Carroll Surveying and Mapping
24 posts
  At Carroll Surveying & Mapping, we have one simple mission: to provide valued clients with the highest quality services on a schedule that serves both accuracy and your project’s schedule. And that’s what we’ve done for over 20 years. We’re confident that, through open communication, exceptional service and extraordinary accuracy, you'll find what you need in our surveyors  
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carrollsurveying-mapping · 2 years ago
If you have any questions about surveying or mapping, we have the answer. Quality. Precision. Efficiency. These are our watchwords at Carroll Surveying & Mapping. Carroll is highly skilled in every facet of land surveying and cartography. Reach out to us, we are ready and able to assist you with all your needs.
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carrollsurveying-mapping · 2 years ago
#ALTA surveying is required during property sales or insurance policies. If you get confused about which one is mandatory to fulfill your needs, then read this article to the end. If you live in OKC and need to do #ALTAsurveying, contact us at Carroll Surveying and Mapping or call us to get a free quote online in OKC.
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carrollsurveying-mapping · 2 years ago
Drone Survey is used to capture the footage of an area with aerial view to understand the structural qualities and boundary mapping. This approach of survey is proven to drive out quality results and saves time. It also saves land surveyors to avoid going in risky places and conduct survey in traditional manner. Let's deep dive why you should opt for a Drone survey.
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carrollsurveying-mapping · 2 years ago
Every property surveyor understands the immense value of real estate boundary survey and it includes different kind of surveys. Hence, commercial land surveyors must ensure the use of detailed and up-to-date surveys. They cannot draw out accurate data with outdated techniques and tools. We will outline all the vital details regarding the problem with outdated surveys.
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carrollsurveying-mapping · 2 years ago
You want to ensure that nothing goes wrong while focusing on investment in establishing or buying a property. It’s crucial to gather optimum information about the land, that's why land surveying and Mapping provide property buyers in Colorado with all the essential details. land survey services reveals all unknown issue with the piece of land. Read full article to know about all the benefits of a land survey before your purchase.
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carrollsurveying-mapping · 2 years ago
The surveying and mapping industry is drastically changing with the introduction of drones. We provide better efficiency for land surveys, 3D mapping, topographic surveying, and photogrammetry. We are sure you can’t wait to enter the informative world of drones. Therefore, we are revealing some of the most in-depth information below.
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carrollsurveying-mapping · 2 years ago
Have you completed your property survey? There are several reasons why you too should consider hiring a survey company especially before buying a property. From getting the authentic paperwork to getting the deeds, the maps, insurance, encroachments, etc. its professionals look for specific things that allow them to find out whether the property has been disputed or not. Let's explore.
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carrollsurveying-mapping · 2 years ago
An aerial survey is a method where the experts acquire an image of a surface from an elevated position. These days, experts utilize human-crewed and uncrewed aerial vehicles to take pictures of the surface. Professional aerial survey services can even achieve high-res photos of the areas covered with dense vegetation. Read full article to learn all the details for an aerial survey.
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carrollsurveying-mapping · 2 years ago
Every title company and buyer looks for public roadway access. During the preparation of an ALTA land survey, the surveyor aims to report vital road access information in an easy-to-understand fashion. What’s more? The survey must specify the direct accessibility of “private” or “public” roadways. we provide comprehensive survey solutions to our clients. Read details in full.
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carrollsurveying-mapping · 2 years ago
New homes, whether buying or building, need hefty investment in Oklahoma. There are multiple things to consider and risks to mitigate before buying or building a house. This will help you correctly identify the boundary of your land, and the surveyors will also help you with the decision-making process. Let’s discuss more boundary identification surveys in detail.
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carrollsurveying-mapping · 2 years ago
At Carroll Surveying & Mapping, we have one simple mission: to provide valued clients with the highest quality services on a schedule that serves both accuracy and your project’s schedule. And that’s what we’ve done for over 20 years. We’re confident that, through open communication, exceptional service and extraordinary accuracy, you'll find what you need in our surveyors
If you have any questions or would like to schedule a survey, get in touch today!
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carrollsurveying-mapping · 2 years ago
A typical survey will show the boundaries between land parcels but won’t necessarily show any improvements, many of which can significantly impact the value and use of a parcel. That’s why we provide the American Land Title Association (ALTA) survey, the single most comprehensive survey available. Get in touch today to schedule the most comprehensive survey available.
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carrollsurveying-mapping · 2 years ago
Quality. Precision. Efficiency. These are our watchwords at Carroll Surveying & Mapping. We want to do the best possible work for our clients as quickly as possible while also safeguarding public welfare with the accuracy of our maps and land surveys. Carroll is highly skilled in every facet of land surveying and cartography, & will assist you with all your needs.
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carrollsurveying-mapping · 2 years ago
Doing a topographic survey is the first step in any development project. The topographic surveyor performs this survey to detect any area’s features and elevations. This survey also includes the natural features, including ponds, trees, and ground contours. Click here to read all the details for a positive approach toward your project.
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carrollsurveying-mapping · 2 years ago
Doing a topographic survey is the first step in any development project. The topographic surveyor performs this survey to detect any area’s features and elevations. This survey also includes the natural features, including ponds, trees, and ground contours. Click here to read all the details for a positive approach toward your project.
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carrollsurveying-mapping · 2 years ago
There is a popular misconception that all types of land surveys are the same. All the survey does not always shows the border of the property only. ALTA surveying is the type of survey which is required during property sales or insurance policies. See Details
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carrollsurveying-mapping · 3 years ago
You might own the most valuable property there can be. But we think you're missing an essential point: boundary survey. It doesn't matter if you have a commercial, private, or mining property. Disagreements may show up due to the lack of boundary clarity. Details you need to know.
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