bunny-n-bee · 3 years
[requesting rules!]
heyo, these are our rules for requesting things!
—> friendly reminder our requests are open!
if yer still unsure whether or not yer request is okay, just ask anyways! we’ll ignore it if it goes against our don’t write.
always make sure ya specify who yer requesting from :)
Bunny’s rules: 🐇✨
i’ll write
- nsfw headcannons/one-shots
- one-shots for specific characters
- angst/comfort
- platonic and romantic headcannons/one-shots
- soulmate AUs
- and anything else that’s not in my “won’t write”
i won’t write
- song fics
- anything romantic with luke
- character x character
- ocs x character (this is a reader blog only)
- female reader (i’ll only ever write gender neutral or male readers)
- yandare (this is a lie i will absolutely write it, it’ll just still be kinda sweet and not really as fucked as it should be)
Bee’s rules: 🐝✨
i will write
- headcannons/ oneshots (i’ll write nsfw if you want!)
- separate oneshots for a character of your choice
- any kind of AUs (as long as it has nothing to do with my won’t write)
- comfort
- female reader, male reader and gender neutral reader
- anything else that’s not in my won’t write list
won’t write
- oc x character
- anything romantic with luke
- character x character
- yandare ( sorry i’m not good at writing it )
- angst ( i’m not good at writing this either, sorry)
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bunny-n-bee · 3 years
What i think the Obey Me brother’s love language would be!!
hallo y’all! happy valentine’s day! this has been sitting in my drafts for a while now and i figured now would be the perfect time to post this! hope y’all are having a nice and safe valentines! thank you all for following us and liking my work, muah!
{ demon brothers x gn! reader }
—> !!!slight spoilers for lesson 16 in Belphine’s part!!! <—
[ Lucifer ]
Acts of service
Lucifer will do anything in his power for you, you need help with homework? come to his room and he’ll help you no matter how long it takes
If he sees you walking the halls of RAD with too much in your arms he’ll walk right on over and take half of the load for you
He’s super gentle with you, and never condescending, he’d never want you to feel bad for needing extra help
Whenever he sees you struggling with trying to get something off the highest shelf he comes up behind you to grabs it for you with a smile
Sometimes he can bit a bit overbearing, like even when it’s your turn to cook dinner he wants to help / do most of the cooking
Even going as far as helping you clean your room, you feel bad but he insist that it helps him relax when he helps you
And he’ll never admit it out loud, but doing even the smallest of tasks for you makes him feel so warm
[ Mammon ]
Quality time and Giving Gifts
Homie just wants to spend time with you, i mean he literally follows you around like a lost puppy at times
Can and will barge into your room to announce y’all are hanging out when he’s feeling lonely
Is really observant with your materialistic wants. ya really want that cool shirt you saw the other day while y’all were out together? boom, it’s in your room the next day
He won’t ever admit to actually buying the shirt for you, but you know it was him
Will occasionally leave small gifts in your room to for you to find, sometimes he hides them really well and you’ll go months without finding them
You kinda feel bad finding gifts he left weeks ago and immediately go to him to thank him, explaining that you barely found them
Calls you a “dumb human” while blushing a lot, lowkey he also forgets some of the things he buys you
He definitely has a “whatever my human wants they’ll get” type of attitude (even doe he be broke sometimes)
[ Leviathan ]
Quality Time
Telling Levi you love him is a lot for this poor boy, sometimes even holding his hand is too much for him
He’d much rather just spend time with you watching anime and/or playing video games together
He tends to overthink a lot and sometimes words just aren’t enough to convince him that you love him, (he thinks it goes both ways regardless of your love language)
It’s hard for him to express his emotions and tell you how he really feels
He can be having a terrible day and all he wants is you in his room watching his favorite anime
Hell, he won’t even care if you’re paying attention to actual show, he just wants you to be near him, in his bubble with no one else around
With you around he feels like he can do anything, you’re his Henry and he thinks so highly of you,
He kinda feels bad that he can’t tell you how he feels so he finds other non-verbal ways to express himself
