burnisheart · 5 years
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Hey folks, my drop won’t be answered till tomorrow but i’ve dropped lio from koi ! So you can unfollow from here 
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burnisheart · 5 years
Hi friends ! Both Lio and Zuriel (angeliclight) meet the rank requirements for a roommate change, so both I and the mun of zuriel agreed we would like to have Lio and Zuriel roomed together !
Indeed you have.  Congradulations, Mister Fotia, you and Sir Zuriel will find a new room in Chamomile for the both of you.  Do try not to ruin the place.
- Pairing Coordinator .
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burnisheart · 5 years
' Lio, I love you no matter what you are ! Remember that, please? '
Unprompted || @angeliclight
✕ ┊ The words out of zuriel’s mouth were … unexpected. He didn’t know why the other was saying it to him, he didn’t know why he needed to hear it either but something in him felt like it just broke, not in a bad way but like zuriel was just able to get through something that no one was supposed to be able to break through, that no one was supposed to be able to see. A side of lio that even he seemed to have forgotten existed. Tears brimming in the corners of his eyes are unexpected to him, he quickly let out a squick like noise as he turned away from Zuriel. God why was he crying ?! that’s embarrassing and that’s the last thing he wants to do in front of him. 
✕ ┊ Why did it matter so much to him to hear someone say that to him ? He already knew zuriel wasn’t human, just like him. He wasn’t human, neither of them were so it shouldn’t matter but there was something deep in lio, maybe a hatred, or maybe it was fear that still made him relucent to ever tell anyone that he was a burnish. What if they hated him ?
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      ❛ Saying something like that so sudden is embarrassing, You know that right Zuriel ? ❜
✕ ┊ He needs a moment to compose himself, the tears are already streaming down his face yet he is trying to insist he isjust embarrassed instead of something else. He is deeply touched and isn’t sure how he is feeling, sad ? It isn’t exactly sadness but it’s a deep feeling that he seems to have locked away for how knows how long now. It hurts almost to have it being brought up against and he is trying to bury it again, but deeper this time.
✕ ┊ Clearing his throat as he quickly wipes his face and hoping that it will make it go away and he finally looks back to him, a smile on his face as he does it, hoping the tears won’t come back.
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     ❛ Thank you though, the same goes to you ❜
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burnisheart · 5 years
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✩ Promare » Galolio + Official Art ✩ 
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burnisheart · 5 years
if lio is a butthead then chuuya is a buttking. prefacing with you're my only promare reference but! i love him! the way his first instinct is to just help a stranger because they both have powers? even if it puts himself at risk? but he's still young and i think he's sorry for a lot of things he doesn't need to be! and i hope he learns that he can be himself unapologetically and proud
How’s my portrayal ?
Thank u !! U are v right tho about him being sorry for things he shouldn’t be. Seeing a burnish die because he felt he was too late and couldn’t say her, having all the burnish just suffer constantly and him feeling completely powerless despite he is the strongest burnish, it really weighs on him, all he wants is for everyone to live in peace and just be happy, to be able to just live proudly !!!
He loves being a burnish, he has no ill will towards his promare, but man does he ever have a lot of built of anger in his system for people, but he tries so hard to be kind regardless and i think he deserves to be angry more ... but it’s such a complicated balance, thinking face emoji. Regardless, let’s both hope he can learn to be unapologetically proud of who he is !!! anyone in a situation like Lio deserves to be unapologetically proud of who they are
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burnisheart · 5 years
I really like your portrayal of Lio! You show the good aspects of his personality that shine in Promare and make them x100 better. Your headcanons are really well-thought-out too I want to see how Lio will expand further in Koi!
Tell me what you think of my portrayal !
Thank u sm !!! I’m glad that people like my headcanons for him and how i expand on bits of his personality since he rly didn’t get a lot in promare in my opinion !! So i am trying rly hard to give us the lio we Deserved
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burnisheart · 5 years
okay, fuck stuido trigger and all its shit. i really do wish that lio was more focus on the movie than galo, but i really do enjoy your lio thus far. i think the only thing i dont see is lio... being a butthead, but that probably how he only feels with galo so hopefully i get to see that but otherwise you are doing good
Tell me what you think of my portrayal !
