Bronze and Sage
98 posts
"So what do I sacrifice? Everything."Bronze and Sage is a Horde protagnist based multi OC Blog primarily based within the World of Warcraft
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
bronzeandsage · 2 days ago
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“I’ve been preoccupied of late with questions of morality. Of right and wrong, good and evil. Sometimes the delineation between the two is a sharp line. Sometimes it’s a blur.”
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bronzeandsage · 2 days ago
Send a ⁐ to find my muse with their head completely shaved
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bronzeandsage · 4 days ago
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“I’m the definition of professionalism,” Sev grinned forever from his ruined face. The mask of amusement did nothing to reflect in his red eyes.
Gif Ship: Sevlaz ( @bronzeandsage ) and Susan
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God's willing he's more professional than the last man she hired!
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bronzeandsage · 5 days ago
Reblog if you're okay with people coming into your dms or ask box with storylines and rp ideas!
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bronzeandsage · 8 days ago
🚜 To catch your OC in a farm building/area! @rickiedevron
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The doors buckled against his back as Sevlaz gritted his teeth and planted his feet in the soft mud of the rotten farmhouse. His red eyes were wide with a mixture of fear and anger as he tried his best to look for a way out of this mess. They of course fell on his 'partner' Rickie again.
"Why the hell do I keep agreeing to these jobs with you?" The orc snarled at the human as he felt the door bulge and push enough to lose a step. Quickly he turned about to push his frame against the door again as he spotted the grey rotted hands trying to pry their way through.
"Damn humans and their stupidity, always gettin in trouble! This is why I don't work with you all!" Sev yelled over his shoulder, knowing it didn't make much of a difference but it was all he could do to not think about dying. Again.
"You got a plan? Cause I'm thinking we feed em yer damn dog and hit the roof at this point!" Once against the rotten wood splintered and pushed against him as he tried to hold it up. The good thing about rotten fists was they were just the same as the wooden planks. The bad thing there were a lot more fists than planks at this point. To punctuate these thoughts a clawed hand burst through door to slash at his green face.
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bronzeandsage · 8 days ago
Reblog if you’re a World of Warcraft RPer that uses Discord!
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bronzeandsage · 8 days ago
What does your heart look like?
A Tangled Ball of Red Strings
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Who are you without the company of others? You aren’t sure, but you know that you aren’t fond of whoever it is. You are an actor, a pretty face and a pleasant song. Many idolize you, or love you, but you can never be sure of how sincere it is. Your heart is buried under the letters they leave you, sealed with a kiss. It can’t be untangled from the red strings they’ve attached to you. You deserve to find something, someone, true and faithful to hold your heart in place. You don’t have to be everything to everyone
Tagged by @susan-gampre and @safrona-shadowsun (main blog but applies to all I suppose)
I ran this test as Sevlaz and I'm not really certain how much this applies to him. Could though if I leaned into some of these ideas, which might not be a bad idea to round him out some more.
Many of our mutuals have already been tagged for this, but if you'd like to take the test here's a link!
Take the test here.
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bronzeandsage · 10 days ago
Character Sheet (Prone to updating at random)
"We're in for a good time."
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Rickie Devron - Real name Jolene Kitsrick Blossom (of the Lordareon sovereignty, the Blossom’s are a noble Household of little weight in authority)
The Coyote The Wanderlust Traveler
Estimated -10 BDP, claims to be in her early thirties.
2 dogs -- One a deep red and brown coated Badlands Strider (rhodesian ridge-back) and A tricolored, short furred Gwenmayre Toller (english foxhound) A towering Marston Steed mare is among the accompaniment as well, a sturdy breed of palomino pattern and color with eyes of a kind blue, her figure sturdy and durable (welsh cob).
Current criminal record consists of:
Disorderly conduct, drunken indecency, public brawling and bribery attempts with authority.
An adventurer who's lust for adventure supersedes her desire for settling; Oft found in mischievous...
The Coyote is, by every meaning of the word, a wanderer. A resourceful pack rider of who's pack consists of one human, two dogs and a horse to tow the brunt of the camp's weight. She is a woman known to travel from town to town in a nomadic fashion, a sturdy maiden of great wanderlust always writing a single name in every check-in book and piece of paperwork:
'Rickie Devron'.
Though she tends to leave her foot prints as just that, always dealing in coin or favors in the form of work to get her and her horseback crew to and fro across Azeroth proper. She has visited many villages and towns, cities on the rare occasion of necessity and rarely ever pleasure. "Too much traffic", she'd argue.
She is in the whispers of locals, commonly referred to as the Coyote for her habit of springing out of the territory as quickly as she can once she's fulfilled her needs in one place -- Usually cowpunching for agricultural towns or performing acts of service as a hunter for both bounties and monsters.
Her weapons of choice, visibly and otherwise, are typically well hidden shivs, knuckle punchers which are oft shoved into the deep pockets of her trousers and a rifle of which it's strap hangs loosely around her broad shoulders.
