39 posts
(She/Her) | 20 | I draw things sometimes | Take off your coat, stay awhile | Art Tag: #domo draws | Multifandom | Current: Starkid/Hatchetfield | Sideblog: @domos-gallery-wall
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budderdomo · 7 months ago
Hatchetfield Bang 2024!
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Reflections (Grace and Max)
Summary: Grace reflects on her life and Max's death, and starts to question things.
Artwork: by me :)
Fanfic: @thousand-pipe-dreams
Created for @hatchetfield-bang 2024!
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budderdomo · 9 months ago
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Tatiana Slozhno - Spies are Forever
I had some inspiration that hit this weekend, so I painted Tati! I tried to not put a lot of pressure on myself for this one and kind of finish it quickly, and I liked how it turned out! I definitely need to draw more Tati if I can.
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budderdomo · 9 months ago
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Vampire!Owen - Spies are Forever Inspired by this fun vampire AU by @ricky-mortis
Curtwen week is over sadly, but now I can post this sketch painting I drew mostly over on the SAF discord. Love everyone that joined me on that adventure <3
Also, fun news, I'm working on writing something Starkid related. I've never posted writing before, but maybe you guys will like it!
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budderdomo · 10 months ago
You Belong To Me
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Prompt: First Kiss/Pre-Canon "Owen had internally used a lot of words to describe Curt over the course of their partnership- stubborn, charming, irritating, gorgeous, chaotic. But he had never considered him to be gentle."
Rating: Gen Word Count: 2611 No Archive Warnings Apply
In collaboration with the wonderful, amazing @smytherines!!! She wrote the fantastic story and I made art to capture the moment. Made for the SAF community event, @curtwen-week!
Also, listen to the central song for this fan collaboration, "You Belong To Me" by Jo Stafford (and the 1962 version by Patsy Cline)!
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budderdomo · 11 months ago
"Oh hey look a new notifica-"
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I can die happy now 👍
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budderdomo · 11 months ago
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The Fairy Queen of Sweet Dreams - Kim Whalen
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budderdomo · 1 year ago
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Paul Matthews (Starkid) - Portrait Practice
Without words vers.
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The Starkid rabbithole hit me hard guys. And they're making a new musical soon?!?!?! Very very hyped
I love Paul and Emma so much, literally giving me life during midterms right now. Augh School is very stressful, I wish I could draw more. This painting was supposed to be short, but it ended up taking longer than I expected ;0;
Also, I finally got a sideblog to reblog art, so if you see @domos-gallary-wall reblog your art, that's from me :] Check it out if you want to see me post more than once a month, lol! It'll mostly be others' art and my thoughts. I might even post WIPs there.
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budderdomo · 1 year ago
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...And Where We Move On
It's finally done. This is a companion piece to: Where we started
Thank you Theorist Team for putting in so much hard work. I can't wait to see the new people in the spotlight! I already love Ash and Santi and their chaotic selves haha.
Also I'm thinking of starting a side blog where I reblog other's art, there's just a lot of posts I want to reblog but I don't want to "lose" my art on this page if that makes sense?
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budderdomo · 1 year ago
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budderdomo · 1 year ago
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the claim to your body at the beginning of time. an auction of souls. god moulded you to fit him. made to be empty but you are so full. -- deaths that don't stick by @sapphirecherry
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budderdomo · 1 year ago
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Where we started - MatPat
Hi, yes, I did cry during the announcement. And yes I cried again when I rewatched the announcement. I didn't realize it, but I went back to check and I've been watching game theory for 12 YEARS. I haven't watched consistently the entire time, but I have been watching pretty regularly again for the past three years (especially the food theories and meta theories <- love those)
I'm going to try and do a bigger composition as a companion piece closer to the retirement date, so fingers crossed I can do that in time. In the meantime I've been rewatching old GT (not) Live stuff to cope, haha!
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budderdomo · 1 year ago
My Paint Tool Sai Brushes/Painting Process Tutorial!
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Explanations and Examples down below
Disclaimer: long post
Hello! I wanted to first thank everyone for liking/reblogging my most recent art piece (the Darkiplier one) It has become my first post with over 1000 notes which is just insane for me. I just wanted to do something to thank you guys for that.
