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butt0nzz66 · 1 month ago
you have been visited by the seven magic dragon balls your biggest wish will be granted but only if you reblog
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butt0nzz66 · 1 month ago
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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butt0nzz66 · 1 month ago
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butt0nzz66 · 2 months ago
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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butt0nzz66 · 2 months ago
I just alternate between ‘maybe I’m smarter than I give myself credit for’ and ‘maybe I’m dumber than I realized’
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butt0nzz66 · 2 months ago
i love posting on here. it’s like we’re neighbours in a psych ward and I’m shoving my scribbled notes under the door not sure if anybody on the other side is even there or reading them
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butt0nzz66 · 9 months ago
So I’ve seen a few posts and felt the need to respond because what. The. Fuck. Why is it to defend Colin you need to tear down Penelope?
There is obvs a lot of discourse going around about the ‘entrapment’ comment and honestly I don’t have an issue with it. He is hurt and lashing out. Someone else posted that when you are best friends you know exactly how to hit eachother where it hurts and that’s what they both did Penelope with her Colin LW takedown and him with this comment. That doesn’t mean they don’t love one another if anything the opposite.
However some people in their defence of Colin have been acting like their first time together was a planned entrapment to get pregnant by Penelope because she knew if she didn’t he would have left her?! I’m sorry what?! Did we watch the same show? Like Penelope isn’t an evil mastermind she is a 19 year old girl who had to develop an alter ego to feel seen by those closest to her and who just found out the love of her life feels the same after saying ew no thanks the season before. Then fulfills her wildest hero fantasy’s saving her from portia and shows her “pleasure she never thought possible”. Not to mention the overwhelming fear she feels of loosing the only person she has left she feels close too. So was she wrong not to tell him right away. Yes obviously. But 1. The writers obvs weren’t going to do that for the sake of drama. 2. She didn’t plan to get banged and knocked up on a couch she didn’t even know how it bloody worked and was swept away with her overwhelming feelings same as him. Seeing as they BOTH KNOW you should not be banging before ya wedding in 1815.
She try’s to give up her true passion in life of writing to spare him the hurt(misguided but his own sister told her to do the same!) then is constantly apologising from the minute he finds out, doesn’t ever downplay his feelings and when she sees the impact her secret has on her new family she puts her head on the chopping block of the queen AND THEN OFFERS HIM AN OUT WITH THE ANULLMENT and the risk of being ruined and pregnant alone(not convinced she knew before the butterfly ball) What more do you want?
In the same way Colin takes time understands his feelings and learns to accept every side of pen and support her not save her. And makes a beautiful and honest confession of love admitting his envy and understanding Pens love for him is as unconditional for him as his is for her.
Which is whyyyy it was so important that the LW secret came out because it knocked both of them off each others pedestals and to see the not perfect lovey dovey side of eachother so that they can build back up to form a very real kind of relationship.
The idea that one of them is the villain is ridiculous and something I see so much online. It’s a hero/villian blame game. Instead of 2 young people who love eachother more than anything else but make mistakes along the way. Ultimately they know their love is worth fighting for. And that’s all that matters.
I’ve 100% come around on part 2 now and can understand it a lot better. I would still love those extra scenes of reconciliation which I feel would have balanced the angst better however we can live in hope series 4 will have that in spades. Same as the adorable kathony scenes(would have loved more of these tbh but Johnny schedule is packed, love this man being booked and busssy)!
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butt0nzz66 · 9 months ago
New headcannon:
He told her to keep the robe on for makeup sex because he’s been eye fucking her in it since his self imposed sulk started.
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butt0nzz66 · 9 months ago
When he said "plan to entrap me" i actually laughed like baby boy i know you're mad but your gurl was five seconds away from a proposal before you gatecrashed it and when she actively tried to escape you. you ran her carriage down, finger banged her in the back of it and then proposed of your own volition.
What exactly did she do? Eat cake? Actively stay away from you? Engage in courtship with someone else?