Her outward appearance of languid and graceful movements from a substantially built woman seem a contradiction, but she carries herself well, the nature of her womanly figure showing curves to contrast her muscles. Deep black hair is usually tied down with a headscarf to keep the sun from cooking her head. An angular and smooth nose, grey eyes with dark, thick lashes to frame and radiant sun kissed skin that manages to keep its warmth even in the winter season, during such dark days when the sun cannot reach her skin. She is otherwise of average height. All subtle foreshadowing to a spunky shit head with a magnetic attitude to life.
She wears a perky grin much of the time, always eager to mingle and swap a good story or joke.
There remains one bards tale out there to document the Coyote's life... A tale of a woman who just liked leaving.
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bronzeandsage · 12 days ago
What is something about my portrayal[s] that sticks out?
Example being; my muses ticks they have, the way they talk, etcetera.
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bronzeandsage · 12 days ago
send a symbol and i’ll give you a corresponding song for the prompt!
🎼 A song that reminds me of my muse’s vibes
🎶 A song that reminds me of my muse’s backstory
🎧 A song used for writing my muse
🥁 A battle song for my muse
🎭 A sad song for my muse
🎉 A happy song for my muse
📣 A song for when my muse is upset or angry
⚡ A song that my muse would listen to
🎆 A song my muse would sing or dance to
🎺 An instrumental song for my muse
✨ A theme song for my muse
🔊 A leitmotif for my muse
🌠 A song for our muses
🖤 A song for our muses’ ship
🔮 A random song from my muse’s playlist
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bronzeandsage · 14 days ago
send me a symbol for our muses to be trapped together in an old, haunted: 
🏛️  ruin
🌲  forest 
🏰  castle
🏠  house
🏫  school 
⛪  church
⚰️  cemetery 
🏨  hotel / motel
🏢  office building 
🚜  barn / farm building
🏪  grocery store / c-store
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bronzeandsage · 16 days ago
The Shielded Mind is coming back!
Wyrmrest Accord - Horde (and hopefully Alliance down the road)
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For those around back in the day when The Faceless was a server-wide event (a LONG time ago), The Shielded Mind Health and Wellness Clinic in Silvermoon City was created by @xanelen as a base of operations! Even though Xan has since retired roleplaying, some of us that were still a part of it back then are BRINGING IT BACK! (Don't worry, I have his permission!)
Why you ask?
Midnight expansion is exactly why! We're expecting RP to return to Quel'thalas, specifically Silvermoon City, and thought it would be fun to have the clinic up and running in time for that upcoming expansion!
If you're a Silvermoon regular, you may have noticed a group of folks hanging around Velaani's Arcane Goods on the Walk of Elders this past week in the evenings - that is our IC location for the clinic and we urge everyone wandering the streets of SMC to always feel free to approach if you see anyone gathered!
ALSO, we may be planning a Toy Drive during Children's Week, so stay tuned for details on that!
Let's bring some more RP back to Silvermoon City!
Feel free to reach out to @turning-through-the-never ( @veilosdaigoa ) or @kharrisdawndancer for any inquiries!
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bronzeandsage · 21 days ago
'Turn me around and then Send me home Baby I don’t even know I don’t ….. and it’s fucking hell And the old me is saying Another round to kill Never time to heal That’s how your story goes.'
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bronzeandsage · 22 days ago
Send 🎵 plus a muse and I will share a song from their playlist & some lyrics that stand out
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bronzeandsage · 23 days ago
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The Basics ––– – Name: Fenrag Nickname(s): Fen; One-hand Age: Late 30's Birthday: Early Winter Race: Orc Gender: Male Marital Status: Single
Physical Appearance ––– – Hair: Black Eyes: Brown with hints of red Height: 7'3 Build: Lean and athletic Distinguishing Marks: Missing his right hand from the elbow down; multiple scars on his face and body; large yellow tusk; thick full black beard Tattoos: Horde emblem on back of his neck; tribal tattoos on his chest, midsection, and down to his legs; black ring about the end of his right limb Piercings: Gauges in both ears Common Accessories: red shemagh with matching old cape; hilt and broken katana; Pandaren silk wrappings for his arms; an adamantite prosthetic fist; simple bambus staff Likeness: Charlie Cox
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Personal Information––– – Profession: Student; Monk; Adventurer Hobbies: Calligraphy, martial arts, poetry Languages: Orcish, a little Draenei, learning Pandaeren 'Old Tongue' Residence: Orgrimmar; Binan Village Birthplace: Nagrand Religion: The Elements Patron Deity: Xuen, the White Tiger; Chi-Ji, the Red Crane Fears: Dishonor, his past, being thought less than by his handicap, consumed by his thoughts (depression)
Relationships ––– - Spouse: None Children: None Parents: Elras (mother); Sevlaz (father; MIA?) Siblings: Zarv and Ard (wolf brothers) Other Relatives: Thunderlord Clan (broken and gone) Pets: None
Sex & Romance ––– - Sexual Orientation: Hetero Preferred Emotional Role: submissive | dominant | switch Preferred Sexual Role: submissive | dominant | switch Libido: Steady Turn ons: Strength, song, honor, hair Turn offs: Vulgarity, disrespect, bloodlust, fel Love Language: Quiet support Relationship Tendencies: Few as he finds his mind wrestling
Traits ––– - Extroverted / In Between / Introverted Disorganized / In Between / Organized Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded Calm / In Between / Anxious Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable Cautious / In Between / Reckless Patient / In Between / Impatient Outspoken / In Between / Reserved Leader / In Between / Follower Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic Traditional / In Between / Modern Hard-working / In Between / Lazy Cultured / In Between / Uncultured Loyal / In Between / Disloyal Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– – Smoking Habit: Sometimes Drugs: Depending Alcohol: Not often
RP Hooks ––– – A Red Dawn Fenrag is an orc out of space more than time. Born the son of a Blackrock and Thunderlord's starcrossed union among the green hills of Nagrand, the orc grew up among the ruins of a broken world. Outland, a felled corpse that struggles to survive in the maw of the Twisting Nether's bite. The green rolling hills are a testament to what was lost to Draenor due to the power of fel and demonkind. A childhood of moderate struggle is a rare thing in a world destined to death, but the memories are strong and true of those pink lit skies.
