head in the clouds
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callsign-cree · 1 year ago
reblog if it's okay for your mutuals to message you and create an actual friendship, not just interactions
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callsign-cree · 2 years ago
jan maas has become an addiction and idk what to do-
Positive Positive
Summary: A dozen positives confirm the news, now you just have to tell your boyfriend the big news. But how? Couple: Jan Maas x Reader Word Count: 2,050 Warnings: Pregnancy, positive pregnancy test, general early pregnancy angst Fandom: Ted Lasso Rating: Fluff/Angst-ish
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callsign-cree · 2 years ago
TOP GUN FIC RECS 5! — @dracosluvbot’s fic recs
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top gun fics that i’ve been reading and obsessing with over recently
this is extremely important and i take this very seriously out of respect for the community. please do remember to read the rules for the respective blogs before interacting with or reading them.
F: fluff A: angst S: smut
𖥻 - series /multi part
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F + A: the longer that you stay, the ice is melting by @welcome-to-my-multiverse you have walls built around yourself from the hurt you had experiences in the past. jake breaks them all down.
F: dinner and domesticity by @sehnsuchts-trunken all you want after a long day at work is to spend time with jake.
F: sunshine by @call-sign-jinx you're jake's biggest secret in the best way possible.
F + A: abs sans brain by @sometimes-i-write-good you would think that the amount of time jake spends with his work friends that he'd rather spend date night with you alone
F + A: don't make the same mistake by @agentrose17 jacob seresin is a coward. to save himself the heartbreak, he runs.
F: the doll house by @honeybeedewdrops jake flew million dollar jets for a living and still couldn't build a barbie dreamhouse
A: a glimpse of us by @call-sign-jinx jake will forever be haunted by what happened years ago
F + A: who are you? + part 2 by @thewulf you move to fightertown in hopes of comfort from you aunt penny after you and your fiance break it off. in a sea full of naval aviators, you meet jake.
F: i caught you by @roosterbruiser jake will always be there to catch you
F + A: mamas (don’t let your babies grow up to be cowboys) by @almostgenerallyalways you and jake have long broken up. he tries to reconnect every holiday season but you choose to ignore him. you can't quite do that when he's at your front door.
F + A: sleepy baby by @discount-shades 𖥻 if i weren't for you therapist, there was no way you'd be out late at night in a bar.
F + A: rescued + part 2 by @topgunslut you nearly drown by the beach but jake saves you
F: even if you lose it, it will find you by @lovestruckdeans though you and jake may have gone your seperate ways, you find your way back to each other.
A: what are we? by @andorskenobi four months of stringing you along and you were tired of it. you give jake an ultimatum.
F + A: perfect storms by @captainamericasmotercycle jake loves you because you're you. not because you're the admiral's daughter or whatever coyote wants to make you believe.
S: jealousy, jealousy by @seresinsbabe jealous of him and his coworker, you decide that it was your turn to make jake jealous.
F + A: i see myself with you by @penwieldingdreamer you meet jake again, this time, he dons a khaki uniform.
F: boyfriend material by @beautifultypewriter you and jake had a thing. if you were on a bad date, you'd text him and he'd show up, sweeping you away.
F: roadside assistance by @lostdreamr-blog1 your car breaks down in the middle of the road and you have no choice but to call your last resort for help.
F + A: it only feels this raw right now by @teamhappyme your time with the navy has come to an end while yours with jake is only beginning.
F: sittin' on the dock of the bay by @theloveoftoms a day on the beach with jake seresin.
F: brave by @arson-tm you are the only person jake shows his true self to.
F: your carriage awaits, sweets by @lazypeachsoul jake loved you so much. so much so that he'd willingly carry you home when you're drunk off your mind.
F: coffee for mrs. seresin? by @birdy-bat-writes jake orders your coffee for you. when your order is called, you're utterly surprised.
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F: pretty in pink by @roostersforevergirl if rooster wants to join his daughter's tea party, he must dress the part.
F + A: the parent trap by @averagewriter-inthedark you and rooster crashed and burn. despite the relationship ending, something beautiful bloomed from it. in a mutual agreement, one will grow up with you while the other rooster.
