caelxmontgomery · 3 hours
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"It's okay." Cael mused, considering the fact he used to sleep on park benches, but he was going to refrain from mentioning that. Normally, Cael could eat like there would be no tomorrow but now he sat there with knots in his stomach, staring at the tray filled with different kind of foods. He'd been uncertain about his place here, about his relationship with his brother and about how he was seen in her eyes. Their last conversation had been an eyeopener, and he had felt strange ever since. "It does look good." He nodded, looking at how she ate the fried pickle. He picked up the small container with ketchup, setting it closer to her. "I like food." @yasminxmessina
starter for @caelxmontgomery
location: food trucks downtown
"I hope this table is okay," Yasmin said, sitting down across from Cael. She set down a tray of food, having ordered a variety from the truck. "Also I am only a little sorry that I practically ordered one of everything so I hope you are not going to make me eat all of this alone. I couldn't decide, it all looked good." Yasmin smiled at Cael, picking up a fried pickle to plop onto her tongue.
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caelxmontgomery · 1 day
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"At this point I'm not sure how much change I can handle." Cael uttered, trying to make it sound humouristic but was hilariously falling short. New York would always be New York, and Cael was of opinion that it depended on the person, not the concrete pile of bricks that represented his hometown. He had felt hugely out of place after his release that perhaps starting over in Kismet Harbor had been a good thing for him, he just wasn't able to see it at this point. "I might. Jury's still out." He told them, then shrugged. "Don't know if I'll have much to stay for, you know?" @havearileymazingday
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caelxmontgomery · 2 days
"Good to know." Cael nodded, making a mental footnote for the future, one he wasn't sure was about to change with their next topic. He felt exposed, putting himself out there but as ever, she handled it with grace and finesse, which Cael appreciated. He couldn't help but to have a moment where he questioned if she was genuine or if she just said what he wanted to hear, but he'd always deemed her to be honest and kind. He had no reason to believe she didn't mean what she said. It allowed a wave of relief to wash over him. "That makes this easier." Cael uttered, standing still at the edge of the pier, turning so he'd face her once they had reached the barrier, his arm resting on the worn wood that kept them from walking straight into the water. "I would like to pick things up where we left off. I don't like people very much, but.." He trailed off, finding himself shifting from one leg to the other. "There's just something about you." @yasminxmessina
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caelxmontgomery · 2 days
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Cael stood by the Shakespearean showoff, watching as the contestants seemingly struggled with coming up with insults or throwing them about in modern English. Cael found himself shaking his head at the current amateur hour. He wasn't going to participate himself, but he would definitely win. He turned his head when someone stood next to him, finding himself resisting a gruntle at seeing who it was. "Didn't figure you for a Shakespeare buff." @maverick-bennett
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caelxmontgomery · 9 days
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"It's never as easy as it seems." He told her, nodding at her question if he would do the same. He doubted he'd see her again, unless he would come here when she was about to start her job or during her break. He stood, straightening his shirt and cleared his throat soflty before turning to her. "Uh.. Good luck at work." He told her, yet waited rather than turning. "See you around, kid." Cael continued, then finally turned away to walk away. @phoebecarver
She shrugged. "I'm not sure either." There's a lot of factors that would go into play if she was to stay. If her dad wanted to be part of her life, if he was even in Kismet Harbor at all. First, she'd have to find him. She chuckled and nodded. "Will do. Do the same for me if you ever hear me doing the same." Phoebe told him and took another bite of her food. @caelxmontgomery
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caelxmontgomery · 9 days
"Good to know." Cael nodded, making a mental footnote for the future, one he wasn't sure was about to change with their next topic. He felt exposed, putting himself out there but as ever, she handled it with grace and finesse, which Cael appreciated. He couldn't help but to have a moment where he questioned if she was genuine or if she just said what he wanted to hear, but he'd always deemed her to be honest and kind. He had no reason to believe she didn't mean what she said. It allowed a wave of relief to wash over him. "That makes this easier." Cael uttered, standing still at the edge of the pier, turning so he'd face her once they had reached the barrier, his arm resting on the worn wood that kept them from walking straight into the water. "I would like to pick things up where we left off. I don't like people very much, but.." He trailed off, finding himself shifting from one leg to the other. "There's just something about you." @yasminxmessina
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Yasmin was a bit taken back by what she considered to be boldness in Cael. Her cheeks flushed pink as she hoped that he was in fact flirting with her like it sounded. "I certainly wouldn't say no if you spent it with me," she added, continuing to smile. She pushed air from her nose, shaking her head to the comment about him being savage. "I wouldn't have said that," she had still found him attractive then but the look he was sporting now only showed how much more attractive he really was underneath it all. "Wh-?" Yasmin shook her head again as he spoke of potentially not being trusting enough to be around him, alone. "I don't feel unsafe around you, Cael," she told him, "I understand being a private person, all of those things I learned," Yasmin smiled softly at him, "it doesn't make me like you less." @caelxmontgomery
