Stone Fruit
I am here thinking of buying plums.
I am here smelling of bookstores,
of lemongrass, of rain soaked sidewalks.
I thought we would love each other until the candle burnt out,
not the match.
But this is more than just deleting your number;
this is exhausting.
All I can think of are summer nights
tracing my fingertips into your back whispering, “almost”.
You, pouring a glass of gin for me,
and a glass of water for yourself.
Or cold milk.
I want to be the splitting flesh of a warm apricot in your mouth.
Tomorrow will be better.
Sometimes I just want to hear you say it.
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my fingertips play
with the edge of the magazine
as you stir your rice
my feet are cold
and I think
is this what it feels like
to be a second choice?
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The insertion of a word
A comment
or in a comment into a conversation about trail markers.
 Or a curling corner
 That’s just how the air is
in the place in the universe where the fan is blowing on my bare foot
on an overcast afternoon summers day
Dry heat
A light rocking
-> ��;LJ�
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Random Notes that Were on my iPhone on July 2nd
 June 20 2016, 11:14pm
Shoutout to baja blast for being a superior beverage.
 June 20 2016, 3:44pm
Richmond spca
Canvas, clothing rack
Park again
 June 27 2016, 12:06pm
It might suck but I meant it.
 June 28 2016, 7:01pm
At the very least mentally
If not physically and gutturally.
 Establish a similar group of memories.
Fabricated memories.
Like natural disasters.
What is significant enough to be remembered?
Most memory isn’t accessible.
What memories does your brain wipe clean and why?
Why can you clearly remember that day at the lake in 1998
but not your high school commencement?
 June 28 2016, 10:34pm
Your debit card is in your copy of the catcher in the rye on the nightstand.
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a manner of speech is
eating soup or a sandwich or both
the branch will bend  
the branch will not break
sleeping on couches and watching the dawn
I have been looking for you
You’ve changed, the windows are open
So I grant myself tangerine excuses
I am dragging my feet I am curled up alone in a floral love seat we flirt in the kitchen with
A hundred tiny daydreams
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A Note
 Saturday 6/25 2016 6pm notes
 I am covered in cat hair.
 What are the separations between intimacy and love?
an ��7J�
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1.       i will just buy you flowers instead
2.       a poem about drinking orange juice
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It Isn’t Enough
took the long way home
took the short cut through the parking lot
took that last cigarette from my pack
took that last breath of air before I walked inside
 forgot to check for mess on my face
forgot to check if you were doing ok
forgot to call my dad again
forgot to listen to my voicemails
 peered inside the trash for something important
peered inside my shoes for rocks
peered inside myself for more stories
peered inside the dark for meaning
 the heat is enveloping everything
the heat is driving us indoors
the heat is making us irritable
the heat is bonding us
 take what you love
let it guide you
towards something that’s fills you up
or take it deeper down the spiral
the flat circle is unraveling before you
there is something out there that is enough
if you look for it
through all the misfortunes
and forgets
and regrets
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i like to write while listening to podcasts or documentaries.
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A kiss
You told me that my lips were soft and big
and that other lovers’ were thin and tough.
  You keep coming back to me.
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By the Window
 you came home Thursday
                         and i was painting the house yellow.
 i had wanted to be a
splash      in the pond        gray behind my Nana and Papa’s house                                                                                
when i was
nine years old. I remember
                                               Split Pea Soup
                               the smell of Split Pea Soup    
 glass after glass of                               water
by the window.
                                               Sitting in the
dirt underneath    the flowering tree.
 I remembered my Nana’s small brown tabby
named Janie, a soft cashmere sweater,
   (one in every color from the Summer catalogue) and Nana’s                deep red acrylics tap
                                                               tap          tap          
                                              tapping on the oak table. A burning cigarette, a            
white porcelain coffee cup steamed
 All while
                               I was simply just
taking my pills
 and pouring a glass  
of Vitamin D
enriched orange juice
                               at the dawn of Autumn
 in my first apartment
               above Main street
                                                                 listening to
                                                               the sirens
comfort and the first autumn
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Just Some Words
Sage your bedroom             before the monsters crawl out of the kitchen cabinet  and don’t forget
to light candles
  I am tugging at my eyebrows            for comfort
(it’s a nervous tic)
I fill up my pockets with
tiny speckled pebbles
  I have reached the edge of the Earth’s crust
below is a millennium of deep
  I smell
my mother’s perfume
and I see
bluebirds building                a nest.
