bugs-bolts-beer · 6 days
Ahhh... you never forget your first starting zone.
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Vanilla WoW (2004) ↠ Dun Morogh
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bugs-bolts-beer · 9 days
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Dungeon Meshi Recipes // Episodes 1-12
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bugs-bolts-beer · 11 days
So funky fact~ the Votann symbol on the front is from a Major League, the Trans-Hyperian Alliance which has the main color of orange hence the orange cover.
The insignia of the Trans-Hyperian Alliance is a stylised Kin glyph. So yes it is a language but also it's not a real language, it would be awesome if they released a Kin glyph dictionary eventually but one could only hope.
I don't know why they picked blue as the other color, it is not really a flattering combo with orange. Orange and Black would of been amazing but what you can do eh?
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Now that I got around to seeing the announcement article for the book, I must say that this is a, uh... bold choice in terms of visuals?
Don't get me wrong it looks 100% better than the shovelware-looking garbage they put on the regular Horus Heresy covers for example, but... dang this does look a bit random. My guess is that its the main character's faction colors and symbol? It just looks a lot like a stylized kanji, so I really hope GW didn't by accident put something really dumb on their book from a chinese or japanese perspective...
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bugs-bolts-beer · 11 days
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New comic: No news is good news.
Please, if you want to support me to keep making content like this, consider supporting my Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/ruoyuart!
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bugs-bolts-beer · 20 days
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bugs-bolts-beer · 21 days
I attended a Dungeon Meshi themed dinner last weekend and wanted to share what was brought/devoured! Enjoy the comparison of what the dishes looked like irl vs the show
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bugs-bolts-beer · 2 months
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I went down a specific dwarf-based rabbit hole today and ran into this problem.
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bugs-bolts-beer · 2 months
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Gimli, 03.2024
And another character for my collection. Love him so much 🩷 drawing the helmet was so fun, the beard a bit less, but I persevered...
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bugs-bolts-beer · 2 months
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bugs-bolts-beer · 2 months
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the classes of all time ⛏️
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bugs-bolts-beer · 2 months
Now this is one of my favorite memories I've had of Deep Rock Galatic.
I was just on my driller when I had a fellow dwarf join the game, it was a simple retrieve the broken mules mission and nothing to fancy. We had been making incredible progress while digging through the caves on Hossex, honestly it had been one of the first times that a mission didn't have a screw up and I was excited. We managed to finish the secondary objective in no time thou those fleas were being a pain.
As we decided to hit the button on molly to call the drop ship, we noticed something softly glowing but we didn't key into what it was until the button was pressed and the mule was heading to the drop pod.
There it was, a core stone all locked up in it's glowing purple mineral mineral. My fellow dwarf called down a supply pod as the guy from management informed us of a swarm incoming. With only 5 minutes on the clock we had to make a choice, risk it all for the loot or leave without the core stone.
The first instict that rushes over me was to look how far away the drop pod was... 50 meters but the caves were bendy and we would have to leave now unless we had a short cut. So the instinct of a driller took and I plowed through the wall while my fellow started the corestone event. The rush of enemies came in from every direction but I couldn't do anything but drill as fast as I could. Trying my best to not overheat while the sound of monsters from the rift and bullets filled the caverns. 40ft.... 30ft... 15ft.. 10ft.. and I was through and without hesitation I turned around to help my fellow dwarf. Dashing back through the tunnel I heard the Scout unloading into glyphid monstrousity, His health seemed to be doing well the first health bar of the corestone fell.
As I breached into the room there were three minutes remaining till out drop pod was going to leave us behind, the scout was working hard on mining the core-stone outter shell. I run over and try my best help out and we managed to slowly but surely draining the last two health bars that it had. A minute remained as I looked towards my comard, we had to drop off the core stone in the right pod but there was just not enough time. He smiled and said "Get to the drop pod, I got this" but all my instincts said not to leave a dwarf behind, with regret I sprinted my way towards the drop ship.
It was that minute that felt the longest but shortest in my entire time playing DRG, I guarded the entrance of the drop pod taking out every glyphid I could see while glancing at the clock. Fifty seconds remained and the pod for the core stone was just arriving, the blasted thing takes a bit to open up so it wasn't in our favor. As more and more glyphids charged the Evac-pod I tried my best to clear them out, firing round after round into the bastards as the clock ticks down to thirty seconds.
