Get the Jumpstart with a Career Coaching Franchise
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Career Coaching
If you’ve been in the profession of career coaching, you may want to purchase a career coaching franchise. More and more individuals are getting into franchises for their business propositions. They consider this a great career move. A career coach is someone that helps people that are trying to get started in either their career or trying to change their career goals. 
This may be because of a job termination, layoff, retirement or just wanting a change. When an individual needs help in job placement or career changing, they often seek help from someone with a career coaching franchise. An individual can be a career coach without being part of a career coaching franchise.
Franchising is a very valuable tool for anyone starting a reputable business. The U.S. Department of Commerce states that 62% of all non-franchised businesses fail with the first six years. Franchised businesses stand a much higher rate of success due to the network of support and products the franchise can offer the new franchiser to make the business profitable. 
An individual interested in making a career out of career coaching stands a much better chance of being successful if he purchases a career coaching franchise. Many individuals shy away from purchasing a franchise because there is a fee involved, however, the benefits gained with a franchise far outweigh the fees.
A career coaching franchise will help the career coach (or coaches) get started quicker and more successfully in their career. Often individuals don’t understand what franchising is all about. When most people think of franchises, they think of McDonalds or Burger King. Although the businesses are different, the concept is the same. 
When a business is ‘franchised’, it is given the right to sell or market a certain company’s product or services under a specific name and that name can be used in advertisements and marketing strategies. There are terms and conditions that they both agree on to make the franchise successful for them both.
The franchisor provides (in exchange for royalties of the business) the services and support needed to get the business growing in addition to initial ongoing training right up until the business is well on its way to success. 
It is to the franchisor’s advantage to see the new franchised business be as successful as possible. A career coaching franchise will have the advantage of now being part of a well-known and prospering business. 
Customers have a tendency to want to do business with a franchised business because they believe they are getting better quality and service because they are usually well known to the public.
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Brad Gilbert Coaching Career: Tennis At Its Best
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Career Coaching
There have been many famous coaches in the world of sports, with each of them having their own credentials and high points. The Brad Gilbert coaching career consisted of many high points and honors. Brad Gilbert is a former professional tennis player as well as a television tennis commentator. He is now an excellent American tennis coach putting his knowledge of the game towards helping other young athletes at tennis.
While he was a tennis player, he was ranked #4 in the world in 1990. In the first 10 years he was on tour, Gilbert was ranked in the top 10 for 9 of those years. Another of his attributes was his great win-lost record, which was 519-288. There are not a lot of tennis players that can boast of a record like that. It was his great tennis playing and knowledge of the game that contributed to the Brad Gilbert coaching career being what it is.
Gilbert had a style of play that was entirely different from other famous players in his playing era. He was not known for his powerful serves or infamous forehand or backhand. What he was known for and what made him so great was his consistency in keeping the ball not only on the court, but in play for so long. He would often tire his opponent out by making them take many turns, eventually ruining his opponent’s rhythm. As great of a player as he was, he was known for often having an unsportsmanlike attitude on the court, often arguing over calls and trivial things.
Before the Brad Gilbert coaching career started, Brad had quite a few major accomplishments, with some of them being a 1999 inductee into the Pepperdine Athletics Hall of Fame, 2001 into the ITA Intercollegiate Tennis Hall of Fame and Marblehead Boosters Hall of Fame. He was also a member of the USTA Northern California Hall of Fame.
The Brad Gilbert coaching career started in 1994 upon his retirement as a tennis player. From 1994 to 2002, Brad coached Andre Agassi, and led him to win six Grand Slam singles titles. Agassi later said that Gilbert was the greatest coach of all time. Andy Roddick won the 2003 US Open thanks to Gilbert’s wonderful coaching ability.
One of the latest contributions in the Brad Gilbert coaching career is his coaching of Andy Murray, a tennis player from Great Britain. In addition, Brad is taking part in the British Lawn Tennis Association programs such as tennis camps and coaching at many clubs and organizations. Brad currently is an analyst for ESPN in addition to being an author of “Winning Ugly”, a book describing how an average player can play competitively and beat another player of a higher skill level.
