brokenbeatandabused · 6 years
“You broke my heart without even knowing it.”
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brokenbeatandabused · 6 years
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The perfect embrace.
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brokenbeatandabused · 6 years
A New Beginning Part 1/?
A/N: I’m not entirely sure where this one is going, I literally wrote it in 30 minutes. It just all came pouring out. It’s short, very short. But I hope you enjoy it. Please forgive any typos! Thank you for reading!!
Pairing: Dean x Reader (maybe) 
Characters: James (OC), Reader
Warnings: None
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I couldn’t begin to fathom the loops I would have to jump in order to get to him. Dean, the man I had hunted with, fell in love with, and had to leave because I couldn’t bear to not be his anymore, was missing. I had to go find him. Possibly save him.
“Why?��� My boyfriend asks, a hurt look crosses his face.
“Because…” I started to tell the whole truth. The truth that would end everything between him and I for good. But I held back. “Because, James, there’s something I have to do. You can’t come with me, you can’t follow me. You won’t be able to find me. I had a life before you, before this. It’s a dangerous one. I can’t put you through that.”
Something flashes in his eyes, but it came and went so quickly I thought it was only pain.
“Will you come back?”
“Honestly, I don’t know. I may not. If I do, then I will call you. I’m so sorry. This isn’t how I saw things going.”
“It’s fine. If that’s what you need to do. Then go, I won’t hold you back. Just know that I love you, and I will carry you in my heart always.” He caresses my cheek and places a soft kiss on my nose. “Don’t worry about me, Y/N/N. I’ll think of you often.”
Surely, some small part of me loves this man. He has seen me through some very emotional times this last year. James has held my hand while I cried, not even knowing why I was crying. He had confessed to falling for me, and had lightly pressed his lips to mine afterward. But, still, I only thought of Dean. It wasn’t fair to James, this unending love I had for another man. It wasn’t fair of me to take him for granted this way. But I had, hoping one day it would turn to love. It hadn’t.
“I will call you if I can, James. Stay safe.” I squeezed him in a quick hug before I grabbed my bags and ran to my car. 
I threw all my bags but my small one in the trunk. My bag I had hidden in the back of my closet carried my most favorite weapons for hunting. Throwing knives, holy water, the demon killing knife I stole from Sam, and my .45 Smith and Wesson. Not to mention, salt, bullets and anything else I deemed necessary in the event I can only take this one small bag. I slammed the driver door closed and put my hands on the wheel. 
“Chuck, or whoever is listening…” I started my prayer, “I might need your help..”
I started the ignition, put it in drive and slammed on the gas. Not once did I look back.
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brokenbeatandabused · 6 years
Better Than You Imagined
A/N: Honestly, not my best. It was written in a hurry, and while slightly inebriated. It has not been a good week. But I still hope you thoroughly enjoy it. Also, I don’t really have a summary other than Reader is struggling with her feelings for Sam, and I’m really sorry for any mistakes. I really hope you enjoy it. I’m working on an AU, I’m really hoping it turns out better than this one. Pretty long, a little over 3000 words. NOT MY GIF. Characters: Sam, Dean, Cas, Reader Pairing: Sam x Reader Warnings: Mentions of sex, NSFW talk at the end...was feeling some type of way when I finished this...my bad..
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You sat by the window, soaking in the sunset, watching as the storm got closer and closer. Closing your eyes you couldn’t help but think about him. Sam. Your best friend and confidant, the only man you have ever loved.
You had been hunting with him and his brother, Dean, for 10 years now. You had loved Sam for the whole of those 10 years. They had saved you from a nest of vamps, bloody and beaten they had restored you. Sam being the one to carry you out, unconscious. Thankfully, their friend Cas helped to heal you and there was no longer any reminders of that time in the nest. As your body healed, you told them that you were, in fact, a hunter too. Fairly new to the game, but a hunter all the same. You confided in Sam how you had gotten trapped in the nest, and how long you had been in it. He had listened, not judging, and reassured you that he would help you become a better fighter and hunter.
He ended up showing more than you thought possible. Your small crush had grown into a love so strong nothing could break it. Sam never knew of course. You had suspicions that Dean knew but if he did, he never said. You were always grateful he didn’t, this secret love for Sam was not a subject you wanted to discuss. 
