222 posts
The year is 1950, and the streets of London are tense and drawn with silence. Too much silence. A new disruption to the peace has risen, and they claim the Wizarding World is in need of a new order– a reformation by any means possible. They call themselves THE BURIAL SOCIETY. ( mobile nav )
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burialsocietyrpg · 4 years ago
hello! can I have some occupation suggestions for abraxas? i'm stuck! thank you!
of course ! abraxas could be a potioneer ( putting him in direct competition with his rival, lazarus avery ), though it would likely be under the banner of someone else and not his own shop.an entry to mid level ministry employee in possible departments could be the department of mysteries, the floo network authority, or in the department of international cooperation. example jobs would be working as a secretary, some kind of dull paper pushing job where he deals with filing permits for floo usage, or as an assistant to one of the mid to upper level worker who isn’t in a more interesting part of the department. for example, he might work in the magical trading standards body issuing permits or be a clerk for someone else’s law office. without his father’s connections and support, it’s unlikely that abraxas would have a job that he would have achieved without his own merit, even when he can throw the name malfoy about.
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burialsocietyrpg · 4 years ago
Could you see Kelly Gale as Arabella?
she’s beautiful, but unfortunately we can’t as kelly gale does not have acting resources. that said yara shahidi has a similar ethnicity to medalion rahimi if you’re looking for a replacement ! other options are naomi scott, alia bhatt, banita sandhu, and odeya rush !
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burialsocietyrpg · 4 years ago
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there are few who are aware of the guidelines of necromantic dealings, and fewer still who are aware that any such thing exists. when fleamont acted on information in passing from an acquaintance and initiated the seance at the norris house in mid-august, he opened the door between this realm and the other. just a crack–– just enough to let one ghostly spirit slip through. what he failed to do, in his ignorance, was to close that door and bolt it when they were done.  and so, little by little, one by one, the supernatural undead dripped through that sliver of space into our world, not unlike a dripping faucet. for a while their presence was almost undetectable. what was one or two more ghosts, when practically every old house had a collection in the attic? as the seasons shifted and settled, however, the calibre and character of the beings who slipped through changed. as the days grew shorter and as all hallow’s eve drew closer, the undead were able to nudge that door open further, allowing far less benign spirits to pass through. poltergeists. wraiths. phantoms. banshees. they began to wreak havoc on magical london, but it wasn’t until the inferi discovered the open door that the greater wixen public felt fear crawling up their spines, and watched in horror as the flimsy veil between the magical and muggle world was torn down. now, a day before the full moon and almost a week before the peak of their strength, the undead have wrenched that door completely open and have begun to infiltrate this realm in earnest, endless hunger. the ministry of magic have posted notices on every corner assuring their citizens that assistance is on the way, that all will be fixed, to wait for another missive. this does not bode well for the average wixen as night after night there is always someone vulnerable to attack, there are certain charms that were not needed, not thought of, and the ministry seems to lack the empathy of the common wixen’s situation. as time ticks onward with salvation yet to come, the ministry have advised, from their disgustingly comfortable safe houses that are guarded sufficiently from any ill spirit, ghoul, or otherwise, that any and all without protections on par with that of the ministry find a safe location and wait for further instructions.
with a full moon and all hallow’s eve on the horizon, your character’s goal is to OUTLAST the hoards of encroaching ghosts, specters, and inferi –– at least long enough for the ministry of magic to put out a plan. they’ve stated that more concrete details will arrive by OCTOBER 30TH, 1950. however, each day it seems like the spirits get stronger.
any number of locations could be fortified ( do you have the know how? ), but there is STRENGTH IN NUMBERS. may we suggest a local gathering place such as a bank or hospital or, for those who have wandered outside the strictly wixen areas recently, a nearby tesco?
as more and more wixen ward their own areas, certain magical modes of travel, such as apparition and the floo network, have become less reliable; even where it still works, you cannot be sure what situation you’ll be landing in. likewise, in an attempt to keep this outbreak from spreading, LONDON has been placed on a magical LOCKDOWN, restricting movement even further.
timestamps are optional settings and scenarios to help inspire a direction and/or context for your event threads! you are more than encouraged to let your character explore any part of muggle or magical london outside of the three timestamp locations  –  the possibilities are numerous, and as long as your character stays within london, you may set your thread at any location.