Will send you cheesy memes (that mayphaps say romantic things) at three in the morning
[ Satan ]
Acts of Service and Quality time
Like Lucifer, Satan will also do anything in his power for you, except Satan has so many connections that his limits are beyond Lucifer’s
He hears you talking about an art exhibit you really wanted to go to, but it sold out, say no more Satan is on the case
He actually knows the artist and gets you and him in the venue for free and even has you meet the artist
Will do anything for you, nothing is too big, or too small, for him as long as you’re happy he’s happy
Need help at school or with school affairs? Satan has your back! he’ll tutor you if needed and be as thorough and clear as possible
Of course he also loves spending time with you and just you, he’d horde you up in his room and read to you or read with you
Or take you to a cat cafe to spend time with you and cats it’s a win for the both of you
Library dates are a for sure thing, he loves doing tasks (wether it be home or personal) having you by his side makes Satan feel complete
[ Asmodeus ]
Giving gifts and Words of Affirmation
Like Mammon, Asmo is really really observant with your material wants and needs
Sugar daddy 2.0 (except he actually has the money to spoil you rotten)
Takes you shopping and will buy you whatever you want (though he prefers to dress you up in more risqué things ;)
Definitely reassures you that you are deserving of nice things and showers you in genuine compliments
Sometimes he’s upset that he’s charming doesn’t work on you, if he could he would absolutely charm you into loving yourself
He especially hates it when you put yourself down and constantly reassures you, he’ll also validated all of your feelings
Will gently cup your face and tell you how much he loves you
Will also list what he loves about you and if needed why he loves you
Of course he will also lightly tease you, and will complement your body
(if you’re not confident with your body) He’ll listen to you vent and will do anything in his power to help you with what he can
[ Beelzebub ]
Physical Touch
Beel just wants to know you’re there, whether if it’s holding hands, your leg draped over his, anything
Would definitely lean down to give you forehead kisses and neck kisses despite how tall he is
You’re watching a movie? reading? cool, Beelzebub is going to pull you into his lap to hold you
He’s always very gentle with you, he wants to make sure you’re comfortable with any type of touching, so he will almost always ask if it’s okay before he holds you
You think it’s the sweetest thing and love cuddling your huge demon
Seriously naps with Beel are the best, you could practically use his chest as a mattress and he is always warm, and smells like food
If Beel’s feeling particularly clingy during his late night snacking he will carry you out of bed and bring you with him to raid the fridge at night
This results in you waking up in the kitchen, you’re confused but once you see Beel eating, you relax and eat a little snack as well
[ Belphegor ]
Physical Touch
Like his twin, Belphine just wants to know that you’re there, like really there and not just a figment of his imagination
He just doesn’t want to be near you, he needs to be, he needs to feel you against him
Most of this does stem from his own guilt, he can’t help it, he knows you’ve already forgave him and it shows by how clingy you are, but sometimes his mind makes him believe that this is all some type of illusions strung together to help him cope with what he did
Often times will watch you while you sleep to make sure you’re still breathing, and that you’re okay
Belphine is also SUPER protective of your sleeping form, he just thinks your too vulnerable to let anyone besides Beel near you
He has a tendency to follow you around half asleep, one arm clinging to you while the other is holding is favorite pillow, sometimes he’ll bug you to lay down while other times he quietly follows you, making sure no lesser demon try’s to pick on you
In class he scoots his chair close enough so that he can rest his head on your shoulder while he sleeps
i will be doing the undatables as well so stay tuned for that!! :)
<master list>
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bunny-n-bee · 3 years
Hey hey! I loved the cold fanfic! Idk if yall are taking requests atm but if you are id love one with the obey me brothers comforting you when you have a migraine. If you arent taking requests tho just ignore me haha. I hope your day is lovely!
