22 posts
✨🌹Butters | Any pronouns | AsexualDemiromantic/Bi | Minor | NSFW Dni | Artist | Fanfic Writer🌹✨
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butter-scotch-milk · 5 months ago
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A beautiful Bill Cipher fursona because I can't draw humans for shit and I've been attached to gravity falls for a while-
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butter-scotch-milk · 5 months ago
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Sorry for not being active! I might post some wips at some point, maybe later today if I feel like it <3 So enjoy this lovely piece of artwork :D
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butter-scotch-milk · 7 months ago
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Drawing this sad, pathetic twink /jk
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butter-scotch-milk · 7 months ago
Like father like son
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Ik damn well that these goobers commit tax invasion 😞
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butter-scotch-milk · 8 months ago
I know you r offline but is it possible that you can make a stone x reader in which the reader is a runaway from a rich family and they trip and hurt their leg and stone comes to help them and they end up falling in love???
Finally getting back to doing these! I didn't answer for the longest time bc I got like- no motivation for a while. And now I'm pumping these in the middle of the night 😁👍
Stone x Runaway! Rich! Reader
Requested by: Anon
Tw: None
Cw: Minimal to none!
Before dating!
Damn. What luck. You runaway from parents from unknown reason (could be whatever 😁👍) AND you trip and fall?! Cue the rain and the heavy angst.
And what better way to to make things better is to have a scrap help you with your sprained leg. Damn- was that trip really THAT hard? What did you do?
And to make things so much better for you; is for the scrap to be a boy from a pretty boy band- Ugh, lucky 😫/j
I actually think that he acts like he doesn't want you there. 'Another mouth to feed, WHO'S INJURED BTW." -Stone 2024
Jk, Vinnie would say that tbh but this isn't about he! >:{
He would actually actually feed you by hand. Even though you can eat yourself. You two tend to fight about everything! And Vinnie's teasing doesn't help either. >:(
Your his top priority- I mean their top priority! I mean, how else are you going to survive out on the streets alone fresh out of the womb-
Your relationship is... Kinda like enimes to lovers kinda trope. But damn didn't you take forever to finally love him while he fell in love within the first month or so.
When you finally come around and fall in love with him, he's kinda excited. Why? Course you told him this when you both were drunk af.-
Not very into pda, even when drunk. This man has his boundaries even you have to follow, wether your dating him or not.
ROOFTOP DATES!! He absolutely tries to make these dates worth it. Even if it's just sitting on the roof at one am to look at the stars
Cuddles are rare but worth it. Even if he is just nothing but a sack of bones
That's all! A bit longer than normal and holy hell it's 12:00 am for me 😁
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butter-scotch-milk · 8 months ago
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I spent all day doing this entry yesterday not knowing that the Dtiys was over but I hope you enjoy this @dynamicsimp!
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butter-scotch-milk · 8 months ago
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Fpe oc I made the other day :}
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butter-scotch-milk · 8 months ago
Dear Author,
A/n: I love making hc like this, I don't see many like this
Stone x Blind! reader
Tw: none!
Cw: none!
Blind love
He felt bad. Stone, the most aloof character who secretly cares for his friends. He felt bad seeing you unable to see. Not like there was any pretty parts of Ramshackle that we see except the rooftops. But there is no damn way you can stay up there without fall off of the roof.
He guides you through the crowded streets of Ramshackle as it is IMPOSSIBLE to get through without some help. And he definitely gets pissed when some old rich guy purposely bumps into you and then yell at you. Knowing damn well that your blind.
Stone helps you with everything. He feeds you with care so that he doesn't hurt you. Since well, you can't see. And this goes with the drinks as well. Stone also tends to let you sleep next to him. He hates to admit it but he enjoys taking care of you. Sure the other two take care of you as well but he mostly takes care of you.
You two a fairly quiet. Since you can't talk or if you can you would be very soft spoken.
He definitely hums a little tune to help you sleep. Can't tell me wrong. Sure it wouldn't be all the time but when he does, he likes to hold you close when you slowly drift off to Dreamland.
God has let me live another day, and I'm going to make it everyone's problem >:} /j
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butter-scotch-milk · 9 months ago
Fanart of Puzzle from Puzzle & Sling: Boredom Killers from Toastcumch on Yt so go check it out!