The only thing that still haunted you from that time was the dark. Kept in the dark for over a year, beaten and tortured almost every night. The dark was the only thing that frightened you.
“Y/N?” Sam called your name, breaking into your thoughts.
“Hey, Sammy. I was just watching the storm roll in. Do we have another case?” You asked, hoping he would say no.
“Nope. No case. I wanted to see if you wanted to ride out the storm here or drive through it. I have some research I want to do but I’m tired.”
“It’s up to you Sam. I enjoy watching the lightening. Did Dean say when he would be back?”
“You know Dean. That girl he met is going to keep him busy for awhile.”
You smiled and shook your head. Looking back out at the storm you thought, well, why not stay and ride it out?
“Listen Sam, why don’t we just stay? It’s supposed to get pretty bad and I don’t want to chance it. Plus, we deserve a night off!” You grinned at him and shrugged your shoulders. 
“Well, ok. Do you want to grab some burgers before the bottom falls out or order some pizza?” He asked.
“Let’s grab some burgers. They’re my favorite, duh.” 
As he grabbed his keys he shook his head at you, and headed for the door. “Want me to come with?” You asked.
“No, I’ll be right back!” Sam grinned and shut the door behind him.
You knew he would stop and get something healthier for himself and adored him for it. Those stupid shakes were so gross to you and Dean. You both couldn’t stop yourselves from wincing with each sip Sam took. He would always just shake his head and remind you that burgers would eventually clog your arteries, raising his eyebrows in the way that only Sam could.
Staring out at the storm rolling in, quickly now, you wondered how much longer you would be able to keep up this charade. 10 years, you thought, I have to do something. Anything.
The first crack of thunder rattled the old motel window.  You’ve always loved a good thunderstorm. One that soothes the soul with it’s heavy rain and rolling thunder. Daydreaming of Sam, him taking you into his arms and pressing those soft lips against yours, you sighed. You longed to run your fingers through his hair, to grab hold of it while he was on top of you, inside of you. 
You jumped when the door slammed open, rain pouring in and a dripping wet Sam stepping over the threshold. He was laughing, shaking that beautiful hair and slinging water all over the room. You sat there, staring with your mouth slightly open and lusted for that tall gorgeous man. He slammed the door shut, the sound barely audible over the booming thunder. Lightening lit up the room and he glanced over at you.
“Everything ok, Y/N?” 
“Y-yeah. Yeah, Sam, everything is fine.” You cleared your throat and looked back out the window, blushing. Lightening scored the sky in it’s unique pattern and you opened your mouth and the words just started pouring out. 
“Have you ever been in love Sammy?” Once they were out, there was no taking it back. No turning around from the path you were about to take. Nervous, you licked your lips. His eyes flicked to your mouth and it did not go unnoticed. Your heart quickened with hope, something you had rarely felt in the 10 years on the road with him.
“I think…maybe once or twice. It never led anywhere. I thought it was love with Ruby. But that obviously didn’t end well.” He rolled his eyes. “Have you?”
He chuckled, “Care to elaborate?”
“Sam, I…” The door swung open and a very wet and very pissed off Dean strode through the door.
“You guys won’t fucking believe what happened with that girl from the bar.” Dean slammed down onto his bed and huffed, “Turns out she’s married. Guy came home right in the middle of one of our many sessions. We spent all night and most of the day together and she couldn’t at least drop a hint that she was married?!”
“Dean,” you said, “You were in her house right?” You unwrapped your burger and threw one to Dean.
“…yeah.” He said, confused.
“Dean.” You laughed, “Did you not notice any pictures of her and another man on her walls, table or mantle?”
Sam started laughing. “Come on Dean, please tell me you saw at least one!”
“Shut up! I wasn’t exactly looking around her place. She had my full attention, IF you know what I mean.” He stared pointedly at you and Sam.
You looked over at Sam with a grin on your face, “Sammy, we have a thing or two to teach our Dean.”
He tilted his head back while he laughed, and your heart turned over.
“Yeah well, maybe I have a thing or two to tell Sammy about, Y/N.” Dean smirked when you glanced sharply in his direction.
“Don’t!” You shouted. Obviously Dean did know after all.