F: hold my hand by @wannabeschyulersister it's mav and penny's birthday. you somehow find yourself riding a mechanical bull.
F: bradley and the bump by @justmyheart bradley lets his girl know how much he loves his other girl.
F: beautiful by @eyesthatroll you can see glimpses of carole in bradley
F: mary's song by @risriswrites bradley bradshaw is hopelessly in love with his best friend. if only she felt the same.
F: i'm obsessed with you by @simpforrooster jake can't bear to see rooster pine over you for a single second longer
A: till death? by @cherrycola27 you meant what you said in your wedding vows that you'd love bradley till death do you part.
F: my reward by @susanripper rooster doesn't know how to tie a tie. now, you can't let that happen can you?
F: picture in my pocket by @worldofheroes if there's anyone who would understand what you feel, it's rooster
F: a little pinch by @tongue-like-a-razor it's time for your daughter to have her shots but it seems like rooster is more nervous than she is
A: trainwreck by @callsign-cree you knew that you and rooster were too good to true. it was time you finally confirmed it.
S: short stack by @spacecaravan something about you making him breakfast makes rooster insatiable for you.
S: return the favor by @sonofarathorn being a dad was a good look on bradley.
F: beautiful boy by @aestheticpearl baby bradshaw has a nightmare, something bradley can relate to too well.
F: i'm goin' for a run by @feralforfrank rooster wants to say goodbye before going on his run
F: a wedding to remember and a proposal to come by @sehnsuchts-trunken during mav and penny's wedding, you and rooster realise that maybe a wedding of your own was in the cards.
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F: baby. on. board by @mymamalife baby on board has his own baby on board
F + A: one beer + just another day in paradise by @lgg5989 having a baby at a young age was not part of yours and bob's plans.
F: do we have to? by @auroradawnwrites unlike bob, all you want to do is stay home.
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F: in which it’s far too cold for your liking, but Javy can think of a few ways to warm up by @spidervee
F: the waiting by @rae-gar-targaryen javy knows that you're more than capable of doing things yourself but can't he just pamper his pregnant wife in peace?
F: cancelled flights and beignets by @siempre-bucky javy's flight home is cancelled. you make beignets to cure some of his homesickness.
F: the first 'i love you' by @demxters you didn't need javy to tell you he loved you for you to know that he did. so when he finally said those three words, you weren't surprised.
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F: you know why by @thewhiskersonkittens it didn't matter that you had a jerk of an ex, goose proves that he's twice the man he could ever be
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callsign-cree · 2 years ago
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via @h0neyfire
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callsign-cree · 2 years ago
which fictional death has affected you the most emotionally? like had you straight up crying your eyes out or similar responses
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callsign-cree · 2 years ago
I stole this from Twitter but I’m Curious
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callsign-cree · 2 years ago
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callsign-cree · 2 years ago
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callsign-cree · 2 years ago
"how do you get stuff done?" bitch with tears in my eyes 😭
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callsign-cree · 2 years ago
Christmas Party
EZ Reyes x F!Reader
For Day 5 of Bethany & Jo’s Christmas Calendar: fake dating at the Christmas party
Warnings: alcohol, mentions of creepy male coworkers, EZ being just the absoulte best
Word Count: 4k
A/N: This fic has been haunting me for the last week or so and I think I’m finally mostly happy with it? I’m not sure, but I also don’t know what else to add or edit at this point, so I’m setting it free out into the universe for you guys haha. Hope you enjoy!
EZ Reyes Taglist: @ly–canthrope @noz4a2 @queenbeered @sincerelysomebody @sadeyesgf @thesandbeneathmytoes @appropriate-writers-name @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @kelpies-shed @louisianalady @gemini0410 @paintballkid711 @chibsytelford @yourwonkywriter @sesamepancakes @mayans-sauce @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @plentyoffandoms @georgiaaintnopeach @twistnet @themoonandthewicked @garbinge @bucky-iss-bae @enjoy-the-destruction @encounterthepast @rosieposie0624 @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo @mijop @xladymacbethx @blessedboo @holl2712 @lakamaa12 @masterlistforimagines @kkim120 @toni9 @shadow-of-wonder @crowfootwrites @redpoodlern @punkgoddess-98 @lexondeck @mrsstevenbuchananstark @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindos @amorestevens @angelreyesisdaddy04​ @mijagif​ @frattsparty​ @winchestershiresauce​ @bellisperennis0​ @beardburnsupersoldiers​ @mveggieburger​ @thanossexual​ @xeniarocks​ @choochoo284​ @beardsanddetectives​ @bruxasolta​ @i-love-scott-mccall​  (if you want to be added just let me know!)
