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people are mean
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can-we-be-kind · 3 months ago
BTW When I say “revolution” I do NOT mean like this
The side that is scared of violence and against guns is most definitely not the side that will win
I mean actually doing something
Actually trying to educate the other side and not just forever pin them against you
Actually protesting and not stopping, even after coverage dies down
even after they make threats
even after they pretended to “give in” and to “change”
Maybe just scaring them is enough, like the anesthesia being put back
They’re most definitely just going to take it away again once people forget about this
The problem is that people are so busy with infighting and moving onto the next issue that they forget about what sparked this in the first place
Let this stay as a part of society, let it grow, don’t let it be the meme of the week and forget after the next destiel image
I genuinely wonder if this is going to start something
Will more people start killing CEOs?
Are there more people willing to potentially give up their freedom for the ‘greater good’?
How many people are in the position to actually access a weapon and be within proximity to a billionaire?
Will there actually be a revolution?
Are people too scared to actually start something?
Are the people who want to, too young, too weak, too ill, ect. to actually be able to do something?
Are you able to actively do something?
Are you able to go outside right now and kill a CEO?
Are the charities working? Are the protests working? Are the movements working?
Is it really getting better?
Maybe if you don’t like something, you should do something.
I dunno man, maybe 1700s France was onto something
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can-we-be-kind · 3 months ago
i’m not happy he died. i’m never happy when someone dies.
he was the ceo of a company that killed people. he is (albeit indirectly) responsible for the deaths of millions.
“but he didn’t act alone!”
no. he didn’t. but he was the highest power of authority in United Healthcare. He had the power change the system
instead he benefited from the deaths of ordinary americans and put many more in medical debt.
he was an evil man who made money by denying people necessary healthcare.
deny. defend. depose.
deny the claim.
defend the decision.
depose and start a lawsuit.
i’m not happy about the loss of human life but i understand the decision made by the shooter.
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can-we-be-kind · 3 months ago
I genuinely wonder if this is going to start something
Will more people start killing CEOs?
Are there more people willing to potentially give up their freedom for the ‘greater good’?
How many people are in the position to actually access a weapon and be within proximity to a billionaire?
Will there actually be a revolution?
Are people too scared to actually start something?
Are the people who want to, too young, too weak, too ill, ect. to actually be able to do something?
Are you able to actively do something?
Are you able to go outside right now and kill a CEO?
Are the charities working? Are the protests working? Are the movements working?
Is it really getting better?
Maybe if you don’t like something, you should do something.
I dunno man, maybe 1700s France was onto something
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can-we-be-kind · 3 months ago
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can-we-be-kind · 3 months ago
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CEO down
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can-we-be-kind · 3 months ago
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Health insurance is in the business of making people feel desperate and anxious.
The more desperate, the more money for CEOs.
No other leading country makes their citizens feel desperate and anxious via health care.
Seems UnitedHealthcare was exceptional at inflicting misery.
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can-we-be-kind · 3 months ago
(by cultivatingboldspaces)
I do not believe in the standard version of bad people, I believe in bad actions (and what I deem bad might not be bad to them)
I believe in rehabilitation, that suffering, while satisfying in a karmic sense, is inherently unnecessary and useless
What makes you morally superior?
What makes you more human than them?
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can-we-be-kind · 3 months ago
The whole point is to be nice and civil
I just think that discourse has gotten to be very… death threat-y and want to actually invite conversation with people willing to listen
So having said that
republicans, racist, terfs, radfems, homophobes, misogynists, proshippers (basically all the typical dni list peaople) please interact
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can-we-be-kind · 3 months ago
also im growing to hate the phrase ''hold accountable'' in discourse because its always so.... empty? like you see people saying ''sure this person apologized, but we need to hold them accountable!'' like cool. what does that mean. how can you get any more accountable than a public apology. do you want them to apologize... again? more? get a tattoo explaining their crimes so everyone they meet is informed? do you want accountability or are you repeating buzzwords because you cant find a nice way to say you just want them to disappear.
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can-we-be-kind · 3 months ago
Just because someone is on the other side, doesn’t mean they’re immediately wrong and evil
There is no singular group or person that is objectively morally correct about everything
You are a person. You are human. You are no different then those you despise
How is you thinking someone deserves death for what they believe any different than the “other side” thinking the same thing?
