bts-scenarios · 9 years
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hi, ship me? haha my name’s Mary, 19 years old, im 5’6
I so like weird things and fashion haha, love to cook, have fun and laugh, I dont like boring and serious people, also i cry a lot, a lot , I have a sensitive heart. I like make people happy
mary youare so pretty ♡*(ू•‧̫•ू⑅)♡⋆*ೃ:.✧
Well I have theright dose of chic and weird for you. I ship you with jin!! Honestly you both would be perfect together talking about fashion, cooking and having fun, he would problably give you a couple name like majin xD. But jin, he is a smart and loving guy, he would hate seeing you cry so he would do everything to make you happy. Awww really you both would be so cute :D
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bts-scenarios · 9 years
--and I like hidden object games. I believe in true love, takes me a lot to fall in love but when I do, it becomes everything to me. I talk a lot, whine a lot, basically nonsense because I suck at expressing my real feelings. Introversion level is too high. I'm nocturnal. Used to sing, now studying animation. Pervert but only for my love. And...loyalty is the most important thing to me, as far as I can understand. Thank you if you can finish reading this... :)
I read allyour ship so don’t worry :). I think you and V will fit together. I startedreading and though your personality suited him a lot, you love manga, food,animals also cheerful and positive, and compromised with love, like V said inthe past he wants a person that only looks at him and love him. He can help youexpressing your feelings and being more open and showing yourself more.
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bts-scenarios · 9 years
Ship me please!^^ Im korean-english but i spend my summers in korea, born in 95' with hair like b1a4 cnu's in 'baby goodnight'. Im not a very feminine person, i have quite a masculine style of clothing and dancing and i love playing football and hockey. Im quite hyperactive and jumpy and i really love messing around but i know when i need to calm down. I like actiony books and films and im not into romancy stuffs cx Thank you!!!
Oh so lucky!I want to visit Korea so much :D. I ship you with suga  honestly he probably doesn’t even care aboutlooks or clothes, a relationship with yoongi is more about compatibility andunderstanding each other.  He is lazy somaybe you can rub some of you hyperactivity on him xD.
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(I love this picture >
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bts-scenarios · 9 years
Can I get a ship please? I'm Asian, 00' liner standing at 5'5. I have a baby face, but I'm skinny. I play volleyball, football, and I ice skate. I also play piano and guitar. I speak three languages. I'm quite independent but I can be affectionate when I know it's okay to be. Looks: I was told that I look like a mix or SNSD's Yoona and Apink's Nauen. O_O
00 liner! Youare so young and are taller than me xD  andwow so active, you do a lot of things and look like never stops. We needsomeone who has a lot of energy and always keeps you entertained, I ship youwith Jungkook! I think he has a lot of energy and  would like someone affectionate but independent whenneeded to be, I don’t really see him as the clingy 24/7 type.  
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bts-scenarios · 9 years
Can I get a shipping for BTS? I'm 5'2 (yeah pretty short), I have big brown eyes (my friend say they might be bigger than D.O's eyes), and medium length ombre hair. My personality is all over the place, I'm cold at first, but i'll warm up to you. Sometimes I may be really outgoing one day and isolated the next (it's really confusing to me too). I also have sarcastic humor and I love to laugh too. I also have a passion for writing, reading, and photography. I think that's it, thanks!
Hi I bet you have really beautiful eyes, I love people with big eyes :) well  I think you are a person that you need totake your time for really get to know them, but still your personality is alwayschanging, which is not a bad thing (I also have days) but to accept apersonality like yours, one needs to be strong, so I ship you with Rap monster:).. I think he is really approachable and patient, he is dedicated sohe would take the time to get to know you and give you space the days you needto be alone, he can also take some sarcastic comments and laugh with you.
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he is so beautiful. please take care of him :’)
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bts-scenarios · 9 years
Hey everyone!! Yesterday I was really busy and also binge watched unpretty rapstar xD so I'll be answering the ships today. Please forgive me OTL
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bts-scenarios · 9 years
Can I request for a ship? Haha^^ For appearance wise, I do have double eyelids, mid-length brownish black hair, around 161cm? & Hazel eye colour! I have a strong passion for music, dance & singing. without music I don't know how I'm gonna get on with life. I always wear sneakers out & you'll always see me with my earphones on ㅋㅋ I enjoy reading too. I mostly sing and dance in my free time~ I would say I'm kinda open-minded & I don't really express myself well affectionately with words, boohoo..
Hi  :) ok I think everyone can see that you are perfect for SUGA! I’m suga biased so I know what I’m talking about ;). He is really passionate about music and composing and I’m pretty sure you can understandthat’s his life, he would spent hours alone composing and making music but youlike reading and dancing so you can find another stuff to do while he is at it, but yeah music is his  life and he can’t live without it. I know this doesn’t sound like a relationship but I don’t think he can express his feelings very well so you still have music to communicate :D 
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bts-scenarios · 9 years
Ship me? 5'2 (I know I'm a shorty 😆) Curvy Plays Volleyball (Shocking right 🐸) Filipina And a Half Spanish Big Eyes Small Lips Brunette Loves to joke around I'm really loud almost too loud sometimes I have two sides one is I'm bubbly and always smiles but then again sometimes I'm abit annonyed easily so I can get angry and pretty tense but overall I'm a very PDA person so I love to hold hands cuddle etc :) Thankyou so much :))
Hi :) I’m5’2 too *high five * and one of my best friends is even shorter and she was thebest at volleyball so not shocking at all.
