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cadgoatvines-blog · 7 years ago
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Move forward, #Repost @isanchutalks with @hashemi_omach_khamenei
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cadgoatvines-blog · 7 years ago
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@hashemi_omach_khamenei Is my identification on social media, about New vs Old Africa... In this world you don't need to know people, you don't need to meet people. What you need to do is listen and learn, as long as you have life do spend most of your time learning. 1. Education is a very expensive commodity in Africa, that's why we still send our people to the West and the East to gain knowledge, these people from the west are building our Bridges and Hospitals because they have good knowledge. 2. Africans don't appreciate the learned among themselves, that's why we under pay teachers and doctors but give much to politicians. 3. When people like @isanchutalks give you advice for free, pick it and use it to the maximum, good advice in Africa is sold in churches and paid conferences, 4. Let's make it our business to appreciate teachers who give education for free, because in new Africa few of those teachers are left... 1. Elimu ni bidhaa ghali sana Afrika, ndiyo sababu bado tunawatuma watu wetu Magharibi na Mashariki kupata ujuzi, hata nyakati hizi bado tunawalipa watu kutoka magharibi ili waje wajenga madaraja na hospitali zetu kwa sababu wana ujuzi mzuri kutuliko sisi waafrika. 2. Waafrika hawathamini wasomi kati yao wenyewe, ndiyo sababu sisi tunawpa viwango vya chini ya hela walimu na madaktari wetu lakini tunawapa wanasiasa mamilioni. 3. Wakati watu kama @asanchutalks wanajitolea kukupa ushauri wa bure, ifanye shughuli kuichukua na kuitumia kwa kiwango cha juu, ushauri mzuri huku Afrika unauzwa katika makanisa na mikutano inayolipiwa kwenye majumba kama hoteli za kutajika na kadhalika. 4. Hebu tuifanye iwe biashara yetu kuwashukuru walimu ambao hutoa elimu kwa bure, kwa sababu katika Afrika hii mpya wachache wa walimu hao wamesalia ... (at Tuskys_Mega Mall_Kakamega)
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cadgoatvines-blog · 7 years ago
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Here we are again talking about Old vs New Africa, on Instagram it's @hashemi_omach_khamenei 1. In old Africa, children were raised by the community. Boys grew alongside men and girls grew alongside women. At the age of 18, both sexes were mature enough to make family level decisions. 2. Then came social media and New Africa, children are raised in gated compounds, some raised by single parents and others in the ghetto. The basic community parenting responsibility is either dead or slowly dying. Parents as young as 20 tend to get most parental advice from social media and other online based platforms, children aren't taught the ways of the land well and at the age of 18, 1 out of 10000 can be termed as mature. Today the trend is that boys grow alongside female house helps and girls too. Boys at the age of 18 today can't make decisions, boys are soft spoken, shy, lazy/weak and drugged in most cases they can be described as strong girls. Girls at the age of 18 today are a total disaster, their bodies look 5 to 10 years older than their actual age, they are lazy, poor in handling basic household tasks like cooking, drugged in most cases. 3. Pick examples of children raised by the Old African style and compare with those raised by the new African style, don't judge them though... What's your say (at Tuskys_Mega Mall_Kakamega)
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cadgoatvines-blog · 7 years ago
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Truth comes our way, reality comes our way but we hide, we fear meeting the truth because we have been programmed to fear the reality... Social media is a lie, it has robbed the African son ... My true name is Omach Tyson David I Instagram with @hashemi_omach_khamenei Hashemi was while Khamenei is an Iranian leader. I won't spend so much time on earth and with the little that I have, I will always be there for us, and if I die, the trees that'll germinate on my grave will be a resting point for birds that will hard reset Africa to it's default setting... It is beautiful to be true...
