"Come on, Jonathan!"
52 posts
Napoleon Maxwell "Sock" Sowachowski || Indie RP blog
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
candycoated-homicide · 7 years ago
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“Sock.” Jonathan wasn’t going to take that for an answer. “you can’t just bring stray animals home all the damn time” he tells him, stepping towards the demon. Jon didn’t exactly trust sock with any living thing, hell, he didn’t even trust sock with his own life. “where did you find it?” worst case scenario, Jonathan was gonna have to take care of the kitten himself, seeing as sock probably couldn’t take it to hell with him.
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“I’m telling you the truth, Jon, I found it walking around,” Sock said as he got a bit more frustrated, “Besides, the streets aren’t any better for it! Someone’s gotta take it home.” He quickly mellowed back down and pet the kitten a bit with a smile, “It’s actually pretty soft for a stray.”
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candycoated-homicide · 7 years ago
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“Sock..” the kitten looked to be about two, maybe three weeks old. what the fuck did he do to get his hands on it? “where did you find it?” he stretched his hand out farther for Sock to give up the kitten. he was going to find the poor thing’s mother if sock wasn’t going to do it himself.
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“I found it..around, I didn’t steal it from anyone if that’s what you’re implying,” he said, getting a bit defensive, “Like I said, it was just wandering around.” He still held the kitten close, hesitant to even consider handing it over to Jonathan. He stared at him with an uneasy expression, looking down at the kitten in his arms.
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candycoated-homicide · 7 years ago
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“Show it to me” Jonathan sounded tired. holding his hand out to the demon. it seems like this was the new routine for them. sock trying to hide a weapon or an animal, dead or alive, from the human every time Jon knew he was hiding what ever he had.
show it 2 me - night club
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Sock reached under his sweater vest and pulled out a kitten that he was hiding. “I just saw it walking around and I couldn’t help myself,” he sheepishly admitted, holding the kitten close to his chest and petting it. “It might have had a mom, I didn’t check really if we’re totally honest,” he said in a lower voice, avoiding Jonathan’s eyes.
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candycoated-homicide · 7 years ago
Send “steamed up” for a steampunk AU.
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candycoated-homicide · 7 years ago
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 Mildly canon divergent || Danganronpa multimuse indie RP blog || penned by Jeremy
                                           muses || mun || rules
                dark themes will be present
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candycoated-homicide · 7 years ago
reblog this if you’re an indie roleplaying blog with both an LGBTQIA+ mun and LGBTQIA+ muse(s).
i’m trying to get an idea of how large portion of the indie rp community consists of queer muses being written and represented by queer people themselves. allies, don’t interact.
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candycoated-homicide · 7 years ago
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                                                           Muse || Mun || Rules
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candycoated-homicide · 7 years ago
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“It's a perfect day for some mayhem.”
Indie Junkrat RP blog || Muse || Mun || Rules || penned by Jeremy
Dark themes are present so be cautious
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candycoated-homicide · 7 years ago
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//I’m just going to make this disclaimer now because I have to apparently, unfortunately. Please, please, please do not interact with me if you’re wanting to explicitly rp themes I have listed under my triggers on my about mun page (r|a|p|e, s|e|l|f h|a|r|m, etc.). I’m too passive of a person to say anything about it but there are really personal reasons that these affect me the way that they do, I would rather not get into that right now but please understand where I’m coming from.
In addition, if you attempt to pull me specifically into drama, I will block you. I’m just here to have a fun time and rp as some characters I love and hold very dear to me, please don’t make this any more emotionally draining for me than it has to be. So please, take this all into consideration when you want to interact with me on any of my blogs. Please.
Thank you all for your time. Be excellent to each other.
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candycoated-homicide · 7 years ago
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“Greetings and Salutations. You a Heather?”
Jason Dean indie RP blog || Rules || About || Muse || Penned by Jeremy
Dark themes are present so be cautious
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candycoated-homicide · 7 years ago
   ✦    END    OF    THE    F***ING   WORLD    PROMPTS    !
S1 : E1  /   Episode   One  .
“  i was eight when i realized i didn’t have a sense of humor.  ”
“  i always wanted to punch my dad in the face.  ”
“  after that, i killed more animals and i remember every single one. ”
“  school was beneath me.  ”
“  i had a plan, i was going to kill something bigger. much bigger.  ”
“  seen you skating, you’re pretty shit. ”
“  i haven’t seen my dad since i was eight.  ”
“  i understand actually, i don’t trust people who fit in.  ”
“  is this from you? what the fuck? i’m here. i’m literally here. ”
“  i’m not saying he’s the answer but he’s something. ”
“  i thought she could be interesting to kill. ”
“  i pretended to fall in love with her. ”
“  i haven’t got a phone, i smashed it. ”
“  i knew that people in love went out on dates.  ”
“  i think we live in the most boring town on the planet. ”
“  they have money so they feel safe.  ”
“  why do you live in such a weird house? ”
“  this is pretty retro. ”
“  i actually masturbated once a week for medical purposes. ”
“  maybe i’m gay. maybe he’s asexual. we do have a really board spectrum these days. ”
“  you’re dad’s a prick. ”
“  have you ever eaten a pussy before?  ”
S1 : E2  /   Episode   Two  .