Being honest,I read this ask several times and I have no idea who to ship you with but themit just occurred to me that you would look cute with V xD because for me he isreally 4D and you look too.  (no offense)he is also really funny and bubbly so I think you would get along really well.
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bts-scenarios · 9 years
are your ships open?^^
Hi, the ask box is open for ship me with BTS and questions (what would, who would, what if).  so don’t worry, you cand send them anytime you want :)
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bts-scenarios · 9 years
Ship me? Height is 163cm, dark brown eyes, long black hair, Thai, I'm very friendly, goofy and kind to others! Pretty sensitive, I cry easily, dancing is my life! I enjoy watching movies but no horror I get scared easily, I like seeing people happy, people say I'm motherly since I always care and worry for others, I read, listen to music and dance in my spare time, I LOVE dogs! I really want to volunteer at dog shelters, I want to help and care for them, even though I never had a dog before^^
The furtherI read this, the more I think you and J hope would be perfect together!!  Two caring, friendly and goofy dancingmachines xD. You seem really sweet and I can totally see you and hoseok owninga shelter for animals in need.
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bts-scenarios · 9 years
Hiiiii. I just posted it again. Something funky happened to my tumblr xD
I’m 5′4″ and a little chubby. But I’m still athletic. I sing and dance (Actually working on a Danger Cover dance right now). Seeing BTS in Dallas! Woot! Anyways. I love painting, drawing, and baking. I have a huge affinity for sweets and carbs haha. I love eye and eye brow piercings. I don’t have tattoos but I think they are nice. I’m a pastel and earth tones kind of girl haha. I just graduated from University and play videogames (RPGs) in my free time. I’m emotional and kind, but I can be tough too. haha. Hope that wasn’t too much. Please Ship me kindly!~
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Hi, firstof all sorry for this late reply OTL and congrats, you are so lucky!!
For whatyou write you are a really active person, you are always moving and looking forsomething to do, dancing, singing, baking, playing videogames etc. I think youwill fit really well with JIMIN!! You would dance, draw and play videogamestogether, also you can bake and cook for him, and he would love it!! I reallythink you both are the perfect match, have a happy life together :)
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bts-scenarios · 9 years
Submitting them in the photo's option or just add a picture i the text's option!
thank you :). I hope this helps some of you guys 
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bts-scenarios · 9 years
How do you pic ship? *noob* like do we send in a pic and u ship us with a member? How do I even send a pic *noobs more*
yes sweetheart, you send a pic and some information about you and I will ship you :). To be honest I don’t know how you send a pic >
if some of my followers know how you send pictures please let me know. 
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bts-scenarios · 9 years
What would Jimin, Jungkook and Suga do if they really liked a girl and she liked them back but they didn't speak the same language?
Aww Ireally like this ask, because must of us don’t speak Korean and let’s be honest the only one that can speak English properly is rap monster and I’m pretty surethose three are helpless with English LOL and don’t make me talk for those ofus that English isn’t our mother tongue.
Jimin: heis really physical and active, so he would be the most creative, he would dosigns and dance around you trying to communicate.
Jungkook:this situation would be really tough with him, he’s the youngest and shyest, hewould be intimidated for a foreigner and the language barrier, but if he reallyliked the girl he wouldn’t give up and try his hardest, studying and asking forhelp to his hyungs.
Suga: he ismy bias but we all know he is a lazy ass xD. He would probably just look for randomwords in your language and make lame raps with them.  
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bts-scenarios · 9 years
I'm not sure is you still do request or how to send them but can you do a ship for me I am 5'8 I really curvy, medium lengthen platinum blonde hair, silvery blue eyes, I have a baby face, I am normal happy and when I. Sad i usually force a smile to keep those around me happy, I an alitttle blunt, and very sweet but I can be very mean and scary, my friends think I am wild and crazy and very weird, I stay funny things without even trying and I always smile, and make others smile no matter what
Hi, offcourse I’m doing requests, thank you for sending it. 
For whatyou write I think you have a complex personality, you are a nice person andsmile a lot but also can be blunt and mean. Therefore I ship you with JIN. Ican see him totally loving your baby face and complimenting your eyes all thetime he can be mature but also really childish so he would like to be aroundpositive and happy people, but he will be the first one to notice that even thoughyou are smiling, something is wrong. He has a strong personality so he can dealwith blunt and mean (in a playful way off course) people he would just be hisnormal princess and be mean and blunt back to you, making you laugh so you stopbeing annoying xD.
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bts-scenarios · 9 years
Still open for pic ships? For how long?
I’m not planning on closing the ask box anytime soon, so don’t worry :) 
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bts-scenarios · 9 years
I’ll be editing and customizing the blog, so things will be a little messy. also the ask box is open, only for ship me with BTS and questions (what would, who would, what if).
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