Anyway, this post will be divided like this, so scroll to the title if you want specific things
Brush textures/shapes for download
Overall process -> Terms and Definitions
How I use each brush (+ examples) -> Sketch -> Lineart (only do this sometimes) -> Rendering -> Textures + Post Processing
This post is mainly for me in the future to look back on how my painting process was. My process changes ALL the time, sometimes I use lineart, sometimes I paint, sometimes I don't use textures, sometimes I have 100 layers, sometimes I have 1. It just changes depending on the piece. There is no "correct" way to do art. Do what you want!
Second of all, I feel I should point out you don't need fancy brushes or many brushes to make good art. I painted this piece with 1 brush.
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That's right, 1 brush (it was the P A I N T brush shown in main). I didn't have a sketch, I didn't have any lines, I started with big shapes and went from there.
Third of all, I use Paint Tool SAI (the first one). So this will be specific to that program. I'm sorry, it's just what I know how to use.
Brush Textures/Shapes
You may see in my brushes that there are textures/shapes that don't come with the standard SAI program. I tried to find the links for you to download them yourself.
Arrow: https://www.deviantart.com/digikat04/art/Custom-SAI-Brush-I-265506547
All texture brushes: https://painttoolsaibrushes.splstc.com/painttool-sai-textures/
For some reason I can't find where I got marble pt. 2 or chalk so here's the png files. (You can convert them to .bmp files) (Hopefully that works!)
Chalk : Marble pt. 2
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Overall Process
Before I go over my process I'm going to define some terms I'll be using and what I mean by them:
Flats - base colors
Rendering - Includes shading, lighting, small details, and texturing to define a form
Blending - mixing two separate colors together
Reduction - Once you've made a line/shape, reduction is the act of erasing part of it -> At the bottom of my brushes (in the images up above) you can see a checkered box which makes your brush transparent. I use the erasing brush to Reduce the red circle.
Persistence - How well the brush can create a new shape/color on top of pre-existing colors (If the brush blends a lot on top of other colors it has low persistence)
"Hard" vs "Soft" brushes - How well defined an edge is on a brush
Stabilizer - Turns trembly lines into smooth lines
So, I draw a different way each time. My canvas size is normally between 2500 pixels and 4000. I usually do around 3000 though. In general for my paintings I usually do
A sketch
Hue Shifts
Brighter Light/Deeper Shadows (Highlights/Ambient Occlusion)
Smaller Details
Post Processing
For my bigger compositions, I make thumbnails. And for my "comic book" style I use lineart and layer modes (like multiply, luminosity)
How I Use Each Brush (+ Examples!)
I have 2 sketch brushes. "pencil" and "sketch" For most of my life I have been using the default pencil brush on size 1. But recently I have been using this softer "sketch" brush on size ~20 or so. Either way works, but I find that the "pencil" brush is easier for linework and the "sketch" brush is easier to blend into paintings
"Pencil" : "Sketch" examples
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Lineart (opt.)
Nowadays I don't use lineart that often, but if I do it's with my "Softlines" brush. It's great for both very thick and very thin lines. I lower the opacity of my sketch and put lineart on a new layer on top of it
"Softlines" brush examples
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With lineart I seperate each new color with a new layer. For painting I'm now using one color as an underpainting color and working on top of that layer. So I render one thing at a time while working on the same layer.
I lower the opacity of the sketch and create a new layer under my sketch. I use my "pencil" brush to lay out the underpainting color and "blur" for hue shifts. And then I reduce it to the silhouette using my "sketch" brush (This gives a softer outline)
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This would take way too long to explain every step of how I do it. So I'll explain how I use my brushes in this step.
"Arrow!!!" - I use this brush for laying out intial shapes, big areas of color, shading, lighting. The arrow shape has a point on the end that's really great for triangular shapes. It's not very good at small details because of the texture applied to it.
"Sketch" - I use this brush during the rendering as well. It's great for small details that you want a softer look of. It has a high persistence so it's great for working on the same layer.
"P A I N T" - This is a brush that's good at very many things. It has higher blending than "sketch" or "Arrow!!!" and it's shape is square. Great for blending, general painting, small details, reduction, etc.
