bsd-fyodor94 · 5 years
Good morning! What would Dazai, chuuya, and Fyodor do/their reaction be with a sleepy S/O who loves cuddling? Their S/O always sleeping everywhere or daydreaming? Have a nice day!
Sleepy S/O who loves cuddles
Osamu Dazai, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Chūya Nakahara
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Osamu Dazai
“Sh, Kunikida, they’re sleeping. You won’t want to wake them up, right?” Dazai smirked at his furious partner but continued to stroke his s/o’s hair as they sat on his lap in dreamland.
Dazai will be fine with his s/o sleeping everywhere. He’d most likely give them his coat if they seemed cold.
He won’t let anyone mess with them, daydreaming or sleeping, he’ll let them continue whether they’re in war or not.
He knows the value of sleep, which is why he allows them to sleep all the time. He may be a little worried when he sees them sleeping all day, though.
When their daydreaming, he knows. He may tease them when they wake up saying they were dreaming about him.
During the night, he’ll try to lull himself to sleep with the calming atmosphere of his s/o. If it’s during the day, there’s a better chance of him cuddling up and sleeping with his s/o.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
When he sees his s/o sleeping, he wants the room to be completely silent, except for his s/o’s soft breathing and snores of course.
If his s/o says he’s comfortable to lay on, he’ll smirk and it’ll be a little boost to his ego. He’ll always let them lay on him, but only if he can work during their nap.
He’ll find it worrisome when he sees them sleeping everywhere, as he’s read a lot about sleep. He might ask his s/o if they are ok, and if they say yes he’ll calm down some.
While he doesn’t sleep much, sometimes his s/o can cause him to fall asleep when they lay on him. The exhaustion takes over and he just passes out.
When his s/o daydreams, he might follow in suit. He may daydream about their relationship, or their future, or how his plans will turn out.
He thinks sleep and daydreaming is great, so he’s glad his s/o gets enough sleep but his concern will still contiune with his s/o’s sleeping habits.
Chūya Nakahara
Chūya isn’t one to like sleep during the day. While he won’t mind his s/o laying their head on his shoulder and passing out, he won’t go to sleep with them.
Except for night. During the night, he’ll be so tired he’ll pass out before even reaching the bed, but he’ll always wake up in his shared bed due to his s/o dragging him there and cuddling up to him.
Chūya will, of course, hold his s/o while they sleep, and he’ll go crazy if someone, other than him, did wake them up.
He’s not very concerned with their sleeping habits, but he may wake them up himself if anything is needed.
Chūya used to daydream a lot, but he learned his lesson not to. Once, during an executive meeting, Mori quizzed Chūya on the plan he didn’t hear while daydreaming. It was very embarrassing and he said he’d never daydream again.
He’ll let his s/o daydream with no problem, though. Once beginning to date, he’ll struggle to not daydream about them, but sometimes he’ll just indulge in his fantasies with them.
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Hope this fits your request! Have a wonderful day!
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bsd-fyodor94 · 5 years
Are requests closed for now or is it okay for me to post a request? I don't think I can see any notice on your blog.
Requests are always open! I just have been working on a lot of requests lately so you’ll have to give me some time if you send on in! :)
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bsd-fyodor94 · 5 years
fyodor, ranpo, and dazai with an s/o who’s ability allows them to temporarily use the abilities of anyone they touch? (e.g. touching atsushi would let them use beast beneath the moonlight until they touched someone else)
S/O with copying ability
Fyodor Dostoevsky, Ranpo Edogawa, Osamu Dazai
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Fyodor Dostoevsky
He likes the idea of it, he just won’t let his s/o copy his ability. He’ll do everything in his power to keep them from it, just for their own safety and protection.
He knows his ability is dangerous and could hurt his s/o. He also couldn’t risk dying–even by their hands. He has too many plans for the future–their future together.
Fyodor would think them copying Dazai’s ability would make his plans a lot easier, if it’ll work. He may try to set something up so they can obtain his ability.
With an ability like this one, his s/o would become more like a pawn to him rather than a romantic partner. He won’t be brainwashed with power for long, though. He’ll learn that he must protect his lover.
Ranpo Edogawa
He will want them to try to copy his ability, but they say it won’t work. He won’t be sad about this, it just makes him boast more about his amazing ability.
Ranpo won’t care much for his s/o’s ability. He’ll like the idea of it, but won’t go into detail about it.
He cherishes his s/o much more than any ability they could have–unless they can form snacks from thin air.
Despite not caring, he’ll definatly praise them on something good they did. Or find it rather nice that they copied Atsushi and now he has a giant tiger protecting him.
Osamu Dazai
Dazai would first want to see if they were able to copy his ability. If yes, he’d probably keep them by his side, just in case they ever need his ability.
If no, he’d convince them to play around with other people’s abilities. He’d love to watch everyone’s surprised faces when they have their ability copied by his s/o.
While his s/o’s ability is quite powerful, and he’d love for them to use it in his plans, he wouldn’t want them to be hurt.
Dazai has been protective of people he really cares about since he left the mafia. Meaning, even if his s/o’s ability was powerful, he’d stop anything harmful that came their way.
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Sorry it was short. Hope this fits your request! Have a wonderful day!
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bsd-fyodor94 · 5 years
headcanons for Edgar with a goth s/o who is in a band? thanks a lot love ur writing btw!!!
Edgar Allen Poe with a goth S/O in a band
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Poe would love the style his s/o has. He’d love a goth s/o because it reminds him of his writing. Which he’ll always—shyly—ask his s/o to read.