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Career Coaching Qualification Diploma Will Send You on Your Career
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Career Coaching
If you’re interested in career coaching, there are a number of steps you will need to take. One of the most common step is getting your career coaching qualification diploma. Depending on what school you choose to complete your education, there are many different programs to choose from. 
Different schools and institutions offer their own type of career coaching qualification diploma. Each of them will give you the proper steps towards getting you qualified to start your career with the credentials you’ll need to get many clients and run a successful business.
One group, the Association for Coaching offers the basics such as coaching diplomas, refresher courses, degrees and executive programs like MScs and PhDs. Completion of a career coaching qualification diploma from one of these programs will qualify an individual for full or part time positions and right up to executive positions. 
The professionals at the Association for Coaching will help you get started and stay with you every step of the way, guiding you in the right direction.
Another company, the Coaching Academy in the UK, offers a career coaching program where you can earn your career coaching qualification diploma and almost guarantees you success if their instructions are followed. 
Upon completion of the program, you will be given help in setting up a web page, sending out newsletters, advertising on Google, etc. They know all the correct strategy to get you started in your new career. 
The program is offered in different areas in UK, so you can choose the location most convenient for you. Career coaching is becoming a very popular career field with a high success rate, so you are encouraged to apply early if you are interested.
Some of the highlights that the people enrolled really enjoyed were the convenience and cost. Many of the programs are online programs where you can learn from the convenience of your own home. 
With the price of gas and daycare, many individuals find it very difficult to go back to school for any type of education. Studying for your career coaching qualification diploma at home saves you money on those unnecessary expenses. Most of the institutions that offer this program also offer you a convenient payment plan.
Getting an education has never been easier. You can almost work at your own pace, get individual assistance from the school’s qualified staff, pay in a convenient payment plan and earn your career coaching qualification diploma. In no time at all you will be a career coach helping other individuals find the career that is best suited to them and earning a good living in the process.
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Balanced Life Career Coaching: The Quickest Path to a Balanced Life
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Career Coaching
From the time we were little, we were asked what we want to be when we grow up. For most of us, we had a more positive answer as children than we did as adults. It was so simple at that stage in our life.
 As adults, we realize all the options available to us. In order for us to have a totally balanced life, we need to have attainable goals and ways to get them. Balanced life career coaching can offer you everything you need to reach your goals.
Many people don’t realize how our personal life touches our professional life and vice versa. If one area of our life isn’t as we would like it to be, it affects other areas as well. Balanced life career coaching can help you separate each part of your life, discover any changes needed and help you to make those changes. The result will be a balanced life, where our personal and professional lives are both areas of fulfillment.
Balanced life career coaching is not therapy or psychotherapy. It does, however, involve communicating, listening and “bearing your soul” about your life and any changes you may want to make, but are afraid to make. 
Often, individuals are dissatisfied with their careers or life in general and feel helpless, believing they can’t make the changes necessary. In many instances, there are only minor changes that need to be made, but these minor changes will have a huge impact on their overall balance of life.
When you seek balanced life career coaching, you will be assigned a coach, similar to a personal trainer at the gym. Your coach will devote his time to you on a one on one basis, learning all he can about your personal and professional life. 
You will be tested on your skills and goals and evaluated on which of your goals are realistic. Once you agree on which goals are realistic, your coach will help you begin to make the changes necessary to change your life and reach your goals.
With the exception of serious health problems, most areas of our lives can be changed in order for us to meet our goals and dreams in life. Unlike basic career coaching, which concentrates on your job or your career, balanced life career coaching works on all areas of your life. 
They will help you determine where the most changes are needed: spiritually, financially, emotionally or physically. They will work with you on a continuing basis helping you to make the changes necessary to find total fulfillment in a totally balanced life.
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Gerry Faust’s Coaching Career: A Life Long Dream
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Career Coaching
We all have dreams of what we want to do with our lives when we grow up. Not often do we get to act out our life’s dreams quite like Gerry Faust coaching career allowed Gerry to do. Gerry Faust was a football coach at the University of Notre Dame from 1981 to 1985. This is not, however, where Gerry Faust coaching career got its beginning.
