Can I Pet That JoJo?
14 posts
 | Here to Rate your JoJos |(**Jotaro/Risotto S I M P**) \\Fan Submissions are welcome! \\
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canipetthatjojo · 3 years ago
Please! I love everyone's different life quirks
Reblog this if its okay for your followers to introduce themselves to you.
Just come to my ask box and tell me stuff about yourself. Your pets. Your favorite music. What you had for breakfast this morning. Literally anything you want, I love making new friends
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canipetthatjojo · 5 years ago
I wanna pet Joseph and Caesar at the same time because whats the point of having 2 good hands if you can't pet 2 wonderfully muscley men! 🥰😍
I accidentally deleted it TWICE so I had to calm down before re-re-redoing it
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Thank you anon ✨
First (and I know I mention this all the time) I LOVE the theme of two people hating each other when they first meet then beating each other up and then realizing they’re soulmates/best friends. 
Joseph would be the one in the due to place a bug outside and spare it’s life while Caesar would BURN THE WHOLE HOUSE TOWN WITH THEM IN IT
You CANNOT convince me that these two wouldn’t be sharing clothes all the time. 
Two of the most powerful wingman duos to ever exist. 
I would give them every since cent I have in my whole life just for them to be my workout coaches
I’m not going to apologize for this but realize I do know that this probably doesn’t need to go on this list BUT Joseph is Bulbasaur and Caesar is Squirtle and that makes them the cutest duo of all time
Caesar would just talk Joseph out of a speeding ticket all the time 
You would have to bring both of them along while you traveled wherever. One would find the best food and finest views and the other would take you to some pretty awesome hiking spots and topless beaches (guess which one would do which) 
you will have to print out a photo grocery list for these two just so they can grab the right items 
Want to practice some makeup styles? Boom, two very beautiful and willing candidates. 
Pet rating: 20/10✔✨
Summary: couple of dummy thicc stealy bois, doing crime and being gay 💕✨
YOU CAN PET THESE JOJOS just make sure to give equal attention to both
Thank you for the request and I hope you liked it!
My requests are still open!
Send me your favorite JJBA characters to see if you can pet them!
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canipetthatjojo · 5 years ago
Can I pet Kakyoin? I wanna pet his hair noodle and give lots of hugs to the sweet boi 🥺🍒
LETS GET THAT SWEET BOIS RATING!! Thank you anon ✨[even though I personally don’t like cherries] 
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An actual nerd, loves learning and was probably am honor student
Has an appreciation for art even though he, himself, is a piece of art
Friends are hard for him to make and often distances himself but once he finds a good friend he holds them very dearly and I appreciate that
I wonder if him mom obsession is extended to grandmas too?? 
He’d for sure be a world travel blogger if he could
What the mouth do? Talk a lot of sh*t to be honest
Love his fruits so you know that he’s trying to keep that healthy food lifestyle
He’s got some baby trauma but he’s totally down to adopt a toddler in the future!
When he was just really mean and angry when he first met jotaro? I can so heavily relate to that
Honestly, he’d be a great drinking buddy when he’s old enough. Wing man galore and that [tie-a-cherry-stem-with-my-tongue] trick would never get old 
Pet rating: 10/10🍒!!
Summary: Introverted softie whos always going to be suspicious of infants. 💕✨
YOU CAN PET THIS JOJO as long as you play with his hair sometimes
Thank you for the request and I hope you liked it!
My requests are still open!
Send me your favorite JJBA characters to see if you can pet them!
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canipetthatjojo · 5 years ago
In case you were wondering what dating GUIDO MISTA would be like ✨‼️
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What an absolute cute bean, I had to! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
he’s SO CONFIDENT enough for the both of you on those hard days 
Not-so-secretly a pervert, call him out on it and watch him blush and stumble over his words
Sex Pistols are like his kids so expect them to ride along on your dates
You might have to gently make him aware of his own aura but he’ll probably ask you to wash his hair for him, you know the best way to make it relaxing 
Will probably spend a lot of time incorrectly quoting popular vines / tiktoks but you let him because his remix is so much funnier
manicure dates together? Y E S 
 Honestly, you guys will be banned from the state fairs. He wins too much, you have to carry around huge prizes and he picks a fight with the staff when they tell him he has to stop playing. I think it sounds like a great time 
He’d be the type to have matching outfits with you for any occasion 
✨Thank you for reading! ✨
Can I Pet That JoJo? requests are still open as well as other fan submissions*! 
*Keeping it PG unless the characters are like 30 
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canipetthatjojo · 5 years ago
Can I pet Polnareff? I’d hate to mess up his hair though... I just want to show him that I love him so much 😭
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 - his heart is as big as his biceps 
- Tried his best to be a dog person but some dogs make it ruff (I’m so sorry)
- The mans got a good sense of family and I can respect family oriented people 
- His brain might be small but what he lacks in brains he makes up with H A I R 
- Would probably actually let you play with his tig ol bitties once he realized how popular they are 
- You KNOW that man is keeping the toilet seat down and the bathroom spotless 
- A huge ol’ flirt though, sucker for the cuties and honestly I can’t blame him 
- A hecking sl*t for homemade food, even if you’re not confident with your cooking he’ll hype it up and ask for seconds.