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caelxmontgomery · 11 days
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"At this point I'm not sure how much change I can handle." Cael uttered, trying to make it sound humouristic but was hilariously falling short. New York would always be New York, and Cael was of opinion that it depended on the person, not the concrete pile of bricks that represented his hometown. He had felt hugely out of place after his release that perhaps starting over in Kismet Harbor had been a good thing for him, he just wasn't able to see it at this point. "I might. Jury's still out." He told them, then shrugged. "Don't know if I'll have much to stay for, you know?" @havearileymazingday
Riley would be lying if they said that New York never crossed their mind. It had been their home for so long that it was impossible for their thoughts never to wander around those parts. Home, however, wasn't exactly how they'd describe the city, especially back then. It had seemed inevitable that they'd get into trouble, given how their mother was, and the long line of boyfriends she'd had over the years, but that didn't mean they'd wanted to leave New York. They've made life hell for their first few foster families, even thought they knew that just because her mother was in jail, it didn't mean they were safe. The few good memories they had were cloudy, yet, the city still occupied their thoughts. "I understand that," they replied with a solemn nod. They thought about it for different reasons, they were sure of it, but they still understood. "People tend to say that cities change fast and towns stay still. I don't know if I agree, I've never been back in New York since the trial, but I guess it makes sense. Do you want to go back, eventually?" @caelxmontgomery
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caelxmontgomery · 13 days
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Rather for a lack of an answer than the fact he was done with the topic, Cael let out a low hum as a reply. As of right now, Cael did not have the luxury to attempt happiness, not while he wasn't able to string a coherent thought to another without brainfog consuming the process. None of that however was of any concern to Viktor, for he knew that if he told his older brother about it, he would come up with solutions, or worse, reach out to that doctor again. He turned to retreat to his kitchen, coming back with the glass of water. The furrow that had captured his brows relaxed when Viktor asked what he was thinking, followed by another moment of silence. At least he tried to put some thought into what he was saying, rather than just saying what was on his mind. "I just." He started, then paused again, figuring out that there was no better way to say it than what was on his mind. "I know you're doing what you can and that you're trying." Cael spoke, making his way to the windowsill where he leaned against it. "And I appreciate it. When I came here, the last thing I expected was you to make me worth your time, or the other way around." He uttered, taking a breath. "And while I know you meant well.. And you were in a difficult position.." Cael let out a frustrated sigh, rubbing his fingertips against his temple, annoyed that he couldn't find the words. "I guess what I'm saying is I feel my trust is broken. And I just ... Need time to get over it, process it." He finally looked up, facing his brother once more. He wasn't saying that it would be an impossible feat. It was just a long road for him to process everything. "And I will pay you back for the expenses you wasted on me." @viktorpierce
Viktor knew not to push it further than he already had. He knew his commentary was already probably too much for his brother to take at the minute, and he wasn't looking to cause another breakdown any time soon. It was a very fine line- trying to help Cael without upsetting him. One that Viktor was getting better at managing the more they spoke. "I know..." he practically whispered, nodding a little, "I just want you to be happy, is all. Easier said than done, I know, I'm not saying it's simple. But I'd like to see you genuinely happy one day" he told him. Vik had seen glimpses of Cael happier at least, but he'd hoped to see something more lasting. He waited for Cael to return with the water, saying a quiet thank you before walking over and taking a sip from the glass. His brother obviously had something on his mind, so he gave him a few moments of silence to see if he'd say anything before asking, "What're you thinking about?" @caelxmontgomery
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caelxmontgomery · 16 days
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"Happy as in.. You won't say no if I'd spend it with you, or happy for me?" Cael asked, not having been that bold in a long time. At this point, he wasn't certain if he was actively trying to flirt with her. He clearly admired her, and there was an attraction there he couldn't deny if he wanted to. Yet he was still held back by the ghosts of his past as well as that he was just waiting for his 'issues' to become a problem to her. Which he would understand. He turned his head when she mentioned she was glad to spend time with him, offering her an uncharacteristic smile, but a genuine one nevertheless. At her compliment he let out a quick 'ah', gesturing with his hand before he dropped it. "As opposed to the look where I looked like a savage, you mean?" He attempted a joke, then let the smile fade from his lips. "Listen.. You learned a lot of... Unsavory things about me." He began, setting foot on the wooden surface of the pier, keeping his gaze down on it as they remained walking in a slow pace. "I'd understand if you don't trust being alone around me, and I didn't mean to keep it from you, I just--I." Cael let out a sigh, brows furrowing as he tried to find the right words. "I'm a... Private person. I'm not deceitful." He looked up at her for a moment, uncertain of how she'd respond. "I'm sure Viktor filled the gaps on what I left out." @yasminxmessina