Gerry attended the University of Dayton, where he played football and was a very successful quarterback for the team. He played under the leadership skills of Notre Dame coach Hugh Devore. Although, Gerry received a partial scholarship to Notre Dame and originally really wanted to attend Notre Dame, he ended up attending the University of Dayton.
The Gerry Faust coaching career began with Gerry’s tenure as coach at Moeller High School in Cincinnati. He was very successful with a football program that he built from scratch. His accomplishments included seven unbeaten seasons, four national prep titles, five Ohio state titles and an overall record of 174-17-2.
Faust had made quite a name for himself at this point, so he was hired at Notre Dame. Gerry had always had a lifelong dream to be at Notre Dame and came there along with some of his players from Moeller. Things did not go as hoped for Faust, and he soon realized that he would never be the same again. After the first year in 1981, Notre Dame was voted #1, but this did not last for long and things began going downhill for Faust.
It is unknown why exactly his coaching and success rate changed, but the team began losing. Although the first year coaching brought success and a winning season, every year after that was almost worse than the year before. His former rapport with his players seemed almost nonexistent. He never managed to win more than seven games in one season, and was never even close to contending for a national title. The fans wanted Gerry Faust’s coaching career to end at Notre Dame, with the famous slogan being “Oust Faust”. Despite this, he did finish out his five-year contract at Notre Dame.
It was later said that Faust had poor collegiate coaching experience, did not like taking advice and was too hard on the players. He would start the season trying to be best friends with the players and end the season with nothing but drills, drills and more drills and constant criticism. His career highlight there was his appearance in the 1984 Aloha Bowl. When he left Notre Dame, he took a coaching position at the University of Akron, where his record was not much better than at Notre Dame. The Gerry Faust coaching career ended when he was relieved of his duties and became a fundraiser for the school. Today, he still has a love for Notre Dame, despite his failures as a coach. Gerry was a guest speaker at the 2006 football awards banquet.
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Making the Best of a Career Change
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Best of a Career Change
Facing a career change is never easy but it is one of the most common events of the adult working life. Companies come and go, merge and downsize on a consistent basis requiring employees to go with the tide of change or be left behind. It is hardly uncommon for an individual to start out in one career and find him or herself training for another to meet the needs of their new position. Many enjoy meeting the challenge, especially when it means an increased earning potential. At the same time, there are those who like the career they have and do not yearn for any type of career change.
Everyone has heard of the career change that comes about after spending years in an industry that no longer provides the satisfaction that it used to. While some have a tendency to try and stick it out with their profession, others eventually get to a point where something has to change or else. This is when it is time to consult a career counselor and devise a plan of action. With technology constantly evolving at lightning speeds, many have also faced a career change when their current occupation became outmoded or terminated. This type of career change can be the hardest, especially when an individual was not expecting to alter their work life any time soon.
Whatever the reason, there are a great number of resources to help individuals with their career change. Because of the trend of large company layoffs, many counselors are well trained to deal with those facing career changes at any age, for any reason. A career counselor typically helps an individual decide if they want to get into a new industry; and if so, they help provide information on possible choices. They can also provide in depth information on careers as far as daily duties, salaries and educational requirements. Arranging for temporary employment in a number of work settings can give clients a better idea of their new career choices.
When an individual goes from one career change to another, it is usually because they are not making informed decisions; rather they are choosing careers based on a fantasy. While some careers can seem prestigious or exciting, one must always remember there is more going on behind the scenes than what is presented. No matter what one sees on TV, it can take years of education and experience to procure a job as a police detective or neurosurgeon. More often than not, glamorous professions also require their share of paperwork.
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Career Change: Looking At The Positive Side
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Career Change
There will be times in life when a career change becomes necessary. This can be traumatic for anyone involved. With jobs at a premium looking toward a career change is a time when decisions need to be made and information must be gathered and assessed for a smooth transition.
