cafeiinated · 6 hours
The 29th of June, 2024.
Sometime after dark, when all manners of inhibitors have left my system, I find myself leaning into the very same questions that torture my soul, this time for comfort. What am I if not someone's replacement. Who am I if not a relative's, a sibling's, a friend's, a lover's replacement ?
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cafeiinated · 7 days
Baaaaaaabes, are you okeeeeeey :/ :/ you've barely talked about your project of faking your death and taking another name in another country :/ :/
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cafeiinated · 11 days
3la khatrek, Maya
I see you haven't thought of your comfort traumatised character in a hot minute.
Take some time off to day dream maladaptively, munchkin. OFF YOU GO to the land of fictional characters. You'll thank me later 🤙🤙
(Ps. Use the tumblr resources and read some fanfic. It's good for the souuuuul)
Pop off, munchkin
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cafeiinated · 11 days
I see you haven't thought of your comfort traumatised character in a hot minute.
Take some time off to day dream maladaptively, munchkin. OFF YOU GO to the land of fictional characters. You'll thank me later 🤙🤙
(Ps. Use the tumblr resources and read some fanfic. It's good for the souuuuul)
Pop off, munchkin
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cafeiinated · 11 days
I just need to say—
The perfect way for someone to show they're into me romantically is to be gasping for air at my sight like Regulus when he drowned.
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cafeiinated · 14 days
Dracula. Stop being a coward and come declare your love for me. I'll be your Mina Harkness
Caught a glimpse of my passing reflection on this blessed day of Eid El Adha and all I can say is
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cafeiinated · 14 days
I don't understand how no one is madly in love with me. Allah truly is all powerful bc damn. She's hauntingly beautiful (say mashallah. I don't want to have to hunt you down)
Caught a glimpse of my passing reflection on this blessed day of Eid El Adha and all I can say is
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cafeiinated · 14 days
Caught a glimpse of my passing reflection on this blessed day of Eid El Adha and all I can say is
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cafeiinated · 15 days
If you're both one of the fashionable girlies and you're evil evil straight from the depths of my worst fantasies about taking revenge on the people who have wronged me (no. I don't mean setting healthy boundaries. That's the department next door)
Congrats. That's gayness core and you have officially unlocked the secret to everyone's favourite philosophical question.
Which one came 1st ? The chicken or the egg ?
(The answer is obviously me. Bc I'm awesome and shit)
I just want to say.
As a cartoon man (see Valtor for reference. The pitome of babygirl gay core (come and tell me to my face that man wasn't gay with his ruffled collars and grand speeches and that luscious hair of his)) its not enough that you're evil or fashionable to be called babygirl.
You gotta be both
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cafeiinated · 15 days
If you're mid in the fashion department but subscribed to evil Inc.'s weekly newsletter on how to be more evil and you apply the techniques that Satan (my aunt) himself came up with, you probs watched too many Andrew Tate clips on tiktok. In which case,
Officer. Its them.
Get off the damn phone and go touch some grass. If you're gonna be a spawn of Satan, at least don't be mid.
I just want to say.
As a cartoon man (see Valtor for reference. The pitome of babygirl gay core (come and tell me to my face that man wasn't gay with his ruffled collars and grand speeches and that luscious hair of his)) its not enough that you're evil or fashionable to be called babygirl.
You gotta be both
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cafeiinated · 15 days
If your fits slap but you're only mid in your pursuit of evilery, you probs have a sister and you can take the evil but not dish it out
I just want to say.
As a cartoon man (see Valtor for reference. The pitome of babygirl gay core (come and tell me to my face that man wasn't gay with his ruffled collars and grand speeches and that luscious hair of his)) its not enough that you're evil or fashionable to be called babygirl.
You gotta be both
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cafeiinated · 15 days
I just want to say.
As a cartoon man (see Valtor for reference. The pitome of babygirl gay core (come and tell me to my face that man wasn't gay with his ruffled collars and grand speeches and that luscious hair of his)) its not enough that you're evil or fashionable to be called babygirl.
You gotta be both
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cafeiinated · 15 days
No offense but.
Sometimes. (Only sometimes)
I like to think. Not as a result of my need to go nonverbal or to go off and day dream maladaptively.
I just— think ????? (You'd be surprised with the kind of shit I come up with) like did someone book an appointment with the epitome of the thought daughter ? My office is right here
Anyway. If you haven't thought today, maybe you should. Pop off babes
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