caspernet-blog · 13 years
I personally think it is quite disgusting how my HTC mobile phone cant upload photos to my computer purely because its not either Windows OS or Mac OS. how annoying
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caspernet-blog · 13 years
Would love to become an entrepreneur one day if only i was creative enough i could also do with a few ideas on where to start well i keep dreaming
Its just started raining here but i don't mind the rain it relaxes me when im here hammering away at my keyboard man i need to get out but not in the rain lol.
Does anyone else feel that life just gets so boring and predictable some days, i am not saying i don't like the predictability but something out of the ordinary wouldn’t hurt. i personally feel that my life is destined to be boring i wish i could become one of these millionaires that you always hear about. i just wish something like that would happen to me if god is real and he can hear this please help me out and i will do anything thank you.
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caspernet-blog · 13 years
Very disappointed that Lulzsec have disbanded i was really starting to enjoy their humour and the way they mocked various organisations like the CIA we LULZ at you CIA just a bunch of normal people in cheap suits acting like they actually make a difference in the world don't make me laugh.
Oh well at least we still have Anonymous to satisfy our hacking needs but they seem a bit too hardcore and come across as a human wrights or activist group still though we all in it for the LULZ.
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caspernet-blog · 13 years
Seriously considering buying a new computer would have to be a laptop though cant justify making space for a large desktop computer. Then again i do like my desktop PC but need something if only i had the funds. Time to save up some money i think looks like i am going to have to put in some more hours at the boring and dull supermarket now that i have finished college(sigh). I am also considering getting into computer programming now i am not what you would call a nerd but i need something to do over this long boring summer, shame i do not know the first thing about programming oh well time to hit up the "For Dummies" books.
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caspernet-blog · 13 years
Don't you just hate it when young girls and some questionable boys are so easily led by the illusion which is Justin bieber, I swear if you looked up arrogant in the dictionary a picture of his stupid woodland creature like face would be what you see before you!!
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caspernet-blog · 13 years
Hmm this is my first post on here, yet I'm still not sure what the site is other than a blogging space. Perhaps more than meets the eye...
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