007 SUIT & TIE – few places in wizarding london, especially in diagon alley, that are as fortified as gringotts. their wards are ancient, fortified by goblin magic, and have stood the test of time, from goblin revolutions ( all nine of them ) to the great fire of london. the doors have been barred and are refusing entry, the only way to get out is with apparition or a portkey in designated rooms in the front hall. though wizards hired by gringotts stand sentry at the front doors, be careful who you trust and who you follow into the catacombs below gringotts. 
008 MIRRORS – mirrors line the back wall of the tesco’s on great suffolk street that some have ducked into. though muggles cower in the back room, at least two have insisted that they be present with the 20 somethings willing to put themselves as the first line of defense. though the building is dark, the screams outside interrupt the quiet of the night. a particularly clever wix might think to establish anti ghoul and ghost wards around the building to protect its inhabitants but do you know the spells ? and do you feel confident that you could obliviate all the muggles to preserve the statute ? calm that racing heart, the inferi might hear. 
009 ( OH NO ) WHAT YOU GOT – saint mungo’s is the safest place in the wizarding british isles with the exception of the ministry and hogwarts. it also has the easiest access to the ministry for magic with its many guest fireplaces to floo and their never ending connection to the floo network. saint mungo’s also has an impressive set of wards adapted for near any disaster. the entirety of the hospital is on lockdown with the exception of the emergency department and their waiting rooms have become as comfortable as anything can be with a little bit of magic. it’s a tense environment but there’s a gentleness here, the kind of place that sees crises often enough to provide as calming environment as they can.
please remember to keep all event threads, regardless of timestamp or any other circumstances, to remain within the official in-character period of the week of OCTOBER 24 – OCTOBER 31st, 1950. the precise time and date of each interaction is up to the players’ discretion, as long as it stays between the range of that week.
please note ! as always, unless you mark your thread as warded or private, anything that transpires within your threads may be heard by keenly listening ears...  this event will begin at the time of posting –– SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17th, 1PM EDT/6PM BST, and will continue until SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31st, 1PM EDT/6PM BST. please try not to start any new event threads after OCTOBER 27th, in order to ensure that you’ll be able to wrap up and complete any threads before the event’s end !
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burialsocietyrpg · 4 years ago
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burialsocietyrpg · 4 years ago
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Far away, a door creaks open, and an unknown voice mutters a spell you’ve never heard before. Suddenly, a porcelain masked figure in bright fuchsia robes apparates into view before you, hand outstretched in welcome.. or is it a warning?
GOOD TO SEE YOU AGAIN, B! You have been accepted for the role of CEDRELLA BLACK. We were thrilled that you took an interest in Cedrella, because it is very clear you connected well with her! You did a fantastic job of remaining true to the skeleton, while also making her your own, and each of the connections were well developed with respect to the other individual involved. Your characterization of the gently ambitious Slytherin is superb and complex and we cannot wait to have Cedrella join us on the dash.
Now that you’ve been initiated, travel by floo network to THE CHECKLIST –– remember to enunciate, we don’t want any accidents –– and be sure to send in your character blog within the next 48 hours unless you want to come down with a bad case of vanishing sickness!
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burialsocietyrpg · 4 years ago
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The owlery has been updated to include a new letter concerning the following wix:
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burialsocietyrpg · 4 years ago
i'm thinking of applying but i'm a little wary of established groups - what's the ooc atmosphere like?
Hi, anon ! 
I absolutely understand where you’re coming from. I feel the same way myself, but even though this group has been established for about two months now, the atmosphere is as open and welcoming as a group that launched five minutes ago ! I know every group says that they’re welcoming and friendly and sometimes you can tell that it’s not actually the case, but due to a mix of our current writers being genuinely lovely people and our rules/events/plot drops being specifically structured around inclusivity and interactivity, I think it would be very difficult for someone to feel excluded or lacking in plots. Honestly, every time we’ve had new players join they’ve been consistently welcomed with open arms and have integrated into the group very quickly !
Our next event is set to drop THIS SATURDAY, so we’d love to see some new players join before then ! Our next acceptance date is tomorrow, FRIDAY, at 4PM EDT (EST) / 9PM BST (GMT) ! If you happen to miss it, we also accept on TUESDAYS !