“What’s going on?” Sam asked curiously. “Y/N? Do you have a secret that I don’t know? I thought we were best friends that shared everything!”
“No, it’s not really a secret. I tell you mostly everything!” You tried to hedge, but were doing a poor job of it. Lightening cracked nearby and the room went dark. 
You whimpered, dropping the burger on the table. The absolute dark being the only thing you really feared. Once the storm had rolled in and the dark came it was almost pitch black in the cramped motel room.
“It’s ok, Y/N, I’m here. Don’t worry, we won’t let anything happen to you.” Sam jumped to your side, wrapping his arms around you. You sighed, leaning into him and breathing him in. Instantly feeling safe. Lightening lit up the room once more, and Dean got up. 
“I need to go for a drive.”
“In this?! Dean, it’s really bad out, you should stay here.” Sam tried to understand but you were starting to tremble.
“Yeah, Sam I’ll be right back. I need to pick up some flashlights so we can have some light and some other stuff from the store up the road. They were still open when I went by. I’ve got cash so it shouldn’t be a problem. If it is, well, I have my five finger discount.” And with that, he was gone.
“Y/N, are you ok?” Sam asked gently.
“Yes. I think I need to lie down and try to sleep through it. Would you…”
“Would I what?”
“Would you lay with me?” You asked softly. In your head you pleaded for him not to say no. But with no hesitation he agreed and relief flooded through you.
When you awoke it was still dark, with a soft glow of a light coming from a night light Dean had bought. A small panic rose up in your throat until you felt the weight of an arm across your middle and soft breathing next to your ear. You were half on your side, half on your back and as you turned your head you realized how close Sam’s face was to yours. You could make out the outline of his face and body and you started to mentally freak out.
Deep breaths, Y/N. Deep breaths, you thought to yourself. Don’t freak out. You shifted a little and saw that Dean had returned, and passed out in his t-shirt and boxers face down in a pillow. You smiled to yourself, never feeling safer.
As you started to shift a little further away from Sam, he grunted and pulled you back hard against him. “Where are you going?” He growled in your ear.
Your breath caught, heart beating fast. “I was just-“
“You’re not going anywhere.” He said as he nuzzled your neck.
What the hell was happening? Your mind was racing, trying to figure out what to do next.
“Go to sleep, Y/N. I’ll see you in the morning.” And just like that he was asleep again.
You rolled your eyes. Sleep? How would you ever be able to relax after he rubbed his nose and mouth on your neck? This was going to be a long night.
At some point, you must have dozed off. As the sun broke through the curtains you heard Deans cell phone go off. A muffled hello came from the other side of the room. You chuckled to yourself and stiffened when you felt something pressed against your ass. It was then you realized that Sam was flush against you, cuddled to your back, hanging on like his life depended on it, and that wasn’t all. Pressing against your ass was definitely a raging hard on. You gasped, more turned on than you had ever been. Involuntarily wiggling you heard Sam moan a little.
“Mmm…Y-Y/N?” Sam shifted quickly away and you felt cold from the sudden loss of body heat. “Um, good morning. How did you sleep?”
“I don’t, I don’t know.” You stammered. At the moment you couldn’t seem to form one coherent thought. Only images of Sam behind you, on top of you, under you were flashing through your head. Your breathing was shallow, your cheeks on fire. You got up quickly and headed straight for the bathroom to splash your face with cold water.
Sam watched you walk across the room and adjusted himself after you closed the door. He looked over at Dean and wondered who he was talking to, if there was a new case. He also wondered what the hell was going on with him. Why he was thinking about you, naked and writhing under him. Moaning and grunting as he pounded every inch of his hard cock inside you.
He rubbed his hands over his face and sat up. He had to get those thoughts out of his head. “What’s going on, Dean?” He asked when Dean hung up the phone.
“That was Cas. He needs us back at the bunker. There’s another storm heading this way. We need to get ahead of it. They’re calling for a tornado this time.” Dean started to get dressed and throwing stuff in his bag.
“Did he say why he needed us back at the bunker?” Sam asked as he packed his bag.
“No, just said he needed to talk to the three of us. I’ll drive.” He walked out the door and waited for you to come out.