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cadgoatvines-blog · 7 years ago
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Uhusiano mkubwa baina ya siku na sisi binadamu hujengwa na sisi binadamu kwani siku ni zawadi ya pekee tupewayo na Mwenyezi Mungu aliye mkuu zaidi, unaweza lalamika, laani, hata ijutia siku yako ama vile vile ukaibariki, ukaifurahia na kuipenda siku yako Yote ya yote jambo hili huangukia ndani ya uchaguzi wa mwanadamu kwani wewe ndiye mwenye mamlaka juu ya kuitengeneza siku yako chini ya usimamizi wa Mwenyezi Mungu. #Repost @isanchutalks with @hashemi_omach_khamenei
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cadgoatvines-blog · 7 years ago
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1. We spend so much of our life on earth doing sin and we don't know what Allah will do to us after our time is over. 2. We spend so much of our life on earth judging sinners and we don't know what Allah will do to us afterwards. 3. But then when Allah tasks us with an assignment of teaching his people according to the ways of the holy books, we should not use that opportunity to exploit the believers, Allah will reward us according to how well we handle our responsibilities while on earth. 4. This year I have seen a lot, I have been accepted by some, I have been rejected by some but those were lessons and I learned my lessons. 5. I was branded many names, a keyboard warrior, a 21 year old jobless attention seeker, bitter African among other titles but I am ok with that because unemployment is affecting Africa at large, if something is affecting the society I will come out and speak. 6. As we do away with 2017, I am watching over churches keenly and the role they're playing in Kenya. 7. We will come out and say it as it is, no vulgar, no cheap talk, man to man it is being spoken everywhere, even the church members of JCC are saying it loud that @revkathykiuna and @bishopkiuna, should be good Church leaders as from 2018 and stop what they have been doing so far.
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cadgoatvines-blog · 7 years ago
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Ukikaa usikilize kitabu cha watoto cha hadithi ya Mbu na Tembo 🤔... Watoto hapo zamani za kale kulikua na Simba, Simba alikua anapenda sana nyama na mara nyingi huwa hata hatumii kijiko wala kunawa mikono. Kupenda kula nyama kwa Simba kulimfanya ale nyama ya Mbu... Tutaendelea kesho #KwaNiabaYaWana #Repost @idrissultan with @hashemi_omach_khamenei Ingawa sijaelewa kinachozungumziwa hapa
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cadgoatvines-blog · 7 years ago
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kamwe hutawahi jua amani ikiwa utazidi kuruhusu watu kuuchanganya na kuuchezea muundo wako wa ndani. Ndio maana ni muhimu kuipa jamii sababu ya kukuheshimu na iwapo itabidi, ikuogope pia. Maisha haya, usiwape sura moja tu, watakusoma. Unaweza kuwasamehea leo, lakini kesho ifanye jukumu ya kulipiza kisasi iwapo watakukosea tena. Usiwe katika biashara ya kutaka kujua jamii inasema nini kukuhusu, wacha waseme tu, chiriku wataskia na wataruka hadi kwako na watapayuka tu. Kuwa mtu aliye imara kila sekunde, kukitokea mda utakao kulazimu kukunja ngumi au kupaza sauti, usijifungie bali mruhusu ibilisi aliye ndani yako afanye mambo yake.