Pet rating: 9/10!!
Summary: big hearted HIMBO thats likes chasing down cuties and good food. 💕✨
YOU CAN PET THIS JOJO but please be mindful of his hair
Thank you for the request and I hope you liked it! 
My requests are still open! 
Send me your favorite JJBA characters to see if you can pet them!
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canipetthatjojo · 5 years ago
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Sorry for the delay friends!
I started a sticker sheet but I’ll post these by themselves! Introducing my Popsicle Stands!!
The gif I made of these didn’t work 😭😭
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canipetthatjojo · 5 years ago
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uhm weird cross cover but! combined 2 of my fav things together HAHA
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canipetthatjojo · 5 years ago
✨STAND ARROW + Color Varient TIKTOK✨
Credit: DrawMeDead
I normally wouldn’t post my own art on this blog but this is my first art piece I’ve done for one of my favorite shows! I had to add some call outs to my two favorite bois
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canipetthatjojo · 5 years ago
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🖤 STAND ARROW + color varient ✨
Credit: DrawMeDead
I normally wouldn’t post my own art on this blog but this is my first art piece I’ve done for one of my favorite shows! I had to add some call outs to my two favorite bois
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canipetthatjojo · 5 years ago
If you’ve ever wondered what dating Kars, the ultimate being, would be like then this is for you!!
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• I hope you like men with a God Complex
• Would he let you play and braid his hair? ABSOLUTELY
• He’s not above going on picnic dates or to Zoos and museums
• But his preference? Fine wine, luxury and high end.
• Totally into role playing
• Sex really isn’t important to him BUT I HOPE YOU LIKE CUDDLING
• VERY good at respecting boundaries and will always ask before touching you. He’ll expect the same in return
• Loves animals, bet he could name off a few facts
• Really doesn’t like humans though and will LET THEM KNOW
• Will star gaze with you as late as you’d like
• Make up shopping? Hell yeah! Want to try new techniques?? He’s down for a new look!
Thank you for reading!
I’m still new but I appreciate all support! And feel free to send in your requests ! ✨
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canipetthatjojo · 5 years ago
I would very much like to pet Iggy. He’s a good boy.
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• East Coast, New Yorkian attitude and I LOVE IT
• Is a little nicer to people who like dogs
• He’s not dumb and I can appreciate that
• Honestly how can you resist the urge to pet that tummy??
• As someone who has an obsession with gum and dogs, I can appreciate this character design
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canipetthatjojo · 5 years ago
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If you’ve ever wondered what dating Kira Yoshikage would be like, this is for you!
• In public, he’d be quiet and low energy.
• Can’t be bothered to shop for too long
• Very picky about his lunch
• Once home though, his attention is yours
• Late night manicures for you (won’t let you do his)
• Slow dances in the evening
• Hates the radio, he would rather play something on the piano for you
• Got plants? He’s on it. Good at watering them and giving them the proper sunlight
• Is nice to children in front of you but in reality, he’s got a low tolerance for them
• You learn to ignore his collection of finger nail clippings
• Why? Does he? Have SO MANY? knives?
• Want a pet cat? So does he. Want 12 pet cats? SO. DOES. HE.
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canipetthatjojo · 5 years ago
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🖤 I’ve decided to start this blog and rate JoJo characters (even the ones you see once) and have some fun with peoples favorites!✨
A little bit about me:
I’m into those edgy, grumps that are just too darn cute. Top three, in Order:
• Jotaro Kujo 🦈
• Risotto Nero ✂️
• Leone Abbachio 💜
Not caught up with the manga (but by the time you read this I hope to be) and best part? Currently Part Three, Stardust Crusaders is my JAM.
Fan Submission RULES:
• You can submit any character through the ASK and you can request that character multiple times (I’ll always try to find something new to say) but just keep in mind I won’t post about the same character multiple times in a row. Gotta space that out, you know.
• If you want it to be NSFW then you have to specify. Otherwise it’ll be wholesome or cute
• I’m not here to be mean (even if they’re not my favorite character) so if you’re looking for some shit talking, it won’t be posted here. (👀 Slide in the DMS tho, I love talking smack.)
• If you made fan art and want it included in the reply, let me know! I always do my best to credit artists for their work!
Thank you for your support and enjoying this wild ride with me!
Twitter link:
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canipetthatjojo · 5 years ago
Rate my mans plz and answer the question that’s been haunting my dreams. Can I pet young, old, and older Joseph Josetar? 🥺
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• The granddaddy of D U M B
• A good time regardless if you live or die
• Not the best companion for airplane trips
• Great at parties after some tequila shots
• Gets old and homely, calms down
• but still dumb
• Keeps that ass THICC even in old age
You can pet this JoJo but make sure you give him his vitamins as he gets older
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