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byeolverse · 2 years ago
#elfie part 2
Did she just hear the globe talk?
Minji pokes it with her finger and her other arm on her chest to guard her beating heart. And the minute glances ahead , she slips on their floor due to the jump scare a figure meant to cause her.
“ W-Who are you? ”, Minji asks confused.
“ what am I? I am an elf , you see? ”.
“okay....", Minji breathes looking up to the figure.
“Er...are Elfs s'pposed to be so tall? ”, she gulps.
“ why? Does height matter? ”.
“ N-No , I mean you look really cool in your Elf costume, Dani ”
It was none other than Danielle , Minji's neighbour.
Not an actual elf.
Dani chuckles as she explains her outfit for the day. It was for her first day tomorrow! Sure , Minji bets , she could just become anyone's bestfriend dressed like a Christmas tree with quirky boots and douche bag.
“ do you hear something...?”, Minji looks at the globe. “what? ”, Danielle asks confused.
“that noise....”, Minji points at the globe which shakes violently.“What the hell? ” , Danielle scurries behind Minji when they hear the snow globe burst open with an array of sprinkles infront of them. Minji gulps. Danielle's pranks had gone too far.
“what? It's not my fault!", Danielle defends as she clings on to the older tightly.A small voice blooms as there walks out a tiny , unidentified creature too less to be a an rodent. The next minute , it stands up on its two feet , revealing herself and her tinker Bell attire.
“ My name is Hyein , an elf from the land of the elves—if you guessed, you're wrong ; it's bunnies , thebunnies ”, she affirms.
Minji and Danielle give each other a look as they crouch down near the elf.
“do you grant wishes ? ”, Danielle asks , unfazed because she thinks she's tipsy—on orange juice from earlier.
“Quite perhaps ”, Hyein nods with a smile blooming on her peachy face.
“but I don't do it for free ”, she adds.
“ what do you want in return? ”, Minji pops.Hyein gives them a smile before tapping in the pocket of her skirt for her favourite item. Her mobile Phone. Believe it or not , the elf world is full of surprises and a bit of technology wouldn't ruin the fun of it
.“...a trade of this memory ”. Minji observes Danielle before clasping her hand tight.
“i wish , we can be together tomorrow ”.
Hyein smiles as she waves her hand in the air for a few sparks in the sky. The sparks bloom into a array of fireworks that blow into complete darkness until Minji jerks on her bed. Eyes wide open , she settles her sight inside the cold dark room. She places her hands against her eyes to finally break out of her vision.
Minji was dressed and at the college gate by eight. And to her surprise , she sees Danielle waving at her—with the same elf costume from her vision
.“...We're in the same class, I'm so happy! ”, Danielle smiles.
She chuckles reaching her friend, “let's take an elfie in this memory...”.
“A what? ”, Minji laughs.
“I'm dressed as an elf today! Let's take an elfie! ”.
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byeolverse · 2 years ago
ENVISAGE @ppulversed on wattpad
It's an ubiquitous time of Christmas again and believe it or not, Kim Minji can see the future.
Her winter began this December—when it was announced that her winter break ended the next day. On the contrary, Minji believes that December is the month of warmth.
It was also the time of year where she'd return to her old journals from the attic while searching for decors inside biscuit containers and old nesquick tins—her mother told her to get rid of the them someday. Minji thinks she has a light attachment with nesquick tins , but she hears her mother.
“Sweetheart, who's the Kim guy who released his album earlier? ”.“ yes , what about him mom? ”, Minji giggles as she takes a step down the ladder slowly
“ do you know what album he released? , I saw him earlier on the tv ”.
Minji smiles as she walks into the lawn with a happy heart and while her cute mother asks what she would have for lunch—Kim Minji has tons of things to do and food is not her concern.
As a college student , friendship is rather hard. It is infact harder than exams during freshman year. Minji was nervous, infact she let the cold breeze prick through her skin gently welcome the winter that hit her lately. Minji would hold on, hold on for one last hope that she finds one good person at college the next day.
Expectations never come true , but hope is a compass.
Minji has seen this before ; this meadow , this lush green grass with the expected herd of grasshoppers, picture perfect sky in hues of white and blue. Minji rakes her head too much over the future as she seats herself down. She hears the front door ring as she whips her head.
“Minji , could you please get the door?!”.
Minji picks up herself to the front door anticipating a delivery man.She gently opens the door to find nothing but a box outside.
Minji wonders.
She gently picks up the box wrapped in layers of plastic and a blank lable on the side.
It has a nostalgia scent to it , flamboyant Vanilla with a hint of Cocoa. Aunt Sooyoung must have returned to the town.
But Minji doesn't want to dive into it yet. She feels dizzy and impatient as she hears her mother scowl from the kitchen.
It's too late and she must give it a go. Minji wraps the package open to find a small , almost insignificant piece of toy she never received before. A snowglobe.
It is filled with a strange liquid and embellishments inside. Not to mention there is a note embedded on the crust of its plate.
'Shake and the magic of Christmas' would appear, it reads. Minji does as she's instructed.
“Minji? ”.
“huh? ".
She gasps throwing out the snowglobe in surprise.
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byeolverse · 2 years ago
and it's not about me , it's about you.
Curiosity killed the cat , but satisfaction brought it back agenda anyone?
Story time.
So , I went to a farm excursion-hybrid activity centre where we had a couple of team building activities that I think were truly worth learning a lesson from. So , to begin with a we had a total of three teams and we were asked to play a game and what makes this game unique is that , it focuses more on progress than accomplishment.
Out of all the three teams , we ranked consistently in the second place, but our trainer said that he had noticed that the team that plays the worst during trial round is more likely to win during the actual game. He said he was going to tell is the reason why.And the prophecy came true and the team that did horrible during the trials ranked first in the actual game.
The actual reason for this is because the team that did horrible earlier made tons of mistakes and they had none to make during the actual game. And he stuck to one principle that , “you never make the same mistake again when you're surrounded by people who are already better at something ” (not his actual statement but similar) and he was referring to how peer pressures during a team makes you feel meek and helpless when you become the reason of failure in the game. And what I learnt is that , everyone who did a mistake was willing to learn.
So , I've done a few mistakes on this app and certainly I want to learn from it. But haven't had any one whom I can confide with about some aspects of this app and it leaves me clueless until I figure it on my own. What's funny about it is , the language of wp has become universal and it's such a kind that must already be known to you before you start. But I obviously didn't know how to and I still have questions lurking in my head which stops me from doing something. I know it's stupid, just like that cat which almost died , but it still did it and the fruit of his stupidity brought back soul into his life for trying.
So I'll note down a few questions and will everytime I feel like I have something in mind.
And hopefully I won't cancel myself for being stupid at one point.
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