Looking at yourself in the mirror you watched the water droplets roll down your face. Get it together Y/N. Everything is the same, everything is going to be fine. You shut off the water and dried your face. One last look in the mirror and you opened the door. You jumped a little, finding Sam just on the other side with his hand poised to knock.
“Hey, I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. Cas called and needs us back at the bunker. Dean is already in the car waiting and I packed your bag. I hope you don’t mind. You didn’t have much out this time.” He grinned a little and handed you your bag. You looked down when your hand grabbed his. 
“Thank you,” you replied when he slipped his hand out of yours. “So we’re all ready to go then?” You smiled when he nodded and lightly punched him in the arm to ease the awkwardness. “Come on, Sammy. Let’s hit the road.”
You sat in the back, staring at the back of Sam’s head. Every now and then sneaking a glance at the side mirror at his reflection. You smiled softly and thought of what happened that morning. Of what might have happened had you just turned to him and made a move. Watching his hair blow in the breeze, you yearned to caress it. Easy Y/N. It’s time for a nap, you thought. Closing your eyes and leaning your head against the door you fell asleep.
Sam saw you looking at him in the mirror. He wondered what you were thinking. What you thought when you looked at him. What that small smile on your face was. You had been his best friend for 10 long years. He knew all there was to know about you. How your hair moved, what movies you loved and what songs made you happy, or sad. Finding you in that nest of vamps had been the best day of his life. All because he had found you. He had never known anyone like you. You lit up any room you walked in, and your smile, it was like a beacon. Sam would follow you anywhere. It hit him then, watching you sleep in the back of the Impala, that he was in love with you. 
He started coughing, it really sinking in that all this time he had been wasting could have been spent being with you. Kissing you, making love with you. Caressing your face before finally falling asleep, together. Every night.
“You alright over there bud?” Dean asked.
“Yeah.” Sam cleared his throat, “Yeah, just swallowed wrong I guess.”
Dean chuckled. “Whatever you say, Sammy. We’re almost home. I’m going to go ahead and call Cas.”
While Dean made the call Sam watched you stir in the back seat. Your beautiful (y/e/c) eyes blinking against the setting sun. You smiled a little, realizing you were almost to the bunker and Sam sighed. 
You blinked a few times and felt relief wash over you. Home. Your own bed awaited you, your own shower, and your own space. You needed some release. The tension you felt after the events that morning needed to be washed away. You would soon take care of that with a shower and your trusty vibrator. You grinned and bit your bottom lip. Your own little secret hiding in a lock box under your bed. If the brothers knew about it they would never let you live it down.
Opening your door and stepping out you stretched your arms over your head. It had been a long ass drive, and you were more than ready to get back to your room. Thinking about that and getting your bag out of the car, you missed the way Sam was staring at you. Watching every move you made. You told the boys you were hitting the bed early, and you would see them in the morning. 
“Wait,” Dean called after you, “Cas said he’ll be along in just a few minutes. Meet us in the library after you shower.”
“Oh alright.” You sulked. At least you’ll be able to have a nice hot shower first. Silver lining and all that.
Walking into the library you noted how quickly Sam looked over at you. “Hey guys. Sorry I took so long. What’s going on?”
“Hello Y/N.” Cas said, “I need Dean to come with me to find Crowley and Rowena.”
“Not me and Sam?”
“No,” Cas shook his head. “I need you two to try and track their phones from here. They are missing.”
“Missing?” Sam asked, confused. “How can they be missing? The King Of Hell always has a plan and always knows what’s going on.”
“That may be true, but I need his help. Rowena too.” Cas looked at Dean.
Dean nodded, “Alright then. Let’s go Cas. You guys call if you find anything. We’ll do the same.”
As Dean and Cas climbed in the Impala, Dean smirked. “You think they bought it?”
“I believe so Dean. Why exactly are we doing this?”
“Because I’m tired of watching those puppy dog eyes Y/N makes at Sam all the time. Maybe a couple days alone together will do the trick.” Dean grinned as he gunned the engine. “Let’s me and you go hit the bar!”
“Sam? What are you reading?” You sat down next to him at the table, sitting crossed legged in the chair.
“I really don’t know. I’m distracted.” The smell of your soap and shampoo was torturing him. He shifted a little away from you. 