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burialsocietyrpg · 4 years ago
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burialsocietyrpg · 4 years ago
hi, i wanted to ask about the admins' stance on character death or injury, given the disappearances and deaths included in the plot
Hi there !  I think it really depends on what you mean by our stance. Generally speaking, if there is a direction a player wants to go with their character ( as long as it is respectful and considerate to other players ), then the BS Staff wants to take them there! I would say there are a few buts we’d like to include in this, however.
Firstly, if this is something you are thinking about, it should be something you’re talking to the admins about! Character death or major injury could have impacts that echo to a lot of other characters, so we need to be kept in the loop.
Secondly, I think there are certain characters we would be more hesitant about killing off at a given time, because of their position within the greater story. All characters shift in and out of these positions, but if a character is currently directly tied in to a lot of moving parts, we would be more hesitant to take them out of play.
Finally, we would like to consider the why of the death or major injury. While we are a mature group that focuses on things that could be considered to be in the crime or horror genre, we aren’t a slasher group. We’re trying to tell a story, not create a series of shocking moments. For this reason character death or injury should be something that makes sense ( consequences from actions taken ) or something that adds to the story in some way.
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burialsocietyrpg · 4 years ago
alt fcs for lyall?
Hi anon !  Some other FCs we think could work for Lyall Lupin are Diego Tinoco, Mark McKenna, Gavin Leatherwood, Jordan Fisher, and Ross Lynch.
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burialsocietyrpg · 4 years ago
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burialsocietyrpg · 4 years ago
hiii! i am super torn between abraxas, lysander, and sabine!!! please help me 🥺💘
Hi anon !  We have to say, you really put the admin team in a pickle as we’d absolutely love to see any of these characters around. However, given how much we’d love to see all of them, and the fact that they are highly distinct characters, we thought ( instead of trying to pick for you ), we’d talk about where each of these characters might go next based on our most recent plot drop and our new batch of characters! 
Starting with ABRAXAS MALFOY, we’d love to see how he might react to the fact that his rival, Lazarus Avery, was instrumental to the recent passing of a law regarding blood purity within the Wizengamot. Sure, he agrees with it, but it likely doesn’t feel good that once again Lazarus is making moves. Maybe his father has mentioned the topic in his most recent letter. What is Abraxas going to do to finally get one step ahead? What would he be willing to risk? Are there perhaps some new faces he might be able to recruit to his cause, ones who favor him over his rival? Elisabeth Lestrange seems quite intelligent and might make a good ally, she might even know something about her cousin that could be useful. If he remembers correctly Malachai McKinnon could be sympathetic... and there would be something quite interesting about making this cause international: perhaps Henry Picquery?
SABINE YAXLEY’s true crime focus has primarily been on individuals they view as undeserving of magic. Yet, over the past few months, so many people who were worthy have found themselves meeting an untimely end. Rumor has it that the ghost of Cygnus Black that appeared to the guests at The Norris House confirmed he was killed by someone there. Maybe there’s another wand that should be added to their trophy case: the one belonging to the person who killed him. They’ll have to figure out who that is first though. Then there’s the matter of the mudblood who’s made a name for himself on their father’s old quidditch team, Thaxter Wood. Something should likely be done about that as well. Likewise, given that the Azkaban sentence didn’t shut her up, maybe they could have a chat with Carlotta Pinkstone.
And finally, LYSANDER ZABINI !  With tensions rising, it’s likely becoming more and more difficult to straddle the fence like that, isn’t it? If Lysander was concerned about Fleamont Potter’s stability before, the fact that he conducted a séance at a dinner party to contact a man that was not confirmed dead likely did not help. But does that knowledge make it easier or harder to make a choice about where he should be? Sure, he might be believing less and less in his friend’s personal crusade, if he ever did, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t recognize that his friend is suffering. Old friendships and the invitation back into polite society are far more stable things. Perhaps he needs more reliable people in his life, people like Cedrella Black who, despite also dealing with familial loss, seems to have kept a better hold on reality. Then there’s the whole matter of Euphemia Gibbon... that might also be adding to the guilty conscious. Just maybe.
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burialsocietyrpg · 4 years ago
Is this a revamp of another rp? because I remembe having applied for this one or maybe an old one that never started.
Hi, anon ! 
I have used this account before for a few previous projects a few years ago and I have also used the combination of ‘admin pixie’ + fernanda ly before, so it’s entirely possible that you may recognize the ~vibes from back in the day or you may have been following the main but this plot is brand new and the only other riddle-era group I ran before was very different and was called something else.