[The OB boys comforting you when you have a migraine]
—> ACK! sorry this took so long, i am a slow writer, (also didn’t know who u wanted to write this, i assumed me since cold is my fanfic -🐇✨) tho be warned this is being written by someone who, although gets frequent migraines, tends to completely ignore them till they become unbearable. i also just have a high pain tolerance, also did y’all know there’s warning signs 1-2 days before you get a migraine, that’s crazy, i be ignore my body fr fr
{Demon Brothers x GN! reader}
((you can find my general headcannons here))
[ Lucifer ]
he gets migraines too, and he also tends to ignore them till they get so bad he has to take a break from working and deal with it,
however when it comes to you, he will not be having it, the minute he can feel your migraine he is coming for you, for he already knows it’s bad if he can feel the pressure, though only slightly
he’d definitely want to scold you, on how you should be taking better care of yourself and listen to your body more, but now is not the time,
when he finds you, you’re in the middle of his younger brothers fighting, literally, you’re sandwich in between Mammon and Levi yelling at each other, and while you look fine, he can tell your five minutes away from physically beating the both of them or breaking down into tears, not that he can blame you
instead of yelling at mammon and levi to leave you alone, he simply calls for you, staying how he need to talk to you about something rather urgent
course you run to him, your heads been throbbing for two hours already, and these two knuckleheads were making it so much worse
Lucifer would usher you back to his quiet room, give you demonic pain killers and offer you his bed and/or some water
[ Mammon ]
i love him to bits and pieces but man’s would most definitely be the reason ya have a migraine in the first place
probably wouldn’t catch on even if he felt your migraine, but after you told him he’d immediately flip the switch from being super loud and flashy to quiet
would fumble a bit and ask how to help/ what to do, he’d be a little lost at first, probably doesn’t even understand what migraines are and would do research
loud noises and bright lights make it worse? say no more, he’s stealing noise canceling headphones from levi for you and making his room as dim as possible
would run his hands through your scalp if you let him, and would gently massage your head too
try’s his absolute hardest to be a quiet as possible for your duration of your migraine
would lay with you till it’s completely passed and would ask how to prevent migraines from happening in the first place
unfortunately for him, sometimes they just happened for no reason, it frustrates him knowing he can’t prevent them
but he’ll be there for you regardless and do whatever you need him to do, he’s very dependable like that :)
[ Leviathan ]
another one who wouldn’t know you’re suffering unless you say something,
Levi doesn’t get migraines but he does get over stimulated, so he’d somewhat have an idea on how to help you with the horrible symptoms that sometimes come with migraines
need a quiet place to be? his room is perfect for it, he has enough noise canceling headphones for you to choose from, ranging from super canceling to muffled
would also offer a cold rag to put over your eyes and forehead, he swears it helps him with his eyes when he stares too much at his screen
would sit next to you and if he’s feeling brave or if the pain is a bit unbearable he’ll pull you into his lap and hold you while he games or watches anime
Levi would feel kinda helpless, i mean there’s only so much you can do for another person’s physical pain
would do “research” on how to better help humans, and by that he’d watched animes that he thinks would help him understand better
[ Satan ]
Satan also gets migraines, maybe not as bad Lucifer, but he’s still in-tuned with his body, as well as yours
as soon as he feels your migraine he’s coming for you, you can protest all you want saying how it’s not even that bad yet, he doesn’t care
you’re getting water, pain killers and a snack if you haven’t eaten, and you’re getting anything else this man deems appropriate
he’s read up on human migraines and learns how to be able to tell when one might be around the corner, so now he jumps at any opportunity to care for you
some of his remedies might be a bit strange but bear with him, he wants to make sure he tries everything to help you
speaking of which, cats, did you know cats have healing properties??? well they do
now Satan has at least two cats on you to “help” heal your migraine
why are you laughing, he’s serious cats purrs can heal people, now shush and lay down
if your migraine isn’t too bad, Satan will read softly to you
[ Asmodeus ]
poor Asmo has NO idea what’s going on or how to help you
ofc this man doesn’t get migraines, he try’s not to stress over anything and is very well hydrated and eats when needed
honestly he’d feel bad and rush to the only other human he knows for help
Solomon explains what migraines are and how to help (even offering to cook for you, Asmo quickly denies this offer as he wants to help you get better not worse)
Asmo absorbs all the information that is given to him and is prepared to take the best care of you
like mammon, at first Asmo is not very good at it, he’s still kinda loud and will chitchat, but soon enough he learns to talk softer
he’d hold you and gently run his hands through your hair, or if you don’t want to be held, he lays you down in his bed
his pillows are so fluffy and seems to ease the throbbing of your head
he’d kiss your forehead so tenderly and buy you one of those frozen masks that go over your eyes
overall would do everything in his power to make sure his love is okay
[ Beelzebub ]
another clueless boy :(
when he feels your migraines he thinks you hit your head and asks if you’re okay or if you have a bruise
you tell him you’re fine but he’s not buying it, he’s checking your head to make sure there’s no bruise
you explain to him that you just have a migraine that’s all
Beel takes it upon himself to do some research about migraines, oh no not eating can cause migraines?! now he’s panicking 100 times more, are you not eating enough!??
Beel starts carrying snacks, water and specific pain killers intended for human migraines that he got from Solomon
if his brothers are making it worse he’ll carry you to his room, where he can feed you and keep you company
unless you ask Beel to cuddle you, he’d rather hold your hand just in case cuddling is too much for you, he wouldn’t want to add to your physical pain
worries about you a lot and looks out for you constantly
Beel wishes he can make the migraines go away permanently so you’d never be in pain again
[ Belphegor ]
he’s not clueless when it comes to migraines, Belphine’s had the unfortunate pleasure of having a couple due to not eating properly and being dehydrated
he doesn’t care if he can only feel a fraction of your migraine, he hates the slight headache feeling
even if he’s in the deepest sleep he’s gonna wake up and go look for you
the most comfort you’re getting out of Belphine is him holding you and running his hands throw your hair, sometimes he’ll even let you lay your head in his lap
mainly he nags you to take care of yourself, though if he clearly sees you’re not he’s gonna try to help you
Belphine makes you drink some water, eat a lil something and gives you some potion for the pain (he made it human safe so don’t worry)
however Belphine also knows that sometimes it’s best to simply sleep off the migraine
so if all else fails he’ll drag you up to the attic, make a big fluffy nest of pillows and blankets and tries to get you to fall asleep naturally
if you’re having a particularly bad migraine he’ll uses his powers to put you to sleep
would y’all wanna see the same concept with the undatbles??