“Everything ok? Do I stink?” You laughed and smacked his arm. Walking over to your own laptop you booted it up and sat across from him instead of beside him. You didn’t want him to be uncomfortable or for the awkwardness to come back. “Have you found anything?”
“Not yet. I think Crowley has his phone turned off, and Rowena…well, she’s going to be tough to find. I just don’t know where to start looking. I think I need some sleep.” He stretched and stood up. “I’m going to bed for a few hours. You should do the same.”
“Sounds good, Sammy,” you replied, smiling up at him. “I’ve missed my bed.”
Sam stared at you quietly for a moment before walking off to his room. “Goodnight…” you called after him quietly.
After an hour or so you walked slowly to your room. Passing Sam’s room you paused, straining to hear any little sound. You missed your goodnight hug from him, something you had done almost every night. You didn’t hear anything, but still leaned against the wall next to his door. Unrequited love left you broken inside. 
“Sammy,” you whispered, “I’m in love with you.” You leaned your head back against the wall as a tear fell down your cheek.
All of a sudden his door swung open, jolting you away from the wall. He stood in front of you, shirtless, with grey sweatpants riding low on his hips. “Sam. I-I..”
“What are you doing?” He asked you, his eyes boring into yours. 
“I’m…” You turned on your heel and took off running to your room. Sam was right behind you, and before you could slam the door in his face he slapped a hand to it.
“Why are you running from me?” He panted. “Tell me.” You backed away, him walking towards you until you were back against your dresser. He stood so close to you, you could smell his soap on his skin. You longed to lick his abs, to rub your lips all over him.
Licking your lips and staring at his chest you reached out and pushed him away. “Go back to your room Sam.”
“Fuck that. Tell me what’s going on.”
It was fixing to come out, all of it. It was going to pour from your heart and straight out of your mouth.
“I’m in love with you!!” You yelled at him, “I’ve been in love with you for 10 goddamn years you…you ass!!” 
He stared at you for what seemed like an eternity and then his lips were on yours. You tore away and the breath you didn’t realize you were holding whooshed out. “Sam,”
He grabbed you by the arms and pulled him against him. “Tell me you don’t want this, tell me you don’t want me and I’ll walk out of here and leave you alone. I may have just realized how much in love with you I am, but dammit I want you. I want to feel you under me. I want to watch you ride me. Feel your tits in my hands and suck on those perfect nipples. Yeah that’s right,” He nodded when you looked at him in shock, “I’ve seen you naked several times, it’s an image I can’t get out of my head. I love you Y/N, be with me. Be mine.” He growled the last part and put his forehead to yours.
“I love you Sam Winchester.” You pressed your lips to his. Slowly massaging your tongue with his you wanted to savor every moment. You wanted to remember your first time with Sam. His hands slid up into your hair, he pulled lightly so you tilted your head back giving him access to your neck. Running his tongue up the side and then pressing soft kisses under your ear.
“You are so beautiful Y/N. I have wanted this for so long.” Sam whispered.
You smiled softly, knowing nothing would be the same, but it would definitely be better than you had ever imagined.
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brokenbeatandabused · 6 years
Holy shit.
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Helping Hand (NSFW)
Square Filled: Room-mates (Kink Bingo) and College AU (Genre Bingo) Ship: Gadreel x Female!Reader Rating: Explicit Tags: Masturbation, dirty talk, multiple orgasms, implied mutual pinning.  Summary: You and Gadreel had been sharing a room since the two of you got into college, and he knew more about you than you’d let people on. That included a bit of your sexual life - or, more accurately, the lack of it. When you can’t reach your orgasm alone, he offers you a pair of helping hands.  Word Counting: 1k words A/N: Created for @spnkinkbingo and @spngenrebingo 2018 editions.
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You let out a loud groan, uncomfortable and frustrated while kicking your covers.
You couldn’t get yourself off. You just couldn’t.
Maybe it was stress from school, maybe it was the rushing to get there, or maybe you were tired, but you just couldn’t cum.
“Argh,” you turned and put your face on the pillow and screaming into it.
“Hey,” Gadreel said outside the door of your shared room. “You okay?”
“No,” you whined.
There was a silence on the other side, and your friend opened the door slowly.