  Laughing weakly
sipping decaf tea
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But I’m a Good person
I wash the dishes on Saturdays and Tuesdays.
I haven’t been eating very much this summer.
I always rinse my plate.
I line up each yellow #2 pencil one by one.
I choke until I reach the surface.
I try to live intentionally.
I drink enough water every day.
I give in.
I yield to his weight.
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Grounding Activity V
I’m sitting in a field
on a woven blanket
I’ve had since
I was eleven. It is
mid-summer at dawn and
I smell like burning wood, vodka,
and sweat.
  I am waiting
for the sun to rise.
 There is morning dew and
my toes are cold.  
  I am covered in cat hair.
What are the separations
between intimacy
and love?
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I am the threads of this blanket.
I am Jupiter.
I am crisp aspartame under your tongue.
I am cold hands on the steering wheel at dawn.
I am your first cigarette.
I am just born.
I am gone.
  History books scattered on the wooden floorboards.
There is broken glass, a month’s worth of laundry,
an ecosystem of coffee cups,
and bouquets of dried lavender.
I am a stone’s throw from mania.
I am a mile from downtown Manchester.
 I need to sleep.
I need to take my medication.
I need to buy lightbulbs.
I digress.
  There is the usual sacrifice of tiger moths.
There is the drive before dawn,
the bus station blend
sleepless and upset
pouting among dandelions.
 There is a soft rumble and my cold breath.
The crunching of snow
the crunching of bones.
Foreign hands reach for my coat just as trees
reach for the morning sky.
I will embroider
every word
into my bedsheets.
  Because out there, there is only stardust.
There is water on earth that is older than the sun.
There are 3am grilled cheese sandwiches.
There are shifting constellations.
There are eleven year old smiles,
wide mouthed, laughing,
with teeth.
  I am wondering.
I don’t even know if there is any oatmeal for breakfast.
I am listening to the rain.
I am bare.
  Somewhere, he is still photographing me
wading into the sea.
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Mourning morning
I snuck out for the 5:10 bus.
The October air was stale and
an uncommon cold.
  A spoonful of honey on the bathroom floor—
I wish you were telling me how much you need me.
Please don’t throw me away.            Roll over.
  You are the sweetest fruit I have ever tasted.
  Cranberry bogs blurrrr and there are cold Cokes, Dasani,                           and Chex Mix.
Glass cold on my cheek
drifting,                 soaring,                  sailing,    sighing:
there are bruises
I could never show you, scars
you cannot see.
  Another border crossed
you are probably still sound asleep
in the remnants of another tryst.
  You are not my friend.    You are my mourning dove.
  It is, on the whole, good
that the field should be ploughed.
  Pine forests melt into concrete.
Traffic jams give way to back roads,
mud, and footprints.
The forgotten wildflowers tell me to
smoke another cigarette.
The new rolling hills urge the wheels to keep turning.
  Later, at dusk, water is filling at my feet.
Around my ankles          My knees      Up to the metal
My mouth
It’s in my lungs                    It’s in the kitchen sink
It’s everywhere—
This is the age of gold.
  Let us chant together
about the dead
 and the rotten        things.
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I Overheard
Did it rain
last night?               I just wanted
to check in. Let’s check in.
I’ll see you in thirty minutes.
Are you sure that’s
the best decision for you
right now?
Yeah, call him
You have had a major impact.
There’s no elevator?
Let’s meet for lunch.
Do you even care
my job?
An entire bottle of wine?
Good night,
I can message you later
Were you at the Cantab?
Okay, that’s fine.
Listen to a song for me.
You never bought me
           that drink.
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