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Also, why does her head look to edible?
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Unedited ver
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butter-scotch-milk · 9 months ago
Hi there! I was wondering if you could do something about what if there was another person in the ramshackle squad and they were a therian? Tyyy
This is actually a cute one ❤️
Ramshackle trio x Therian! Reader
Chose the Therian to be a squirrel one bc why not?
Tw; none
Cw: slight
An; I'm probably going to be on hiatus from June 3rd to June 20th due to exams and testing 😭
Your a what now?
Stone 🪨🍾
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Stone was rather confused and concerned for you and what therians are. Confused because why? He doesn't hate you dw. But once you explain to him what therians are, he's totally cool with it. Concerned as to why you don't mind the bullying from other scraps or rich kids. You just don't phase from it ig.
Is dumbfounded at how you don't have back pain or wrist pain from you doing quads. Obviously you don't do quads out on the streets unless it's at night and no one is around.
He tends to help you make or fix your squirrel mask and tail when you need help. Or he will just help without you asking.
Overall just enjoys having you around. He doesn't mind you being a therian.
Skipp 🍎
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He absolutely adores you, he doesn't give a fuck if you are a therian or not. Also he likes squirrels and you can't change my mind.
Kinda understood the concept of what a therian is (from watching other therians if there is any). Again, won't hate on you.
Tried to do quads with you and failed miserably. My boi twisted his hand in the process 😭.
Makes you mask and tail for you. No questions asked.
Again, absolutely loves you no matter what you do for a hobby
Vinnie 🎸
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Your a what? She don't care. She just wants her beans. Still no hate on you though. You do you.
Is willing to help fix your mask and tail when asked. She's willing to help.
Once and a while when you convince her to do quads with you, she'll do em. Though she's terrible at it, time to give her some lessons.
Still adores you as she again, doesn't care if your a therian or not.
IM DONE! I'm so ready for my exams to be over so I can just sleep and be mentally stable for once 😭!
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butter-scotch-milk · 9 months ago
How are you??? :3
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Tired 😫
Art is made by me btw
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butter-scotch-milk · 9 months ago
Yooooo!!! I saw your post about how u lost the request!!! I’m the original Anon that sent it SOOOOO! Yay! The request was a Stone x Reader where they randomly go off to find food together and Skipp and Vinnie are just like “where the helk did they go now?”
Stone x reader
Requested by: Anon
Tw: none
Cw: none (surprisingly :>)
Where did they go?
You and Stone decided to go look for food since Vinnie ate the last of the beans. Leaving Skipp and Vinnie be scared sometimes because you guys leave without telling them.
"Where the hell have you guys been?!" Vinnie yelled at you two when you came back. "We got food... Sorry for not telling you??" You said kinda regretting on not feeling them earlier. This wasn't the first time this week you've done this. And it certainly wasn't the last.
And the next day, you two did it again. You and Stone just left and not tell Skipp or Vinnie anything. "Where did they go?" Skipp asked Vinnie. Not realizing that they left to go get food. "Probably going to get food or to make out. One of the two." Vinnie said while eating a can of beans. Do you and Stone get food? No, not all the time. Do you guys make out in different alleys? Yes. And that's what you two were doing. Making out. But when you and Stone come back, you'll have a can of beans for dinner. :)
OMG I DID IT!!! Again sorry if it's short, I'm really tired and I'm still mentally exhausted rn but I did it bc I got bored 😭
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butter-scotch-milk · 9 months ago
Hello 🧍
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butter-scotch-milk · 10 months ago
Stone x Reader!
I wanted to make one were the reader tends to bite him.
Requested by: no one
Tw: None besides biting? Fluff
Cw: light cussing
Love bites
You and Stone were cuddling while Skipp and Vinnie were out. Doing god knows what. You, being the mindless scrap/rich fucker that you are, decided to bite his wrist. "Quit it." It didn't phase him, not one bit. He wasn't happy that you but him. But it's not like it hurt either. You huffed in annoyance before biting him again. That's when you feel a pain on your cheek. "Ow! Stone!" You yelped, pushing his head away from your face. He chuckled before resting his head on your shoulder. "Well you didn't listen to me. That your fault." "Asshole." You mumbled. "Love you too."