Poe will feature his s/o in his writing, making them a main character or even just a small side character.
His s/o will spend a lot of time with Carl, which could make Poe ‘a little’ jealous. He won’t admit it, though. He likes seeing his s/o scocialize with his raccoon.
He’s not particularly sure if he likes the music they produce or not. He’ll listen to it, but he won’t give any feedback as he doesn’t know what to say. He’ll only compliment their musical talent.
He’ll go their their concerts occasionally, if he’s not busy or too afraid. Most of the concert, he’d sit backstage and wait for his s/o to finish their show while Carl rests on his head.
Some days Poe might ask his s/o to play/sing something for him privately. He won’t ever force them to, but he’ll ask in a whisper with a blush on his face.
Poe might even take some lyrics from their songs and turn it into a piece of writing.
He won’t ever hint at it, or show it, but he does have a small portfolio with some little pieces of writings about his s/o he’s way to embarassed to show. They’re nothing dirty, he just feels they aren’t good enough to show them.
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Hope this fit your request! Sorry it’s really short! Have a wonderful day!
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bsd-fyodor94 · 5 years
Hiii! I really like your works! Could you maybe do some headcanons for Dazai, Chuuya, and Akutagawa where their s/o has a somewhat powerful blood ability that when she slasher her arm the blood that spills out can be hardened into a sword? (Think Mirai Kuriyama from Beyond the Boundary) sorry if it’s a little bit much! I hope you have a great day
S/O with powerful blood ability
Osamu Dazai, Chūya Nakahara, Akutagawa Ryunosuke
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Osamu Dazai
He won’t tell his s/o, but he hates their ability. He wants to protect his s/o, but he finds it difficult when they are always spilling their own blood to fight.
He won’t care much before he begins to deeply care about his s/o, but once he does, he’ll feel his legs get weak everytime he sees them use their ability.
He does have to admit, it is a cool ability. Being able to create weapons from their blood, amazing.
He won’t ever stop their ability, however. Unless it gets to the point where his s/o will be using too much of their own blood.
He’ll put a hand on their shoulder and break the sharp item out of their grasp before they do any harm to themself.
If his s/o wears bandages like him due to scars, he’ll happily sit them on a counter and wrap fresh, new bandages around them, and he’ll hope they do the same to him.
Chūya Nakahara
He won’t deny that it’s a very powerful ability. He finds it a little gross, since he doesn’t really like bloodshed, but he’ll learn to get over it.
He will wince everytime he sees, hears, or thinks about his s/o slashing their body up to use their ability.
Chūya will do everything in his power to prevent the use of their ability. As much as he wants to see his s/o succeed with their ability, his heart breaks a little everytime he sees their blood drip.
He can’t stand the thought of loosing his s/o, so he won’t ever let them use their ability for long, no matter what.
Chūya really resents their ability, but he’ll learn that it’s not the end of the world when their spilled blood hardens into a sword. Their heart does continue to pump blood, but he’ll  definitely be the first to patch up any wounds they have.
Akutagawa Ryunosuke
He finds it surprisingly intriguing. While he doesn’t want his s/o to get hurt, they seem to be immune to the pain of slashing their arm.
He won’t let them fight any battles alone, but he will take his time to observe his s/o’s ability. He may even ask a few questions on how it works which could confuse his s/o since it’s a little out of character for him.
As much as he’d love to watch his s/o fight, he won’t do so for long. After all, he did vow to never let his s/o’s blood spill. Maybe he’d have to change that up a little.
He’ll always be the first and last person to ask if they are feeling alright after they used a lot of their blood to create weapons.
If they say they are not fine, he’ll make sure whoever made them use their ability gets a taste of Rashōmon, after, of course, they receive their much needed medical attention.
If they say they are fine, Rashōmon will be the last thing the culprit (if alive) sees anyways. He won’t let the culprit rest well knowing his s/o’s blood spilled because of them.
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I didn’t know the character reference you made, but I hope this fits you’re request. Hope you have a wonderful day!
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bsd-fyodor94 · 5 years
If it's not too much work can I ask for drabble/scenario with drunken chuuya and f!reader? I really love your writing style and would love to see u write this. Thank you❤️
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Chūya Nakahara
He stumbles around once he made it through the door, allowing the orange hair to fall in front of his face. He mumbled profanities as he almost tripped over his own footing.
“Chūya, welcome home.” His lover spoke tiredly to him. She knew he had a rough day at work when he shows up home drunk at midnight. She yawned as Chūya followed her to the kitchen.
A glass of water was placed in front of him, but he chose to go to the cabinets where he held his wine, numbing about someone he called ‘mackerel’.
“Hey,” She grabbed his wrist and redirected them from the wine bottles to the glass of water. He groaned and draped himself on her back, letting out a whine. “Chūya, drink the water.” She demanded.
Chūya groaned again and nuzzled his face into her neck, inhaling the scent of her shampoo that still lingered around her despite her taking a shower hours ago. “I don’t want to.” He lazily wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing her closer to him.
“Chūya–” He cut her words off by quickly running back to the wine cabinet to grab a bottle. He popped it open and began drinking it as fast as he could before she got to him or passed out. “Hey! What the hell!”
His lover grabbed the bottle from him, some red wine splashing onto his face. He let out a whine while the red substance leaked down his face to stain his white collar. “You don’t need more to drink.” He stumbles after her, as she began pulling him by the tie towards their bathroom.
