brvknvagcbonds-blog · 6 years
Hello wonderful world of tumblr. I have come to troll and honestly been feeling nostalgic, wanting to read some of my old threads from past rp accounts. 
Just leaving this here to say I miss you all. 
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brvknvagcbonds-blog · 6 years
Hello lovely followers and friends! 
So I’m sure you guys have been noticing my status is very MIA from roleplaying. I have become very busy in life, I’m in a happy state of mind, and things are going smooth. I have been roleplaying for years now. I’ve been through ups and downs with roleplays, but over all this has been my get away, my escape from life to bring me happiness. It’s not that I don’t find happiness with roleplaying anymore, I just haven’t got the time for it. I have had ideas but the muse is very small and I just want to enjoy life. Maybe it’s just how busy my summer is for now, or maybe just from finally doing stuff outside in the real world. This community is fantastic and I have met some amazing writers, friends even. 
This isn’t a goodbye forever, this is just a goodbye for now! I still want to talk to you all, talk to the friends I’ve made. 
If anyone wants my social media handles or contact info, IM me and I will send you my stuff. 
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brvknvagcbonds-blog · 6 years
Atticus could only smile as the boy continued to poke and prod about the trip that was planned. “You will find out either way when we get to our gate,” he mused, guiding them through bag check. “Never on a plane… you’ll love it. I’ll even hold your hand on take off.” When they had finally reached their gate, he turned to see if Derek had figured out where they were going yet.
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Derek was bouncing on the balls of his feet nearly. He couldn’t contain his excitement. “Okay..” He said in a childish small tone. “Good, hold my hand because I will be nervous when we do take off.” Walking with Atticus as they made it to their gate. “Hawaii? Holy shit.” 
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brvknvagcbonds-blog · 6 years
“No, I’m not. I’m saying I’m uncomfortable.” Theo said frustrated with his not so little problem that he was currently just barely able to hide with the way he was holding the short little robe he had on. Luckily, or unluckily in this case, for him Ethan was too busy listening to himself speak to notice. So it was with an already large amount of frustration both sexual and non that he listened to the other condescend to him. He made his way over careful not to let his erection be noticed and gripped Ethan by the front of the shirt. “Listen here, you condescending little price. Maybe if you pulled your head out of your ass and actually listened you’d have heard me say the nudity isn’t the problem, my current state is. I’m rock fucking hard right now and unfortunately hearing you blow smoke up your ass about finding someone better, as if a two bit hack like you could, hasn’t made my dick go down yet. So now we wither wait on it to go down on it’s own or you get on your knees and use that mouth for something it’s actually good at because lying about the level of talent a visionless hack like you can afford isn’t one of them.” he said lowly so only they could hear puling Ethan closer as he spoke until his erection was digging in his leg through his robe.
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Ethan was so concerned about his photoshoot that he didn’t even think of the guy being uncomfortable in that way. All that he cared for was to get this set up right and perfect. Sometimes his inspiration clouded his mind and made him feel even more stuck up. When the other man pulled at his shirt, Ethan finally shut up. Glaring at the other and then moving his eye gaze down to the man’s lower area where the robe covered. “Wow got anything else besides hack? It’s not my fault you have a hard on. That’s on you. But how about I watch you jerk off and maybe you’ll get a reaction out of me.” Ethan tilted his head as he whispered back to the other. Feeling the man’s erection was nice, but Ethan wasn’t wanting to suck his dick. Maybe if the guy would just bend him over. 
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brvknvagcbonds-blog · 6 years
Harvey: Awww thanks! I had a guy try to count them once but he kept getting distracted. Something about my ass. In fairness, I was distracted too =3
Harvey: Oh? Do tell. 
Harvey: Always. You should come over always. Unannounced. Uninvited. Just cum over. 
Harvey opened his door. He hadn’t been waiting close by or anything. He wasn’t still sweaty and a little puffy and his bedroom door was *totally* not completely wide open because he’d put his sit up bar up against the door frame. He wasn’t inviting Brayden to a manic fuck session…. not at all.
“Hey,” Harvey said, nodding and looking over Brayden. “Welcome, welcome-” he said, inviting Brayden in. “Sorry, I’m a sweaty mess as it currently stands. Pull ups-” Harvey said, shutting the door so they were alone and motioning to the pull up bar in his bedroom. 