Thank u bewwy !!! He has only rly been somewhat of a butthead to chuuya when he put people at risk, but otherwise he has been v nice since he has had no reason to be mean or aggresive since everyone in koi has been open-minded to him so !! he doesn't have a reason to be mean
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burnisheart · 5 years
I know I'm on the wrong blog leave me alone; url is misleading :/
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burnisheart · 5 years
tell me your honest opinion of my portrayal
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burnisheart · 5 years
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     ❛ Maybe we should host some sort of welcoming party since this seems to be a rather lively day ❜
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burnisheart · 5 years
It’s something he hadn’t even really thought about as he’d done it, patting Lio’s head, but though Lio seems to be surprised he does not object, instead leading into a soft smile. His own newly attached not so costume ears twitch in solidarity as well, though he keeps an even expression.
“I’ve probably caused my own subordinates enough trouble when drinking, it’s about time I get a taste of it back,” he snickers, an arch of his eyebrows as he teases Lio as soon as it’s clear the boy’s definitely up for it. 
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“So drink as much you want. I’ll hold back, until I’m damn sure you’re not gonna go throwing all your clothes off or something. Gotta be the responsible one once in a while, y’know? I’m twenty two, after all.”
It’s a weird way of encouragement, but it’s certainly a very Chuuya way, his rough words hiding kindness. Lio’s expression is soft, and Chuuya dissappears for a minute or two with his before returning with a tray of various drinks. Most of it’s wine, but he’s also got a few things of mixed beer, sake and shots he’d asked the bartenders would be good for a first time drinker.
Half smirk half smile graces his face and he rolls his wrist to flourish as he places the tray down in front of Lio. His costume tail swishes from side to side, as if he’s eager to see Lio’s response. 
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        ❛ If I dare try to take any of my clothing off, I give you full permission to kill me so I don’t have to live with that embarrassment ❜
✕ ┊ He was ... half-joking. He didn’t want to be known as the guy that got drunk and ended up stripping, though he assumed it has happened before or at least it was a common enough experience that happened to drunk people that Chuuya knew it was a possibility. Lio honestly hoped he wasn’t going to be that different at all when he was drunk, but the only way to find out is to do it. Chuuya left and Lio situated himself comfortable on at the table they had gotten themselves and when Chuuya came back with a variety of drinks, Lio was impressed to say the least.
✕ ┊ He truly didn’t know what any of them were, but they were all fun to look at. He has seen Alchohol plenty of times in books, movies, tv shows and the like and sometimes it looked disgusting and other times ti looked fruity and colorful, he really wondered what the differences were between them all. His wolf tail began to wag excitedly without his knowledge even as he thought of a few possibilities of how he would act and Chuuya having to deal with him when he was sick or possibly a giggly mess.
       ❛ I hope none of these are going to end up making me totally trashed ❜ Was that the right word ? He doesn’t know but he is sticking with it as he grabs a beverage at random, takes a sniff of it and then just downs it without a care in the world. After a moment he then just stares at the empty glass, as if he is expecting something to happen already. Ah, he is truly dumb.
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      ❛ I thought something would have happened instantly ... Movies make it seem more dramatic ... ❜
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burnisheart · 5 years
He’s a bit disappointed, you know, that the younger boy does not immediately respond to him– he expected awe, or maybe fear of him, but the look they give Chuuya is something decidedly different– and so he does not process straight away Lio’s actions in repairing the concrete.
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They have an ability as well? That explains why they had asked if he had telekinesis so curiously, then, but it did not explain their sudden hasty reaction. They start pushing him and so he lifts his chin up over his shoulder but acquiesces and follows Lio’s lead to the alleyway, though the moment they’re out of sight he turns on his heels.
❛ Is grandstanding with your powers in broad daylight really such a good idea !? ❜
Chuuya narrows his eyes, feet planted on the ground and a bitter click of his tongue. “If they’re going to up and damn kidnap me, they ought to already know what they’re dealing with,” he says. He had meant to say more, string out profanities, ask what the hell the stranger though they were doing pushing him around like that, but something in their eyes stops him and Chuuya clicks his tongue again and redirects his gaze from them.
❛ Humans already fear things they don’t understand… Your powers are unique and seem very powerful, but if you use them to be destructive people are only going to fear others like you. Please bare in mind others when you act ❜ 
“That’s their own damn problem then, isn’t it?” Chuuya says, though it’s quiet enough it’s not really aimed at the younger boy. He takes a breath, runs a palm across his cheeks to try and forget the concern in their expression that he’s so unused to.
After a few moments, he turns back to meet their gaze. “Sorry, kid, but it’s far too late for that,” Chuuya says without a hint of mocking. The only thing he knows is destruction and fear, after all, ever since he first came into existence. 
