No. I'm too sick
21 posts
Pagan, Nonbinary (She/They) , Bisexual, POTS, Autism, OSDD-1B, Asthma, BPD, OCD, ADHD, Depression, Anxiety. (All Diagnosed)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
bunnii-png · 4 years ago
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return of the happy stim
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bunnii-png · 4 years ago
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Like or rb to say “amen”
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bunnii-png · 4 years ago
No. Absolutely not. You aren't valid, stop taking our terms.
You need trauma, no matter what type, you need trauma to be a system, it is literally the ENTIRE POINT.
This isn't a game, this isn't a roleplay exercise.
You are ableist!
You aren't valid!
You aren't welcome!
So leave, because it's not possible and not plausible that you can be a system without trauma.
You are gross and make a mockery of our community.
Xoxo (And go away)
A reminder for endogenic systems...
You& are valid!
You& exist!
Whether you& formed a system on purpose, have had one your entire life, or formed one as a coping mechanism for trauma, you& are an amazing and wonderful!
Don’t let the sysmeds make you& feel guilty, you& have done nothing wrong. You& are not albeist (as long as you don’t go out of you&r way to harass traumagenic systems), you& are not an idiot, and you&r experience is valid <3
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bunnii-png · 5 years ago
Just a quick reminder.
Self diagnoses isn't valid. If you convince yourself you have a certain mental illness your body will mimic symptoms. Why do you feel the need to stick a label on it? It's not going to help you cope with this life changing mental illness you just convinced yourself you have. If you physically cannot get a diagnoses, that's valid. But if you do it to be quirky, you arent. Your diagnoses will not always be right, different mental problems can display similar symptoms. Plus, if you research it you know all the diagnostic criteria and can easily get a fake professional diagnoses. Self diagnoses is not and will not be as valid as a doctors. You wouldn't self diagnose with cancer, why would you self diagnose mental disorders?
Also! If you are younger and think you have a personality disorder you are most likely incorrect, it could just be growing up. Most doctors don't diagnose kids under the age of 14 with personality disorders, because ages 11-16 is mostly you just trying to find out where belong. My psychiatrist said that to me, a licensed medical professional.
Stop self diagnosing.
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bunnii-png · 5 years ago
Reblog if…
Reblog this if you have any of these:
Borderline personality disorder
Anger issues
Any one that has any of these, just know, you are not alone, no matter how much you think you are not worthy. You are still human.
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bunnii-png · 5 years ago
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bunnii-png · 5 years ago
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bunnii-png · 5 years ago
To the “Columbiners”
Eric and Dylan were hate-filled monsters, they never would’ve loved you, they would’ve shot you dead and stepped over your body with no remorse had you been at Columbine. It’s one thing to be interested in school shootings and why they do it (I am). But to idolize killers is disgusting. You should be ashamed.
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bunnii-png · 5 years ago
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We’re all having “hard conversations” about racism, police brutality, and #BlackLivesMatter I hope. 
You’ve probably noticed that detractors often use the same “racist talking points” in response. Here’s a researched and sourced guide to help you answer, for the times you may get stuck.
Feel free to save these images and share them!
Originally posted on Twitter
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bunnii-png · 5 years ago
spell to banish negative thoughts
pretty self explanatory, this ones a bit experimental but ive got a good feeling about it so far so, ill probably update the post later on with more notes after ive tried it another time or two~ 🖤
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- 🔥⚔️
what you’ll need;
• white paper
pure intention, manifestation, wishes
• black ink pen
affirmation, manifestation, grounding, strength
• black candle
grounding, action, strength, protection, banishing
• charcoal disk
energy, invoking, banishing, cleansing, strength
• acorn powder
grounding, protection, gentle love, purity, kindness, healing
• black salt
banishing, protection, cleansing, strength, power, purification
• cayenne pepper
strength, banishing, protection, ward off ill intent, return to sender
• frankincense resin
protection, strength, understanding, peace
• gently crushed rose petal
love, kindness, gentleness, healing
• sage sugar
protection, mental clarity, communication, kindness, strength, tranquility, purity
• black pepper
grounding, strength, protection, banishing
• bay leaf
banishing, protection, wishes, strength, peace, mental clarity
- ⚔️🔥
now what?
