captainferen · 4 years
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Imagine the Elves not understanding your fascination with pumpkin spice. - Submitted by @averil-of-fairlea
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captainferen · 4 years
We need more Gil-Galad and Oropher art 😫👌🏻
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Sindar are too bright…
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captainferen · 6 years
Feren with some sass.
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captainferen · 8 years
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The Superlatively Superfluous Adventures of Legolas (&Tauriel)
Dateline: Laketown Refugee Camp (11/40)
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captainferen · 8 years
OMG! Feren!!!
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My first try at the ‘Figwits’ ^^
Lindir, Meludri & Feren
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captainferen · 8 years
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Imagine Feren watching you dance around the Midsummer bonfire.
pic source
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captainferen · 8 years
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Feren & Elros
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captainferen · 8 years
The Lord’s Daughter Chapter 5
Title: The Lord’s Daughter Genre: Romance Plot: Lord Alric is the trade envoy to Mirkwood from Dale. Joining him for his six-month stretch in the Woodland Realm are his daughters, Kadlin and Ymma. A certain Captain catches Kadlin’s eye. Rating: Mature for later chapters. Notes: This takes place in the An Unwilling Heart universe so you will be seeing Morag from time-to-time. Written because FEREN DOESN’T GET ENOUGH LOVE!!
Previous Chapter Here 
Morag smiled as she leaned against the stone pillar. It was a rare child-free day for her. There were no important matters to be dealt with, so Thranduil had taken the opportunity to take Nell for a walk. The little girl had squealed with delight when the tall Elf-King had lifted her over his head and onto his shoulders. He had promised some time ago to take her to see the Woodland Elks and finally had the time to do it. He had left Morag in charge should anything arise but for the most part, Galion and the others knew what to do. With no child to look after and little else to occupy herself with, she had taken to spying on her new favourite pair.
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captainferen · 8 years
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Based on this imagine: Imagine being Feren’s wife and the two of you being so done with everything together || Elvish language sources: x, x || Note: Reader is based on the reader in this Thranduil fic || More Elf fics || Fanfiction masterlist
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captainferen · 8 years
The way you make me feel
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Gif’s not mine!
Fandom: The Hobbit Pairing: Feren x (elf!)reader Genres: romance, fluff Words: 1.019 Request: prompted by Anonymous, who asked for following number from the drabble game: 38. “The truth is, I can’t stop thinking about you.”
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captainferen · 8 years
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through the eye of the storm 
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captainferen · 8 years
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Just close your eyes You’ll be alright
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captainferen · 9 years
if you think I don’t have a headcanon where everyone in the Mirkwood guard has collectively decided that Feren makes for a great pillow then you don’t understand my craving for fluff.
Just Elros and Galion leaning against both his shoulders, Meludir and Eryneth who are both smols each have their head resting against the side of his knees, some other guard is using his shoulder blades as support for the back of their head.
Feren just giving up trying to escape and lean against someone as well.
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captainferen · 9 years
*randomly has feels about Feren*
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captainferen · 9 years
Feren! 💕
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captainferen · 9 years
I have watched this over a hundred times and took so many screenshots! He's so damn cute!!!!'
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Can we talk about Legolas’s cute friend?
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captainferen · 9 years
Wonder what Feren is planning there 🙄🤔 Probably gonna drag legolas's Princely ass back to base. 😈💪🏻
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