brooklyn-etc · 7 months
they should invent a being in your twenties in which you do not feel your life is unsalvageable and ruined
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brooklyn-etc · 4 years
yesssss friend!!!😻
Sorry this took so long for me to answer, but I’m actually so hyped! Between yesterday and the day before that, I progressed around 6k in my novel! I wrote 2700 words two days ago, and another 2k yesterday and I’m just so amazed! I can’t remember the last time I wrote so effortlessly and quickly and I’m feeling very content. I’m going to try to keep the momentum going. I have two writing updates to post, so stay tuned for those!
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brooklyn-etc · 4 years
Last Line Tag
tagged by @sarahkelsiwrites !!
I started a new short story recently called Aurelia Aurita (this might change as the story becomes more developed) but our narrator is Very Drunk and Maybe On Some Other Stuff so I want this piece to feel kinda slow and quiet and hazy if that makes sense?? Anyway here’s the last couple lines I wrote tonight!
The ceiling fan spins slow, like a low dryer-tumble, or a child doing flips underwater in the community pool. Around and around. Lungs on fire. Keep going.
Tagging @coffeeandcalligraphy !! :)
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brooklyn-etc · 4 years
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Got some pretty rad news lately! Not sure what is in the air, but something must be because my submittable has been delivering the goods?? I am so so so excited to get to share with you guys my short stories “Beautiful Animal,” forthcoming in Room, and “Hold Me Under Till I See the Light,” forthcoming in The New Quarterly! “Hold Me Under Till I See the Light” is probably my favourite story I’ve ever written, so I’m especially excited to share it in such a great magazine. (Figured I should post an official announcement for this since I’ve already gotten a couple asks about it haha)
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brooklyn-etc · 4 years
yessss queen I love this 😻😻 (i’ll post mine later tonight!)
Last Line Tag #7
Thank you @jennawritesstories for tagging me!
Here are the last few lines I wrote in Animal Hour: 
Roxanne unhooked her shoes on the front mat and disappeared into the belly of the hallway. Scraps of moonlight striped her legs, her skin iridescent even in shadow, like a pearl. Her socks had rubber grips on the bottoms and squeaked as she walked. She scooped her sneakers by their collar and rested them by the door, gently, like a lioness with its cub in its mouth.
I’ll talk more about Roxanne in a few upcoming asks!
Tagging @brooklyn-etc :)
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brooklyn-etc · 4 years
I wrote a poem a few weeks ago that I really love! I’ve not been doing super well over the last few weeks, but moving forward, I hope to continue with drafting more poems. Compared to fiction, they’re much quicker to draft and are satisfying since they feel more like a “finished product” rather than a chaotic draft. I can’t share anything here, but I do intend to write 5, and will be documenting that on myWriteClub. The prose poem that I’ve already written is called hospital(ity) and essentially follows two slightly deranged siblings who dislike tourists in their city. I hope to start submitting more poems once I’ve written a few more.
In that vein though, I do have pretty exciting publication news! You will be able to read my peom when you propogate a ghost in Homology Lit’s sixth issue. They are such a lovely magazine, and I am beyond grateful to have this be my first publication! I believe the issue is coming out on August 1st, and I’ll be sure to share a link here.
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brooklyn-etc · 4 years
today is the day! I’m forcing myself! out! of! this! writing slump! speaking it into existence!!!
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brooklyn-etc · 4 years
Are you working on any short stories right now or just the Feeding Habits novel?
I’m currently re-chipping away at a short story I started over a year ago called “Phantom Limbs in D Minor” (probably will change the title, tho I do like it!) which is about a young woman named Linda who struggles grieving for her mother and also balancing a tumultuous relationship with her sister Mel and Mel’s boyfriend Fraser as she renovates her childhood home. I’m not really sure what this story really is, but it’s kind of my duty to finish it because I’ve been writing it for so long! I also am so fond of Linda as a character and like the story’s vibes but I’ve lately accepted that I literally will not know what this story is about until I finish writing it/it might remain a disaster lol! 
A few days ago I wrote a very impromptu scene and now I’m sort of hoping to just barrel to the end even if it’s absolutely chaotic so I can get to revising if I’m still interested in it. I’d love to have a story prepped before my workshops this coming school year, so I’d love to work on a new short story soon. And in general, I’m a lil rusty so some practice would be lovely! Something I’ve learned about myself is that I really benefit from drafting a story in one to two sittings at most, so I’m going to keep that in mind for the future lol.
But yep, Feeding Habits is my main focus as of late (my goal *was* to finish it by the end of this month, and last week this seemed feasible, however I’ll probably adjust this to the end of the summer).
If you want to stay updated on what I’m writing in almost real-time, I always update my MyWriteClub HERE
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brooklyn-etc · 4 years
I’m TOO excited for this
My secrets to writing garbage humans revealed !
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brooklyn-etc · 4 years
hey everyone, I have a very small following on here but I wanted to post this resource in hopes that it will help direct even just one person to take action. there are so many links and resources circling around so I’m sure you all have had access, but just in case, this website has tons of vital information on protests, protester safety, petitions, donations to black-owned businesses, to victims, to protestors, contact info for pro bono lawyers, and more. if you aren’t able to protest/donate, signing petitions, staying educated, and speaking up are free ways to show your support. to my black followers, know that I stand with you and I support you. I won’t be posting writing content on this blog for a while because I feel uncomfortable taking up space during such a heavy and hopefully transformative time. stay safe and stay informed
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brooklyn-etc · 4 years
hey writeblr friends I’ve been a bit MIA between breaking my laptop and packing (I’m moving tomorrow hehe) and going back to work but I’ll be back at the end of the week once things have settled down a bit 💘
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brooklyn-etc · 4 years
writeblr pals, I did the thing... I stepped on my laptop yesterday and she didn’t make it
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brooklyn-etc · 4 years
okay imagery queen go off!!! ❤️
Oops I keep sharing paragraphs, but here’s a bit of Houses With Teeth that I wrote recently because I was lowkey missing Reeve. I can’t really draft that book right now because Reeve will eventually show up in Feeding Habits so I sort of need to know where she’s at before I continue HWT, but it’s kind of torture because I loved writing this bit. This is Reeve imagining her now ex-housemate:
I imagined her in many scenarios—watering the garden barefoot, its exposed back revealing the white scale of her skin, mud squelching under her toes like a new age skin treatment, pattering in uncalculated splatters along its hem. Maybe at a broker’s office trying to refinance the house with her calf propped onto the man’s desk, the dress shimmering loosely against it. Attending a homily briefly, just to catch a glimpse at the young priest.
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brooklyn-etc · 4 years
Here’s a sentence from Animal Hour that I like! 
The camisole I’d worn sat in a translucent clump on the tile, like an oily flake of filo. 
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brooklyn-etc · 4 years
“I’d become so used to the sharp edges of her face—her slightly aquiline nose, her straight, dark lashes twitching over the pages of her books. I stood in silence and waited for her to look up at me, to be bothered by my breathing, my stink of sweat. For her to notice my tangled hair or dirty legs and tell me to wash off, to rid myself of the unpretty parts.”
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brooklyn-etc · 4 years
“The window was blue, and raindrops trickled down it in a quiet race of their own.“
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brooklyn-etc · 4 years
for every "🌹" received in my inbox i'll post one random sentence of a random WIP i'm currently writing
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