“And now look, you’re soaked in wine.” She giggled upon seeing his state. He wiped as much as he could off with his hands before throwing himself into her arms, wanting a hug.
She had showered both of them after realizing she now had wine on her too and Chūya was a little too intoxicated to shower without passing out every few minutes.
He laid in bed next to her, wet hair dampening the pillows as he shifted to get closer to her. He slowly wrapped arms around her and pulled her extreamly close to him.
She felt his breathing on her bare neck as he slowly, softly, drifted off to dreamland.
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Hope this works for you, sorry it wasn’t very long! Hope you have a wonderful day!
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bsd-fyodor94 · 5 years
How about some yandere! Chuuya headcanons?👀💓
Yandere Chūya Nakahara Headcanons
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The first sign of Chūya being a Yandere is him making his s/o quit their job. He won’t  necessarily force them to quit, but he’ll imply that they don’t need.
It’d be exceptionally great for him in persuading them if they have been feeling stressed from work or if someone has been annoying them at their work.
When his s/o had a job, he’d spoil them with  luxurious clothes, spontaneous dates to restaurants, beautiful jewelry—really anything his s/o looks at or he thinks they are interested in.
After they quit their job, they’ll be a little more isolated than before. While Chūya let them leave their shared penthouse for work and shopping (only if he went with them shopping), he’d really only let them leave now to shop with him.
The second sign is his maids and butlers. Chūya has a lot of money with his work. Meaning his work takes up a lot of his time. So, he hired servants to clean and take care of his penthouse and make dinner for him and his s/o.
He fired all of them when he started becoming a Yandere. He thought it was too much of a risk. His s/o could tell them about what is happening to him and that would be the perfect time for them to leave him.
The third sign was excessive jealousy. Chūya has always been a little jealous about other people that would flirt with his s/o or give them flirtatious looks. And he was pretty vocal about it.
He knew his s/o was a stunning work of art, but he didn’t think, personally, he’d be so jealous of everyone.
Chūya will give everyone dirty looks, whether they looked at his s/o or not. Which was another reason, he’d say, that he fired everyone who worked in their shared home.
The jealousy didn’t just stop with cold eyes and dirty looks. Occasionally, a poor soul would go as far as to touch his s/o. This would light a match in Chūya, he’d show no mercy in yelling and flinging the person around until they passed out dizzy.
For Chūya, he vows to never hurt his s/o, though. No matter how bad they could be or how many times they may try to escape, he’d never lay a harmful finger on them.
Sure, he’ll pin them down with just enough gravity that they can’t move, but he’d never put too much pressure and if they said it hurt, he’d immediately stop and go soft.
For a ‘punishment’, Chūya would probably make his s/o model clothing for him. But he’d never hurt them or insult them, no matter what.
But, it’s a completely different story if someone were to have the audacity to hurt his s/o. He’d go crazy if his s/o even got a little paper cut.
His s/o may thinks it’s bad if someone were to just touch them, but hurt them? The police would even be afraid when they find that poor soul.
Chūya would never, ever, get his s/o involved in his mafia affairs. He’d leave that side far away from his s/o.
If his s/o was ever threatened due to his work, he’d bring them as fast away from the mafia as possible. He might even send them out on a little vacation to a beautiful island and say he’s letting them have a little break, of course with trustworthy supervision.
Chūya wouldn’t fully isolate his s/o from the outside world, but he’d definatly keep them as far away from people as possible and as close to him as possible.
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Hi, hope this fits your request! Have a wonderful day!
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bsd-fyodor94 · 5 years
Hi! Can I please request some Yandere relationship headcanons for Dazai with a female reader? Nsfw too if you do that! Thanks a lot(。・ω・。)ノ♡
Yandere! Dazai relationship headcanons (Fem S/O)
Osamu Dazai
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Dazai would be possessive and manipulative. He’ll start out as a sweet and silly boyfriend until he begins to realize how easily it would be for him to lose his s/o.
He’ll begin to destroy all of her ties with friends. Deleting their numbers from her phone, telling them she isn’t interested in them, etc..
Then he’ll slowly start to isolate her. He’d convince her that she didn’t need to leave the house, and he could take care of them financially from his pay at the ADA.
If his s/o objects to any of it, or accuses him of being the reason she no longer has friends, he’ll casually ignore it all.
But, if she persists that she needs friends and to see outside, he’ll tell her “I’m all you need.”
Sometimes, Dazai would allow her to leave the house, but only if she never let go of his hand or his leave his sight.
He’ll leave no openings for his s/o to escape, but if she does somehow manage to leave the house without his permission—he’ll be extreamly angry with himself.
He’ll take more desperate measures, locking every door and window every morning, putting a lock on the door that only he can open.
After her first almost successful attempt of getting away from Dazai, she’ll be chained to the bed post for a while until he thinks she’s going to behave good again.
Dazai refuses to hurt his s/o physically, but he will defiantly manipulate his s/o into behaving well.
He may threaten the well-being of her family, or friends that she no longer talks to.
If feels the need to, he may threaten her with a knife. He won’t puncture any skin, but he may cut clothes and run the face of the blade along her skin.
His s/o isn’t the only one to trigger Dazai’s possessiveness. It began with other people talking to her—specifically males.
When he takes his s/o out on dates, which are really the only times she’s permitted outside, he’ll be extreamly cautious of everyone around them.
