown around so carelessly. What business would someone like that have here? I’m already being gracious enough not to arrests the men selling Ukranian dragon scales over by Burke’s.”
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cassius-selwyn · 4 years
The Redeemer’s mission had been long and it was frustrating. Irene hated that most of the members of the Redeemers didn’t know how to follow orders. She worked with a bunch of numbskulls. The way that they fought like kids and then Martin assumed that they’d be of any use. There were only a few that she trusted and the rest she’d have no qualms about putting them into danger so that they could get themselves killed. She didn’t give a damn about most of them. They weren’t committed to the cause. If they were, it wasn’t enough. They weren’t good enough. 
Irene was sitting down and nursing a whiskey when Cassius showed up at her place without warning. The only time they did this was late and most of the time, they ended up in bed. It was rare that they talked. This was different, though. Immediately Cassius went into a rant and Irene merely sat down and listened, watching as he spoke. “Bad day?” She asked, taking a sip of her drink. “Tell me about it. Although, most people are insufferable. Including most of the people we’re forced to go on missions with. I can’t stand the lot of them.” 
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Throughout the day, he had already thought of going to Irene’s later. The longer the day dragged on though, the more Cassius looked forward to escaping which only meant to see Irene. There were certain measures the department were taking following the event and Cassius sat as passively as he could. It was like playing cat and mouse with them but telling the cat where to go and where to find the mouse. It was almost too easy. If there were anything changes that were of note he would tell Blackwood. 
Cassius had arrived at Irene’s and was already talking before he could stop. Lately, they were seeing each other more and Cassius felt comfortable in whatever routine they had. “Yes,” he said finally, his voice hinted with some surprise that he had said anything at all. His eyes followed to her drink and he went in the direction to make his own. “They’re all young and foolish. Each having some complex or another,” he added before sipping at his drink. “The department is basically restructuring security measures though it is the fault of the guards.”
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cassius-selwyn · 4 years
for: @cassius-selwyn​
each month, the selwyn’s gathered at the same time and same place – celene’s mother and father’s manor. it had been in the family since the 1600′s and it was meant to be passed down to the eldest son. the problem lied within the fact that celene was their only child. the pair hadn’t been disappointed at the fact that carmella birthed a daughter, but they weren’t sure what to do with the manor after their passing.
after kissing her parents on the cheek upon arriving, celene made her way to the dining room and sat down at her designated spot next to cyrus. tureens of buttered peas, lamb chops, steak and kidney pudding, roast potatoes and red currant rum were spread out on the table before her and the woman made sure to get a serving of everything or she would hear a comment from her mother. when everyone began to retire to the drawing room, celene refilled her glass with some more currant rum and ran into her cousin who seemed to have the same idea of securing just a little bit more alcohol to get through the evening. “cas, i haven’t got a chance to talk with you tonight – enjoy dinner?”
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It was predicted that he would be seeing some family tonight which is why Cassius had tried to work through the day as much as he could. Besides his mother, he was actually keen to like his family. His sister and him were close and closer after graduating and being repeatedly subjected to their mother’s reputation. Mother’s sister’s family seemed less cynical and more ideal which is why Cassius actually warmed to the idea of Celene. 
Perhaps more people other than his mother being in one room made it more bearable. Slightly. Cassius arrived shortly after everyone else did, excusing himself and his work. He knew how some people thought of him being a Gryffindor and then going into Auror work. It seemed a disgrace to some but an advantage to him. He nursed a drink in his hand when Celen approached him and he raised a brow silently. “Enjoy dinner or the conversation at dinner? Both were pleasant. My mother hasn’t made a fool of herself yet, but there’s still time of course...and you?”
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