Yasmin found herself smiling still as he said that he was also free for the rest of the day. "I'm happy to hear that, though," she admitted, feeling a faint hint of pink run across her cheeks. "I'm glad we are getting to spend some time together," Yasmin told him, looking up as he brushed his hand over his bare cheek. "And I like the look," she gestured, though she didn't touch, not wanting to cross any lines with the man. @caelxmontgomery
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caelxmontgomery · 17 days
"I'm not sure." He answered her, not being able to convince himself of the one or other. After his mother would no longer be there to visit, he might as well. Perhaps solitary was the better choice for him. "Are you?" Cael countered. One might wonder what a girl living in her car had to do in Kismet Harbor, but he figured that might be a question too confrontational. He let out a huff at her question, looking at her momentarily before he tilted his head towards the sun and closed his eyes. "Kill me when I start." @phoebecarver
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Phoebe raised an eyebrow at him before she let out a laugh. "That doesn't sound so bad, I guess." She took a bite of her food. "What? Are you thinking of leaving?" Not that she cares, but she was curious and it felt like a natural segue in their conversation. Another laugh came from her. "Awe, come on. You don't wanna sing a happy little working song?" She teased; using a memory of some Disney movie she saw as a kid. @caelxmontgomery
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caelxmontgomery · 19 days
Cael looked from the corner of his eye when Viktor placed the envelope on the table, curiosity nearly brimming through but he was certain he could wait to open it when Viktor would have left again. Then again, when Viktor spoke once more it was almost self explanatory what he would find. His brother's next chosen words caused him to shift his gaze from the envelope to the older sibling, already able to tell what words would fall from his lips before they did. The mention of Sophia always felt like a knife to chest, but at least Viktor didn't say that that was what she actually wanted for him. He seemed to know better. So he didn't retaliate, tell him to mind his business, that he didn't know what he was talking about. Starting a fight was something he had no energy for. "There's plenty of things she wanted that I couldn't or wouldn't give her." He said instead. "A long marriage, children." Viktor didn't need to hear she had been pregnant at the time of her passing. If he had looked up his court case he would know. Some things were better left unsaid. "I doubt she'd be disappointed." Cael shrugged, then switched the topic to having a drink, nodding at the mention Viktor was fine with tap water and retreated into the kitchen. He couldn't handle the topic of both Sophia and their mother. Not right now. He returned with a single glass of water which he set on the table. it was clear from his expression he had something on his mind, he was just struggling to find the words. Concentrating didn't come easy these days. @viktorpierce
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He knew he could help him get a new job, probably very quickly in fact- but if his brother didn't want his help then he was going to let him do it alone. "Okay, no worries" he relented, not wanting to push him too much after he'd just pushed him into inpatient treatment. Vik figured he was currently on very thin ice with Cael, and he didn't want to make it even thinner. "I can see why you'd see it that way" he acknowledged, nodding slowly. "I don't know, I can't make you take it or use it, that's your call. I'm happy to pay for this place for you, but I did get everything settled with your banks so" he explained, before taking an envelope out of his pocket and placing it down on the kitchen counter for him. "Everything is there if you choose to use it" The envelope contained everything that his brother would've needed for it, his banking information, account numbers, cards, passwords- the works. "Forgive me if I'm overstepping but um...." he hesitated, not wanting to piss his brother off more than he already had recently. "I don't think it would be shameful for you to use some of that money to give yourself a good life. I'm not saying to go on a big spending spree and spend millions- just... a comfortable life. I didn't know your wife, but I like to think she would want more for you than what you're allowing yourself right now" he said, cautiously, knowing that bringing up his wife might've been a mistake but he was trying to help. "I'm good with tap water" he said with a small smile, knowing he was deflecting from talking about their mom, which he would allow for the time being. @caelxmontgomery
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caelxmontgomery · 23 days
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Henry at the GQ Men of the Year Awards 💥
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caelxmontgomery · 24 days
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"As good as it can be." Cael nodded, not having any idea as to what he was doing in terms of decorating. It didn't matter as much to him, regardless. He wasn't home that much. Cael observed and witness the flush of her cheeks, wondering what caused it. He didn't have any expectations that something as simple as a little smile was the culprit, after all, after everything she learned, how could she still be interested? "Good.. So am I." He found himself saying, frowning at the realisation it might be uncalled for. "Not that you asked, but.. You know." He stumbled, his hand brushing over his bare cheek. Something he still got used to. @yasminxmessina