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callsign-cree · 2 years ago
im not going to lie this made my night- im glad you loved it :))))
tracing | robert "bob" floyd
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synopsis | bob loved tracing y/n's palm, and he decided one way to make the view better for the both of them.
warnings | cute bob. afab!reader + she/her pronouns
genre | fluff
wordcount | 0.6k
note | i love bob. thats it. thats the note.
she started noticing it a few weeks in. the soft touch of his fingers floating across her palm. he would follow the curves and branches of the creases in a looping pattern. it tickled at first but turned soothing, and by the look of bob, it did the same for him. 
“i like tracing the lines in your palm…it’s distracting.” said bob, trailing his index over the indented creases of her palm. y/n glanced up as she lay into him on the couch, his legs wrapped around her body. leaning back into his chest, she smiled, watching as he continued tracing. 
“i like when you trace them too.” said y/n, taking hold of his moving hand with hers and caressing her thumb across the top. bob’s level breathing calmed her. the smooth, long drawn-out breaths of satisfaction and contentment. leaning her head back, she felt bob kiss the side of her temple. it lasted longer than usual, she couldn’t help but giggle. y/n could feel him smile as he began to pepper her cheek with kisses, slowly moving down until he pressed one, long kiss to her jaw. 
y/n hummed. “what do you want?” 
“nothing..” muttered bob, resting his head in the nape of her neck. wrapping his arms around her, y/n smiled turning her head to look at him. 
“are you sure?”
bob brought his head up, glancing at her before kissing her cheek and readjusting. removing his arm from her body, y/n felt him dig around in his pant pocket. 
“close your eyes…” his southern drawl sent shivers down her spine. closing her eyes, y/n felt bob readjust and wrap his arm around her again. 
“open..” said bob, y/n opened her eyes to spot a black velvet box in his hands. jaw slacking slightly, she furrowed her brows. without words, bob opened the box to reveal a simple ring with a small diamond in the middle. 
“oh my god.” gasped y/n, staring at the ring held out in front of her. 
“will you marry me?” said bob.
y/n turned to face him, before pulling his cheeks to catch his lips. smiling into the kiss, y/n muttered ‘yes’ multiple times between each kiss. bob chuckled and pulled the back of her head toward him, deepening the kiss. pulling apart, bob rested his forehead against hers, looking into her eyes before breaking out into a smile. tears welled in y/n’s eyes, her cheeks started to hurt from smiling. 
“i love you..” said bob, curling in his bottom lip to stop from crying.
“i love you more.” said y/n, feeling her tears fall. 
bob laughed, pulling his head back and wiping the tears from his eyes.
“now you get to trace my palm whenever you want…” said y/n, wiggling her ring finger in front of him, “with a nicer view.”
“i already had a nice view, i just had to make sure it was never going to leave me.” said bob, taking her hand and placing a kiss on it. grabbing the velvet box from the cushion, bob pulled out the ring and placed it on her finger. y/n watched intensely, smiling as the ring settled nicely on her ring finger. bob grabbed her hand before placing one last kiss on it and looking at her. 
“i know its not the best-” started bob, but was stopped mid-sentence with a kiss from y/n. 
y/n shook her head with a growing smile, “its better than the best…because i know you bought it with the intent of loving me forever and thats all i need.”
bob smiled, placing the box on the table and grabbing her cheeks, pulling her in for a passionate kiss. melting into it, y/n grinned into it. she couldn’t of asked for a better man in her life, even if his version of fun was tracing her palm. but she didn’t mind one bit.