A career change is often dictated by a change in work conditions, or a change in location. Sometimes a career change is from choice or when a worker finds physical requirements prevent them from continuing in their chosen field. A career change can be a good thing. A career change gives the worker a new direction a new scope for advancement and a more varied and interesting resume.
When a career change is necessary due to a change in work conditions, the upheaval can be traumatic for the worker. Care at this stage to reinforce the worker’s overall worth and achievements, their attributes and their skills, can prevent any adverse reaction to accepting the need to change their field of interest. If the worker looks at the need for a career change with enthusiasm and interest, the transition can be beneficial rather than detrimental to their overall health and well-being.
If the career change is undertaken for reasons of location, the move can be regarded as either a good thing or a necessary thing. Moving at any time is regarded as a trauma. Even when undertaken in the most rewarding frame of mind. Considering the stress involved the choice of making a career change should be taken seriously. There are aspects of making a career change that will alleviate the stress involved. The chance for new interests, utilizing new skills, meeting new people, advancement, promotion and training are all positive aspects of the decision. A career change can bring a worker closer to their family; add health benefits, increase skills and work satisfaction. The idea of a career change that involves moving can often involve unseen and unforeseen benefits for all involved.
When a worker must consider a career change due to health reasons, the stress involved can be debilitating in itself. At this stage the idea of a career change, should be viewed as an advantage. The worker will have skills that they have not yet considered. These should be explored and taken into account. A career change could enable the worker to continue in a field of interest, other than their chosen field of work. The career change could open new doors, cement previous interests and offer training in new aspects of the worker’s area of skill.
Looking for the positive side of a career change will make the transition less painful and could lead to an advantage for the worker.
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Career Change Resume
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Career Change Resume
A career change resume should address the worker’s previous employment. The career change resume will be the first contact with a prospective employer and should demonstrate the worker’s history and skills. Applicable jobs experience whether volunteer or paid and interests in related topics or activities should all be taken into account in the resume.
Personal attributes that will enhance the workers standing with the prospective employer should be listed in the career change resume.
Because the worker has had a previous career, they will automatically have some skills and experience essential to gaining employment.
The career change resume is where the worker can show previous work habits and awards. Punctuality, honesty, team work, ability to work alone and the ability to think on their feet can be demonstrated through previous interests and work experience. Activities beyond the workplace can show skills that will apply to a new career. Interests in groups, support groups, contacts, networks, sporting clubs or associations will be great to list in the career change resume. Any activity that shows an interest in the new field will help create an overall picture of the worker and give the prospective employer an understanding of why the worker has chosen to change careers.
The first item on a career change resume is the name and address of the applicant. Status and personal details will follow before the history of employment is addressed.
It is in the history that the worker will find the career change resume offers them scope to paint a picture of their particular skills and attributes that will make them employable in a new field. All work experience need not be listed if it does not deal with the skills needed for the career change. A resume is not as detailed as a CV. It is still a good idea to list exactly what each job entailed. An in depth job description is desirable to give the prospective employer a better understanding of how each job is relevant to the new career.
After listing all the job experiences that are going to help in the new type of career, the resume will list interests and organizations the worker is affiliated with. These can impress a new employer. List interests that are relevant to the new career. Others can be left off the resume. List skills developed through these activities where they are gong to show relevance for the new field of work. A career change resume should give the employer an overall feeling of the worker’s dedication, skill levels, willingness to improve and learn, and work ethics.
The career change resume will conclude with references and or a list of referees the employer can contact. These should reflect the interest in the new career, but good references in any career or previous employment will show the worker is reliable and worth employing.
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Career Change to Teaching
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Teaching  Career
Making a career change to teaching can benefit a worker at any stage of their working life. Teaching may need specific skills but after undertaking the courses need to gain qualifications, the worker is equipped to change location and career at any stage in the future.
Teachers are always in demand, whether for school, college or university. They can be found in the workshop, where apprentices are being trained through to pre schools and right through to universities. All the skills acquired through working, can be utilized when a worker decides on a career change to teaching.
