business-coney · 2 years
Sal opened his bag as he was asked to inside were a few car objects that Sal tried to use for various art projects however, Sal wasn’t good at using metal. Sal couldn’t remember what these small metal shapes were called, but Riv said they were important to humans so both Sal and Riv spent time prying these things off of many cars. Were they insignias? They did look like symbols, but why put them on your car? Humans were so confusing sometimes. 
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“These any good? A friend said humans valued them I don’t get why.”
As well as the metal shapes from cars, there were also some small pictures Sal made. Some were of the forest, others of a lake, and last but not least was a piece of silver looked to be a broken locket. It was hard to tell what it was, but did shine with a silver glow in the light. Sal picked it up from a junk pile.
The Raboot looked on with interest at a lot of which Salvador presented to him. Much of it could be ignored, as he didn’t see value in anything that he couldn’t turn into a mechanical apparatus. However, anything that did was promptly shifted to his side of the counter. Specifically, anything made of metal and silver. As well as the insignias that were present.
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   “  If you can make a good offer for all of this, we’ll see what we can do.  “
At this point, the rabbit was mostly silent, walking back around to where he stood at first. The paw that had assorted everything that he was actually interested in went back to his fluff.
     “  Sound good ?  “
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business-coney · 2 years
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446 Raboot icons from Pokemon Journeys: SS017-SM022. If you decide to use these icons then give credit. A like or reblog is not necessary but appreciated. You will find the icons in a ZIP FILE.
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business-coney · 2 years
Now there was an unexpected twist. She’d heard about talking Pokemon in the past, usually through telepathy or something similar, but it was another thing entirely to actually hear it. Ayakai snickered.
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“Oh man, can I! Talkin’ rabbits–that’s a new one for me. Makes life easier, though. So, you gonna keep staring at me, or at least introduce yourself first?”
Might seem like a strange ordeal. A Raboot who knows human speech, but doesn’t speak much. But that was how he worked. He loved to learn new things for the mere point of gathering information and understanding of how it worked.
    “  Cool.  “
A simple response, but still on the friendly side. But at least now, his eyes were open and remaining on her. 
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     “  I’m Bam. I don’t do paw-shakes.  “
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business-coney · 2 years
Ayakai was not super familiar with Galarian Pokemon, but she figured she didn’t need to be–she knew when she was being scoped out, even by an adorable rabbit. Figuring it was probably not in her best interest to just run up and gush about him, the ninja decided to try playing it cool for once.
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Casually, she sidled up to the wall the Raboot was leaning on and mimicked his posture, though she crossed her arms instead of tucking them into her pockets. Cracking one eye open, she glanced down curiously at the Pokemon, corner of her mouth turned up in a small smile.
If there was ever a Pokémon to approach in such a casual manner, it was Bam. It wasn’t that he didn’t like to talk. Find him in the right subject and he’ll gladly have a proper conversation. But when it came to greetings, the rabbit didn’t go much further than how she just did.
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    “  'Sup.  “
The Raboot merely echoed, eyes slowly opening with his head bending back to look up at her. Then, his head tilted. This was a peculiar situation. Would he be able to speak with this woman.. properly?
      “  Can you understand me ?  “
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business-coney · 2 years
@kunaixkraze​​ liked for a small starter
While Bam was probably the last Pokémon to show any obvious signs of curiosity, this was a case where it was hard not to. Whatever gadgets this woman was carrying around looked.. so interesting. What were they for? He wanted to find out, but he was much too withdrawn to actually walk up and ask.
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A single moment of eye-contact seemed to be shared, which caused the Raboot to close his lids again and lean against a wall with his paws firmly tucked in his fluff. He didn’t want to risk a bad confrontation today.
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business-coney · 2 years
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     Hit a like for a small starter with Bam !
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business-coney · 2 years
Sal didn’t think introducing himself to a stranger was a bad thing. He was so used to doing it that it came second nature to introduce himself upon meeting someone. It was only good manners, least by human standards. Sal looked through the bag he had, taking stock of the recent haul he and Riv got.