✕ ┊ All Lio hears right now are excuses. ‘it’s far too late for that’? It’s never too late to simply not use your powers in a way that could harm or terrify people without such powers. Breed an understanding of them rather than a fear of them. Lio was admittedly a bit frustrated over the while exchange currently but ... It didn’t seem like the other man had any sort of anger or annoyance with him at all, rather just disappointment or acceptance which Lio didn’t like, things could always be changed.
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       ❛ All I’m hearing at excuses, if you ask me. I’m not angry, just disappointed that someone would truly think it’s too late to simply be more aware and careful with powers that are your own ❜
✕ ┊ Though perhaps he can cut the man a bit of slack. Burnish can’t even control their powers at time. Their powers becoming so out of control they just burn anything because it’s an irresistible urge that they have to follow, but he could still scold people for being in well-populated areas or places they could be seen when they get this urge if they knew it was going to happen. He didn’t want anyone else to get hurt because of misunderstandings and prejudice.
✕ ┊ He sighs, letting his arms fall to his side and looking away from the man for a second as he thinks how to explain this. He feels he has been too harsh now.
      ❛ I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be so harsh, but where I’m from is someone wre to see my powers, I would be locked away and tested on until I die. The last thing I want is for anyone to befall such a fate in any world. ❜ 
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burnisheart · 5 years
Ah… he’s incredibly sweet. The gentle encouragement tugs at her heart and reassures her, Kanon’s lips tugging to a small smile. He’s right, isn’t he? If she’s enjoying herself, that’s all that truly matters. That’s what Kokoro used to tell her… she can’t believe she forgot that so easily. 
“You’re right… as long as I give it my all, things will be fine!”
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She gives a determined nod, before glancing at the other. She’ll try and give him the best drum performance yet! But first…
“What’s your name, if you don’t mind me asking? I’m Kanon Matsubara.”
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That’s something she should know, before going up on stage. That little push is all she needed to truly feel confident in herself, so she’s very grateful.
✕ ┊ Oh thank goodness, he was able to convince her ! That’s very nice since he didn’t think he was the most ... encouraging person, actually he kinda thought he was a downer from time to time so maybe everyone in Koi was having a good influence on him. It was nice, plus the events today were enjoyable and sweet. If he had some talent maybe he could have participated too but he wasn't to upset about it, Kanon seemed to be excited now !
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       ❛ Lio, Lio Fotia. That’s my name ~ It’s very nice to meet you Kanon Matsubara. I’m very excited to see your performance. ❜
✕ ┊ He could hear the volunteers finish setting up the next things, so he assumed it would be time for Kanon to walk up to do her little show with her drums. There was true excitement bubbling in his chest for the performance. He can remember Gueira and Meis showing him various acts, but usually, things that were more sports-themed or tricks with motorcycles since they were quite the show-offs. His new wolf tail wagged as a thought entered his mind.
      ❛ Maybe after the performance, we could get something to drink together ❜
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burnisheart · 5 years
Texting Meme:
Send me ☺ for a loving/affectionate text
Send me  ♣ for a drunk text
Send me ♥ for a sexual/naughty text
Send me !! for a threatening text
Send me ☼ for a morning text
Send me ?? for a strange/vague text
Send me ► for a text not meant for you
Send me ↕ for a scared/worried text
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burnisheart · 5 years
Wings neatly folded as he sat atop the roof of a building, familiar lost in thought. This city was familiar enough even if Yue did still worry for Yukito’s safety regardless. After all, it was diverse in all sorts of people. Brow furrows deeper in thought, wondering how he should approach, and how he should escape. After all; he was worried about his master’s well-being as well. He was only created for that purpose. Closing eyes, Yue concentrated on finding familiar magic sources. One struck him. A fiery perception. It could mean Cerberus. Moon lets out a deep sigh; if there was anything he detested dealing with, it was his counterpart familiar. 
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❝ Well, I’ll give you no quarter if that’s the case, you stuffed rat. ❞ Angel-like being muses to himself before rising and spreading wings; flight is taken and once source is found, crystal shards form in his hand and are launched at the fire.