Sorry its so funny 😂🤣
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butt0nzz66 · 9 months ago
okay on re-watching ep8 again… I think Colin may have known about her plan. So hear me out in the drawing room she holds his hands and it cuts away does she explain to him what she’s planning to do. Not the specifics of the speech or anything but that she’s going to tell the queen/his mother and appeal to her nature.
This would explain when violet shouts him he’s there ready and prepped to chat. Also why he’s looking realll nervous as he walks in and hangs back doing what she asked and supporting her but letting her shine. Also she made a point to say earlier in the episode that she isn’t going to lie to him anymore. So this is like a reverse on the initial blackmail situation when he tries to barrel role save her and is like okay I trust you to fix it.
If this is obvs please feel free to digitally smack me upside the head lol. But even if not that’s my head cannon and I’m sticking too it, because cute.
lowkey still would have loved my wife man to make an appearance and run to her right after the queen leaves but you can’t win em all I guess.
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butt0nzz66 · 9 months ago
okay I got some sleep my thoughts have changed slightly.
So after a little spiral of sadness yesterday and grieving the incredible love and softness we got in first 6 episodes. I got some sleep and watched it again with the bf who in respect to my obsession has watched all the seasons with me to understanding what I’m yapping about.
I actually am beginning to like it more and can’t lie I really enjoy episode 7 I love the angst, Mr fingerton of worldwide and the wedding. I think this did a great job of demonstrating Colin’s internal struggle between loving and wanting pen but not been able to reconcile both sides of her and the wedding was a happy one until big QC rocked up. I even didn’t mind the entrapment comment because as one other poster pointed out he’s lashing out in anger because he knows he basically ran to the carriage and didn’t give her a min to breath after lol.
However I am still struggling with a few points and I have laid out what I think they could have done to improve it with a few short scenes.
The ending of episode 7 e.g. lack of a wedding night. I personally think the queen thing could have happened after, so we get a sweet wedding night where things aren’t perfect but they are moving towards understanding eachother, this gives us as the viewers a min to breath and then next episode is the queen/cressida drama and then this new wave of struggles for him(yes even with the couch sleeping) or them against the world kind of approach.
Another thing I found is while I do think they actually portrayed quite well him talking to various people to reconcile his feelings in the last episode e.g. Cressida, Eloise, there was a lack of communication of his growth to Penelope and while yes he’s a sulker that isn’t a heathly representation of marriage like you need to talk. I think this could have been improved with a very simple “I’m trying to get to that, but it’s just going to take me time” kind of line in the study love confession.
I also would have LOVED to have seen the conversation between Colin and Violet following the letter Penelope sent, to see her go from shocked to impressed and to see Colin realise maybe I am a lil jealous and dragging it out a bit. She was so insightful with him in episode 4 I think we could have all benefitted from her wisdom and maybe pointing out that while LW didn’t always do things in the right way she has always tried to save the Bridgertons because she loves them more than anyone.
Finally if we could have added a short scene of them after the ball going home and her being like “no more on the couch?” or them running to the bedroom laughing not even sex just fluff then that last sex scene wouldn’t feel quite so plonked in. Like don’t get me wrong I’ll take any crumb I can get but would have been nice to have an intro to it.
I think if we sacrificed a few sub plot scenes for that then it would be a 10/10 despite the angst being dragged on a bit. But maybe that’s just me having too much drama in my own life I don’t want it in my escapism show.
Also the end of season 1&2 was pretty similar in a lot of miscommunication and drama right up until the last second so it was silly of me to hope for something more.
So big shout out to the BF who watched it and gave his perspective of colins feelings which I think helped me get out of my own way.