“  things didn’t always entirely go as planned.  ”
“  do you think it’s going to explode?  ”
“  this isn’t a film. if this was a film, we’d probably be american. ”
“  i kept wondering what sort of sound she’d make when i killed her.  ”
“  guess what freedom smells like? cow shit.  ”
“  we can literally do anything. anything we want. ”
“  ironically, i was not in my element.  ”
“  sometimes i look at him and wonder, are you a bit dead?  ”
“  put your tongue in my ear. ”
“  how long until your dad calls the police? ”
“  he’s a prick and everything but he’s pretty optimistic. ”
“  i like food.  ”
“  did you bring money with you?  ”
“  what are we going to do?  ”
“  i had her right where i wanted her. ”
“  we should have sex.  ”
“  why are you laughing?  ”
“  what should we do? do you want to go to home? ”
“  i don’t want to go to home. ”
“  why do you think of something for once? ”
“  i couldn’t of done it there, the car would link me to the crime. ”
“  why is no one stopping?   ”
S1 : E3  /   Episode   Three  .
“  sometimes [ name ] feels like a boy/girl i could love.  ”
“  that’s a lot of cash.  ”
“  we could get a train to your dad’s. ”
“  why are you so obsessed with my dad?  ”
“  is breaking and entering the best way of laying low?  ”
“  whatever. it’s fucking weird, having a photo of yourself. ”
“  i sometimes wonder if i should just become an alcoholic.  ”
“  i’m just to think of what adults do in situations like this.  ”
“  well, that wasn’t as shit as i expected. ”
“  how’d you know how to cook? ”
“  we should do the washing up. ”
“  some people get embarrassed dancing, i don’t. ”
“  i get embarrassed talking, well, when i’ve realized i said something stupid.  ”
“  we should do this naked.  ”
“  as a rule, i didn’t dance but it was hard to say no to [ name ]. ”
“  hey, close your eyes. close your eyes, i promise i won’t look.  ”
“  i think he is properly beautiful. ”
“  whoever says all boys are obsessed with sex hasn’t met [ name ].  ”
“  i really hope i’m not bad at this. ”
“  i thought you said that you wanted me. ”
“  i tended to not feel things, for a long time i was good at it. ”
“  you look better in person.  ”
S1 : E4  /   Episode   Four  .
“  isn’t it a bit fucked up wearing his clothes?  ”
“  i think the fucked up bit was murdering him?  ”
“  should we go to the police? it was self defense. ”
“  we need to get rid of the body.  ”
“  [ name ] was weirdly calm.  ”
“  dead people are heavier than alive people. i read that. ”
“  we need to clean up. we need to get rid of any trace of us.  ”
“  no one can know that we’ve been here, okay.  ”
“  take your shoes off and clean up that blood. ”
“  i don’t know if this is the right thing to be doing. ”
“  i just think about what the people on tv do when they’ve done this. ”
“  if we can’t get rid of him, we have to get rid of us. ”
“  i figured if i just did what i was told then everything would be okay.  ”
“  it wasn’t how i thought it would be. not at all.  ”
“  what the fuck is he doing? ”
“  what have you done?  ”
“  okay, put those around him and then let’s get out of here. ”
“  keep it together. keep it together. ”
“  we learned much later that we really messed up. ”
“  that was the beginning of something. something massive and awful. ”
“  why didn’t you burn your jacket? ”
“  i think there’s something wrong with him. ”
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candycoated-homicide · 7 years ago
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“your rhinestone eyes are like factories far away.”