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cadgoatvines-blog · 7 years ago
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Stay in, stay warm, watch #MountainBetweenUs click the link in the bio to check it out! #Repost @idriselba with @hashemi_omach_khamenei
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cadgoatvines-blog · 7 years ago
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Latest post says he's in kenya... 🇰🇪🇰🇪🇰🇪 Na anajua kiswahili kweli?? @blacklistredemption #Repost @iamedigathegi with @hashemi_omach_khamenei
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cadgoatvines-blog · 7 years ago
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Kasoro ni nyingi baina yetu wanadamu na mapungufu ni sehemu yetu sisi kulingana na vile tuliumbwa. Hautamkuta mwanaume akiwa mkamilifu dada yangu na ni wazi pia na wewe sio mkamilifu ila unayo kila sababu ya kumtengeneza mwanaume aliye sahihi kwako na kwa kuyapokea mapungufu yake na kuwa tayari kukua nae katika kila hali ikiwemo kumrekebisha pale anapostahili na kumpongeza pale anapostahili pongezi. #Repost @isanchutalks with @hashemi_omach_khamenei
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cadgoatvines-blog · 7 years ago
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In Rwanda, 81 percent of the population participates in the Community Based Health Insurance plan known as Mutuelle de Santé in French or Mituweli in the local Kinyarwanda language. This is one of the largest, and so far most successful, public health programs in sub-Saharan Africa. When people visit a health center, they carry their health insurance card. USAID’s Rwanda Health Systems Strengthening Project supports the Government’s vision to make healthcare more accessible and affordable to all Rwandans. Community health workers are at the core of this national effort because they bring the population closer to the health services. Find out more about this fascinating effort! #Rwanda, #MSH, #healthsystems, #HealthForAll, #CHWs, #globalhealth | Photo Credit: Riccardo Gangale for USAID, Courtesy of Photoshare #Repost @usaid with @hashemi_omach_khamenei
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cadgoatvines-blog · 7 years ago
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Earlier this year, the United Nations declared a famine in parts of South Sudan, the first anywhere in the world in six years. _ While the country is no longer technically experiencing a famine, ongoing conflict continues to fuel displacement, loss of livelihoods and severe malnutrition. _ Mercy Corps is providing cash payments to help families cope with the crisis the country is facing. _ Cash is a flexible and crucial tool that helps to stimulate the local economy and provides people with dignity, allowing them to purchase what they need, when they need it. _ Photo by Jennifer Huxta #Repost @mercycorps with @hashemi_omach_khamenei
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cadgoatvines-blog · 7 years ago
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li ufanikiwe ni lazma Udharirike kwanza... Yaani lazima uwaonyeshe watu kuwa kitu fulani mie nakiweza... na katika kuwaonyesha huko kuna wengine watakudharau, watakubeza na kukucheka....ila kuna wengine watakipenda, watathamini, kukikubali na kukupa nafasi... Maisha ndio Yako Hivyo... Kadri unavyozidi kuogopa na kuona "watanichukuliaje" ndio unazidi kuchelewa kufikia ndoto zako.....Amka sasa Ukawaonyeshe! #Repost @diamondplatnumz with @hashemi_omach_khamenei
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cadgoatvines-blog · 7 years ago
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Tunapenda kuwa na marafiki na jamaa wa kuwa pamoja na sisi ila je marafiki ama kampani hiyo inaonyesha maadili bora katika jamii? Tutengeneze kampani iliyo bora na nzuri itakayoweza kuonyesha maadili na sifa nzuri kwa jamii inayotuzunguka ili hata pale tunapoitambulisha kwa watu muhimu isiweze kutujengea picha mbaya. #isanchutalks #isanchuquotes #quoteoftheday #motivation #instagram #inspiration #blessedquotes #life #word #world #like #like4like #love #queens #todayistheday #tryasmuchasyoucan #winning #winningteam #question #success #achievement #positivemindset #positivequotes #queening #positive #goals #responsiblewife #reminder #wisewords #friends #Repost @isanchutalks with @hashemi_omach_khamenei
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cadgoatvines-blog · 7 years ago
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🇹🇿🇺🇬🇰🇪 check @sultanbyforemen for that statement shoe... Tayari?? (at Kefinco)
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cadgoatvines-blog · 7 years ago
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Nakumbuka nikiwa mdogo namuangalia kwenye Tv na sasa ni kama kaka, rafiki na ndugu kabisa. Kuishi vizuri na watu haikupunguzii chochote bali inakuwekea akiba ya mapenzi, hujui ni wapi na lini utamhitaji nani kwaajili ya kipi basi huna budi kumheshimu dada wako wa kazi kama utavyomheshimu raisi wako bila kuharibu mfumo wa kazi. Kwanini nawaambia haya ni kwasababu talent yangu ilinifanya nionekane tu basi ila baada ya hapo kilichonifikisha hapa sio talent tena bali ni ile akiba ya mapenzi baada ya kuishi na watu vizuri. Jua fursa bila kuambiwa #GoingForbes #GoingHollywood #GoingLegend #GoingOscars #iRefuseToStop #Repost @idrissultan with @hashemi_omach_khamenei (at Kefinco)
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