And I’ve seen a few posts saying why is everyone so critical and quite frankly um because that’s how I feel? Like overall I loved the season definitely my favourite of the 3 and all the actors did a brilliant job however I will point out where I think things could be better. Which is why I’ve tried to word things in a more cohesive way now I’ve had time to reflect. Forums like this are built from discussion if you don’t like what someone is saying scroll on past, to be honest reading your positive analysis gave me a new perspective and improved my thoughts of it so that’s great and thank you, but if you don’t like what I have to say please let me know your thoughts, mute me or scroll on by and stay in your happy bubble because honestly it was a great show overall.
sorry for my rambling but the comedown is worse than any drug and I miss them already 😢
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butt0nzz66 · 9 months ago
Listen, did it not cross anyone else's mind that there had to be guest rooms in that house of theirs but Colin CHOOSE to sleep on the settee where they made love located right outside their room because he was angry but he couldn't bear to be further than that from his wife while he worked through his feelings because he literally cannot live without her?
No one?
Just Me?
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butt0nzz66 · 9 months ago
Literally this!!!!!
After digesting it for awhile I fully under Colin in ep7 but dragging it into ep8 is where I struggle and it feels a bit like they needed to carry on the drama until the last second for the big finish.
This would have been a much more relatable transition of growth back to one another. Or even if after the scene in the study at Frannies wedding he comes to the bed not even in a sexy way but to demonstrate he’s trying to find his way back to her. Then reads the letters before the ball which solidifies it for him and finally seeing her make the speech he rushes too her. (Still salty about he left her hanging on the dance floor and let everyone and their mum talk to her before him).
With all that talk of Penelope finding her voice, after that first night they should’ve had her tell Colin to just sleep in the damn bed or even had Rae hide the sofa. Really the second night of him sleeping on the couch or the morning after is when they should’ve had her take a minute to talk to him about it. That would’ve been the moment to be like “we can’t keep doing this. We’re married, I know I messed up but I need you to at least sleep in the bed and talk to me” and then that’s when he brings up his difficulty reconciling her with whistledown. Then she says she understands he needs time and he eventually agrees that he at least won’t be sleeping on the sofa anymore. That breaks the ice and from then on we see them slowly become more affectionate again. He rereads her letters (with a voiceover) and finds that she actually kept all of his that he sent when she didn’t respond. By the ball they’re already acting as a couple again, then he gives that you��re so powerful speech to her and they fully come back together again which leads to the sex montage (that they apparently cut). I don’t know I just think small changes like that would’ve made the last episode feel and flow better
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butt0nzz66 · 9 months ago
part 2 thoughts
Look I’m so happy they got together but I’m also gutted how it played out. Maybe I’m too close to it and am being dramatic sure, but it just felt like angst for 2 straight episodes with no moving forward it was the same argument every time. I get it’s different to the book as pen wrote a lot more about the Bridgertons. But 2 I’m sleeping on the couch scenes?! Come on talk communicate or don’t. Basically no happy scenes apart from the very end which felt like whiplash. At some points I was hoping Pen would just say look I’m sorry I love you and if you want to leave I will let you go, because the sulking was annoying.
I love Colin so much so please don’t take it as hate to him that boy was going through it! Just made my heart break a little that it was like pureee anger, very little softness and I grieved for my ep2-6 man.
someone talk some sense into me please.
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butt0nzz66 · 9 months ago
lol imagine you’re Colin Bridgerton and you’ve spent the last three weeks pinning for your best friend who’s being courted by a vegetarian so now you have to jump through hoops and loops (and some finger tricks) to get her to marry you instead.
she accepts your proposal and as you’re still riding that high reality comes crashing down all around you as you realize marrying her means Portia Featherington will be your future mother-in-law…
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butt0nzz66 · 9 months ago
I think we can safely say after Episode 5 Colin is canonically ambidextrous IYKYK
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butt0nzz66 · 9 months ago
oh look the brainrot is back (lol it never left, the call is coming from inside the house girl)
My question is howwww do actors do shit like that and not just fall in love. Hats off to Nic/Luke because my ass would be doodling mrs newton/coughlan in my notebook inbetween takes.
Also the way he says “touch me”… SIR. And the way he’s grinding into her before the big finish, SIR.
Also her moans ☠️☠️ I’d be booking the honeymoon.
All the PR makes sense because sorry how can you do that, no matter how unsexy the set up is, and not just think well maybe we should do that for real.
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