caregiverbubba · 4 years
my favorite little snacks 🧃
these certain snacks never fail to make me feel small and nostalgic
frosted strawberries 🍓
gold fish 🐠
gummy bears 🐻
pizza bites
juice boxes 🧃
hot chocolate 🍫
chicken nuggets
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caregiverbubba · 4 years
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Bubba is sick and my tissue box is just the cutest!
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caregiverbubba · 4 years
*bubbles and I walking out of the restaurant we just ate at to walk to another store*
Bubbles: *quickly looks me up and down while we walk*
Me: “yes sweetheart?”
Bubbles: “nothing!” *laughs nervously*
Me: *holds out my hand* “do you want me hand?”
Bubbles: *smiles and grabs my hand to hold* “mhmm”
I swear my little munchkin is the cutest little thing
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caregiverbubba · 4 years
i decided to name my new elephant stuffie bella.
bella, in this case, means beautiful elephant 🐘
i cuddle her every night and i wanna bring her everywhere i go 🥺
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caregiverbubba · 4 years
Bubbles needed a new stuffie friend
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my cg got me a new stuffie 🥺
i’m not sure what to name it yet🐘🖤
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caregiverbubba · 4 years
Things that put your caregiver in CG space
♡ holding their hand when you cross the street
♡ acting bratty in public
♡ using your sleepy voice
♡ random cuddles
♡ clinging to them
♡ asking for help ordering food
♡ asking them to cut up your food
♡ making them kiss your stuffies
♡ showing them your artwork
♡ bragging about them being the greatest CG
♡ getting excited over little things
♡ only holding one finger instead of their entire hand
♡ calling them by their cg title (daddy, mommy, big)
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caregiverbubba · 4 years
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If you have co-stars, it gives you a daily “dos and donts” today my top “do” on the list says “bubbles” and if you don’t know, my little’s “little name” is bubbles- long story short I’m soft
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caregiverbubba · 4 years
Another update
I believe I will be staying the caregiver of my little one even after our romantic relationship has ended. I will have to get used to this new relationship and it might take awhile so please be patient with the scattered posts!
Thank you!
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caregiverbubba · 4 years
An update
I’m not sure what I’ll be doing with this account. My little and I have broken off our relationship. We are no longer together and I will not be posting any longer about it. I do believe there is a chance I will still be their care giver, but for now you can expect no more posts from this account.
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caregiverbubba · 4 years
Thank you for 100 followers so quick! 🥰 I’m glad you like the stuff I post!!
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caregiverbubba · 4 years
why i age regress 🧸
content warning: talking about s*lf h*arm, ed, hospitalization, dr*gs, mental illness.
after establishing my relationship with my caregiver, age regression started to seem like an aesthetic. it was a safe space to relax and it was a way to bond with my s/o. i’ve grown so comfortable in our dynamic that i forgot why i started regressing in the first place.
in 2018, i was hospitalized for drug induced psychosis and stayed in the psych ward for about a week. it was the worst experience of my life. but i learned so, so much. although i hated it, there were a few notable things that i enjoyed: being taken care of, praised for eating, avoiding inappropriate language and the child-like clothes my gramma brought me. it felt like i could heal from more than my psychotic episode if i had that all the time.
ten months later it made sense. i started taking days off of school to regress (not recommended, pls go to school). i noticed that after a few weeks, i was kinder and happier.
regressing lets me feel and express emotions easily. i’m less likely to self harm in little space because it’s easy to express my sadness. it’s easier for me to eat in little space because i’m not thinking about calories.
regressing allows me to feel and express the emotions i wasn’t allowed to when i was a child. when i was little, i was spanked and disciplined for expressing anger. i was mocked for being sad and mocked for being too nervous to eat. anger turned into self harm. sadness turned into depression. and anxiety turned into an eating disorder.
i’m not saying that age regression has healed me. but i’m saying that it has helped me a lot. and my caregiver has helped me a lot, in and out of little space. tomorrow, i have my first therapy session in two years. i am continuing my healing journey even though it’s hard. i hope those who are reading, my loved ones and anyone else in the world can do the same.
thank you for reading
- a little princely
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caregiverbubba · 4 years
⭐️ Caregiver thoughts 9
I was thinking about my little yesterday and thinking about how cute they look when they lay in my arms with their blankie and have their binkie in their mouth- they look up at me with their big brown eyes and I’ll kiss them on the forehead and I watch them smile behind their paci with a little giggle, it really is just the cutest little thing. 🥰
I’m sorry about the lack of posting! My little hasn’t been in little space recently so I don’t often think about it!
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caregiverbubba · 4 years
🧸 Caregiver thoughts 8
Once upon a time I used to be a little. My own little suggested it to me, hoping it would help some past trauma. They were right, it did- but things didn’t go as plan and I ended up not age regressing anymore. When I /did/ age regress, my little (who would be my CG while I was little) got me a cute stuffed bunny rabbit. I’d like to think it helps me a lot- I snuggle it at night when I don’t feel mentally well. I don’t age regress anymore, and I can’t be a CG at the moment- so I’m just cuddling my bunny really hard hoping it helps.
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caregiverbubba · 4 years
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caregiverbubba · 4 years
*playing ac with my little*
Me: *chatting on the game* “look at your phone baby”
Little one: *looks at phone in game*
Me: “.....your real phone bubbles”
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caregiverbubba · 4 years
some things to do when you can’t regress 💭
this is not a guide to help force yourself into little space. you’ll be able to regress again when you’re ready ☺️. it’s okay to have a “drought.” relax and be kind to yourself
shop for little items (or add them to your wishlist). when you’re big, it can be easier to decipher what you really want from what you don’t need. and you can get a treat for yourself when you regress again.
wash your stuffies. your cute little stuffies need baths just like you. and when you’re little again they’ll smell all clean and fresh.
watch old shows or movies that bring back happy childhood memories. it’s fun to get nostalgic
keep a little journal. write about that things you like to do when regressed, doodle, do whatever you want!
make some rules. big you can make very reasonable rules for little you. if you have a carer, run the rules by them. or, revise some rules! remove rules that you think you don’t need anymore and add rules that will be more helpful.
i’ll add more later 💭
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caregiverbubba · 4 years
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my cg and i got on ac and had a play date 🧸
message me for friend codes
new leaf 🍃 players welcome!
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