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bunny-n-bee · 3 years
{Demon brothers x GN! Reader}
((you can find my general head cannons here))
Being a human in the devidom was already hard as is and the cold ass whether sure didn’t help either. Demons would occasionally get chilly, while you on the other hand, would absolutely freeze. It was especially cold at night. Sometimes it would get so bad that you would run to your favorite demon to cuddle and to steal their warmth.
he was doing paper work when you walked in shaking, he felt your discomfort about an hour ago and has been waiting for you since then
of course you were stubborn and trying your hardest to hold out, not wanting to bug Lucifer, you know full well he’s awake and working right now
and he won’t ever tell you, but he loves your stubbornness, though in times like this he just wants to help you as much as he can
“Well? Are you going to stand there and freeze or are you going to come here?”
you snuggled up in his lap, your face in his chest, while he continues his work
he’s so warm and his steady heart beat slowly lulls you to sleep
Lucifer doesn’t notice till he’s already done with his work for the night, he looks down to see you peacefully sleeping,
he’ll never admit out loud but he’s so happy that you came to him and not his brothers
he carries you to his bed and pulls you close to him, he gently kisses the top of your head and falls asleep with you bundled up and in his arms
poor Mammon was knocked the fuck out when you entered his room clutching a thick blanket
you debating leaving or just crawling in for so long that Mammon woke up and screamed when he saw you staring at him in the dark
“Y-ya stupid human scared the shit outta me, why are you here?!? Oh yer cold? W-well we can’t have you dying now can we, come here”
blushing while he pulls you into his chest, you’re cold to the touch and now Mammon feels bad for calling you stupid
he has to remind himself that humans are different from demons, and that you crumble under cold whether
he hold you a little tighter and tells you to relax because it’s hard to hold you when you’re violently shaking
you relax after a bit, finding comfort in how warm he is
“There, it’s okay, Mammon’s got you”
he’s really happy you came to him and no one else, i mean he’s your first man! you should always come to him first!!
he buries his face into the top of your head, giving you small kisses while blushing
you both quickly fall asleep holding each other
he was on his 20th re-watch of TSL when you walked in cold as can be
“Oi, normie you could have at least knocked”
once you explain that you’re super cold and want to cuddle for warmth, Levi’s face is a dark shade of red
he’s a little mean at first saying things like “Why would i want to cuddle with some dumb normie??” but once he realizes you’re just too cold and sleepy to really care he stops
you drag him to his tub and force him to crawl in first and then you crawl in to lay on his chest
he’s warm and complaining, but you’re already half way asleep, and before Levi realizes it, you’re out
he didn’t mean anything he said earlier, he’s happy you’re here, it’s just hard for him to say what he really means
like Mammon, he feels really bad when he realizes just how cold you really are
he mumbles an apology knowing full well you’re fast asleep, he holds you tighter and vows to himself that he’ll keep you warm and safe, you’re his Henry after all!
quickly compares you cuddling him to that one anime he’s seen where the main love interest falls asleep cuddling the protagonist before he fall asleep with a smile on his face
Satan was reading when you knocked on his door, after welcoming you in he simply makes room for you to lay with him, you opted to rather lay on top of him
he doesn’t tease you for being needy or for being cold, he loves holding you and being there for you
you lay on his chest happily while he starts reading his book out loud to you, it’s a book he reads often and you’ve come to love the story
you cuddle into him with a smile as your favorite part comes up and Satan has never been happier
you’re like a kitten seeking warmth and he’s happy to provide that for you
his face reddens as you quickly peck his cheek, he pauses his reading and looks down at you, you’re holding back laughter
only you can make Satan this soft
“If you want my full attention, all you need to do is ask.”