"blur" - great for gradients or to smooth something out a lot
"Gaussian" - is a gaussian blur. Great for making things out of focus or fuzzy
"square TEX" - texture brush that has high persistence with some blending
"metal TEX" - texture brush with high blending and a spread shape.
"speckle TEX" - texture brush for kind of a sparkly look. High persistence
"water TEX" - texture brush that works kind of like a glaze. You can use for flair/fun
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Typically I use more filters for this. Paint Tool Sai has sliders to change hue, saturation, brightness, contrast, luminosity, and color deepen. So I tend to mess with those. I also add effects like chromatic aberration
The tutorial I follow for chromatic aberration in Paint Tool Sai: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thmaephD9Ec&t=169s
I also add particles like dust and other objects.
Finally I use my Gaussian blur to make things out of focus/motion blur
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I hope this helps! I feel like I'm at a point in my art journey where I'm good enough to give advice. So hopefully this helps someone out there with their art journey! Obviously I have a long way to go, but I'm pretty proud of where I've come. I remember watching speedpaints and tutorials trying to become better at art. So I kind of want to add to that cycle for artists. :D Have a great day!
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budderdomo · 1 year ago
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He’s [not] trying, okay??
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budderdomo · 1 year ago
Absolutely beautiful!! I really like how you captured likeness here, super impressive. Great work!
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Life is ours to choose.
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budderdomo · 1 year ago
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Glass Flowers - Darkiplier
Alternative name: What You're Made Of
Really proud of how this piece turned out. I spent around ~23 hours on it and used about 7 different texture brushes (try to spot them all haha) to make this. The egos mean a lot to me, especially Darkiplier, so I tried to make something that encapsulates how I feel about his story.
Hope you like it too! :)
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budderdomo · 1 year ago
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Solitude - Markiplier
Reference under cut
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artist notes:
I'm trying to find a style for myself and I think I'm heading in a good direction? I don't know, I'm just experimenting and seeing what fits. I've found that I like fun colors and lots of textures so I tried to incorporate those kinds of things here. (Zoom in to see the textures!)
I'm definitely improving with my realism, this is a big improvement over the last time I drew Mark. I used a new technique, underpainting! so I think that helped unify my color pallete a bit. Also, new signature! I think I like this one.
Had a lot of fun with this one for sure :)
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budderdomo · 1 year ago
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Andrew Neiman // Miles Teller -- Whiplash (2014) Dir. Damien Chazelle
Screenshot used:
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From the scene where Andrew sees Fletcher's band practice for the first time
Ok, I watched Whiplash for the first time about a month ago and I MEAN- (I can't believe I haven't seen it earlier)
Amazing movie! I seriously think this is one of my favorite movies of all time now. Great acting, great cinematography, great editing, great story. Intense and thrilling in all the right places, the soundtrack is outstanding (obviously), the deep multi-faceted relationship between Fletcher, Andrew, greatness, obsession, and music. It's dark and I love it.
I had always seen clips of this movie, but I don't know why I didn't just go and see it, IMAGINE seeing this in theaters. damn. Anyway, this is a long winded way to say that I've been obsessed (which is also thematically appropriate) with this film. I've listened to the soundtrack multiple times, watched all the interviews, know all the fun facts, seen almost every Youtube analysis to man, watched all the fanedits, read the fics, watched La La Land, started going through Miles Teller's other movies like The Spectacular Now, Top Gun Maverick, realized JK Simmons voiced the yellow M&M and Ford from Gravity Falls and Cave Johnson and every other piece of media from when I was younger. I'm down so bad guys, help.
Please go watch the movie, if you haven't seen it! (Except if you're a minor, it's R rated sorry! But it's like the most asexual R rated movie I've ever seen haha) (And only if you're in a good head space, it's very stressful, there's yelling and abuse) It's about jazz drumming and passion turned to obsession. So do with that what you will :) It's on Netflix right now!
Besides my descent into madness, (as this is still an art blog haha), I'm really proud of this piece. I've really worked on my realism (can you tell?) and I'm getting to a place where I'm pretty happy with it. I also bought Corel Painter on sale recently, and now I can do cool text and stuff, I will be experimenting... Hopefully I can work on more art for this movie!
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