Sal’s share of it anyway, Sal did only take what Riv said was ok for him to have. Mostly stuff that was decided on before they entered the cave. Sal had his own spot outside the cave to store stuff since Rivor was very protective about his things. Sal didn’t wanna upset the Sandslash by taking something.
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“I have about 13 screws here. A lot of the other stuff is things I’ve made.”
Thirteen screws doesn’t get him far.. but at least that leaves him with something to trade. Then again, the Sneasel did end up mentioning that he had other objects too. Perhaps he could pick those apart if they held some fasteners. 
With his front paws still firmly nestled into the thick fluff around his hips, the Raboot walked around the counter to get closer to the Sneasel in question.
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    “  Let me see what you have. Maybe we can work something out.  “
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business-coney · 2 years
first time meetings & icebreakers
starter sentences for breaking the ice and first time meetings! feel free to change pronouns/tenses/etc. as needed!
❝ you must be new! i didn’t catch your name! ❞
❝ hey there! i’m [name]. looks like we’re working together! ❞
❝ i’m supposed to meet [name] here. any chance that’s you? ❞
❝ i don’t think we’ve met. let’s fix that, shall we? i’m [name]! ❞
❝ i’m sorry to bother you! i’m new here, and… lost. can you help me? ❞
❝ you look lost, do you need help? ❞
❝ um, can you break this bill? i need coins for the vending machine. ❞
❝ hey i’ve got extra time on the dryer; you’re welcome to it. ❞
❝ excuse me, could you hand me that– ❞
❝ i’m sorry; do you mind if i sit here? ❞
❝ it’s your first time too, huh? ❞
❝ i know a new face when i see one. ❞
❝ you stick out like a sore thumb here. ❞
❝ usually this isn’t a place to meet new people, but here we are! ❞
❝ hey you! being a wallflower won’t gain you friends, come say hi! ❞
❝ kind of a loner too, huh? maybe we can stick together? ❞
❝ let’s stick together, yeah? i’m [name], how about you? ❞
❝ oh no! let me help you with that! ❞
❝ help! please?! ❞
❝ uh! a little help here?! ❞
❝ thanks! for a moment there i thought i was a goner! ❞
❝ well that’s one way to make an introduction! ❞
❝ oh no! i’m sorry! this is a horrible first impression! ❞
❝ i think we got off on the wrong foot. can we start over? ❞
❝ wait can we start over, i prefer to leave a good impression. ❞
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business-coney · 2 years
The one thing Salvador never understood that well within human culture was machines. Even his teacher seemed to have a lack of understanding as they simply paid others to maintain and fix their devices for them. Sal was never allowed to speak to those workers, and they were under the strict view of Sal’s teacher the whole time. Still, the desire to create lay within Salvador.
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“Um, yes…I am Salvador but you can call me Sal. A friend of mine told me about you…I am someone who likes to make things. More artistic stuff. I wondered if you had anything I could use? Junk? Anything? I do have objects I made which I can trade for them. I want to make more, its something of a passion.”
 Sal was wearing a small bag over his shoulder. Inside was a few art pieces he made. Mostly out of wood, flowers, and whatever material he and Riv got.
The bunny merely huffed at the mention of his name. He didn’t need to introduce himself right now. This was still a customer, not yet an acquaintance of his. But he still showed respect. Sounds as though this Sneasel was ready to buy something.
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    “  Scrap metal is high in stock. Anything else you can find, I’ll sell.  “
At a good price, of course. The shop that Salvador found himself in was not too much unlike Rivors cave. While it was mostly metals, scraps and tools to be found, there was an assortment of other things too. Every-day items. Brushes, paint, paper.. a lot of things that could feed an artistic mind. The main difference was that, while Rivor wouldn’t want to get rid of anything, Bam was willing to sell it all. Again, at a good price though.
     “  I’m low on fasteners right now. Screws, bolts, tape. Got any’a those ? I’ll trade. “
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business-coney · 2 years
@rapstarr​​ liked for a small starter
Bam didn’t want to draw any attention to himself. Both paws were stuffed into his fur, keeping a somewhat watchful eye on this stranger. It almost seemed like.. they were out of place. Like they were unsure about where they were.
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That said, only a single eye opened to throw a single, curious look at them. Nothing was said.. but he couldn’t help but to have his vision drawn to them. 