He’ll analyize everyone and assess who would attempt talking to his s/o. If at any point someone talks to his s/o, or flirts with her, he’ll play off a calm face while holding so much hatred and jealousy in his veins.
Once he manages to passive-aggressively remove the person from his and his s/o’s area, he’ll immediately take her home no matter what they are doing.
It’ll take almost a few weeks before his s/o manages to convince him to let her outside after being talked to or flirted with.
Dazai is possessive and won’t ever let go of his s/o.
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Hello! Hope this fits your request! Have a wonderful day!
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bsd-fyodor94 · 5 years
S/O That loves Rat and always has one pet rat on them ? How would your favs react ?
S/O with a pet rat
Osamu Dazai, Fyodor Dostoevsky
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Osamu Dazai
Dazai would be extreamly interested in why his s/o has a rat riding on their shoulder nearly every second of the day.
He’d try to spend time with it, to gain its trust, some what in a way to get closer to his s/o.
He wouldn’t let the rat ride on his shoulder, but he’d hold it in his hands and feed it if allowed.
His s/o would occasionally ask him to watch the rat for them, to which he’ll agree. But the rat will quickly climb onto his shoulder to simulate the act of sitting on his s/o’s shoulder.
When the rat nestles itself into the side of his head, maybe getting tangled in his messy locks, he’d panic and freeze.
He most likely wouldn’t move until his s/o returns and takes the rat from his shoulder.
Eventually he’ll get used to the rat riding around on his shoulder, very quickly at that.
Dazai might even try to take the rat to work with him, which may confuse a lot of his co-workers, but in the end it’ll build more trust between his s/o and him as well as him and the rat.
Dazai wouldn’t try to train the rat, but would probably try to convince his s/o to train it how to do house chores, since someone has to make up for his lack of cleaning.
His favorite part about his s/o owning rats is that he won’t have to worry about a dog running around the house. Instead, he’ll have an obedient rat that will clean up after itself.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
If his s/o gets the pet after meeting him, he might think they’re making fun of him. He’ll get over it, but it’ll take some time.
If his s/o had the rat before meeting him, he’d think it was interesting and might think the rat is only for practice with psychological training, until he realizes his s/o really thinks of the rat as a pet and not a test subject.
Speaking of training, whenever he is required to watch his s/o’s pet rat, he’d train it with a lot of knowledge from the psychology books he’s read.
His favorite trick is when the rat brings his s/o a flower. He would never tell them he trained the rat to do that, but he’ll say it’s an interesting.
Seeing the rat sit on his s/o’s shoulder may make him feel slightly uncomfortable, especially when the rat is there all the time.
Soon, he’ll find out the rat isn’t the only one his s/o has. Once he sees that his s/o has multiple rats that look identical and the only way to tell them apart is the little bow ties on them, he’ll start to question everything he’s ever known and followed.
He originally thought his s/o only had one rat and just changed the color bow tie it wore, until he found the rest.
Not long after that, he’ll learn all their names and personalities. He’ll even let some lay on him while he works.
Sometimes a rat will run up to him and he’ll instantly call out their name, proving that he knows all the rats.
He’ll also end up training all the rats to bring his s/o flowers. He finds it cute seeing a bunch of tiny rats with big flowers chasing after his s/o when he rings a bell.
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Hello there! Hope this fits your request! Have a wonderful day!
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bsd-fyodor94 · 5 years
My darling, your writing is utter PERFECTION!💋💋💋💋💞💞💕💕💕💕💓💓💓💓
Ah, thank you! ❤️
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bsd-fyodor94 · 5 years
Just wanted to come by and say your writing is *chef kiss*👌💕
I’m glad you like it, thanks for stopping by!
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bsd-fyodor94 · 5 years
Ranpo courting a crush
Ranpo Edogawa
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Ranpo would take his time in courting his crush. He would first want to see if his crush actually liked him back, which would only take a few hours to figure out.
Then, Ranpo would surprisingly want to double check himself. That would only take about an hour.
After finally concluding his crush likes him back, he’d begin offering them sweets.
Instead of telling his crush to get him candy from the store, he’d ask them to go with him.
He’d tell them all about his favorite candies while also learning his crush’s favorites. Then, for a few days, he’d buy his crush their favorite candies.
During that time, he’d also take on as many cases as possible and ask his crush to escort him. That way, he’ll get to impress them with his intelligence.
Everyone in the Agency will begin to notice what is happening.
If his crush doesn’t confess to him during that time, he’ll do it himself.
He’ll show up with a multitude of flowers and their favorite candy. He might even throw in a stuffed animal that they might like.
The confession will be quick, but sweet enough to coat his crush’s cheeks with red blush.
Ranpo is a little impatient, so his crush shouldn’t have to wait long for him to confess, in fact it also wouldn’t take long for him to court them in marriage, as long as they agree.
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Hope this fits your request. Have a wonderful day!
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bsd-fyodor94 · 5 years
Hi i just found your blog and im falling in love with your writing 😭👏🏻 can i request a school au scenario of dazai where he confess to s/o who is going to transfer to another school? And also thank you for creating such amazing works,i really love all of your story 💗
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Slowness, Love, and Cheer
High School! Dazai
It was only the break of dawn when you received the letter from a shy lower class man, Atsushi. He left as quickly as he appeared, leaving you in confused thoughts and a letter in your hands.
An envelope sealed shut tightly with a little red heart sticker. Your name was written on the back in forcibly neat handwriting. The letter inside was handwritten, the penmanship not matching your name on the outside in neatness at all.
