Flowers and Buneary
54 posts
Independent Pokemon OC Multiverse/AU/Canon "Just you wait. I'll be the greatest trainer of them all, someday." Written by Tyson
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bunearyboy-blog · 10 years ago
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     "Or! I can just leave Aspertia City with Buneary and be a trainer that way! Bye bye now!" And with that the tiny blond ran off.
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"I think you are a little young? Perhaps you should write to the Professor. Who knows, maybe she will let you be one early?" What is Kyouhei even saying, the answer would most certainly be that the kid had to wait a little longer…
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bunearyboy-blog · 10 years ago
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         "Gimme a Pokémon... Then help me escape. I wanna be a trainer and I know I'm young... But I  can do it!"
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                    "I, sadly, do not have power of such things, young one."
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bunearyboy-blog · 10 years ago
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      "Can I be a trainer yet? Please...?"
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bunearyboy-blog · 10 years ago
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Pokémon Original Character; Based in Unova       A little boy, who can’t wait to be a trainer
♦ Selective/Private/Independent ♦ Can roleplay Gameverse, Manga, and anime ♦ Really enjoys popping into askboxes randomly ♦ Years of experience; 16ish yrs/4yrs on tumblr ♦ Friendly mun, always willing to talk ooc ♦ Cross-overs are accepted and encouraged. ♦ OCs/Self inserts are allowed ♦ Will even talk to personals ♦ No Genderbends, please. I don’t like them. ♦ Come talk to me, mun’s a lonely dork. Written by Tyson
i. ii. iii.
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bunearyboy-blog · 10 years ago
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Wowie kazowie, it’s time for one of these! I’ve only been here a little under a month and I’ve luckily reached 250+ followers! Thank you so much for sticking with me during my moments of overwhelming stress and just being fantastic friends, partners and followers! There’s still much I need to learn about Cheren, buuut I’m really glad that you all seem to like him. I really do appreciate each and every one of you and I honestly cannot thank you enough! I love you all — I honestly do. 
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bunearyboy-blog · 10 years ago
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       "I was lookin' for cookies and some sweet pastries for me and Usachan my Buneary. But you hid them all." he complained, tilting his head at the older blonde.       "Mama's not worried. She's too busy to really pay attention to me. She's at the Center, workin' hard.:"
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“Child, you can’t be wandering around the kitchen.” He could hear the eight-year old clattering about. He was about as stealthy as a bull rampaging through a china shop. "Your mother is more than certainly worried in wondering where you are."
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bunearyboy-blog · 10 years ago
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    Kaito has no idea who his father is. He knows he must have a strong and amazing trainer to have had such a strong partner as his own little Usachan.     But Kaito is raised by his mother a Nurse Joy.  Kaito will cling to older male trainers, anybody strong he adopts as a brother-type figure in the hopes that maybe, just maybe he can experience what it means to have a father around.
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bunearyboy-blog · 10 years ago
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     "A dark type!? Maybe a purrloin! Or I could raise an eevee to be Umbreon!" Kid was smart, Cheren had done well. "Dark types are cool... But they're not cute. I wanna raise a team of super cute and really strong Pokémon!" he stated happily.      "Ooooh I could teach you, sure sure!"
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                ;;  The elite pretended to be shocked, raising a hand only to slap it over his own mouth. — This kid was adorable, how could he not play along?  
   ”A Lucario, eh? —— Kid you should get a dark type. Dark Pokemon are simply amazing…
              — Wait, you’re going to become the Unova champion too?
                                 Maybe I could learn a thing or two from you then, if you’d teach me?”
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bunearyboy-blog · 10 years ago
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Make Me Choose: (27) Buneary or Bunnelby?
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bunearyboy-blog · 10 years ago
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by さん permission to upload this image was given by the artist
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bunearyboy-blog · 10 years ago
"You did, huh? At the Pokemon World Tournament, maybe?"