“You cool waiting for me for a moment while I rinse off? Got the game on the tv if you like-” he said. The unspoken offer was of course that Harvey was going to keep the door open so maybe if the other wanted to join, the shower was more than open. 
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From the subtext of the conversation it seemed that Harvey was down for some private time and Brayden was getting his hopes high for the thought. Granted they were both guys and most of them thought of sex even when it comes to the anal kind. Though it did spark a question of if he was going to top or Harvey wanted to. Brayden was mostly someone who liked to take over but if Harvey did it right and wanted to man handle him, more power to him. 
Stepping inside he still had on that dorky smile as he looked around. Getting a feel of the guy’s apartment. “Right-pull ups.” He repeated as he noticed the bar on the door. His mind was thinking of another way to use that bar but he also went up and tested the strength with one hand. Soon doing a pull up himself as his muscles flexed to it. “Okay nice. sturdy. I have one myself at my place.” He spoke. 
“Oh um yea go ahead clean up. I’ll wait for you.” Brayden said politely as he was still eyes on Harvey. 
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brvknvagcbonds-blog · 6 years
Nixon propped himself up on his elbow as he watched the man sleeping beside him. Rain created a soft lullaby on the window outside as he found it hard to rest at that moment. Things had gone up after confessing his feelings to Liam. “Morning sleeping beauty,” he whispered when seeing the other stir, leaning to peck his cheek.
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Liam always liked the rain, he also liked listening to it at night so he could go to sleep. He had dozed off with Nixon by his side as they were content with each other. The deep sound of Nixon’s voice had the blonde smile even in his sleep. Since the confession and talking things out, Liam was hopeful and really lucky to have Nixon by his side. “Morning.” He whispered back as he brought a hand to hold onto Nixon’s jawline. Stroking it softly with his thumb. Finally he opened his eyes to see the man. “It’s still raining, my god.” Liam chuckled. 
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brvknvagcbonds-blog · 6 years
Rooney stared at Warren with his groggy eyes, rubbing the back of his head which only made his bed head twice as worse. He tried not to stare at the others nearly naked form as he continued into the kitchen. “Making breakfast… that’s new. What’s got you in a good mood?” The boy asked as he propped himself up onto the counter, stealing the carton from him and taking a sip.
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It was odd to say but since helping Rooney and taking on all of these adventures, Warren was happy with his life. He was excited to wake up and start a new day instead of dread it. A coy smile was still on his face when Rooney stole the carton from him. “Let’s just say I feel good about today.” He chuckled. “I feel good about a lot of things.” 
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brvknvagcbonds-blog · 6 years
Walker pouted slightly as he had already pulled the covers of the man who refused to get up out of his slumber. “Baby,” the boy cooed softly as he crawled back onto the bed ot straddle Kaleb’s lap. Lips kissing his chin from under the pillow. “You promise we would leave at a decent time…” Walker trailed off as his lips continued their journey.
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Kaleb was playing around mostly but as soon as the covers were pulled away and he saw that pout, Kaleb frowned himself. But he was also loving the feeling of his lover straddling him. Pulling the pillow back up, he reached to grab at Walker’s hips. “Did I? I don’t remember?” Kaleb teased the other as he let out a soft moan from Walker’s lips trailing further south. 
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brvknvagcbonds-blog · 6 years
Sage was taking his time with Josh pretty serious. He loved the younger one’s company and even more, the sex that came with it. From his past of being with multiple people, Sage knew that surprises were good and exploring new grounds in the bedroom was also good. He had told Josh in a private conversation earlier that he wanted him to come over because he got some new things with a sweet wink and smirk to match it. Later that evening, Sage was at his apartment waiting for Josh to arrive and his sex toys and different kind of lubes out from their drawer. Once he heard the knock, Sage let Josh in and greeted him with a full kiss. “So- I hope you are ready for a long night because I got all kinds of good stuff.” @thelxstboys
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brvknvagcbonds-blog · 6 years
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brvknvagcbonds-blog · 6 years
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that booty tho
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brvknvagcbonds-blog · 6 years
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brvknvagcbonds-blog · 6 years
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brvknvagcbonds-blog · 6 years
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brvknvagcbonds-blog · 6 years
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brvknvagcbonds-blog · 6 years
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After watching Legion, I can’t help to think all movies and television dramas with Dan Stevens is alternate realities create by David Haller with his omega level power.
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brvknvagcbonds-blog · 6 years
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