One advantage of making a career change to teaching is the versatility of being able to move around the country seeking employment. Even the ability to translate the training needed to become a teacher can see the worker move overseas. The career change to teaching can lead to the worker finding a niche where their old workplace provides them with valuable skills that will enhance their likelihood of finding a good position on a staff of teachers.
Life skills are always valuable and no more so than when applied to the application for a career change to teaching. Being able to communicate is vital to anyone who considers the role of teacher. Being trained as a teacher broadens the horizon for job seeking and can be a step on the ladder to promotion and job satisfaction. Having a resume that includes teaching skills can be a bonus when job hunting. Every skill already learned can become an asset too, since with teaching skills the worker can instill those skills to others.
With teaching skills a member of a team in a work environment can find promotion chances easier to arrange as they provide valuable contributions to team training schemes. The ability to train others in the workplace could enhance chances for advancement and employment. Any career change to teaching must be beneficial to the worker and to their prospective employer. Even if teaching is not the end of the line, the training will enhance future career changes and give the worker a vast skill base to grow from.
Experience and learning combined with the necessary ability to communicate and teach others is an ideal starting point for looking at a career change to teaching. Skills already in place, from team leadership, communication, punctuality and time management, to reading and writing skills all make the transition from one career to a career change to teaching easier to manage. The advantages of this type of career change, discovering a broad skill based resume or CV can lead to a satisfactory lifestyle and happy working conditions.
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Career Change Websites
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Career Change Websites
When a worker decides to look online it takes no time to find fifty five million references to career change websites on Google. Some are better than others. When looking for career change websites there are some things to keep in mind to find the right information.
First the career change website needs to be located in the right local area. It is no use reading up on career change websites that have irrelevant information on them. From state to state and country to country, the requirements and training courses would change. For finding suitable jobs and career network sites the Internet can be a great place to start the search. Again, location is important.
Looking for a career change website overseas is easier online too. The ability to search for training, job availability and what is on offer in various different fields through career change websites can save money and heartache. Global searches may bring to light the perfect career change for a worker. A career change website can provide the necessary impetus for a worker to look beyond their local newspapers and community for access to work. With the introduction of the Internet as a tool for job searching, finding work online is a great way to save time and money on traveling.
Care should be taken though to ensure research done online does lead to genuine career change websites. Hoax sites and disreputable scams should be avoided even when they look professional. Take all information at face value and if interested in a job or training or location, make sure the facts and figures are correct and irrefutable. Any question of deceit on a website and stay well away from it.
Once a few good websites are found, look for advice that is helpful without trying to sell any individual training program or product. Contact career change websites and assess information given in reply. Look for facts that can be verified. Do not send any money for information or training schemes that look too good to be true or offer jobs without guarantees.
When searching for career change websites, after finding ones in the area of concern, see if there are listings in phone books and information data bases that verify the facts given. Advice is easy to take, but with the promise of jobs, travel and moving can be involved and the risk of being disappointed or losing money is always there. If some thing looks too easy, seems to be offering too much or asks for money before providing goods or services, take care and do not be caught in a scam.
Never give too much information out when searching career change websites. Gather information but always protect private information. Don’t publish photos to the public, protect addresses, phone numbers and private details. The Internet is a wonderful tool, when used correctly.
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How to Change Career Fields
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Change Career Fields
There are various ways to approach a career change. Most people have different ideas on how to change career fields. Finding skill bases and interests that can be applied to workplaces is the start.
For those who need to know how to change career fields a personality test or an aptitude test could help identify areas of interest and skill. Looking toward interests outside the identified skills of a worker can be one way of finding the right career field to pursue. Once identified and viewed with enthusiasm the worker can begin to focus their training and applications toward that goal.
A career advisor is one avenue to approach when thinking of how to change career fields. These advisors will have information at their finger tips that relate to various sectors of the workplace. There is no need to remain in a career path that does not satisfy the worker, when training can outfit the worker with skills needed for a change in career.
Learning how to change career fields, from laboring to teaching or from nursing to computer technology is a skill in itself. Finding the correct training, learning the new skills and discovering how to pen a resume that will impress prospective employers will stand any employee in good stead.
