calledfreak · 5 years
People should reblog this if they are okay with receiving ask memes from people they’ve never rped with before. Mutual or not.
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calledfreak · 5 years
Romantic and alone.
Thomas Campbell, from The Selected Poems of T. C.
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calledfreak · 5 years
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the park was somewhere he could always go to just forget it all . well , as long as he was hooked up with the necessities needed to help him actually do that . a little weed was acquired earlier in the day , and connor waited for the right time after dinner to slip out of the murphy household to escape the redundant bullshit that went on inside . it’s not like he hated his family , but it got tiring always being marked as the villain , always having to tiptoe around in order to satiate their need for peace , or whatever - the - fuck it was they actually wanted .
but all good things must come to an end , and he has to go home to avoid his mom completely freaking out on him . but as he makes his way down the street , he sees someone standing in front of his house . at first , he thinks is zoe . but , what the fuck , what was she throwing ? only when he gets closer does he realize it isn’t zoe , but a girl from his school . and , holy fucking shit , she’s egging his house .
he watches her with a heightened curiosity , brows raising when she actually turns back and looks at him --- it’s funny in a way , how panicked she looked . like he was actually going to tell her to stop , like he was somehow appalled at the idea of her defacing his parents house like this . but instead of doing either of those things , black - painted fingers extend towards , palm facing up as mismatched eyes meet with her own .    ‘   well , do you have another egg ?   ’
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        if egging houses could somehow be a profession, nadine would be ceo of her own company, and some sort of millionaire. she was not some kind of master with her technique, and it wasn’t as if she had never gotten in trouble for it, but she kept doing it over and over. people asked for help with it sometimes, too. it was her go to.
        there were plenty of reasons to be egging a house, because she was also using this as a way to vent frustration from having to deal with her parents. maybe if she was lucky, someone would go and talk to them about what a disappointment she was. and it wasn’t as if she really had too much against zoe murphy, but being in biology with her had kind of been hell, and one mean look during class was all it took to push nadine today.
        egg carton in one hand, she hadn’t even gotten to throw an egg yet, when she notices someone coming over. connor murphy. yikes. she pauses, watching him, and waiting for a reaction.  /   @calledfreak
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calledfreak · 5 years
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calledfreak · 5 years
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‘   yeah , no , it was really fucking great . i love being singled out like that .   ’
@anticheryl​    /    sc .
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calledfreak · 5 years
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‘   this is a joke , right ? like, you’re not actually serious . . .   ’
@maegicpitch    /    sc .
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calledfreak · 5 years
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‘   it’s kind of wacky , but that doesn’t mean it’s bad . . . i mean , lots of people do weird shit .   ’
@bravegroupie    /    sc .
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calledfreak · 5 years
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‘   that’s the fucked up part about it . . . nobody actually believes it .   ’
@lanternfreed    /    sc .
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calledfreak · 5 years
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‘   look , i don’t know where it went . why don’t you try asking one of your friends ? i’m sure they’d be more than willing to help you out .   ’
@blubram    /    sc .
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calledfreak · 5 years
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‘   so , you’re , like , new here right ?   ’
@matchedwits​    /    sc .
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calledfreak · 5 years
i’m not dead, i’m just slow.
like this for a one liner from the boy.
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calledfreak · 5 years
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calledfreak · 5 years
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sure , it was easy for him to say . but what about the cold , hard reality that connor had to face every single fucking day ? what about that ? and he shakes his head , unable to accept what the other was promising . after all , how could he really understand it unless he was going through it too ?   ‘  yeah right .  ’   he says with a scoff , mismatched eyes focusing on the other despite not pulling away .   ‘  it’ll just be another year with a new round of bullshit . i’ve seen it before , it’s nothing new.  ’
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“The kids don’t care if you’re alright, love.” Theo sighed as he looked over at the other, running his tongue over his lip, “They can be horribly cruel.” He stated softly, patting him on the back, “It’ll be over soon though.”