                       Multimuse indie Gorillaz rp blog || Rules || About
Contains dark elements so caution is advised
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candycoated-homicide · 7 years ago
“ I think it’s time to order a pepperoni pizza! ” “ Alright, let’s try this again. ” “ Why did you hang up on me?! ” “ Do you know the toll my fucking brain has taken from you calling nonstop? ” “ I can’t fucking use my dick anymore because of you. ” “ I want you dead, you little prick. ” “ This is just a plate of spaghetti. ” “ You can’t leave like this! ” “ Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to ‘Guess the Answer You Fucking Idiot!’ ” “ Your prize for winning is: full legal authority to burn my house down and kill my family– WHAT? ” “ I think I swallowed a bottle cap. ” “ I’ve never burned down a house before! ” “ What?! What do you want?! ” “ Do you want this? It’s my most prized possession. ” “ That’s the STUPIDEST thing I’ve ever heard. ” “ Get in the back! Right now! ” “ God have mercy on all of us. But– but mostly me. ” “ Are you American? ” “ Who are you? Wait! Don’t tell me. ” “ Whaaat is this? ” “ It’s just a little scooty. Don’t fuck with it. ” “ Ladies and gentlemen… FUCK! ” “ So it’s come to this. You’re not winning this fight. ” “ You’re not as big as you think, broseph. ” “ The only rock you’re gonna feel is the pavement. ” “ You’re gonna foot the bill of a check your body can’t cash! ” “ The bill? The food hasn’t even come yet! ” “ Maybe if you paid your bills, your wife wouldn’t have left ya. ” “ My wife and I have a beautiful marriage! ” “ They couldn’t cheat on a math test, much less cheat on me. ” “ You’ll kill us both! ” “ Don’t worry, I know how to disable bombs. ” “ You may already be a winner. ” “ Get the fuck out. Right now. ” “ You are not the legal owner of that package. ” “ I wanna play my Gamecube. ” “ That’s not a question. ” “ Where’s my Xbox? ” “ How about you get me a PSpiece of pizza, or you can Nintendo Sixty-forget about ever surviving! ” “ Can we get pizza? ” “ Um, so anyway, uh. Call me back. ” “ That’s a lot of of people they’ve gotta fight. ” “ I just had the greatest idea ever. We should write a Broadway play. ”
Keep reading
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candycoated-homicide · 7 years ago
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❛ There isn’t much to see around this part of New York, I’ll assure you that– You should probably head home then, Mister Adult. ❜ [ Had he actually been a child, she’d have let him off the hook lightly– but nope, he’s legal which means he gets absolutely no sugarcoating from this woman. ] ❛ Seriously, please leave– I don’t like strangers in this part of the city. ❜
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“Well I’m not a super stranger, you know my name and stuff like that,” he said as he looked over at her, “And I’m going to be your neighbour anyway too.” He grinned widely and offered her his hand, “So let’s do this intro-thing over again. Hi, I’m Sock and I’m moving in near here, nice to meet you!”
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candycoated-homicide · 7 years ago
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❛ That’s strange, because I keep tabs on EVERYONE in this building, and I haven’t met anyone with children yet… ❜ [ At first her tone was accusatory, clearly not buying into this kid’s lies– and then he leans into her personal space, causing the lady to step back about 3 paces before collecting herself. ] ❛ Don’t do that– and uh- my name Is Odelina… that’s pretty much it, I don’t have many other nicknames. ❜ [ Not any that were appropriate to say around kids, anyways. ]
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“I’m not a kid actually,” he said, feeling kind of offended honestly, “I may not look it but I can assure you that I’m legally an adult, I’m 18 after all.” He stretched a bit and hummed, “Like I said, I just moved here and I’m checking out the neighbourhood.” He chose not to comment on how she acted due to his close proximity, he didn’t really care anyway. To each their own, right?
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candycoated-homicide · 7 years ago
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( @candycoated-homicide ) ʟɪᴋᴇᴅ ꜰᴏʀ ᴀ ꜱᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀ ! ❛ Excuse me, young man… ? Are you lost ? I’ve never seen you in my building before… ❜ [ Children ? In her building ? Most of the people in this place were either upper-middle class unmarried folks, or old people with grown children– who’s sassy lost child was this ?? ]
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Sock looked over at her, honestly not sure what to think of the fact that she assumed he was lost. “No..? I just moved here and I was seeing what kind of people are in the neighbourhood,” he said with a grin, trying to come off as friendly to her, “Name’s Napoleon, but you can call me Sock, everyone does. It’s more fun of a name than my actual one in my opinion.” “Oh, I almost forgot, what’s your name?” he asked, leaning towards her a bit even though he was already standing close to her. Personal space wasn’t exactly Sock’s forte.
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candycoated-homicide · 7 years ago
❝ If it’s not human, what is it? ❞ ((bc sock meeting strade is a lovely idea sdlkjf))
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“I mean aliens are always an option for stuff, right? Or ghosts, ghosts are a good option as well,” Sock said. He personally had a fascination in the paranormal and found it amusing to blame random paranormal beings for his mundane problems but he wasn’t sure what the other was talking about. He had kind of zoned out but quickly chuckled a bit to himself before suggesting, “Maybe it was a demon?”
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