He stopped for a moment.
“A giant bee?”
“No!” you said in a long sound. “Get out of here, Gad.”
That made him stop. You never talked to him like that.
Slowly, he moved to sit by the end of the bed.
“What’s up?”
You sighed. You and Gadreel had been sharing a room since the two of you got into college, and he knew more about you than you’d let people on. That included a bit of your sexual life.
Or, more accurately, the lack of it.
“I can’t come,” you muttered, pouting.
Keep reading
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brokenbeatandabused · 6 years
you have no idea how badly i want your number to light up my phone
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brokenbeatandabused · 7 years
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A moodboard!
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brokenbeatandabused · 7 years
I Think I Love You
A/N: Can I just say, I suck at titles? All of them should be untitled lol. Hope you enjoy this, I’ve been working on it the last few days. Sorry for any errors. Oh and I’m not entirely sure Sam eats bacon, but for the sake of this story he does :D
Characters: Dean, Reader, Sam
Pairings: Dean x Reader
Summary: Reader and Dean are struggling with their feelings. 
Word Count: 1,618
Warnings: Language, tiny bit of angst
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Standing in the hallway of the bunker you considered your options.
1. Tell Dean how you felt. 2. Leave and never come back.
The second was more appealing, you didn’t face rejection, you didn’t want to make things weird between you. But it also meant you would never see him again. The first terrified you. Each time you thought of telling Dean how far gone you were it made you want to weep. You thought you were tougher than that. You hated to cry, thinking it showed weakness. Rolling your eyes at yourself you headed to the library. Things had been calm the last few weeks, just the occasional demon or vampire nest causing trouble.
Sitting down with a book from your personal collection you dove into a world not your own. It had been awhile since you read it, but it being a childhood favorite you couldn’t help but crack it open every now and then.
“Hey, Y/N. What’re you reading?” Sam pulled up a chair with his stack of books.
“My favorite.” You said, tilting the book so he could read the cover, “More research for you?”
“Sort of. Just brushing up on some lore.”
“Anything in particular?” You uncrossed your legs and leaned forward, looking over the covers.
“Well, I’ve got two books on angels, one on vampires, and different books on random monsters. I think I have ghouls, djinns, wendigos, oh and one on alphas.” Sam went through his stack of books, spreading them out on the table with his laptop. “Think I’m covered?”
You laughed and nodded. “Seems like. Do you really think you’ll learn anything new?”
“You never know. Most of these I have scanned, not really read through. Let’s hope so, for next time.”
Sitting back with your book you thought there was always a next time. It never failed. You enjoyed hunting, enjoyed saving people. You weren’t in it for the recognition, you were just doing your job. If that meant scamming credit cards and stealing every now and then, you figured it was just payment for services rendered. Crossing your legs and shaking your foot you went back to reading.
An hour or two later you were in the kitchen cooking burgers with a variety of side dishes. As a surprise for Dean you were also in the middle of mixing up the fixings for an apple pie. Humming to yourself, switching between tasks so nothing burned while you rolled out dough, you thought about how much you loved cooking. You had learned at your mothers knee, always asking questions until she pushed a chair to the counter and let you help. Never with frying, not until she could trust that you understood and wouldn’t get burned. Thinking of your mother now, you made a mental note to send her an email promising to call soon.
“Oh my God. Is that pie? Are you making pie? Please tell me you’re making pie.” Dean all but ran to the table where you were working, eyes wide with excitement.
Laughing you said, “Yes, I’m making pie. Apple, if you’re wondering. Burgers are just about finished, and I fried up some bacon for you to put on them. Once I finish this I’ll lay everything out and you boys can fix a plate.” Brushing butter over the top of the pie, you looked up at Dean. “Wipe your mouth Winchester. Pie will be ready in about an hour. Hopefully. Just have to make sure the apples are done.” You then slid the pie into the oven, checking the temperature and then went about moving the burgers to a plate.
“I think I love you.”
“Ow! Shit! Fuck!” Burning yourself on the pan you spun around to grab a towel.
A concerned Dean grabbed your hand before you could wrap it up, looking over your burn and sending little electric shocks over your skin where he touched. “Are you ok? This doesn’t look too bad, do you want some aloe?”