• write your thoughts or fragments of them down on your paper, get things off your chest and reflect for a moment- scribble angrily or X things out that you’re really sick of thinking already, but this really doesn’t need to be the focus, out your paper aside when finished. if you feel the need to cry let yourself let it out, then continue on~
• light your candle and light your charcoal (in your fire safe area disclaimers disclaimers don’t burn your house down)
• add 6 pinches one pinch at a time of acorn powder, working clockwise
• add 3 pinches each; one pinch at a time of black salt and then cayenne pepper, all counter clockwise
• place your paper face down with your writing touching the cayenne pepper
• place your resin on top of the paper
• sprinkle over your crushed rose petal in an even layer across the resin, then toss a pinch of sage sugar on top followed by a pinch of black pepper or a crack of freshly ground
• light a bay leaf and place on top gently and carefully, manifest all the energy you can into banishing your negative thoughts along with the negative energy it brings with. you’re freed of racing thoughts, incessant worry, needless pain, and self doubt or deprecation.
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bunnii-png · 5 years ago
A Baby Witch’s Dictionary 📖
Disclaimer: This is all based on my opinion. It is not perfectly alphabetized. Altar • A place for all of your witch supplies, tools, a place to meditate and worship your deities. It is the center of your practice. Astrology • You’ve probably heard of astrology, in witchcraft it is used as a form of divination.  Astral projection • Astral projection is a purposeful out-of-body experience where you, well, project a version of your consciousness (also known as an astral body) to a location that is separate from your physical body.  Athame • A ritualistic dagger used as a tool in witchcraft. Aura • An energetic field that surrounds a living creature, usually people are referring to humans when this term is used. Baby witch • A witch who is new to the world of witching and the community.  Beltane • A sabbat that celebrates fertility and the coming of summer. Besom • A broom used as a tool in witchcraft to cleanse.  Binding • A type of spell or magick used to bind something, as in keep it from continuing behavior or causing harm. Boline • A dagger or knife used as a tool in witchcraft to cut and harvest herbs. Banishing • A type of spell or magick used to get rid of something or someone. Book of shadows • A book or journal used by a witch to store information.  Candle magick  • The usage of candles in magick, usually in combination with color or sigil magick.  Cartomancy • A type of divination that involves cards (Can be oracle or tarot cards) Cauldron • A metal pot, used to mix herbs, or potions, or really anything you might want to mix in your practice.  Chalice • A fancy cup used to keep water in as a representation of the West when casting circles or to drink from during your practice. It can also be used to give offerings of liquid to any deities you work with. Chant • A type of spell or magick that includes speaking or singing aloud. The words can rhyme and often correspond with your intent. Clairovoyance • A type of divination where you see or perceive events in the future. Cleansing • One of the foundations of witchcraft, it has many methods. It is the act of ridding a space, person, or object of negative, stagnant, or previous energies. Circle • A circle is a type of spell you cast in magick, it enhances your powers and protects you. Closed culture/religion  • A closed culture, or religion is something that is closed off to people outside of it and does not condone taking (appropriating) anything from it. Color magick • A type of magick based around color, the idea is you use certain colors that you associate with certain things to make a spell more powerful. Ex: Using pink in a love spell.  Correspondence • A connection or association with something, you could use the example I stated above. If pink corresponds with love, you use it in a love spell. This usually refers to the usage/picking of ingredients for a spell. Coven • A group of witches that often socialize, or gather. Crystal magick • The usage of crystals for magick. Ex: Using clear quartz to cleanse something. Curse • A negative spell that has permanent, sometimes deadly effects on someone. Divination • Seeking information or guidance by supernatural means. Dream Interpretation • A form of divination where the events/symbols/scenery/actions ect in a dream are interpreted.  Empath • A person with a heightened level of empathy for others mental or emotional state. Enchant • A type of magick or spell that gives something a certain property, typically permanently. Esbat • A gathering of witches that does not take place on a Sabbat. Fae/Fair folk • Another word or term for fairies. These terms are more preferred by them, especially the term “Fair folk.”  Familiar • An animal, sometimes described as possessed by a spirit or entity that assists a witch in their craft. Glamour • A type of magick or spell that changes someones appearance or energy. Grimoire • Another word for a Book Of Shadows, a book or journal used by a witch to store information and experiences. Grounding • Like cleansing, this is a foundation of witchcraft. It is like meditation, the goal is to focus yourself and afterwards to feel more connected to this world and moment. Hellenism • A Pagan religion that worships the Greek deities you most likely know from mythology, such as Zeus, or Aphrodite. It is based around the 12 Olympians.  