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cainfortea · 4 hours ago
Wheel of Time 3.05 theorycrafting
I'm going to be discussing something I've been noodling about since I saw 3.05 that has to do with book spoilers so i'm gonna put a cut right
here. First, let me lay the groundwork for my theory. The white cloaks were always shitstains in the books, but they were more bumbling idiots who only seemed to accomplish their goals by accident. They were evil, but incompetent. We also rarely saw the depth of their depravity "on screen" in the books. By comparison, the show so far has not pulled any punches at all. Valda eating a whole fuckin bird while a woman is burnt at the stake with hands he just cut off, probably himself. The burning of Matti. Even Dain, the one we kinda understand a bit just instantly turns her over to Valda the second he thinks she can channel. Even though he was uninjured. And we see it, we understand their evil viscerally. The show has also really focused on the Whitecloaks being a Perrin Problem. I just don't think they can do the white cloak redemption that the books do. And I don't think they plan to. There's no way you do that kind of stuff on screen like this and go "Actually they just needed a lantern jawed prince to show them the right way to bigots." Long story long, I don't think the white cloaks as a group are making it to the last battle. So I think they're going to be sort of slotted into another story. Either as a replacement for Dragonsworn or a replacement for Shaido in some situations.
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cainfortea · 3 days ago
Magical Theoretical Physicist releasing untold evil by breaking reality itself? Fine. Dude begets baby after husband dies? Absolute Insanity!
If I see ONE MORE person going "bUt hoW DId RaNd hAVe anY anceStors iF tHe One waS With a mAn???" I'm going to lose it!!!! Trans people exist! Poly relationships exist! They might not have been together forever and had other relationships!!! Who cares!!!!
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cainfortea · 6 days ago
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cainfortea · 6 days ago
"do we think Moghedien is gonna be a freak..." the answer to this is always yes.
do we think Moghedien is gonna be a freak about it like she is in the books and not let Liandrin and gang know who she is immediately so little miss degradation kink will get yelled at and ordered around and be sent to be beaten by them before she is like “oops I was a Chosen the whole time aren’t you scared now” or are they gonna cut that since we already know who she is in the show and it wouldn’t have the same effect as it did in the books?
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cainfortea · 7 days ago
Wheel of time S03E04 shower thought
Book involved spoilers after the cut.
I think Rand went through the rings. We know he's desperate for answers. Also he spent a few days waiting for Moiraine. The show is really cutting out a bunch of the gender essentialism the books had. Also there's been no hint of a redstone doorway in Rhuidien, so what if he gets his future knowledge hints from the rings instead?
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cainfortea · 8 days ago
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cainfortea · 10 days ago
Wheel of Time Show Shower Thought
Thinking about some hints we've seen so far, I just had a thought. Book spoilers below the cut.
Min saw Mat hanging in front of the redstone door, which suggests that they're combining both doorways into one. And he's going to end up with the things he asked for as well as the answers to his questions. One of the things he ends up the foxhead medallion. The medallion that keeps weaves from touching him. Also, he never met Rahvin. So he hasn't been compulsed. In the books, Mat is the one who susses out Gaebril's duplicity, and has his whole bet with him. What do we think the chances are that next season he goes with Elayne back to Andor and is the one who shows her who Gaebril really is?
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cainfortea · 11 days ago
I've kind of realized that the true story of The Wheel of Time is the story of the evils in academia.
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cainfortea · 13 days ago
The most common thread amongst all the Bookcloak complaints has always been that they are wrong about what the books say. Like, factually incorrect.
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Always amusing when people get upset that fictional worlds not meant to resemble established history don’t accurately resemble established history. I'm pretty sure Robert Jordan never intended for the setting to be high medieval, but closer to the renaissance. The show, though, has just embraced the idea that it is all post-apocalyptic and therefore fashion can be whatever they want it to be.
