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carstensenstehandel-blog · 7 years ago
About Carstensen
 Being the fourth generation in a family of mechants, it was natural for me to receive my professional education in a speciality shop in Haderslev. After completing my time there, I spent 2 years in a specialityshop and general store in Germany. 
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 Later on I aquired my fathers shop in Åstrup by Haderslev. It had a wide variety of goods and I learnt the trade in the good oldfashioned way. I sold chickenwire, chickenfeed, cement, gas, crafts and groceries. I drove a small truck and delivered goods to all the local farmers. When visiting the farms, I had many good converstations about their joys, sorrows and politics. I learnt a great deal from the very straight talking farmers, because I was never given an easy time. It toughend me up and has given me a certain stamina, that I have found useful many times in my life as selfemployed. 
 The rural merchant company was closed in 1988, whereafter I aquired a spciality shop in Aabenraa. This is where I built my tea paradise and after 17 years of being passionate about tea, I made my hobby into my living. I share my knowledge through creating my own blends and selecting the exclusive, exotic and unique teas that my customers enjoy. 
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