A Black Morning There is a struggle in the young warrior despite his best to take on the clear teachings of his masters in Kun Lai and beyond. With a childhood of joy and love, it was unfathomable to imagine the dark truth of wandering beyond the portal into worlds beyond. Hard lessons learned under many masters and charges to teach Fenrag the way of the blade and war. It was his dream to serve the Horde and his kin. The shame and horror of losing it all to his own corrupted world ruined his heart. And cost him so much.
A White Dusk Some would say the broken blade can be reforged, but another thought comes to mind of the broken blade could be repurposed. Fenrag lost so much in in the Hellfire and it has haunted him for years with as much of terrors as well as the pains of what once was. But despite these fears and loss, he as found solace in the teachings of Kang from his master, Gato. Peace is hard to find with a troubling past, but the orc continues forward in the hope of finding himself on this hard road.
A Jade Midnight So many years of leading by the fist rather than the open palm has brought a strange melancholy to grip Fenrag. For most of his life he had dreamed of fighting for the Horde, to drive back the Alliance, to bring honor to his people both alive and lost. But now as the world had moved on and so much had changed, shouldn't he change as well? Is his only purpose to destroy or is there more to be offered? More to be learned? The answer as Gato advised, will be made clearer the further he looks; within and without.
HOW TO CONTACT: OoC - 1st Tumblr with Discord to follow after discussion Ingame - Fenrag (WrA H-O 53 monk)
IC - Sparks rose from the stone as the Mogu guardian dragged it's heavy polearm along the ground as it preparing to face this new foe. Beside them stood two more of the terracotta warriors, each bearing the same skin coloration of deep brown and wielding the same heavy halberds. It was not an ideal match, but Fenrag was resigned to what would have to be.
The orc rose from his crouching position dusting his hand on his pants as he stretched to his full height, tall for his kind but still nothing compared to the stone warriors. His brown eyes would regard them fully, noting their methodical walk and purpose in defending this particular pass. Why they were here in Kun-Lai was a mystery to him but he knew they were not welcome.
His free hand would reach up to tug heavily on his old red cape, stained and torn by years of travel, he felt it loosen and tossed it to the winds of the mountains. It might travel a bit, but it was never hard to spot. Just like him. His left hand would flex hard, cracking the knuckles before reaching behind his back to the unclasp the leather buckle that held his 'aid'. Fen could hear Gato chastising him gently in his head about relying on the metal hand, but when dealing with stone like this he felt better having a slight advantage. Especially with three of them.
Fenrag One-hand they had called him when he first came to Zandalar some years ago, the name had made him bristle at first but understood how it had stuck. He wasn't ashamed of his wound, at least in public. Privately he would sometimes feel it there, flexing and cramping as memories of his crucifixion haunted his dreams still. Deep breaths and steady nerves would alleviate the pains in time but now was not the time to have an episode. The attack needed to come quickly while he had some kind of advantage.
With practiced ease, the leather slip would slide over his joint and his teeth would grab hold of the strap to tight it with a yank. There was a soft familiar pain as he felt the leather straps hold while goblin ingenuity would assist to grip to his skin tightly. A moment awkwardness would pass as he rotated his shoulder and adjusted his upper arm to the weight of the adamantite prosthetic. So many years of using it should feel like his own hand, but it never did. Nor should it.
A quick turn of his neck and shrug of his shoulders would loosen him up more as he adjusted his footing to lean up his frame against his opponents. Fighting was losing it's appeal these days but this felt like the necessary evil in the face of these invaders.
Heroes in the stories would say something witty or brave in the face of peril. Fenrag was not that kind of hero anymore. He was just an orc looking to do what was right in a world that seemed to get more wrong by the day. To be brave was no longer about just punching hard. It was about doing the hard work.
The warriors charged with poleaxes raised with mouths snarling in silent war cries. He offered them none in return as he charged to meet them.
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bronzeandsage · 24 days ago
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by Guenther Reissner
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bronzeandsage · 24 days ago
Send “Rumor has it...” And a rumor about my muse
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