The contents, however, were sweet. The writer confessed their love for you through a series of short and sweet compliments. From your hair, to your eyes, all the way to the way you express yourself.
Signed at the bottom was an equally short and sweet name: ‘Dazai’. In the bottom right corner of the paper, in very small handwriting, was a simple sentence that will aid you in choosing your path. “Meet me in the chemistry room after school if you accept.”
As quickly as school began, it ended. The bell rang and students quickly left. You pushed against the crowd and towards the stairs that would lead you to the second floor–the floor with the chemistry room that Dazai should be waiting for you in.
Up the stairs and down the hallway, the only sound that echoed off the walls was the soft tap of your shoes and the occasional click from a clock’s minute hand.
The door was slightly ajar when you arrived. You walked in the classroom, lab tables lined up in the center and the teachers desk clean. Projects littered the tables from hours ago, left to sit for data to form.
Dazai sat on one of the two empty, clear lab tables. His hands wrapped around a small bouquet of flowers. He hopped down from his seat when he looked up to see you.
“I see you got my letter?” He asked, a smile played on his face. He held out the flowers for you to take.
You held them gently, never losing eye contact with the boy who confessed to you through a love letter. “I did. I accept, but there might be some complications.” You answered, seeing his smile turn to a frown. “You see, I’m moving pretty far–to Kyoto–in a month. I don’t know how well a long-distance relationship would work if you wanted one.”
“I don’t see what’s wrong with that. You’d just have me calling you every day to hear your pretty voice.” He laughed a little at his words.
You flushed red at the comment, his giggles getting louder when he saw your reaction. “Ok then. I suppose we’re a ‘thing’ now?” You both laughed at the situation that seemed to get awkward, but both enjoyed the moment.
A month had passed and you’d enjoyed your relationship as much as Dazai had. You two have gone on many dates, ate lunch together at school everyday, talked a lot more during classes, and even shared your first kiss together.
But at long last, the time to move has arrived. You sat on the sidewalk, a truck filled with multiple things from your home. Your father carried out another box to load into the back of the truck. “Did you get all your things packed, (First name)?” He asked.
You father knew your gloom, he could tell from the way you stared solemnly at the ground, holding your head in your hands. You didn’t want to leave. It could be a long time before you got to see Dazai in person again and we’re also still hesitant about the long distance relationship idea.
“Yeah.” You sighed. “Everything’s in my room, I’ll grab it soon.”
Your father sat down on the ground next to you, groaning about a bad spine as he did so. He rubbed comforting circles on your back. “Listen,” He wrung an arm around your shoulder, pulling him into you for a small embrace. “I know you don’t want to leave now that you got yourself someone, but you can visit Yokohama anytime you want once you graduate.”
You nodded, struggling to hold back the tears that threatened to fall. “I know, but…”
“I don’t suggest crying now.” You father wiped a stray tear from your cheek, smiling lightly. “I think your date’s here.” He pointed behind you.
Turning around, you almost immediately jumped up at the sight of Dazai. You wrapped your arms around him and he did the same to you. You both laughed, like you did most times you were together.
“I’ll be taking her out for lunch today, Mr. (Last name).” Dazai waves at your father while beginning to pull you to walk with him by the waist.
You father, before stepping back into the house to grab another box, called after Dazai. “Have them back by five, got it, boy!”
“Yes, sir!” Dazai yelled back.
The red chairs were comfortable, two straws peeking out of the large milkshake that sat in the center of the table. Dazai smiled at you while taking a sip from the milkshake, getting a smile in return.
Your hand laced with his and rest on the table. “So, you’re leaving tonight?” He asked. You nodded sadly. “I didn’t expect it to happen so soon. I could’ve swore it was only yesterday you accepted my confession.” He laughed lightly.
“Yeah… I don’t want to go.” You mumbled.
“It’ll all work out, alright? Remember what I said, I’m going to call you everyday.” He reaches across the table to brush away the hair that fell in your face. “Don’t worry. We only have a little longer until we’re done with (schooling) and we can see each other everyday.”
You couldn’t keep away the smile that curved onto your face. “Dazai, are you insinuating we move in together after school is over?” You playfully teased.
He put a hand dramatically on his hip, pouting a little. “What, would you be offended if I said yes?”
You both laughed, enjoying the moment like every other time you spent together. Soon enough, five o’clock rolled around and as Dazai had said, he had you back at home with one last kiss and a goodbye that wouldn’t last forever.
After finally settling in to your new room, decorating the walls with pictures and posters, your phone rang obnoxiously in your pocket. On the screen was none other than the boy you had back in Yokohama. You smiled and answered the phone, “Hey, Daz–”
“Hey~! How’s it going?” Dazai called through the speakers of the phone. It was late when you got to your new home and Dazai had insisted that you got sleep but promised to call you in the morning. To which he did go through with the promise.
“Good, how about you?” You giggled at the sound of him falling back onto his bed through the phone.
He laughed along with you, a habit that the two of you had obtained after being together. Laughing with each other over small things or nothing at all. “I’m doing good. Just helped Atsushi study for the math test in a few days.”
“Sounds interesting.” You trailed off, staring at a framed picture of you and Dazai while at a festival. An ice cream cone in your hand and Dazai leaning in to kiss your cheek. It was a picture taken by Atsushi, per Dazai’s request. “Hey, speaking of Atsushi… is there a reason he was the one to give me the love letter instead of you?” You teased.