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"Sure thing! Lemme think…" He put his hands on his hips in thought, thinking over the team he was carrying with him. Cool and cute… "Well, Pikachu’s cute!" He gestured to the mouse upon his shoulder, who hopped down to the ground closer to the child. Sure, the rest of his team was cool… But they’d already grown a bit too large to fall into the cute category, chances were.
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        "Kyaaaa!!! It's so cute! Mister I'm gonna keep it!" No you're not little boy, hush. But he did pet along the little mouse's ears and back. "Mister, mister! Tell me stories! I know trainers have huuuuge adventures! Tell me some!"
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bunearyboy-blog · 10 years ago
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      "Yeah! You better ready! My future Lucario and I'll take you down!" Okay so he wasn't a trainer yet. But little blond boy had such huge dreams. "Cause -- I'm gonna be the next champion so you'd better be ready for that, kay?"
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                ;; What an energetic little thing.
     Grimsley simply chuckled at the thought of some innocent child beating him.
             ”You’re correct, young man, I am a member of the elite ;;
                                                                       I’ll be waiting for the day you challenge me.”
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bunearyboy-blog · 10 years ago
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Pokémon Original Character; Based in Unova       A little boy, who can’t wait to be a trainer
♦ Selective/Private/Independent ♦ Can roleplay Gameverse, Manga, and anime ♦ Really enjoys popping into askboxes randomly ♦ Years of experience; 16ish yrs/4yrs on tumblr ♦ Friendly mun, always willing to talk ooc ♦ Cross-overs are accepted and encouraged. ♦ OCs/Self inserts are allowed ♦ Will even talk to personals ♦ No Genderbends, please. I don’t like them. ♦ Come talk to me, mun’s a lonely dork. Written by Tyson
i. ii. iii.
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bunearyboy-blog · 10 years ago
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     "Nice to meet you, mister Juan. I'm Kaito! My mama's here on business, I'm from Unova!" he stated happily, taking the other's hand, but brown eyes shined, a gymleader. They were super powerful trainers! They were the best next to the Elite Four!       He couldn't help it, gazing up at the older man, "C-can I see you battle then!? If if you're a gymleader? I wanna see a really awesome battle!"
Juan’s eyes widened a fraction of an inch for just a moment, before returning to normal. It seemed the boy had somehow struck a chord with the older man, and so the Coordinator sighed and stood up again. His expression was still incredibly gentle.
"…True, very true. Children have such intuition- perhaps it is because they have not yet become privy to the darkness this world can hold, perhaps it is their innocence… Whatever it is…"
He looked down at the child again and offered him his hand. “I’m Juan,” The retired Coordinator told him, “Gym Leader and protector of Sootopolis. How about you?”
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bunearyboy-blog · 10 years ago
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                ;; " —— A child?"
     Man, Grimsley couldn’t even recall the last time someone approached him so openly, let alone a kid.
     ”Can I help you, little one?”
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     "Hi hi! I know you! You're a member of the elite four! Just you wait I'll be battlin' you in about two years!" Cute, Kaito, great way to say 'hi'.
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bunearyboy-blog · 10 years ago
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      "Well it's a super special type of cartoon from a super far-away region! The art style is so super cool and different! Often the storylines are waaaay better than what even my home in Unova comes up with!"
█ × ——
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          “It’s just another word for Cartoon ?             Well,   that makes much more sense !             Yes, I know what a mango is. Definitely sweet,                                             but not one of my favorites.”
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bunearyboy-blog · 10 years ago
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       "But it's also super good that even a child stand up for what's right and wrong in this world, that's the way things are. If we spot something horrible, we try to somethin' bout it, or tell a grown-up." he replied with a small smile.        "Even a child can sometimes protect a grown-up. cause we're small and get away with more things!"
The retired Coordinator simply shook his head. “No, no. That isn’t necessary. I can defend myself well enough- better than any bumbling stalker could get through, anyway.”
Juan knelt and ruffled the young one’s hair. His cobalt eyes were suddenly impossibly gentle.
"Adults protect children, not the other way around, lad. Don’t you ever forget it."
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