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callsign-cree · 2 years ago
tracing | robert "bob" floyd
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synopsis | bob loved tracing y/n's palm, and he decided one way to make the view better for the both of them.
warnings | cute bob. afab!reader + she/her pronouns
genre | fluff
wordcount | 0.6k
note | i love bob. thats it. thats the note.
she started noticing it a few weeks in. the soft touch of his fingers floating across her palm. he would follow the curves and branches of the creases in a looping pattern. it tickled at first but turned soothing, and by the look of bob, it did the same for him. 
“i like tracing the lines in your palm…it’s distracting.” said bob, trailing his index over the indented creases of her palm. y/n glanced up as she lay into him on the couch, his legs wrapped around her body. leaning back into his chest, she smiled, watching as he continued tracing. 
“i like when you trace them too.” said y/n, taking hold of his moving hand with hers and caressing her thumb across the top. bob’s level breathing calmed her. the smooth, long drawn-out breaths of satisfaction and contentment. leaning her head back, she felt bob kiss the side of her temple. it lasted longer than usual, she couldn’t help but giggle. y/n could feel him smile as he began to pepper her cheek with kisses, slowly moving down until he pressed one, long kiss to her jaw. 
y/n hummed. “what do you want?” 
“nothing..” muttered bob, resting his head in the nape of her neck. wrapping his arms around her, y/n smiled turning her head to look at him. 
“are you sure?”
bob brought his head up, glancing at her before kissing her cheek and readjusting. removing his arm from her body, y/n felt him dig around in his pant pocket. 
“close your eyes…” his southern drawl sent shivers down her spine. closing her eyes, y/n felt bob readjust and wrap his arm around her again. 
“open..” said bob, y/n opened her eyes to spot a black velvet box in his hands. jaw slacking slightly, she furrowed her brows. without words, bob opened the box to reveal a simple ring with a small diamond in the middle. 
“oh my god.” gasped y/n, staring at the ring held out in front of her. 
“will you marry me?” said bob.
y/n turned to face him, before pulling his cheeks to catch his lips. smiling into the kiss, y/n muttered ‘yes’ multiple times between each kiss. bob chuckled and pulled the back of her head toward him, deepening the kiss. pulling apart, bob rested his forehead against hers, looking into her eyes before breaking out into a smile. tears welled in y/n’s eyes, her cheeks started to hurt from smiling. 
“i love you..” said bob, curling in his bottom lip to stop from crying.
“i love you more.” said y/n, feeling her tears fall. 
bob laughed, pulling his head back and wiping the tears from his eyes.
“now you get to trace my palm whenever you want…” said y/n, wiggling her ring finger in front of him, “with a nicer view.”
“i already had a nice view, i just had to make sure it was never going to leave me.” said bob, taking her hand and placing a kiss on it. grabbing the velvet box from the cushion, bob pulled out the ring and placed it on her finger. y/n watched intensely, smiling as the ring settled nicely on her ring finger. bob grabbed her hand before placing one last kiss on it and looking at her. 
“i know its not the best-” started bob, but was stopped mid-sentence with a kiss from y/n. 
y/n shook her head with a growing smile, “its better than the best…because i know you bought it with the intent of loving me forever and thats all i need.”
bob smiled, placing the box on the table and grabbing her cheeks, pulling her in for a passionate kiss. melting into it, y/n grinned into it. she couldn’t of asked for a better man in her life, even if his version of fun was tracing her palm. but she didn’t mind one bit.
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callsign-cree · 2 years ago
This is an appreciation post for the fanfic authors who aren’t included on rec lists
For the fanfic authors who don’t get art of their fics
For the fanfic authors who can’t get to 1000/500/100 hits
For the fanfic authors who don’t get comments/reviews
For the fanfic authors who write for small fandoms
For the fanfic authors who write rarepairs or gen fics
For the fanfic authors who get hate for the ships/characters/fandoms they write
For the fanfic authors who write in English despite it not being their first language
For the fanfic authors who don’t write in English
For the fanfic authors who don’t think anyone reads or likes their work
For the fanfic authors who aren’t big name fans
For the fanfic authors who don’t get requests in their inboxes
For the fanfic authors who can’t write stories that are more than a thousand words
For the fanfic authors who only write one ship
For the fanfic authors who are just starting
For the fanfic authors who have been writing fic for years
For the fanfic authors who use fanfic to practice writing
For the fanfic authors who write self-insert fics
For the fanfic authors who write about their OCs
For the fanfic authors who write to vent or cope
For the fanfic authors who are just waiting for their big break
Keep creating, I love you ❤️
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callsign-cree · 2 years ago
trainwreck || bradley "rooster" bradshaw
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synopsis | it was never meant to be, and all she needed was confirmation.