Purples says that all Greens are evil and you should not listen to a word they say
Green says that all Purples are evil and you should not listen to a word they say
a Green does something the Purples don’t like, and they proceed to say all Greens do this thing, all Greens are bad
From the Greens perspective, a Green did something that was entirely reasonable and now the Purples hate them
Same thing happens the other way around, a Purple does something that the Purples deem reasonable but the Greens despise it
A Green that was raised all their life that Purples are bad, just look at the news! See what that insane Purple did?
A Purple that was raised all their life that Greens are bad, just look at the news! See what that insane Green did?
The Green and Purple meet, they fight, they argue, they yell. Not willing to listen to the other, not understanding how the other could be so stupid, how the other could be so indoctrinated
They both leave, deciding that the other side is unfixable, that there is something inherently broken in them, that there is no point in trying to convince them of anything, that they’re a liar (what? are you REALLY trying to tell me that what my whole family and community has been telling me is a lie? do you think i’d believe you?), and the final conclusion is that they should all die.
Why would a Green, that was taught their entire life that Purples are the enemy and that’s only experience with a Purple was a argument where all the Purple did was refuse to hear them out and just continued to hurl insults, be willing to hear out some random (disgusting, evil, lying) Purple?
Why would a Purple, that was taught their entire life that Greens are the enemy and that’s only experience with a Green was a argument where all the Green did was refuse to hear them out and just continued to hurl insults, be willing to hear out some random (disgusting, evil, lying) Green?
Did they either actually have a choice in this? Do they even know what they’re fighting over? Are they just repeating everything their side is telling them? How could they not?
You’re raised all your life to believe something, and one day some person comes along and says that no, actually you’re wrong and because you believe that then you should die, would that convince you of anything?
My point here is that fighting and saying that the other side is the enemy isn’t helping
I have my own opinions on things, I am on a side, and as much as I’d like to say that the other side is insane, that they’re just evil, I understand that that’s how they think of me
had I been raised differently, maybe I would’ve held the same opinions as them
Fighting fire with fire won’t work, try to actually have a conversation, try not to only listen to people who hold the same opinions as you
If a person who thinks the sky is purple only ever interacts with people who think the sky is purple, how would you expect them to magically learn that the sky is actually blue?
You can’t just make fun of them for thinking the sky is purple if they had no reason for thinking otherwise
Basically actually talk to people and actually be willing to hear them out, and maybe, just maybe, you or they will come out with a new opinion !
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can-we-be-kind · 3 months ago
purity and cancel culture make people think artists who write, draw, sing or make things about subjects that are (rightfully) considered disturbing and socially unacceptable — as well as fans who like fictional things that are (rightfully) considered disturbing and socially unacceptable — are “red flags”, “predators”, “deserving of having their hard drives checked”, etc, when in reality people can like or make fictional things about subjects that are (rightfully) considered disturbing and socially unacceptable without condoning these things in real life.
artists who create (fictional) contents about triggering subjects aren’t automatically “predators who condone these terrible things in real life”. artists who create (fictional) contents about triggering subjects are just artists who create (fictional) contents about triggering subjects.
people who like (fictional) contents about triggering subjects aren’t automatically “predators who condone these terrible things in real life”. people who like (fictional) contents about triggering subjects are just normal people who like (fictional) contents about triggering subjects. for reasons that aren’t nobody’s business but their own.
(as long as they don’t act out these things in real life and hurt real people, they’re normal people like you and me, and 99.99% of people who like fucked up fictional things are normal people who don’t hurt anyone in real life.
if someone watched a fucked up movie and acted out the antagonist’s crimes in real life, then it still meant that this individual was already fucked up and a predator, and they would have done terrible things whether or not they watched a fucked up film; the art itself don’t make people do terrible things.)
art has never been restricted to only rainbow and sunshine and unicorns.
art is also about the depiction of macabre, things that are disgusting, unpleasant, violent and unacceptable. (as long as nobody in real life actually gets hurt.)
you can’t claim to “accept art and artists” and then say “but if you write fics about (X) or if you like this movie then you’re a red flag and are disgusting 🤢”
it’s absolutely okay if you personally hate these types of fictional works that revolve around triggering subjects that are (rightfully) disgusting and socially unacceptable, it’s okay because it just means these types of works are not for you (no one forces you to watch, read or listen to them), but it’s not okay if you start harassing artists who create or people who enjoy art you personally hate, just because you hate them and therefore you believe other people must hate them too or else they’re terrible people.
you are a terrible person if you harass anybody in real life over fictional things that aren’t real.
you are the one who aren’t able to separate fiction from reality.
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