burnbookgossip-blog · 8 years
Entertainment for you
Konichiwa, Salut, Hello, Hola, or whatever your language is.
First of all, I’m sorry it took me some time to prepare and I was busy with roasting occasional asses. So I brought up some ideas how to entertain you and of course roast or polite ways to talk about a certain person.
My ideas are:
Interviews = You tell me via a message you send in, a name and 5 questions I should ask this person. It can contain everything you want to know about this person, but I won’t ask for their OCC names, current place, bank accounts, phone number or any other impossible stuff. Whatever your heart desires, I’ll fulfill it.
Real Talk = That’s more likely to be real shit that is going around about a person - a.k.a I’ll roast both buttchecks, if you don’t understand what I meant.
Polls = I’ll give you a chance to vote, e.g. Who’s the biggest whore on Instagram RP?, Who’s the hottest stuff that every girl craves? .... So you send in names and I put them in a poll. This poll as a limit - means, you can only vote within 24 hours
Confessions = I’m not quite sure if I shoud implement this boring shit but if you want to then ugh.
Breaking News = Is about the hot stuff that is running through the RP-Drama / Rumor World, so feel free to tell me about all that pathetic bullshit that is going on.
So if you want me to do any of this, then tell me via message exactly what you want and who I should bash about (I need the person’s Instagram @).
I’ll make extra URLs for those topics. I can’t wait for all amusing stories you all have to tell ;)
Have a nice day/night and don’t be shy, everything’s private.
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burnbookgossip-blog · 8 years
Hello there, little bunnies
Shut up everybody, I'm talking right now. So you decided to visit MY blog and it would be very polite of you to read this important announcement that I planned for everyone. 
 First of all, let me introduce myself to you - Regina George a.k.a the person you shouldn't mess with. I might know the dirtiest trash about you so be careful. I'm skipping this fake ass small talk now. This is a new, better and (probably) unique way to be updated on Celebrity Roleplay or whatever you call it like.
So I’m going to make a few suggestions on my next post and you’re going to ask me right here who I should bash or talk about with your chosen category and I need the victimized person’s Instagram URL. 
I guess that’s all for now. Follow me on Instagram and follow this Tumblr-Blog.  Stay amazingly evil or nice, but remember little peasants: either you slay or you get slayed. And don't forget to tell your friends about this blog.
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