Yasmin nodded along as he listed off the bought items. "It sounds like it will all be coming together, then." The brunette knew what it was like when she had bought things for her first apartment and she had not come from a situation nearly similar to Cael's, but being able to furnish one's first place was a moment that had made her proud when she was about twenty years old. Yasmin watched as a smile curved the corners of his mouth, causing her cheeks to flush pink. She liked to see him smile. "It does," she nodded her head, "free for the rest of the day." @caelxmontgomery
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caelxmontgomery · 24 days
"Haven't you heard?" Cael uttered, looking at her dead seriously. "The fairies bite and the gnomes swear like sailors." He continued, then pondered, and then shrugged. "Maybe I should stay." Swearing gnomes? That would've made this entire place more tolerable. But who was he kidding, he was hooked to this place, whether he liked it or not. "Don't hold your breath, I'm not singing to any birds." @phoebecarver
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The snort the man gave made Phoebe smile and she sensed she was going to get along well with him. From the short interaction already, she could tell they had somewhat the same personality. "What? This whole straight-out-of-a-storybook thing isn't for you?" She teased as she grabbed her food out of her back and took a bite of the burger. "It's like something right out of a Disney movie." @caelxmontgomery
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caelxmontgomery · 1 month
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New York. It held so many memories for him. From his time fighting in underground fighting rings, to being arrested for petty crimes, to finding happiness with Sophia only for it to be torn away and him desperately trying to find his way around life without her. That had eventually gotten him in prison for years, for a crime he didn't commit. He'd walked the streets perfectly sane and clear of mind, and he had walked them while off his medicine, clouded thoughts and living in the shadows of alleyways as his home had by then been inhabited by a different family. "I think about it every day." He admitted to them, his gaze lowering to the gravel beneath their feet. It was his mother that had brought him to Kismet Harbor, and he knew she wouldn't live long enough for him to fully settle down. Would he stay after her passing? He'd made little connections, but those he did had become more meaningful than he had imagined. Would it make things harder? Who knew. "It's not the New York I was used to, though." @havearileymazingday
Even as a kid, parks hadn't really been a place Riley visited often in New York. Their mother didn't care enough or didn't have enough time to take her there and there was barely the shadow of a tree in their street. And when they grew up, they didn't really take the time to appreciate nature. They'd wondered if that had informed their love for nature and parks now. Even then, it was an easy statement to agree to, which they did with a "Definitely." Their relationship with New York itself was difficult, but it wasn't hard to say that the nature of Kismet Harbor was better than the polluted squares of it in the big city. And if you didn't like parks, the forest wasn't too far away. His question took them by surprise. "I don't know," they replied, truthfully. "I never thought I'd leave and then I was forcefully taken away and I don't think I'll ever go back but... I don't know... Do you?" @caelxmontgomery
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caelxmontgomery · 1 month
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Cael hummed in response to the girl sharing his sentiment, pretty much confirming what the two of them were just talking about. Like her, though unbeknownst to him, he wasn't good in new situations, and it had been hard to leave New York. The idea that his mother was here had been enough encouragement for him to go, however. His attention had slowly led to the distance in front of them, overlooking how small clouds seemed to shape figures on the freshly cut grass, occasionally darting to someone walking by, sparing no attention for the pair. At her question he let out a snort, shaking his head. "God no." He told her. "If I grew up here, I'm pretty sure I'd have gone crazy." Awkward. @phoebecarver
Seeing his nod, she put her bag down and sat on the bench on the other side of the table. "Neither do I." She had always been more quiet and sticking to herself as much as she could. This whole trip was out of character for her, but she couldn't be home right now and she wanted to know her dad. Pulling out her food, she debated pulling out her headphones and listening to music, but instead, she started talking. "So, you a local or something?" So much for not talking much. @caelxmontgomery
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caelxmontgomery · 1 month
Cael was just as surprised by his offer as she was, and she didn't even know him. Perhaps those medicine were helping. Or perhaps it was because she didn't feel like a threat. Whatever the reason was, Cael found himself nodding at her question before he could even think it through. "I don't speak much anyway." He explained himself to her, not sure if it made sense or not. "It's fine." Cael said again, leaning back against he table again, his legs stretched forwards. @phoebecarver
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She was all set on walking to a further table. The young woman didn't plan on sitting there and joining the man at all so when he said she could stay, she was surprised and she stared at him. "You sure? I don't want to bother you or something if you were looking to be alone." Last thing she'd do would be to impose like that. While no one in her life in the past was that considerate, she was when it came to others. @caelxmontgomery
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