warning | cheating, arguing, swearing, afab!reader + use of she/her pronouns
genre | angst
wordcount | 1.1k
note | sooo, heres a little rooster angst because i need to get back into the groove of writing. hope you like it!
maybe it was better this way. to watch him from the sidelines in his life, always being the bridesmaid, never the bride. there were times when it could’ve been the opposite. yet, chances are given too often to the point they weren’t chances anymore but expected. growing weak and melting at the sound of his voice when all it did was hurt more. she hated it. 
sitting in the living room, y/n held a photo in her hands. a picture that had been through thick and thin, curving in at the edges and creases all along its face. it had been years since the photo was taken. everyone in the academy, smiling and laughing, the first time they had gone to the hard deck. faces innocent of war and naive about what they were getting themselves into. bradley’s arm around her waist. the simpler times when the only contest was fighting each other and getting a new record. now, it was much more difficult than that. 
“i’m back.” said bradley, his tone much of the same he had given her the past week. it was hollow, that warm, familiar feeling leaving without a trace. there was no nicknames. no ‘love you’ or endearing comments. not like before. 
y/n hummed in response, wiping the stray tears with her hand, shoving the photo back in her wallet. putting her feet up on the coffee table, she opened her laptop, hoping that rooster wouldn’t notice. not like he has for the last week. 
“what’s for supper?” asked bradley, an audible sigh leaving his lips once she heard him enter the kitchen. there was nothing. it wasn’t her job anymore. 
y/n stiffened once she heard shuffling coming into the living room, she didn’t turn her eyes away from her laptop. continuing to type out her documents, she stared at the title in the corner. relocation. it was the last option she had, if she was going to be the best, she had to have no distractions. and she couldn’t do that with bradley. 
feeling a dip beside her, y/n ignored it. bradley settled down on the couch beside her, hands resting at his sides. laying his head on the back of the couch, he moved it slightly to look at y/n before staring up at the ceiling. 
“you can stop pretending now.” said y/n, not looking away from her screen. the first words she had spoken in the last five minutes, and she had enough. 
“what are you talking about-” 
“this! bradley.” said y/n, throwing her arms and gesturing wildly around them. bradley raised his head, looking at her with furrowed brows. he opened her mouth, but was quickly cut off by her.
“this silence. this…this…this-” said y/n, raising her voice, “whatever the fuck you want to call this! jesus, bradley its been nearly a week and not even a ‘love you’ or anything! i know-”
bradley jumped up from the couch, looking down at her in confusion and rising anger. 
“y/n! i have no idea what the fuck you are talking about! i walk in here every fucking day, greeting you as usual but all i’ve ever gotten back is silence-”
slamming her laptop closed, y/n pushed it onto the coffee table, not caring anymore. standing up, she looked up at bradley. 
“don’t treat me like that, you asshole. i know everything! alright!” said y/n, moving closer to bradley, her finger poking into his chest. 
bradley moved closer to y/n, “what do you know? huh? what the fuck do you know that grants you to act like this?”
“what do i know?” y/n scoffed, smile dropping fast, “you want to know, bradshaw? you want to fucking know? okay fine, i know about memphis.”
bradley stared at her. y/n saw something flash across his eyes, the realization coming and going just as fast. that was all she needed. he let his guard down and it cost him. 
letting out a dry laugh, y/n backed up and shrugged lazily. “wow…so it is true. this is what i get for giving you chances. this is what i get for letting me love you with my whole being and everyday for the past week, i called myself crazy.” resting her hand on her forehead, she turned away from him, “i told myself i was just overreacting, that you’re just having a bad day at work. that you’re just having a rough time adjusting to your new position. but no, how wrong i was…”
bradley stood quiet, letting his eyes fall to the ground. y/n laugh soon became a sob, tears falling freely. smiling, she wiped the tears from her eyes, looking back at bradley. 