“No, no. I think I’ll be alright. I just,” Looking up from your burn everything you were going to say slipped back down your throat. Those cool green eyes on yours, holding your gaze, holding you in place. Anything you could say would have been irrelevant.
“Hey guys! What’s for dinner?” Sam lumbered in sniffing the air, but you and Dean continued to stare at one another. “Man, what happened?” A now concerned Sam reached out and grabbed your hand.
“I…I burned myself on the pan like a clumsy idiot.” You replied, shaking your head a little. “We’ve got burgers, with your choice of sides and apple pie for dessert.” Turning back to the stove you made yourself busy.
“Holy shit. Are we celebrating something? We never have homemade pie! Dean I bet you’re excited.” Sam laughed and slapped Dean on the shoulder. “Hey, man, you ok?”
Dean shook himself a little and answered, “Yeah, yeah. She just had me worried for a minute.” In fact, Dean wondered if he had scared you into burning yourself. He had said he thought he loved you, causing you to jump. But why would she jump? He thought, I meant it, could she feel the same? The way you had held his gaze gave him hope. “Let me know when everything is ready, I’m going to wash up.”
“Shouldn’t be but another few minutes.” You smiled at him.
“Alright then, I’ll be right back.” Sending you a small smile he walked out.
“Y/N, you sure you’re ok? I can bandage that up real quick.” Sam glanced over at you, smiling mischievously while stuffing his mouth full of bacon.
“Sam!! That’s for the burgers!” You swatted at him but he danced out of the way laughing. “Ugh! You giant! Stop eating all the bacon!” You laughed as he ran out the door when you threw the towel at him. Looking down at your wrist now you ran your finger over the burn. A little sore, but bearable. It was only a small crescent shaped burn, but in a way you hoped it would scar, always having a reminder of the day Dean said he thought he loved you. Whether he was joking about it or not, you always longed to hear those words from his mouth. Laughing at yourself you went about putting things out for dinner.
Later that night you had just finished brushing your teeth and hair, getting ready for bed. Dinner had been wonderful, with Dean eating almost three pieces of pie after his huge bacon cheeseburger. He had shoveled it into his mouth like someone might try and take it from him. Shaking your head and chuckling to yourself, you headed back to your room.
“Hey.” Dean called from his doorway.
“Hey. Did you need something?”
Yeah, you. Dean shook his head, “I just wanted to see if you wanted to watch a movie. I don’t even care if it’s a chick flick.”
Surprised, you raised your brows. “Are you sick? There must be something wrong with you.”
“No, I’m not sick. I’m just bored and I don’t feel like going out to the bar, or anywhere for that matter.” Dean laughed and shrugged. “I was just wondering if you wanted to join me.”
“Sure,” you smiled, “but it doesn’t have to be a chick flick.”
“Awesome. Let’s go see what we got.” Dean turned and led the way into his room.
In the end you both agreed on an action film. He had asked you to lay on the bed beside him, saying the chair would be too uncomfortable to watch a movie in. Propped against the headboard in your favorite, albeit old, pair of pajama pants and t-shirt you struggled to keep your attention on the movie. Dean was wearing something similar, legs stretched out and crossed at the ankles. How could someone have gorgeous ankles? Everything about this man made you want to weep with gratitude to whoever designed him.
Half way through you saw Deans head start to shift. Looking over at him you watched as his head slowly fell to your shoulder. Grinning to yourself you made no attempts to move so he wouldn’t shift away. After a few minutes you took the risk of lying your head against his. Breathing in the smell of his hair, you sighed. Why couldn’t telling someone how you feel be easier?
Dean woke slowly, feeling the weight of something across his middle and hair all over his face. Reaching up and pushing it away he realized you were wrapped around him. Your legs tangled with his, hands crossed between your chest, holding on to his other arm. He smelled of your hair and backed away just enough so he could watch your face as you slept. There was nothing he wanted more than to make you his. When you stirred, he closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.
Snuggling closer to the warmth, you really didn’t want to wake up. Smiling, you froze when you realized that you were tangled with another person. Dean. His arm flung across your waist the other you were holding between you. Your eyes shot open and looked slowly up at his face. He looked so peaceful, you didn’t want to move for fear that he would wake, or worse, pull away. You risked reaching up, rubbing your fingertips lightly across his brow. Snuggling back into his chest you whispered, “I love you, Dean.”