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cainfortea · 15 days ago
EP 1-3 Wheel of Time musings and thoughts
Having now watched the first 3 eps of season 3, going to list out things I have thought about what has changed from the books and how it impacts the future. Book spoilers after the cut!
I am a big fan of the way that The Kids are actually talking to each other about things. Egwene is pissed at Suian because of what she did to Rand, and what she said she was going to do. Enough to be willing to leave the tower forever. That's not a small thing. Also it means there's a lot less drama about "Girls communicate like this, and boys communicate like THIS" which was always one of the weaker parts of the books. Especially after the same crap kept happening over and over again. We get to SEE Elayne giving Rand political advice, as well as politicking on his behalf. She clearly fully supports him for good and real reasons, beyond any attraction she may or may not feel. Having Morgase be a going for the throat hard core queen is about the only change that isn't making much sense to me yet. I suppose it could be to really set the stage for Elayne's troubles later, or perhaps it's as simple as not having a single goody two shoes fairy tale kingdom while they've been clearly putting a lot of effort into making everyone else seem a lot more real. Which would absolutely make sense. The additional casting has been quite good this season as well. My very first reaction to seeing Galad and Gawyn was the desire to punch them in the face. And i'm glad I got to see Mat take them down. I also rather enjoyed how this time, it's a lot more personal for Mat. He's sick and tired of those two shit heads, and he's not playing it up for an audience. He's beating them up for himself. Also Faile's actor very much fits the "Her face is too bold to be called beautiful" description (To be very clear, that's not my opinion on her face, but I can absolutely see how they got there) And lastly, thank god they got a short king to play Sammeal.
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cainfortea · 15 days ago
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cainfortea · 1 year ago
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Technically getting rawed is about table top RPGs.
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cainfortea · 1 year ago
Maybe. Depends on if we get Pips or not. Then Nyneave and Matt gonna have to switch rides.
Wheel of Time Characters and the Cars They'd Drive
Written by someone who knows extremely little about cars
Rand: The poor boy buys like a standard issue sedan and then a bunch of weirdos start following him around and telling him that the car is "special." Moiraine spray paints dragon decals on his car one night while he's sleeping. People keep trying to slash his tires but he always catches them just in time. You know how it goes
Perrin: Pickup truck with normal sized wheels. Great for helping people move! Also great for running people over. Duality of man etc etc. There's always a dog in the back sticking its head out the window, but Perrin does not know this dog or where it came from
Nynaeve: She buys a used car that looks like it's falling apart and everyone tells her that she overpaid. Four months in, they realize that the last owner did a bunch of Fast and Furious style modifications and Nynaeve could probably outrace God
Mat: Bike. This SHOULD NOT WORK but somehow he's still on time to everything. This baffles everyone, including him
Egwene: Something VERY practical with great gas mileage, like a honda civic. That's the only practical car I know because it's what my dad told me to buy.
Elayne: Lexus. Mat makes fun of her for driving a luxury car and she's like "????? it's not like it's a Cadillac?"
Liandrin: A Cadillac
Moiraine: A jeep, but the nicest most upgraded version. Unless there's a car that's better for off-roading, in which case she drives that instead
Lan: A cool classic car. A car that can drift (maybe all cars can drift but Lan's definitely can). He thinks that Nynaeve's car is The Coolest for some reason
Lanfear: A horse! Just kidding. She drives a silver range rover because an article I googled said that range rovers are the king of the road.
Asmodean: the car type Does Not Matter all that matters is that he has a vanity license plate
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cainfortea · 1 year ago
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cainfortea · 1 year ago
New spinoff series idea
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cainfortea · 1 year ago
Brando doesn't get to have Mat literally steal the dagger back and stab someone with it and then come after the writers for having mat "weaponize his darkness" (by cleverly not touching it)
Brando doesn’t get to kill Egwene and make Cadsuane Amyrlin and then come after someone for not having coherent themes 🤡
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cainfortea · 1 year ago
Poor Ingtar. :(
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