buzz-kill · 10 months
On all levels except romantic I am able to connect other human beings.
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buzz-kill · 10 months
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buzz-kill · 10 months
Looks like my last post was like 7 months ago. I can really only remember back to July but I broke my foot in July at a birthday party. Once that healed I have just been playing volleyball, dating, and working.
I'd really like to do something was music but that's been a struggle. Also wow, saving money is fucking hard. Life is okay but it could be better - feeling grateful overall. Pretty wild to think where I was about 2 years ago vs. today.
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buzz-kill · 10 months
Wow, remember tumblr?
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buzz-kill · 1 year
It all feels so pointless man
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buzz-kill · 1 year
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buzz-kill · 1 year
Life has been weird lately.
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buzz-kill · 1 year
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buzz-kill · 1 year
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buzz-kill · 1 year
Lets play the game called "how did you find my blog and what made you want to follow"
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buzz-kill · 1 year
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buzz-kill · 1 year
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buzz-kill · 1 year
I have shot my shot with 3 separate women tonight and been left on read twice and “I’ll let you know”’d once.
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buzz-kill · 1 year
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buzz-kill · 1 year
Good luck dude I know fuck all about relationships but hope you figure it out and whatever choose to do works out for you
Thanks boss man. I got out of my last relationship a couple months ago and it's been a weird road to navigate. I've been a lot more selective this time with dating.
Out of the current on going dating prospects I have the following:
-The girl from that post that already has a boyfriend. -A girl I met two years ago when I moved to my new city and that ended in a fucking DISASTER. I just recently found out she was single again and we literally just started chatting again yesterday. -Some girl from Hinge that I have been on 4 dates with but she is either the most awkward person or just really opposed to physical touch from people she doesn't know very very well. -Some girl I went out with today who seems pretty solid but I'm not sure how attracted I am to her just yet.
So uh - not really great odds in my favor haha. It'll all come out in the wash. Just gotta keep pushing.
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buzz-kill · 1 year
I have somehow, at the age of 30, found myself developing feelings for a woman already in a relationship. It was a bit strange.
I met her at beginning of February and we chatted a bit, shared a bit of nerdy interests and had a fun conversation - she was new to the city and I was telling her about some fun places, she showed me her new dog, etc.
We exchanged info and the following day she brought up her boyfriend that she lives with and that they moved here together. I was disappointed at first but she was genuinely cool person so I accepted that it was just going to be a friendship and just talked to her once and awhile if something we both like came up.
About a little over a month later we started chatting again more about her dog and we planned to get a coffee and talk her dog out which we did. I’ll spare the entire details but it was a great time. After that we began talking pretty much daily. Mostly her intiating asking how the thing I brought up went (I went to a concert on Friday for example and she hmu asking how it was), she’ll share her baking stuff, dog photos, etc.
But anyway, about a week or so ago, maybe two, I told her about this terrible date I went on and we started talking about dating/relationships and she told me that her boyfriend and started treating her more like a roommate than a girlfriend. She went on to say she has been dating non-stop for like 6 years (with different people) and is viewing this time as a “non dating period”.
She went on to explain that she doesn’t want to break up because they share an expensive lease and it would complicate things but she is otherwise unhappy.
Needless to say, if you read this far, me pursing this is, how the kids say, fucking stupid. However, feelings are feelings and that’s just how she goes. We are making plans to get together again when she gets back from visiting family. I’m just debating if I should say something now (and of course let her know its fine just being friends) or just chill for a bit and see if things unfold on her end.
Life moves on - just feels weird man.
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buzz-kill · 1 year
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