he kisses your nose and you kindly ask him to continue reading to you, he does, but reminds you how spoiled you are, you shrug and tell him you know
soon after you’ve fallen asleep, Satan kisses the top of your head so tenderly before putting his book down and falling asleep with you
like Mammon, Asmo is in a deep slumber when you arrive to his room
you admired the sleeping demon for a bit, he looks so peaceful and so pretty, you almost felt bad that you were about to disturb him, almost
you crawled into bed and pressed your cold ass body up to the poor demon
Asmo wakes up screaming,
once he recognized it was you he calms a little bit, he gets comfy and proceeds to glare at you
“Honestly darling do you really have to do that every time???”
he’s not as upset as he sounds, but seriously you need to start warning him
he pulls you close, and you’re laughing into his chest
Asmo pinches your butt to shut you up, it works but you slap him slightly, he playfully tells you that if he wakes to a bruise he’ll simply die
he falls back asleep before you can, you peak at his face once more, placing a small kiss on his nose before enjoying his fluffy blanket, and of course Asmo
[Beelzebub and Belphegor]
you walked into your beloved twins room only to find it empty, odd not even Belphine is in his bed
you shrug it off and proceed to climb into Beel’s bed, it’s cold, they must have been gone for a while, you continue to shake, waiting for your boys
not too long after you had settled in, Beel and Belphine walked in, you peeked from under the covers to see Beel with a bunch of snacks
“Were you here long little lamb?” Beelzebub asked while Belphine climbed right into bed to spoon you
you shake your head before sighing happily, already warming up from the heat Belphegor is emitting
Beel eats his food quickly, offering you some before whipping off any crumbs and climbing into bed, he wraps his arm around you and Belphine and bring you guys as close as he can to him
Belphine is warm but no demon will ever be as warm as Beel, sometimes it feels like you’re hugging the actual sun but in a good way
you feel so warm and so loved sandwiched in between the twins
<master list>
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bunny-n-bee · 3 years
[Obey Me Demon Headcannons/ The Basics]
My personal headcannons for Demons, this includes pacts/pact marks. And my headcannons for the Devildom as well. All of my one-shots/other headcannons will follow this guide. (-🐇✨)
demons have a MUCH stronger sense of smell, they can smell blood up to 2 miles away, this goes for other bodily fluids ;)
they’re hearing is also really good, Demons have adapted to this of course and can whisper so softly that a human wouldn’t be able to hear. However, they can clearly hear any human whispering
this goes without saying but their eye sight is as well super good. They can see a lot better in the dark than any human and can see quite a far length in front of them
as for height, Demons are much taller than humans, often times their height is a reflection of their power, though this isn’t always the case.
demons have a habit to scent humans, it’s like when you have someone else’s hoodie and all you smell is them, they don’t mean to do but it’s like a warning to keep other demons away. The more time you spend with a demon the stronger the smell is and the longer it lingers, sometimes even the scented human can smell it.
[As for pacts]
depending on how much a Demon wants to work with you the bigger, or smaller, the pact mark will be
once a pact has been made, the human and Demon will now have a stronger connection, though normally it’s one way
a Demon can feel any and all strong emotions that their human is feeling, this includes feelings of distress, so that they can leap to their humans aid
this can be both ways if said Demon allows it while forming the pact, most times the Demon won’t disclose their feelings though
[The Deildom]
is always cold ish, the normal temperature is 60° and drops below 0 in winter
here is no sun, and no day time, only evening and night, thus forcing any human to have to readjust dramatically
master list :)
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bunny-n-bee · 3 years
Master List!
—> requesting rules!
Bunny’s Fanfiction Burrow!! 🐇✨
my general head cannons!!
cold!! (demon brothers x reader)
the ob boys comforting you when you have a migraine!
what i think the ob brothers love language is :)
Bee’s Fanfiction Hive!! 🐝✨
Bunny and Bee’s Fanfiction Corner!!🐇🐝✨
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bunny-n-bee · 3 years
Introduction Post
hello! my name is bee! my pronouns are she/her I’m 19 years old. whenever I post a headcannon/or/ a fanfic I will sign it with -🐝✨ so you will know it’s me i have a personal blog if you want to follow me it’s @honney-tea <3 thank you!!!
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bunny-n-bee · 3 years
Introduction Post
Hello there! my name is bunny!! my pronouns are They/He, and ‘m 20 years old. whenever i post a headcannon /or/ a fanfic i will sign it with -🐇✨ so ya know it’s me who wrote it. as stated in our bio me and my fellow writer will mainly be writing for obey me, this is subject to change if either of us wish it to be so. i have a personal blog if any of y’all want to follow it @ghost-jams :)) hope ya enjoy
edit: i forgot to include this, my reader will ALWAYS be gender neutral
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