Hex • A negative spell, like a curse but less powerful, unlike a curse it’s usually not permanent.  Imbolc • One of the sabbats, it celebrates the coming of Spring.  Intent • Another common word that makes up the foundation of witchcraft, intent is that purpose or desire you have when you cast a spell. Ex: My intent is to banish a toxic person from my life with this spell. In other words, you have to really want it to get it.  Intuition • A supernatural or unexplainable feeling that warns, guides, or helps you. Evocation • To call or summon a spirit/entity/deity. Jinx • This falls under the category of curses and hexes, as in it is a negative spell. Jinxes are the least powerful of the three, they usually last a few hours or days and don’t cause any permanent or irreversible harm.  Lammas • Another Sabbat, it is the first harvest, a representation of a time to relax and appreciate your hard work.  Litha • A sabbat that celebrates Summer and the sun.  Mabon • One of the Sabbats, this one celebrates Autumn.  Magick • It’s as you’d imagine, magic. The only difference is the spelling which is used to differentiate between stage magic and what we do.  Medium • A person who has supernatural or clairovoyant abilities that they use to relay information or messages from the spirit world.  Moon (sign) • Your moon sign is the planet in your personal natal chart that represents your innermost emotions.  Moon water • A magickal water this infused with the moons power. Numerology • A type of divination based around numbers. Oracle/oracle cards • Similar to tarot cards but less common, these are a type of cards used for cartomancy or divination. The different between them and tarot cards is they are more modern and do not follow the same major/minor arcana system that tarot does. Often they do not follow any common system at all. Ostara • A Sabbats celebrating spring and the coming of fertility and well being. Rising (sign) • Your rising sign is the planet in your personal natal chart that represents how you appear upon first impressions, your outermost self. Runes • Nordic in origin, runes are symbols used for divination. Sabbat • A neo-pagan holiday. There are 8 Sabbats. They follow the wheel of the year and are based on the changing of the seasons and nature.  Samhain • A Sabbat that celebrates the last harvest, the veil between worlds is thinnest at this time.  Scrying • A form of divination where one peers into a reflective surface. Traditionally a crystal ball is used, but there are many ways of doing it.  Sigil • A type of magick or spell, a sigil is a symbol you create, the intent of the sigil is embedded into the symbol. (If you look into making sigils, it makes a bit more sense.)  Spell jar • Any spell that is made in a jar, usually you’d mix common ingredients like magick waters, oils, and herbs that correspond with your intent. Sun (sign) • Your sun sign is the planet in your personal natal chart that represents your personality as a whole.  Taglock • A representation of someone in magick, it connects your magick and intent to this person. The term and usage of taglocks is typically used when you hex/curse someone. A taglock can be hair, spit, blood, nail clippings, you get the idea. Tarot/tarot cards • A type of cards used for cartomancy, or divination. There are 78 cards in a set, which are categorized as the major and minor arcana. The minor arcana are separated into 4 suits. Tarot spread • A way you lay out tarot cards when you do a reading, each card represents a question. Ex: A tarot spread for love. Tasseomancy • A form of divination where tea leaves are used. Theban Alphabet/Script • An ancient alphabet used by modern witches. It’s Latin based and centuries old. Its origins are unknown. Because of its modern use among witches and Wiccans, it is also known as the witches alphabet.  Paganism • An umbrella term that refers to many religions practiced by witches, including Wicca & Hellenism, the commonality between all Pagan based religions is they are based on nature and or multiple deities. Palmistry • A form of divination where you inspect someones hands and the lines present on them. Pentagram • A symbol that contrary to popular belief is not Satanic in nature, but actually represents the 4 elements and the spirit. Pendulum • A form of divination where a pointed object hung from a chain/string is used. The way the pendulum swings is what determines the results of a reading. Warding • A magickal barrier that protects you from energetic/magickal threats, such as bad spirits or curses even. One such barrier can be formed in many ways. Wicca • A Pagan religion based on nature and the divine Masculine and Feminine. Wheel of the year • A witchy calendar used to track the Sabbats, holidays based on the changing of the seasons.  Yule • One of the sabbats, this one is based on celebrating winter but also the coming of spring. This is also when the dark half of the year ends and the light half begins. Let me know if you have any corrections or additions and I might add them. I hope this helps someone. Enjoy! Have a lovely day 💖
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bunnii-png · 5 years ago
To the “Columbiners”
Eric and Dylan were hate-filled monsters, they never would’ve loved you, they would’ve shot you dead and stepped over your body with no remorse had you been at Columbine. It’s one thing to be interested in school shootings and why they do it (I am). But to idolize killers is disgusting. You should be ashamed.