Then management confirmed that the core-stone sample as placed inside the pod and a sigh a relief washed over me with a hint of angust. Was I going to leave my fellow dwarf behind for some stone... was it worth it?
The clock ticks down to twenty seconds and all I can do is watch the radar, the scout was flying through the tunnel I had made using his shotgun to boost himself around while having his grappling hook to pull him. Twenty seconds left and he still has a way to go, I try using my drills to dig around the drop pod to make it easy to get in but the sweat was slowly going down my back. Ten seconds left and his life bar kept going down form small gashes and scrapes, I couldn't leave the drop pod now and disgrace all his effort.
8 seconds left and the drop pods engine slowly start to warm up, 5 seconds left and the dwarf from management once again reminded that he would indeed leave a dwarf behind. 4 seconds left and I felt as if hope was lost, sitting down in my seat and realizing that we may lose a good one today.
3 seconds remaining and all I hear is shotgun blast and the sound of wind as a dwarf flies through the skies and crashes into the seats, with just a second remaining he had done it. That bastard managed to blow himself through the caverns using his shotgun to make it just in time. The gates of the drop-pod closes and we head back to base chuckling to ourselves about how close it was. I've never seen something so cluch happen in this game it reasurred me that we must not leave any dwarf behind.
Once we had returned to the base and our chuckling over how close that was over. I had a ordered pair of Glyphid Slammers to celebrate before he left, but I will remember that scout for a long time and to know.... it's not over till it is over. No dwarf left behind my friends.
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bugs-bolts-beer · 2 months
He is so fuzzy~!!! The beard is incredible in this as well as all of his body hair, I can't help but want to use it as my wallpaper on my phone.
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Likes me a man that can cook
🥰 yet another Senshi because I’m enamored w that dwarf
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bugs-bolts-beer · 2 months
You ever stop and realize that a piece of media changed your view on something that you never thought was possible.
For me it was dungeon meshi and Senshi love of Food and Nutrition, it help me realize some of my bad eating habits and the fact that I wasn't really taking care of myself. So I started to change it slowly, looking up recipies to try to make and learning how to make more foods and my god... it has changed so much. They say you are what you eat but it's more litteral then I thought.
I make my own bread now cause turns out it tastes so much better home-made, I try new recipies that are healthier and tastier~ I'm thankful for a new look at life and food and thankful for what I learned through this show. It's important to take care of yourself even if it's hard some days. Thank you Senshi.
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bugs-bolts-beer · 2 months
Omg these pics are incredible~ god I love mole crickets they have to be one of my favorite bugs out there.
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I was soundly defeated by this large Gryllotalpa nymphicus mole cricket I picked up in Singapore. with stunning speed and strength, she deposited a sticky goo on my hands, pried my fingers apart, and gave me a vicious bite before disappearing beneath a pile of rotten wood (where she then posed nicely for photos)
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never met a gryllotalpid before, and wasn’t expecting the viscous slime or the bite! I did know they’re incredibly strong though, and this smaller (much less nasty) male seen later displays mole crickets’ beefy digging arms:
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the videos I’ve seen of smaller US species just bumbling about and trying to burrow in peoples hands made me expect a charming dirt puppy. the big female ran under my shoe at one point and I could actually feel her lifting me up from the road. I suppose I was trying not to squish her, but still! incredibly powerful beasts
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bugs-bolts-beer · 2 months
There are very few games I can play when my head is being rough but... Deep Rock Galatic has the holy trinity of intrests for me and it is a nice break from everything. It has Dwarves who you can customize and try out each class (Driller is my favorite but that's cause short cuts are the best) It has Bugs~ well Glyphids but they are adorable and terrifying bugs that will eat you (plus if you have Glyphid taming, you can have Steeve to help you out~ he loves pets) and you have Bolts! Molly, Bosco and Dorretta to keep you company along your mission (Bosco is a real champion on those stupid aquarq missions)
Idk it's just nice to have a comfort game where you can log in and do missions without worries, plus the variety makes it so much better. Every encounter I've had in it has been incredible and I'm really grateful for the community~
Rock and Stone forever
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bugs-bolts-beer · 2 months
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An older favourite of mine, the end of many a DRG game
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bugs-bolts-beer · 2 months
They would... I swear to god this is so accurate.
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I made this in celebration of my 100hrs in DRG. keep rock and stoning fellow dwarves
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