There are websites and online services that will help the worker learn how to change career fields. The worker must be prepared to alter their way of thinking. If they once considered themselves as a sedentary worker, they might look toward a career that involves activity that is more physical. They will need to become fitter and learn physical skills that are more demanding.
For the laborer who sees their health or age as a burden, finding skills that do not demand heavy lifting or stressful physical labor could lead to a successful career change that involves teaching or computer skills. Retail skills might already be part of the laborer’s ability. Being able to communicate, knowing their trade and tools and equipment well can give the laborer an advantage when they look toward a retail career change. They will probably have many skills needed, already in place without needing to undertake extra training.
For those who look to finding promotion and advancement through a career change they need to know how to change career fields through training and education. A more intellectual career change might mean advancement and higher wages but the worker could find there is an element of stress involved in the work itself, as well as the trauma of changing career.
Each worker should take time to discover the best way to change career fields to their benefit. Job satisfaction and promotion should follow.
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Change Career To Benefit Lifestyle
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Benefit Lifestyle
There can be good reasons to change career. Sometimes family commitment changes, other times skills become redundant or a worker can become jaded in their chosen employment. To change career involves making decisions that will affect the lifestyle of the worker and their close associates and family.
To change career from a sedentary type of job, where the worker is not asked for hard physical labor, to outdoor employment will need a health assessment. The worker should consider their ability before they change career. It could mean taking a course at the gym, or concentrating on becoming fitter before presenting themselves to a prospective employer. If there are underlying health reasons for not doing heavy lifting, stressful physical activity or spending long hours on their feet, the worker might look elsewhere for employment and a change in career.
On the other hand, to change career from outdoors stressful labor to take up an office position could be a great way to slowly resolve health problems as a worker ages or a condition worsens. When the worker is facing aching muscles and exhausting work conditions outdoors, the decision to change career should be considered. Courses that involve computer skills and administration skills could be valuable at this juncture.
Change career for whatever reasons suit the need, but before submitting resumes and cover letters, ensure all the necessary skills and attributes for the new job have been addressed. When considering where to change career to, the worker will need to weigh up their likes and dislikes, their skill levels and their interests. If a disability is involved, that necessitates the change of career; more care will be needed in finding a suitable job for the worker.
Consider age, ability, interest and the scope for advancement and job satisfaction before undertaking a life changing move. The trauma involved when a worker decides to change career can affect their family and friends. Losing contact with co workers can cause stress. Working different hours, spending time traveling, moving house or leaving for long periods can seriously affect family life. Children, partners and spouses should be consulted before a worker decides to change career for this reason.
A worker will change career to better their life. They can do this by finding a new field of work that introduces new skills, makes use of old skills and interests, and by finding employment that suits the worker’s health and lifestyle. They should always consider the side effects and ensure the family is going to benefit in the long run before making major changes.
There are so many ways that a worker can benefit their lifestyle by deciding to change career. All they need to do is find a new career and seek employment in their new chosen field.
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Career Change for Teachers
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Teacher  Career
Teachers often look for a career change after a few years teaching. Sometimes a career change for teachers means an escape from the stress of face to face teaching. The majority of teachers find their jobs rewarding and the interaction with their charges fulfilling and satisfying, but some find the changes to the schooling environment leads to stress. After a few years, these workers will look for a career change for teachers.
A career change for teachers can mean a move sideways in their field. There are openings for teachers to change their field without really leaving their chosen occupation. From face to face teaching there are opportunities in distance education or in writing training books and working with the curriculum. Private tuition and tutoring are other means of finding a career change for Teachers. If it is the stress of face to face teaching that forces the consideration to change, then going behind the scenes and helping create the recourses for the syllabus could be the direction to take.
If the career change for teachers is prompted by a need to leave the teaching field altogether, then the teacher can look at various other venues of employment that will utilize their specific skills. A teacher has a range of skills that will translate well into other fields. Good communication skills, research skills, administration skills and people skills can help a worker find new employment in another industry.
Teachers can find new careers in any field, if they need to hone skills forgotten while teaching they are in the perfect mind frame to attend courses that will enhance their hopes for employment outside the teaching field.