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business-coney · 2 years
@popgoesthesneaselreturns​​ liked for a small starter
A customer. While Bam was a quiet Pokémon, he always appreciated seeing ‘mons come into his shop. It wasn’t an easy one to find, so.. either he stumbled in by accident, or he was looking for something specfic. 
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    “  Can I help you at all ?  “
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business-coney · 2 years
Random Headcanon Meme!
⍤ : What does your muse’s voice sound like? Is it light? High pitched? Scratchy? Deep?
✍ : What is your muse’s handwriting like? Is it neat? Sloppy? Fancy?
☕ : Does your muse prefer coffee or tea?
⌚ : Is your muse good with keeping on schedule for meetings, appointments, or events, or are they always late? Or, are they always a bit early?
♿ : Has your muse had any injuries in the past?
☺ : What is your muse’s smile like? Do they smile often?
⚡ : How does your muse feel about storms? Are they afraid of them, or do they calm them?
⚠ : How does your muse react to possibly dangerous situations? Do they face them head-on, or do they plan out their actions first?
☃  : What is your muse’s favorite season? What about their least favorite season, if they have one?
☂  : Does your muse like rain?
☼ : Does your muse like daytime or nighttime more?
🏨  : How well does your muse sleep?
❤ : What are your muse’s thoughts on love? If they are not in a relationship, do they believe that they will ever find a perfect someone for them?
☘ : Does your muse believe in luck? How about fate?
⚯ : Does your muse have good eyesight? If not, what is it like? Are they nearsighted or farsighted? Or both? Do they use glasses? Or do they prefer contacts?
👓 : If your muse wears glasses, what are their glasses frames like?
♨ : Does your muse have good table manners? How do they feel about bad table manners?
❀ : What is your muse’s opinion about flower crowns?
♬ : Does your muse sing well? Regardless of whether they sing well or not, do they enjoy singing?
📐 : Is your muse good at math? Do they like it, or do they hate it?
♞ : What is your muse’s favorite animal?
εїз : How does your muse feel about bugs and insects?
📱 : Does your muse prefer calling or texting?
☆ : Of the sun, stars, and the moon, which is your muse’s favorite?
ツ : Does your muse prefer lots of friends, or just a few close ones?
✝ : Is your muse religious?
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business-coney · 2 years
First-Time Interaction starter sentences
“I realise you don’t know me, but please help me, I think I’m going to pass out.” “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I saw someone put something in your drink. You didn’t drink from it already, did you?” “I got robbed and have no way of getting home. They got my phone, so I can’t call anyone. Could I please borrow your phone?” “Shit! Sorry, I didn’t see you there… Are you okay?” “Charlie! Imagine seeing you here!– Oh. Wait, you aren’t Charlie…” “Excuse me, I was looking to get my girlfriend a bra, could you help me– You’re not the shop assistant, are you?” “Watch out for that truck!” “Is this your wallet?” “You look very different to your profile picture…” “Look out where you’re going, asshole!” “Did you see that?! He had a gun.” “Are you the girl/guy from So You Think You Can Dance?!” “Err– I’m sorry to interrupt, but I was just walking behind you and I think you must have sat in something…” “I know I don’t know you and this might sound really strange, but do you have a room or a spare settee or something I could crash on? I could pay you… I just… I really need someone to help me out right now.” “HELP ME!” “Oh my god, are you okay? I’m calling the police. I think I saw who did this to you.” “Are you alright? You look really pale.” “The whole street is blocked off. The police won’t tell us anything, but I think there’s been some kind of attack… Maybe a bomb?” ”Have you lost something? Can I help?” “Are you okay? Did someone hurt you?”.
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business-coney · 2 years
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     Hit a like for a small starter with Bam !
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business-coney · 2 years
Welcome Bam the Raboot! Number four out of six Pokémon on Rivors former team.
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He ain’t here for a fight, he’s here to tip you off, sell you scrap and repair your broken tools. Hit a like or reblog if you’re interested in roleplaying with this smug rabbit. 
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business-coney · 2 years
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Just a lil raboot gif 👁👁
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business-coney · 2 years
Tag dump!
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