Sorry that this was soo short. I'm tired and I need sleep. Also Happy Mother's Day!
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butter-scotch-milk · 10 months ago
Stone x Short sighted! Reader
(Been a while since I've done my deaf reader so I've decided to do short sighted reader)
Requested by: no one!
Tw: none just fluff!
Cw: light cussing
Your a short sighted scrap, kicked out of the house by your terrible rich parents because they thought that having a kid that was somewhat blind would be a disgrace to the family.
You've been sleeping in empty trash can ond or dumpsters because you for 1: cant see shit. So stealing isn't an option. And 2: you know damn well you weren't going to survive out her alone.
You were normally alone in empty alleys (or alley since you preferred to stay close. Again, you can't see much because if you went to far, you wouldn't remember where you were ig.)
NOW, STRAIGHT TO WHEN YOU'VE BEEN ACCEPTED INTO THE THREE HOBOS GROUP. Skipp was generally worried as to why you didn't have glasses. Idk your parents were just cheapskates to even get you a pair. Vinnie and Stone shrugged it off but with a little worry. I mean if you managed to live this long without glasses, then you didn't need them.
Even if you did have glasses, you'd just get a headache from those damn things. And when you did get those headaches. You'd huddled up into Stone cuz, he's comfy for being skinny and he also didn't care. Even though he prefers you not to huddle him.
But you know deep down he loves you with all his cold heart could muster. If he pushes you away from him when he isn't generally feeling it that day, he would give you a bottle of alcohol in hopes you forgive him. Look at him do the bare minimum 👺
Denies the fact that he likes you in a romantic aspect. Even though you and the others can see it clear as day.
He really is protective of you. Even if you can be a little shit sometimes. He scolds you when you do stupid shit but hey. He gives you food or more alcohol.
Helps you out with reading, if you even can. You normally stay in the alley petting some street cat to keep you busy.
What if you two end up dating each other? It would be mostly the same except some kisses and hugs. He keeps the pda at a minimum.
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butter-scotch-milk · 10 months ago
Hi sorry if am anoying u but ken a have a stone x reder stori.
I kinda want the reder to be a screp but she defh so stone helps reder. :)
Stone x Deaf! Reader!
Tw: Cussing- Shit, but other than that, just fluff
A/n: might do a poor sighted or blind reader if everyone likes this one-
Your deaf. And sadly, no one cared to help ya since your a scrap. That was until Skipp, Vinnie and Stone took you in. Neither of them knew sign language. But that's ok, you didn't know either, let alone read.
They took you pickpocketing once, never doing that again. Long story short, you got caught and didn't hear the rich person and Stone had to get you out of that mess.
Now you just sit in the alley with Stone since he took a liking to you. You were quite and he knows you won't wander off when he looks away. (Unless your a little shit like me, then that's a whole different story).
You tug on his arm when you need something like food or water. He takes you with him when the other two are gone. He keeps you at his side at all time when out. But if Skipp or Vinnie are in the alley, he'll keep you there. He doesn't ya getting hurt being alone.
Stone thinks that your parents or guardian dumped you because you were deaf. So, he likes to keep you at his side. He's very protective of you nonetheless.
Sorry if this was deemed short. I've been busy today and migraines have been killing me today.
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butter-scotch-milk · 10 months ago
Stone x Impatient/Stubborn!Reader
scrap ver,
Requested by- no one
You were a Impatient, and very stubborn. And you don't listen either. You've been caught pickpocketing some random rich person. And you went to try again...
"I think doing this again would get us in more trouble than we need- And your not even here." He groaned, looking for you. Seeing that you've successfully picked pocket someone without getting caught. "I got it!" You said all giddy that you stole from the rich. Stone sighed, before taking a sip of his liquor. "Your too much." "But ya love me!" "Ya, I know. But seriously, don't do dumb shit like that again." Stone replied, holding your hand as they head back.
Sorry if this was cheesy and short. But I'm giggling, kicking my feet and twirling my hair because y'all are to nice when you guys say this shit is good- 😭💓
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