A career change for teachers might involve getting away from interacting with students and concentrate on interacting with the public, or with the elderly. They may look for a career where they can work with their hands, creating things rather than sculpting young minds. The tactile thrill of woodwork, horticulture, art or writing might lead to a career change for Teachers, with great results. A teacher already has demonstrated skills in so many areas they are likely to find re employment easy to find. So many areas of employment will necessitate some training. When a career change for teachers comes along, after finding employment the teacher could well find their special skill in communication and teaching becomes a bonus to their new employer. They can help train new recruits.
A career change for teachers can lead to a job where they are less stressed. They can still use the skills they have developed and the knowledge they have stored over years of experience. The outlook for a career change for teachers is good, if they have done the training to become a qualified teacher they are highly employable and will not find work hard to find in any field.
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Career Change from Food Science
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Career Change
A career change from food science to another field will give the worker a whole new outlook on life. Food science is a narrow field but the skills learnt in this field will be translatable to other jobs.
When a worker looks for a career change from Food Science they may want to take on a more physical out door type of employment. This could mean learning new skills that will enhance the skills they have relied on in their chosen career. In food science the essential skills will enable the worker to look at any employment in the food industry. Extra training may be needed where qualifications are necessary but with a history in food science those courses and qualifications would not be hard to obtain.
From chef to short order cook a career change from Food Science to preparing or handling food may not be a step up the promotion ladder, but being in a position to meet and greet people, to help others and interact with clients might attract a worker who has previously worked in a more isolated situation.
To face a career change from Food Science to computer science would take time for retraining. The technical skills involved with Food Science would stand the worker in good stead, but for up to date Computer skills every worker needs to keep in touch with the latest courses and developments. A career change from Food Science could lead the worker to new fields of research or development in the field of Food Science. Using previous experience the worker could advance into more serious undertakings, extending their skills from Food science to other relevant fields, or they could look at a complete change of working environment.
A career change from Food Science to a labor intensive outdoor type of employment may need some time retraining. Although some aspects of Food Science could involve heavy lifting and strenuous physical activity, an outdoor job, in the construction industry, horticulture or even physical education would probably need a higher level of fitness than the average needs of the Food Scientist. A career change from Food Science would then need an assessment of physical fitness. The worker will need to assess their health and potential.
If the career change from Food Science is to go through the caring industry, to nursing or health related sciences more training could be needed. The same need will apply if the career change from Food Science involves specialized retail services or administration skills.
The career change from Food Science will give the worker a wider range of options to utilize the skills they have developed through years of training and experience.
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Career Change Help
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Career Change
Career change help is available to anyone with computer access to the Internet or access to a library or job search network. There are people and places that will be able to provide help with finding a new career for those who need career change help.
Career change help can come in various forms. From help writing cover letters, and designing a resume to help choosing where a worker should look for their new career. The help needed or sought will vary according to what the worker needs.
For those who are just deciding if they need career change help, it is easier to find help if they know where they are starting from. If the reason for a career change is due to ill health or finding a less demanding workplace, the worker will need to assess just what they are capable of doing. Disability assessors and social workers could help at this stage. Once ability and interests have been taken on board, the type of career the worker is looking at can be targeted. IT jobs are often available to those who have less mobility, but are quite capable of holding down a job. Career change help finding this type of job, will entail showing the worker what courses can help build a skill base around this industry. Once courses have been identified and a schedule for study worked out, and training begun, then the worker may need help finding positions in the workplace.
Career change help can come in the form of information about what type of industry would suit the applicant. Finding jobs that focus on a worker’s interests will make the transition from one career to another painless and smooth. After training, the ability to look at jobs and know what skills are needed and how they pertain to the particular client, is where career change help can come into its own. Knowing how certain skills can translate from one career to another is vital to offering useful help to a prospective employee.
When a career change is due to the worker’s desire to change their lifestyle and workplace, they may need career change help deciding just what it is they are looking for in life. When family or spouse are involved, when moving or transport and travel are a factor, then the worker may need more specific help finding the right job for them.