Dazai gasped dramatically. “I asked him to because I had to speak with a teacher that morning.”
“Mhm… ok…” You toyed with him and he continued to defend himself, all while staring at the framed picture of you two that sat on your desk.
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Hi there! Sorry it took me a while to get this to you, but I hope this fits your request! Have a wonderful day!
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bsd-fyodor94 · 5 years
heyyyy I like your blog! real aesthetic goin on. is it okay if i request a s/o who loves giving and recieving pats on the head with dazai and ranpo? have a lovely day!
S/o who loves head pats
Osamu Dazai, Ranpo Edogawa
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Osamu Dazai
Dazai enjoys the head pats he receives when his s/o walks by. He’ll sometimes lean into their touch.
He’d really appreciate if it went from a pat to running their fingers between his messy strands of hair.
After the first few head pats, he’ll expect one everytime his s/o walks by, no matter how busy they are.
Occasionally, if he doesn’t get one, he’ll whine until he does.
For giving, if he’s ever standing next to his s/o–or even sitting with them–he’ll pat them on the head.
He doesn’t realize, but sometimes he doesn’t pat them on the head but more or less slaps them on the head.
If he does notice, or is told, he’ll apologize and stroke their hair gently while holding them hostage in his arms.
Dazai’s head pats happen multiple times a day, to which it’s become almost like a habit of his.
Ranpo Edogawa
When his s/o’s hands lay on his head for a head pat, he might hold it there just a little longer to relish in the feeling.
Whenever his hat is off, he’d love for his s/o to just give him a pat right on the head and run a hand through his hair.
He’d especially love it after he solved a case, as he’d take the motion as praise.
Sometimes he’ll take off his hat just to see if his s/o will pat him on the head and stroke his locks of hair.
For giving, he’ll normally give head pats randomly while cuddling with his s/o.
If he’s not giving his s/o head pats, he’s giving them snacks.
Head pats from Ranpo are not common, but are defenatly appreciated when he does give them.
They are just really soft, gentle pats on the head and if his s/o looks up at him, they’ll see his eyes closed and his bright smile directed towards them.
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Hope this suits your request! Have a wonderful day!
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bsd-fyodor94 · 5 years
Hello! If you're taking request,can i have a oneshot/scenario of and angsty prince au! dazai where he falls in love with a maid s/o? the ending is up to you but i'll appreciate it if it ends with fluff,thank you 💖
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Secrets and Disbelief
Prince! Dazai
When he first saw the girl dressed in a light blue ankle length dress and a white apron that was clearly dirty, one could say he fell in love at first sight.
He didn’t know her, he had never seen her around the castle, but he knew she was a good soul. He could see it, from his spot in the garden as she walked the path to pass by, he could see the kindness that swirled through her bright orbs and the small smile that decorated her lips.
It was shamed upon for a royal to be with a servant, it was shamed upon for a servant to even speak to a royal unless spoken to. However, Dazai couldn’t seem to find it in himself to care.
After he saw her, he wanted to know so much more about her. He wanted to know her name, her age, her likes and dislikes… everything. She was like a drug to him–he saw her only once and now he’s addicted to her.
The second time he saw her was during dinner. While the royals sat at the table, ready for a luxurious dinner prepared by amazing chefs, she walked out with a tray of expensive glasses filled with a drink requested by the royals.
This time, her white apron was clean and spotless, like dirt had never once touched it. She set the tray on the large table and gently placed a glass in front of everyone. Dazai was last to receive his drink. She set it down in front of him and gave him a gorgeous smile, a smile that had been so bright he felt as is his world had just burst into color, like this was the first time he saw the spontaneous shades of the color wheel.
During dinner, while the rest of the royals spoke carelessly amoung each other, Dazai sat in a stunned silence. He was filled with wonder, she was perfect in his eyes. Those eyes that he thought held kindness really were filled with docile politeness, her smile really gave it all away. He wanted to see it again–see her again.
The third time he saw her was when he officially met her. He walked down the corridor to his bedroom to retire for the night, only to stop when he head a soft, delicate voice echo through the hallway. When he located the voice, he also heard sobs. They came from an open door.
Peeking through the door, silently, he noticed the room was a storage room. Many boxes and crates piled along the walls, the tiles on the floor had been covered in muddy foot prints that seemed to pace around the room.
Off to the side, he finally saw the producers of the voices. A very young maid, who’s dress was almost drenched completely in mud and grime, was sobbing in the arms of… her.
The maid he had fallen in love with was stroking the younger girls hair and speaking softly over her sobs. Her dress that was once clean, but now her sky blue dress and white apron were covered in brown mud from the other maids dress.
She didn’t seem to care she was getting her clothing dirty, all she seemed to care about was the maid who was crying into her chest. Dazai noted that even covered in mud, she looked angelic. Even with a solemn expression, her eyes still held kindness.
Dazai leaned against the wall beside the door, hoping he wouldn’t be noticed as he shamelessly listened to her voice as she spoke calmly to the distressed maid.
Eventually, the sobbing had ceased, the younger maid confessing she must finish her work. He heard soft footsteps walk towards the door and in a panic he had taken his back off the wall and acted nonchalantly, like he was just now passing by.
He saw her step out, his love, with the front of her dress muddy but a smile on her face. She squeaked in surprise when she looked both ways and noticed Dazai standing in the middle of the corridor, with an equally surprised expression.