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burialsocietyrpg · 4 years ago
hello! could i please get some alternate fcs for ainsley? thank you so much!
of course ! we’d love to see adria arjona, janel parrish, lindsey morgan, logan browning, shay mitchell, summer bishil, and aiysha hart for ainsley ! if you have any other faces you’d like to run by the main, though, we’d love to hear them. 
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burialsocietyrpg · 4 years ago
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burialsocietyrpg · 4 years ago
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The wix behind the desk in the Ministry waiting room has their head propped up on her hands, elbows resting on papers in need of filing, eyes fixated with curiosity at the subject of their interrogation, and their tone akin to a close friend asking about that HOT DATE you had last weekend, rather then the ghost of a man suspected to be murdered appearing in the family home of a man who, up until the past forty eight hours, had been considered missing. Sure, you were about to be ACTUALLY interrogated   –––   sorry, INTERVIEWED is the preferred terminology by the Ministry representatives   –––    but  that does not mean they can’t try to learn something themselves.
It did not take long after the party ended for the Ministry to descend on the Norris household, and not long after that for them to find the names of those who had been present ( It wasn’t hard hitting detective work or a clever spell, but rather the fact that everyone’s place cards had been left on the dining room table ). So now you’re sitting here, waiting for some government suit to ask you if you knew why you were invited, if you had any evidence collected from the scene ( a copy of a LETTER BETWEEN CECIL NORRIS AND CYGNUS BLACK DISCUSSING BUSINESS DEALINGS had already been turned over by an anonymous party, or so had a “reputable source” informed the daily prophet ), if you had any information regarding the death of Cygnus Black or why he appeared to you, and more of the same. How does that make you feel? Are you nervous? Is the fact that the secretary seems happy to carry on a conversation all by themselves a good distraction, or is hearing the details rehashed making you feel sick to your stomach?
“I heard he said someone in that room KILLED HIM. Who do you think it was? I’m not supposed to say so, but there were a good number of people on that invite list who have ... INTERESTING security statuses.” It doesn’t seem to matter if you give an answer or not. “And Mr. Norris is back! That’s fascinating, isn’t it? You’ll forgive me for being frank, but I assumed he was long gone from this world, what with the way everything’s been going this summer. People are dropping like flies! Horrible thing really, but maybe we’re done with that. Knock on wood and all.” They rap their knuckles against the desk, even though it doesn’t appear to be WOOD. They pause only briefly, contemplating something, before asking another question. “Where do you think he was? He gave us all a right scare, I think he should have to tell us.”
Another pause. “Did you hear about the JEWELRY BOX?” The question was asked in a way that made it clear that they had a secret they wanted to share, but were enjoying being the one in the know for a moment. “It had a compulsion jinx on it. Made whoever touched it crazed about opening it. Inside there was a necklace, and it turned people who wore it into animals. Caused a bit of trouble for those in the DEPARTMENT OF MAGICAL ACCIDENTS to untangle...”
For a moment you think they’ve granted you a reprieve from their incessant conversation attempts, but it’s really only long enough for them to think of a new topic. You don’t seem to be interested in talking about the party, so maybe something else... How do you feel about politics?  “Did you hear about that NEW WIZENGAMOT LAW?  They restricted membership to those who can prove that they have no muggles in their bloodline for a whole century. Seems a bit... well, I’ll keep my thoughts on that to myself. Controversial topic and all.”
Thank you to all of the players who participated in BURIAL SOCIETY’S second event! You may continue regular on-dash interactions in the wake of the events that transpired at the Norris household. These interactions can take place at any time between AUGUST 17TH, 1950 and OCTOBER 24TH, 1950.
In real time, the second half of this chapter will continue until OCTOBER 17TH when our next event will be posted! Due to this we encourage that players do not start new threads after OCTOBER 14TH.
A task will be posted shortly on the BURIALNETWORK account that will recreate the interview your character had with the Ministry after the event. Characters who were not present at the event are exempt, but for everyone else we ask that these answers be submitted by OCTOBER 15TH.
PLEASE NOTE! Even outside of the event, if you do not ward your in-character interactions by specifying in the header of the post that it is WARDED or PRIVATE, anything that transpires within the thread may be heard by keenly listening ears…
As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please send in an owl or pose them in our server’s #queries channel.
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burialsocietyrpg · 4 years ago
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