“...i knew it was too good to be true. you finally loving me back, but now i see. that’s not it at all. it was pity. you still see that girl in the academy. the one never drinking, the one no one ever asked to come party. the one no one dared to love. i was an easy target, wasn’t i?”
“no, y/n listen-” said bradley, walking up to her and grabbing her arm. pulling her arm away harshly, y/n shook her head, holding out her hand to keep distance between bradley. 
“no. don’t touch me. don’t fucking touch me.” bradley let his arm fall back to his side, but still kept close to her. “just answer the goddamn question…did you ever love me?”
bradley looked at her, face softening. y/n clenched her jaw, and stared at him. she could see the gears turning. the emotions flashing in his eyes like a movie. after a few seconds, bradley sighed, shaking his head. that was it.
y/n dropped her arm to her side, looking at the floor below her. of course, everything was a lie. one big fucking lie. and for what. shaking her head, y/n chuckled dryly before making her way toward the door. bradley stood in the dark living room, watching as she left. 
coming to the front door, y/n pulled on her shoes and threw on a coat, before grabbing the door knob. closing her eyes, she let out a shaky breath. it was better this way, he did this. this was his fault. turning her head, she looked over to bradley. his back facing her, she knew the answer. 
twisting the doorknob, y/n walked out, slamming it shut. maybe it was better this way. watching his life from the sidelines. at least it wouldn’t hurt. not as much anyway…and that’s enough for her.
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callsign-cree · 2 years ago
top gun masterlist
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hello ! these are top gun imagines. a few important things about these oneshots is that they will have an AFAB (assigned female at birth) reader + pronouns unless stated otherwise!
also for requests, I will be taking them and I will sometimes take personal requests (with certain names instead of reader) if wanted! i am getting busier now than ever as I am in university, so if you happen to request and it takes awhile, apologies in advance!
key |
fluff = ❁
angst = ⋇
smut (rare) = **
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pete "maverick" mitchell
irresistible, my ass | it wasn’t like maverick to be hung up, especially on a woman. when he spots her during his volleyball match, he could barely focus. but little did he know, she wasn’t just any woman.
nick "goose" bradshaw
lovin' feelin' | it was twenty dollars between maverick and goose, a bet that whoever got laid first on the premises, wins. goose had zero chance, until he found her.
bradley "rooster" bradshaw
trainwreck | it was never meant to be, and all she needed was confirmation. ⋇
jake "hangman" seresin
icarus | after maverick and roosters death, no has been the same. especially jake seresin. ⋇
robert "bob" floyd
tracing | bob loved tracing y/n's palm, and he decided one way to make the view better for the both of them. ❁
mickey "fanboy" garcia
going to the beach | headcanon ❁
pregnancy | headcanon ❁
natasha "phoenix" trace
worth the risk | jake seresin made his younger sister promise not to date aviators when they graduated top gun. however, when she met natasha, it was the only secret she ever kept from him. but secrets don't go without consequence. ⋇
javy "coyote" machado
coming soon!
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callsign-cree · 2 years ago
sons of anarchy drabble
note: so, i was writing something for soa awhile back and i finally found it again and since i probably won't publish it i just want a part of it out there. I found it a little hilarious after forgetting about it for a few months.
   “if it isn’t oregon’s dove,” y/n looked at the sound of the voice. tig stood tall with his classic smirk and wild hair. trying to be annoyed at him, y/n failed, she smiled and ran over to him. tig wrapped his arms around her, welcoming her back to charming. 
   “well, tig you haven’t changed one bit. you know you still have that offense in oregon, right?” said y/n, half joking. 
   tig laughed, holding a finger to his lips, “yeah, i know. but no one needs to know that one, alright sweetheart?”
   squeezing his shoulder, she moved to the bar. there were bottles everywhere, mood lighting and tvs set up above the counter. they monitored the doors. staring at the tvs, they shot in black and white. she would occasionally see one of the workers go by.
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callsign-cree · 2 years ago
would anyone be interested in lotr/the hobbit oneshots and imagines? ive been busy with school, but also obsessing with the movies (and im also starting the book) and would love to know if theres any fellow lotr/hobbit fans!
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