She bowed respectfully before beginning to walk the opposite way. “Wait!” Dazai finally called after her. He wouldn’t miss this chance to talk to her. She stopped abruptly. Then turned on her heel to face him, looking almost as if she’d seen a ghost. “What’s your name?” He asked, stepping closer to her.
“(First name) (Last name), a maid for the castle, your Royal highness.” She bowed again towards him.
“Is everything ok?” After listening, he knew the concept of what had happened. A young maid had broken a piece of expensive china while cleaning the storage room, causing her to break down crying. To which (First name) had found her and held her for comfort until she was relaxed enough to continue her work. The mud was from her previously working in the garden, to which mud formed after the heavy rainfall earlier in that day.
“Ah, yes, sir.” She spoke in a manner that would seem suspicious to anyone.
Dazai nodded and gave her a smile. “Could you help me with something?”
The maid was glad he didn’t persue the previous question any further, she didn’t have a lie thought up to protect the younger girl from any punishment. She had heard the Prince was extreamly smart, making her wary of ever speaking to him, especially after something like this had happened.
She nodded, “Yes, sir. What is it you need assistance with?”
“I was hoping you could find me a book in the library.” He noticed her shoulder relax, but her eyes never met his. “I don’t remember the name of it, but it has a red cover and a white shape in the middle. I’ve been looking for it but haven’t found it yet.”
The maid nodded again, accepting the task she was given. “I’ll find it for you tomorrow, sir.” He finally saw her smile, but her eyes still never met his.
Dazai thanked her and both walked to opposite ways down the corridor. Dazai felt his heart flutter, he had never felt this way before, but he was more than happy he was able to finally speak to the woman he had fallen in love with.
The following morning, a butler prepared Dazai his bath and helped him get dressed. The butler left the room to attend to something else, but reminded Dazai of breakfast in the dining room for him.
Soon, Dazai opened his door only to be met by her. She quickly bowed her head, a few books stacked in her arms. “Your Royal highness,” she looked towards him, “I’ve found a few books that match your description.”
Dazai felt butterflies fly around in his empty stomach. “That’s great, come in, I’ll look through them.” He was glad his room was clean to avoid embarrassment, though it was normally always clean thanks to the servants. It was large, with a door to a bathroom on the right, a large window and bed, and a desk and dresser off to the left wall.
Dazai led her to the bed, and she hesitantly placed them on the fluffy blanket. Dazai looked through them, a small variety of red and white books. Finally, he found the one that fit his tastes. ‘A Complete Guide To Suicide’. “This is it, thank you, (First name)!” He held the book up, admiring it and giving a side glance to see his love.
She bowed, a smile on her lips that made Dazai feel like he was in Heaven. “I’ll take the rest back to the library, then, Sir.” She gathered the other books in her arms and began walking towards the door.
Dazai panicked, not wanting her to leave so soon. “Wait!” He called out to her. “I have one more thing I need help with.”
She turned around before reaching the door. “What is it, sir?”
His eyes filtered towards his open dresser drawer and quickly ran towards it. He held up a tunic similar to the one he had on at the moment, except with a different color embroidery. “Would I look better with the blue stripes or the green?” He smiled sheepishly.
The tunics were the same except for the three stripes of blue and green on each sleeve. “Uhm…” the maid’s eyes drifted quickly back and forth between the two tunics. “I think the blue, sir.”
Dazai smiled and thanked her. Once she left the room, he quickly changed into the tunic with blue embroidery. He looked in the mirror and smiled before heading out to the dining room for breakfast.
For around a month or so, Dazai has been asking for help front the maid he fell in love with everytime he ran into her. From judging his clothes, to reading for him, to teaching him about the various flora in the garden.
Every moment he spent with her only made him fall deeper in love, but he knew it could never happen. It wouldn’t stop him from trying, though.
Dazai had requested her presence in the morning–like most other mornings–to chose his clothing for the day. Most of the time he’d be fully dressed and ready for the day, but would ask for her opinion on what would look better.
(First name) gently knocked on the door to his chamber. She heard quick footfall before the door opened to reveal Dazai who was smiling brightly. “Good morning, your Royal highness–”
“Dazai.” The prince smiled at her, correcting her. She looked at him confused before he spoke to her again. “You can can call me Dazai now.”
He had wanted to hear her call him by his name, not a royal title, for a while now. “S-Sir, I can’t. It’s against the rules.”
“Then I’ll make a new rule. You, and only you, can call me by my name now.” He smiled brighter and pulled her into his room.
Despite how much Dazai would joke around with (First name), she saw the seriousness in his eyes and and heard it in his voice. He didn’t want her to use formalities with him anymore.
“(First name), I want to ask you something.” Dazai started, staring into those docile eyes of hers. “I’ve been in love with you for a while now, and I wanted to ask if you’d be mine?”
The maid stood there, eyes wide and mouth agape. “I-I…” she stuttered before looking down at her feet. She saw how serious he was. He wasn’t joking around like he’d do most of the time, she could tell.
The month he’s been requesting her presence, she had slowly began to fall in love with the prince as well. She had heard about his joking, odd nature before officially meeting him, which only intrigued her.
And now, here stood a prince confessing his love for a servant. “Dazai…” She thought it felt weird saying his name. “I… feel the same–but we can’t—”
Dazai’s arms had wrapped around her, pulling her close to him. He rest his head on hers. “I don’t care about that. People can hate it all they want, but I won’t care.”
