33 posts
Hi, I'm a writer. I write mostly Minecraft stuff, though sometimes I twirl around in other fandoms or even make universes of my own. As of right now, I'm still fairly new, so please have some grace. 😅 (don't really have the energy to make a new description, but just know I'm not the same little frick I was when I wrote it) (no shade to my past self, love you, but yeah. I don't really have a goal on here anymore)
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candythepuppy · 2 days ago
Story time:
So one of my little sisters got herself a Zelda Breath of The Wild game, yeh? And she's been playing it off and on for a couple months now, getting all that gear, doing side quests and crap.
another of my little sisters, the slightly older one, started the game just today on the other's console and stuff.
And you know how the game starts out with Link waking up completely shirtless and alone in a cave, yeh? Well I come back thirty or so minutes later and he's no longer in a cave nor alone, but still shirtless.
"Isn't he supposed to have a shirt by now?" I ask, having never played the game myself.
"Yeah he has one already. Just (middle child) hasn't put it on him yet." The owner of the game sits on the couch watching the older one play.
.... We both wait for a response from the other sister, but she says nothing.
A couple hours later, I return to find said sister is now decently into the game, equipped with quite a bit of gear now. And yet Link is still shirtless.
"Still no shirt, huh?" I ask as both gamer sisters watch the shirtless man climb the cliff.
"Yeahhh, she just likes seeing him shirtless." The younger one sighs. Again, there is complete silence from the middle child, which is honestly strange since usually she'd be jumping in to defend herself by now.
"Heh, not even going to defend yourself?" I grin at the middle child, who is playing on the big TV in the living room btw.
She stops climbing, turns the camera around, and zooms in on Link's chest. "Do I really NEED to defend myself? Man's fine as heck."
And honestly I was too astonished to say anything.
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candythepuppy · 12 days ago
I'm bored.
Hey, kids, u wanna read one of my 5-thousand fanfics?
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Mature for violence/gore, not sexual stuff. Wish Wattpad would let you specify.
It's basically a "whAt iF DeKu bEcaMe a hEro wHiLe stilL BeiNg qUirkLesS? 🤪" fanfic but with the plot taken a lot more seriously than it honestly should be 😅
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candythepuppy · 20 days ago
There is a very thin line between me faking stupidity for a joke and genuinely not knowing the simplest of things.
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candythepuppy · 20 days ago
Something to think about this Christmas:
The three kings used their wealth of wisdom and riches to seek-out baby Jesus. Meanwhile, the shepherds were sought-out by angels and invited to visit the child.
Which group would you liken yourself to more?
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candythepuppy · 22 days ago
If I ever get a male ginger cat, I'm naming him Baguette.
If he has a sister, I'm naming her Croissant.
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candythepuppy · 1 month ago
I feel like Maomao would say "remedeez nuts" at least once if she was in contact with English culture.
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candythepuppy · 2 months ago
Just thought of a MHA oc out of nowhere.
Hero/Villain name: Brainrot
Quirk: Memory Swap - by touching someone's head, they can swap someone's memory with one of their own, though the memories need to be equal in size.
By simply swapping important memories -- such as those of key events and or passwords -- with brainrot memes, Brainrot is able to take whatever they need without having to worry about losing anything important. This fits in well with their lifestyle of consuming brainrot media on a daily basis.
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candythepuppy · 2 months ago
Trans people mid-transition be like: "Fools! This isn't even my FiNaL fOrM!"
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candythepuppy · 3 months ago
Think I've said this before, but I really love commenting the most Asexual things on suggestive/baiting fan-art. I feel like my aura increases every time I say "nice lighting" while everyone around me is frothing at the mouth.
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candythepuppy · 3 months ago
Someone should do a study on the difference between people who make really pretty graffiti art vs. people who make ugly, don't-care graffiti that ruins the pretty stuff, just to see if there is a link between creativity and hope for the future. At least in some sense.
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candythepuppy · 4 months ago
hey so when a tree branch drops do you think the trees react like it's a sh*t?
"oh dang that's a BIG one!"
"ew... get that thing away from me.."
or do you think it's like losing a limb?
"what the heck, Charlie- OH WHAT THE!?!"
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candythepuppy · 6 months ago
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candythepuppy · 6 months ago
Thinking about those weird yarn and china dolls everyone's grandma had and what the equivalent of that would be for our generation.
My grandchild unable to fall asleep, pulling the covers close as they stare at the sheer amount of anime plushies staring into their soul.
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candythepuppy · 8 months ago
Would you rather live somewhere you are the prettiest person or the ugliest person? Your own appearance doesn't change.
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candythepuppy · 8 months ago
So I was on a walk just thinkin' and I'm kinda annoyed about the whole confusion around masculinity v feminity. At its core, no one really knows how to describe the two, which makes for very confusing societal discussion.
Guess the best way I'd describe masculinity & feminity is: prize & prize winner. Please allow me to explain before casting judgement.
So if you see yourself as a prize, you wanna put more effort into your worth, right? That includes things like looks and personality.
If you see yourself more as a prize winner, you'll be putting more effort into building a meaningful career and personality.
Of course it's not as simple as that. It never is. Just about everyone is a mix of both, as you should be. But I'd still say that everyone can relate with one at least a little more than another. That's the difference between masculinity and feminity in its simplest form. It doesn't have anything to do with gender, though it is most commonly associated with it thanks to hormones, biology, and gender roles. It's also why gender roles are even placed on same-sex couples. It has less to do with which gender each member acts like and more about who is the "prize" and who is the "prize winner."
I hope I explained myself well enough. You are all free to discuss further in the comments. And thanks for reading my ramblings. 😎
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candythepuppy · 9 months ago
You ever just look at fries and think, "I can stack these"?
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candythepuppy · 9 months ago
My toxic trait is taking the lead in groups but having no idea where we're going.
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