❝ Cerberus! Come out! ❞
☾ @cuteasabutton​
✕ ┊ Lio can say for sure, he didn’t expect his walk to be ... interrupted so suddenly. He had just left his apartment for a moment to get some fresh air after spending most of the day inside, cleaning ... cooking, things of that nature. He was totally in his own world before he almost felt someone's eyes on him before he heard someone exclaim in his direction, he turned and only had mere moments to react to some sort of crystals being launched at him, using his promare quickly to stop them. His powers were weakened in this place but he was still able to defend himself. He stared for a moment at the ... angelic figure that was before him, before it finally hit him that he called Lio “Cerberus”. Did he mistake him for someone he wasn’t ? That’s a bit awkward.
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     ❛ I’m by no means the guard dog of Hades ... ❜ It was a simple statement as he looked the other over. He wasn’t able to Manifest his detroit armor in this place, frustrating ... He hoped the other wouldn’t attempt to attack him more since he wasn’t who he thought he was, Though Lio was curious why he thought that he was the three-headed dog of Hades.
    ❛ My name is Lio Fotia, Not Cerberus ❜
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burnisheart · 5 years
  The touch to her shoulder causes her to jump slightly, and she freezes in her tracks, scared yet distantly calmed by the actions of this newfound companion. Indeed, the rabbit is one to take comfort in the presence of friends, being the prey animal that it is; but something about her company made her blood race upon being touched, instincts indicating for her to escape quickly– for the carnivorous werewolves of fable would surely hunt ( Alice’s kind ) rabbits for meat and sport.
But his behavior is protective, far from hostile – and Alice forces the fear down her throat with a dry swallow, preemptively attempting to steel her voice. ( The primal anxiety she experienced almost blotted out his words completely … What did he say? She can’t go in? )
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“ … Ticket? What’s that? ”
✕ ┊ ... What ? Does she truly not know what a ticket is ? He could feel himself almost deflate for a moment. Was she teasing him or was she truly clueless ? He knew he could be a bit gullible from time to time so he hoped this wasn’t once of those times where a child was about to prank him or something of the sort. He already had gotten that a few times from the burnish kids, but it was still nice to see a smile come to their face when he played with them so maybe he could do the same for this young lady.
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    ❛ It’s kinda like money ... but only for the festival. I have some leftover so I can give you a ticket so you can get in, I can go with you ❜
✕ ┊ He may have already offered to go with her, but he didn’t think I would hurt to simply offer again, especially after he is giving her a ticket to get into the haunted house. He has already been in it once with another friend and he didn’t think it would be too much for the girl... well, he hoped. He didn’t know her so he could only hope she wasn’t excuse spooked by things, otherwise, she may not have that great of a time going in there, and with her current appearance been a fleet-footed rabbit, he could only imagine she may be more easily startled then normal.
   ❛ My name is Lio Fotia, I’ve already gone to the haunted house, so I can lead you through it. ❜
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burnisheart · 5 years
       ❛ Yes! ❜
       He answered with excitement, spoken in a cheerful tone. It has taken all his strength to not suddenly wrap his arms around him, however, he manages to stop himself before doing so. While there was a possible chance that Lio would have not minded the action, but he didn’t dare to risk it. He only faces him, a smile present.
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       ❛ Really—? I’m actually hoping that It’ll be scary. ❜ He pauses, thinking for a moment. Maybe Lio was easily scared of things? It was a bit strange to think of that, but he wouldn’t judge him for it if he were ( and it was adorable to picture Lio being the one clinging on him out of fear. )
       ❛ If it’s too scary for you, just remember that I’m here with you! ❜ That was, at least, his attempt on trying to make the other feel better. Needless to say, he switched his attention away from the other. Happily pulling the other to the direction ❛ No more talking! Let’s go already! ❜
✕ ┊ ... Did Zuriel just think he was going to be scared by a haunted house ? Oh, now he was embarrassed ... just a little bit. He didn’t even have the time to just to dismiss this though before he was being happily pulled along by Zuriel towards the attraction, maybe his first thought was wrong ... Well, not entirely ! Zuriel is still soft and kind, but maybe he has an interest in horror based things - Ah he really shouldn’t judge honestly ! If he wanted to go and enjoy it then he would. He quickly matched the other boys pace, his new tail wagging a bit in excitement.
✕ ┊ It was a quick little interaction with the person letting them in, Lio giving them the tickets they had and then them heading into the darkened house that had many props around. Lio held on to zuriel’s hand to make sure that he wouldn’t get separated from him in the house. Not that he was worried about either of them getting hurt ! He just knew, if left alone, zuriel could get into quite a bit of trouble due to his high levels of curiosity.
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       ❛ Make sure to stay with me alright ? I don’t want you accidentally stumbling somewhere you shouldn’t be ❜
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