She gave in and relaxed in his arms, her body losing the tense stiffness she always had around him. “We could both get in a lot of trouble.” She whispered to him.
“And that doesn’t matter to me.” Dazai replied. “We can keep it a secret if you’d like. That way I can be with you but no one but us will know.”
(First name) pushes back in Dazai’s arms. “Are you being serious, or are you joking around?” She knew the answer and so did he, but she wanted clarification from him before committing herself to something as risky as this.
“Completely serious.” He smiled before pulling her back into a warm hug.
Although they both knew the consequences for their newfound relationship, neither of them would trade the moments they shared together for anything.
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Hello! I don’t think this turned out very well so apologies if you didn’t like it. I don’t think I portrayed Dazai’s character correctly nor do I think there was enough angst. I’ve never written or read and au’s so I hope this works. Hope you have a wonderful day!
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bsd-fyodor94 · 5 years
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Awe and Disgust (part 2)
Mafia! Dazai — Yandere
The first thing you noticed upon leaving the dingy bar was the black car that sat out front with two men in black suits by its side. The car wasn’t there ten minutes ago when you had arrived, meaning the deal really was sealed earlier today and Dazai had essentially tricked you into coming to meet him at the bar.
His hand never left yours while leading you to the car. One man, just a litter taller than Dazai, opened the backseat door for you, Dazai ushered you to get into the car.
You hesitated for a moment, staring solemnly at the soft seats. “Well, Dear? Come on,” Dazai chuckled in your ear from behind. “It’s late.” You could feel the smirk on his face, feeling its confidence is much higher than your own.
Slowly, you climbed into the backseat of the car that blended in with the darkness of the night, Dazai let go of your hand to run around the car and sit next to you in the backseat.
Your hand laid on the seat, not exactly knowing what to do except stare at your shoes. The two men occupied the front seats and you could feel the car shake as it started up and began its route to where Dazai had asked.
You felt the semi-familiar, cold hand land on your own. Dazai tapped his fingers on your own and slid closer to you, picking up your hand and holding it in his once again. “You know, there was no way you were getting out of this.” His voice was the softest you had ever heard him speak, although you haven’t heard him talk much before.
“Could you explain something to me?” You asked in a whisper, not wanting the quiet men in the front seat to hear your up coming conversation. Dazai hummed, signaling you to continue. “What did you mean when you said the deal was done earlier today? What happened?”
Dazai leaned his head against your shoulder, brown tresses tickled your cheek, a frown set upon your face. “Your parents, to protect their identity and ensure themselves safety, sold you to the mafia.”
You felt his hand tighten painfully around yours, cleared angered by their actions. Holding in a pained sound, your breath hitched in your throat, keeping you from breathing. You eyes filtered to the back of the seat in front of you.
Your parents–the ones who birthed you, raised you, and gave you a sense of security and happiness–sold you to the Port Mafia selfishly to protect themselves. It brought up so many questions in your head–were the reassuring words they spoke to you at night even real, did they even have an ounce of love and care in their hearts for you? We’re you–
“No need to worry, or cry, darling.” Dazai wipped the wet tears that began to fall from your eyes from all the emotion that began building up in your body. “You’ll be better off with me than with them. Come to think of it–they didn’t hesitate when agreeing to sell you.”
‘Sell’. His words hit deep. Not only did your parents get ensured safety from the mafia, but also money. It made you feel sick and hatred bubbled in your stomach. You felt like throwing up but also punching out the car window. The hand that wasn’t held by Dazai’s clenched into a fist by your side, and the tears gradually came down bigger and faster into quiet sobs.
Dazai kissed your wet cheek and twirled a lock of your hair around his finger. “Like I said–don’t worry. They weren’t worth your time and effort. They were greedy fools, I could easily have them killed if you want.” He laughed quietly and smirked against your cheek at the thought of all the power he had.
“No, don’t have them killed, can you just tell me where we’re going now?” You asked.
Dazai’s smirk fell and he huffed, grumbling about how he would love to be the one to kill your parents. He sighed before looking back towards you, giving you another kiss on the cheek. “To my apartment. You must be tired from all of this, so we’ll go to bed.”
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Feedback is appreciated! Have a wonderful day!
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bsd-fyodor94 · 5 years
Hello! I love your writing, it’s great! May I request ranpo with a s/o who makes it a goal to pester him everyday? The man deserves praise but dang do I wanna (reasonably) annoy him
S/o who trys to annoy Ranpo
Ranpo Edogawa
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Ranpo Edogawa
Ranpo would be alright with a s/o who continually pesters him. He’ll be waiting to see what new tactics they come up with each day.
He won’t normally get annoyed unless they take away his snacks, then he’ll give them the cold shoulder for a while until they apologize and get him new snacks.
He’d love to watch his s/o get frustrated when their annoying tactics don’t work on him. He can see right through it and sometimes knows what they’ll say.
He’ll always find a compliment to counter. He’ll shoot compliments their way like bullets in a video game. He loves to see the blush coat their face because of his words.
Maybe he’ll try to annoy his s/o back (if the compliments don’t do that), just to lighten the mood if it every turns bad.
Ranpo would love praise, however. If he finishes a case in fast time, he’d love for his s/o to boost his ego a little with some kind words and a kiss, of course.
He’ll always give his s/o that closed eyes smile he gives everyone, but the corner of his lips always tug upwards a little more for his s/o.
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Sorry it’s not the best, this is the first time I’ve written Ranpo. I hope this suits your request, though! Have a wonderful day!
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