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bunnii-png · 5 years ago
Here is today’s tea
Transage is not real and just an excuse to be a sick pedophile
Transrace is just wrong
Transage and transrace is straight up insulting to real transgender people and can lead to some really messed up stuff
That is all
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bunnii-png · 5 years ago
Unpopular opinion time
Cisgender people aren’t automatically transphobic just because they’re cis.
White people aren’t automatically racist because they’re white.
Men aren’t automatically misogynistic, rapists or abusers, just because they’re men.
Everyone can be racist to everyone else of a different race. Reverse racism doesn’t exist, it’s just racism, everyone is capable of it.
Anyone who lies about rape accusations should receive prison time.
Everyone is entitled to a proper course of justice in the court of law.
Transgender men should be put in men’s prisons, transgender women should be put in women’s prisons.
Women can be abusive to their partners. Do not automatically victimise women or say “this motive means that the man deserved it” are you fucked in the head?
People who are incapable of looking after their child should not receive custody over the other parent.
Feminism is great. Everyone deserves equality, and the proper precautions should be put in place at demonstrations. However, extreme feminism is not great. It gives feminism a bad name. If you go out there shouting “MEN ARE PIGS!” “MEN DESERVE TO DIE!” and all that bullshit, you’re a fucking moron.
Transpecies and transrace are not things. You cannot be cat, or a horse or a fucking bunny rabbit. You cannot be black, or Asian or anything else to the race you were born. I’m sorry, but it’s true. Go ahead and call me transphobic (even though I’m not)
The amount of genders and sexualities that Tumblr is creating is fucking ridiculous. “Angeligender– A gender found only among angels, that is hard to describe to non-angels. For godkin and angelkin only.” “Lichtgender- A gender represented by a ball of light.” “Zodiacgender– A catch-all gender term that is used to describe when one’s gender is related to a (or their specific) zodiac sign.” I’m sorry, what?? What the fuck? No.
There is not 76 fucking genders. Fuck off.
If you are transgender male and deliberately present as female, or transgender female and deliberately present as male, and then complain that someone misgendered you, that’s your fault, nobody else’s.
If you are 13 and your boyfriend is 20, I’m sorry, but he’s a paedophile. “Age is just a number” yeah, then prison is just a room.
Stalking celebrities to a point where you find out where they live is NOT okay. Stop being a creepy little weirdo and play outside or some shit.
You are not edgy because you hate people. You are not edgy for self-diagnosing mental health issues. You are not edgy for self-diagnosing other medical issues. You’re a twat.
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bunnii-png · 5 years ago
PSA about lifting pets
It is actually possible to lift a puppy. This is gonna sound insane. My aunt pulled this off at petco once during one of their big adoption events. I can’t believe I forgot to tell you guys this story. Holy crap.
There was a kennel crate filled with like 5 different newfoundland puppies and the store was PACKED with people. My aunt fell in love with one of the newfies that the SA let her take out. The SA was alone too. Her coworker decided to be a dick and go on her lunch during the busiest fucking hour.
Anyway. My aunt knew this poor guys were probably from a puppy mill or some shit. Or just breedjects (rejected stock from breeders) . So I shit you not. She just picked up the newfie and walked out with him when the SA was distracted. She grabbed one of the fliers off of a near table to make it look like she was holding adoption papers so other customers wouldn’t be suspicious. No one thought anything of it. Just a chick with a dog at petco.
She fucking stole a collar and toys for him too. Fucking most extreme shit I’ve ever heard.
This happened about 1.5 years ago and my aunt never went back to that petco ever again. But she still has the dog. His name is Kronk Kronk is the biggest fucking dork. He’s scared of ladybugs, guys. LADYBUGS.
But yeah. That’s the story of how my aunt lifter a fucking 40lb puppy
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bunnii-png · 5 years ago
Dear Endogenics
DID/OSDD Is not fun.
It is not a fun little thing you can fake
Alters are a TRAUMA defense mechanism
You are NOT valid
Quit spreading misinformation
You’re not cute or quirky
You are more likely to have Schizophrenia
It is Impossible
You have NO proof that a system cannot stem from trauma
The entire point of having DID/OSDD is it develops from trauma
You are disgusting. 
Please go away 
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bunnii-png · 5 years ago
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