             * STARTER CALL / VAMPIRE MONEY / @calledfreak
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calledfreak · 5 years
misc sentences
“ who do you think you are? “
“ wait , did you just say you love me? “
“ please just … leave me alone. “
“ i’m so happy! “
“ is this a gift for me? “
“ hey! i’ve got something for you! wait right here! “
“ i love you. “
“ shut up! shut the fuck up! “
“ who told you that?! i didn’t say that! “
“ w — what? “
“ … i’m sorry. “
“ what? ME have a crush on YOU? whaaaaaat?! haha! what? pfft … shut up! “
“ bitch , guess what? “
“ oh my god … “
“ fuck you to fucking hell! “
“ man … go to hell. “
“ what did you just send me? “
“ what did you just say? “
“ they’re totally checking you out right now. “
“ jealous?! i’m not jealous! “
“ are you jealous? “
“ wow … you’re hot when you’re angry. “
“ wow … your smile is breathtaking. “
“ you’re so stupid. “
“ okay! that’s it! put your dukes up! “
“ you don’t want me. “
“ question , you’re not dating anyone , are you? “
“ let me take you out on a date. “
“ i swear to god i’m going to scream at the top of my lungs. “
“ no! don’t tickle me! “
“ i’m not good for you , trust me. “
“ no offense but i’m out of your league. “
“ so , how does it feel to know me? a blessing , isn’t it? “
“ … why does this card say ‘ happy 3rd birthday ‘? “
“ so what will it be tonight? “
“ please , let me listen to celine dion in the dark in peace. “
“ i don’t love you. “
“ you don’t love me. “
“ … is there something you want? “
“ you know , you’re really cute. “
“ god , just let me fucking love you , you idiot! “
“ shh … don’t cry. “
“ i just feel like everything is falling apart. “
“ hello darkness my old friend … “
“ so … do i get a goodnight kiss? “
“  i wish i knew how to talk about it.  ”  
“  you don’t have to talk, we can just sit together.  ” 
“  i don’t want to be alone anymore.  ”  
“  i wish i could hate you. ” 
“  take a seat, we’re gonna be here a while. ”
“  i need you to trust me.  ”  
“ i missed/miss you. ”  
“  she/he won’t listen to me. ”
“  let me do this for you. please.  ” 
“  is there anything else you want to say to me?  ”
“  tell me something happy. ” 
“  promise me.  ”
“  i just want/wanted to help.  ”  
“  let me explain.  ”
“ i didn’t/don’t need you to understand, i just wanted/want you to support me. ”  
“ i’m on your side. ”
“ i’ve got your back, okay? ”
“  please, tell me you have a plan. ”
“  stay with me tonight. ”
“  don’t go. please.  ” 
“  i’ve been alone for so long i’m afraid i don’t know what it’s like not to be. ” 
“ talk to me.  ”  
“ i did what i had to do.  ”
“  we can’t keep going on like this. ”
“ i’m just tired.  ”
“ i’m scared.  ”
“ it’s okay to be afraid. fear can be good. use it.  ”
“ it’s better to expect disappointment. ”
“ hope is dangerous.  ”
“  i like seeing you smile. ”  
“ you look beautiful.  ”  
“ be patient with her/him. they’re trying. ”  
“ i’m trying my best and it’s not good enough. it’s never good enough. ”
“  i’m starting to think i’m just fucked up.  ”  
“  have a drink with me.  ”
“ she/he is better off without me. but i guess that’s their choice. ”
“  you can’t dictate what’s best for someone else. ”
“ can i help you?  ” “ i thought you’d like this. ”
“  do you wanna get out of here?  ”
“  walk with me?  ”
“  well, shit.  ”
“ change isn’t easy.  ”
“  i just wanted to say i’m sorry.  ”
“  i guess being angry was/is just easier than being sad.  ” 
“  what did you want to tell me? ”
“ it was supposed to be simple.  ”
“  you’ve got blood on your shirt. ”
“  you can stay with me.  ”
“ what did you want to show me?  ”
“ i miss ____ more than i thought i would.  ”
“  i don’t like to talk about it, but i wanted you to know.  ”
“ shut up. please. ”
“ fuck off.  ”
“ hush, i’m trying to kiss you.  ”
“  you’re lucky you’re cute. ”
“ i fucked up. ”
���  i just want to take it all back.  ”
“  i can’t sleep.  ”
 “ can’t sleep?  ”
“  we should get a pet. ”
“  if you have something to say, spit it out. ”
“ i’m allowed to be angry.  ”
“  she/he aint even that cute.  ”
“ just hold me. ”
“  do you want me to go?  ”  
“  i just need time.  ”
“  i already made my decision, you’re not going to change that.  ”  
“  nothing you can say will surprise me. ”
“  everyone leaves, eventually. either they move on or they die. they leave and i’m left behind.  ”
“ death is a part of life. i accepted that a long time ago. ”
“  i don’t fear death. i fear anonymity. ”
“  listen to me, please.  ”
“  i’m not even sure what to say to that. ”
“  that should probably shock me, but honestly it doesn’t.  ”
“ am i supposed to care?  ”
“  i do care. ”  
“  you make me happy. ”
“ you look beautiful like this.  ”  
“  if this is your idea of fun, i don’t know what to say to you.  ”
“ it terrifies me. ” 
“ just let me show you how i feel.  ”
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calledfreak · 5 years
“do you like boys or girls?” yes.
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calledfreak · 5 years
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calledfreak · 5 years
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it isn’t normal for connor to intervene , especially when the bullshit didn’t happen to be specifically targeted towards him . the truth is , most days he just tries to remain invisible , to stay under the radar in hopes that he might actually be able to go one day without being messed with . and even though he doesn’t trust it , seeing the invisible target silently being removed from his own back to be placed upon the back of another , it was kind of fucking relieving . maybe if he was lucky enough , they’d focus their bullshit on her for the rest of the year . it’s not like should he feel bad about it , he doesn’t owe her anything — he doesn't even know her ! but then again , he does know what it’s like to be the butt of everyone else’s joke , to feel like everyone was constantly pitting against him . so he decides ( against his better judgement ) to say something to her , even if it’s just in passing . closing the the distance between ,  one hand lifts to tuck messy locks behind his ear as he looks around , making sure they’re alone before finally deciding to speak .   ‘  ------ hey , just so you know . . . those guys, they’re, uh . . . they’re full of shit . they were just trying to mess with you .  ’
@strangeunusuals    /    sc .
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