Knowing just what help is needed will make success in securing the right career much easier. Career change help is available. For best results the worker should approach their search with as much information as possible, so they can tailor their needs to specific queries.
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Career Change Advice
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Career Change Advice
A worker can expect to need career change advice a few times in their lives. The days of working for the same employer for a lifetime have gone and today each worker needs to consider good quality career change advice before they make the break with their old job.
Whether changing jobs because of family commitments, health, advancement or interest, career change advice is vital to finding a better, well suited field of employment.
Career change advice will include methods of increasing the worker’s employability. This career change advice covers how the worker can find courses that will fit their skill base and complement employment chances in the job sector. Career change advice includes using the workers network of contacts, to find other alternative employers. Career change advice also involves updating computer skills, software applications and competency. It could include doing volunteer work or getting work experience before approaching a new employer.
Solid career change advice will direct the worker to look at industries that have a growing base and a secure future. Gaining knowledge in new skills is also good career change advice. Any new skill will stand the worker in good stead when they are looking for a new field of employment.
Another aspect of looking for a new career is to consider personal satisfaction. Does the new job offer professional reward? This career change advice might seem basic and common sense but if a worker is not happy in their chosen work place, changing to a different field could lead to a more productive and rewarding career.
Career change advice will dictate what sort of course a worker should embark on before leaving their place of employment. Seeking skills that make the worker more employable will enable a greater choice when seeking a new job. Courses are available to previously employed workers. The courses can cover all skills from laborers to computer programmers. The cost of attending a course and the effort to complete a new range of skills can enable a prospective employer to gain valuable insight to the dedication and enthusiasm of the worker.
With a look to the future, research, planning and time to work on courses and learn new skills or hone old ones, the worker can look forward to a rewarding and worthwhile career. In these days of modern workplace environments being adaptable, being prepared to change, to learn and to go the extra yard is expected. Good career change advice would give the worker the incentive to stretch their mind, their skills and their abilities and in return, they can look forward to gaining employment in a new career with brighter prospects.
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Career Change Cover Letter Samples
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Cover Letter Samples
When finding career change cover letter samples there are certain formulas to follow.
Career change cover letter samples will demonstrate exactly how the introductory letter should be set out and what it should contain.
Many career change cover letter samples will show the prospective employee’s address in the top corner. In most instances, the name should sit on the first line, with address and include city state and relevant zip code with current phone number beneath it. If an email address is available, it can be placed below the phone number.
Follow with the date.
Career change cover letter samples will usually then have the address and relevant information of the prospective employer. Include the name and title of the person who the cover letter will target, if it is known. Then the company address follows all keeping to the left side of the page.
The addresses of career change cover letter samples follow the regular letter style. Dear Sir or Madam, or if the name of the individual is known, use this for the salutation.
The first paragraph of any career change cover letter samples should be an introduction and succinct opening sentence. “I am writing to express and interest in (the position) with your company listed on (insert name) website.” (insert relevant information, job title and newspaper or website where the job was seen)
Then the career change cover letter samples move into showing why the applicant is suitable for the position mentioned. This is where experience and relevance to the new position is listed clearly. “I feel with my experience in (specify which field) and my success as a (name previous career) make me an ideal candidate for this position.”
Career change cover letter samples have the added advantage of having previous experiences to list. This is a key component to a career change cover letter. Being able to call on previous successes and skills in practice can enhance the applicants desirability as an employee.
List key attributes that are involved in the chosen career and then immediately qualify how previous experience or training address each one. Paint a glowing picture in few words. This is not the place for an essay, but for a topic overview in positive terms.
For example: Experience has helped me develop expertise many aspects of the position mentioned. My strengths include but are not limited to: List strengths: Give examples of where these skills have been shown successfully.
These attributes can be listed in point form. Keep these strengths limited to those that suit the position applied for.
Tailor each cover letter to suit the position and company. Research the company involved and apply any information gathered to the cover letter where applicable.
After listing key elements, wind up with a mention of how the employee can be reached and sign off.
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