You felt his hand come out from around your middle, sliding up your arm and to your face. Tilting your head up, your heart thundering in your ears as you met his eyes, you almost missed it.
“I love you, Y/N.”
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brokenbeatandabused · 7 years
A Blank Page (Part 6-final)
A/N: I have written and rewritten this...still not totally happy. But I’ve got to move on. Had some personal issues, can I just say--People SUCK, blocking me with it so it’s not the best ending, but I’m hoping with some work this new one-shot or whatever it turns out to be...comes out great. 
Characters: Sam, Reader, Dean, Cas
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Word Count: 586
Warnings: I don’t think there are any.
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Sam blinked a few times until the trees became more clear, and things made more sense. He could hear you singing, and followed the beautiful sound. Pushing through the brush he made his way into a clearing. You sat looking at the sky, hair pushed back and arms resting on your knees. Looking over, you raised your brows. “Sam? How did you find me?”
“Cas sent me. Isabelle attacked you and we think you’re in some sort of coma. We need you to come back.”
Sighing, you pushed off the rock. “What for Sam? It’s peaceful and quiet. There’s nothing to hunt and there’s nothing hunting us. I’d rather stay.” Shaking your head you pushed your hair behind your ear. “I don’t know anymore. This life we lead, what’s in it for us? No one knows that we’ve saved them, what we’ve saved them from. What do we get in return?”
“Listen to me. We hunt things and kill them to save people. That’s what we get rewarded for. They make lives for themselves, they get to go on when they wouldn’t have before us. Them, their children, their children’s children. They live, Y/N. We want…no, we need you with us. You are amazing. Friend, hunter, you’re everything. You belong with me at the bunker. Please, Y/N, come back with me.” He reached a hand out, a pleading look in his eyes. “I love you, come back with me.”
You smiled, beautifully, and grabbed his hand.
Both of you awoke at the same time, each taking gulping breaths. Looking at one another, you both collapsed with laughter. Sam slung his arm over you and pulled you close. Nuzzling you, smelling your hair, he sighed.
“Ugh. Ok guys. I don’t want to see that.” Dean got up from his spot on the bed and headed for the door. “Come on Cas, these two need the room. Glad you’re back Y/N.”
Laughing at Dean you glanced back at Sam, pushing his hair back from his face. “Hi.”
Sam chuckled, “Hi yourself. Do you remember?”
Knowing what he meant, you nodded. “Yes,” you whispered quietly. “Sam, I have been in love with you for a long time.”
“Even after all this? After Isabelle kidnapping you and trying to kill you, not just once?” Sam rolled to his back and huffed. “This was all my fault.”
“You know, we can go over all that if you want to, but honestly I’d like to forget it. All of it. Sam, I want a future with you. Let’s focus on that instead.”
Grabbing a handful of your hair he brought you closer to him. Nipping your bottom lip, he said, “Let’s get started then.”
The next day you awoke to the sound of soft snores above your head. Shifting a little you stared at the beautiful face of the man you loved. That gorgeous brown hair in disarray, falling over his forehead. “What are you staring at?” A crooked smile crossed his face, and his eyes opened to look at you. Winking he said, “See anything you like?”
Laughing you pushed up to press a kiss to his lips. “Possibly.” Sitting up you shifted to put your clothes back on. “Want breakfast in bed? I could fix us up some omelettes or something.” Smiling over at him you pulled your shirt over your head.
“I think I want something else for breakfast,” he said snaking one arm around your waist and pulling you back into bed with him. “We can eat later.”
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brokenbeatandabused · 7 years
Reblog if you write fan fiction
Doesn’t matter if you write in a frequent basis, or once in a blue moon, just how many of us are there?
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brokenbeatandabused · 7 years
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sweet baby Jesus. someone help. I may have died. not my gif...but I'm dead.
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brokenbeatandabused · 7 years
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I have a feeling, love’s gone mad.
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brokenbeatandabused · 7 years
A Blank Page (Part 5)
A/N: Already working on part 6. Moving kind of fast now. Just keeps pouring out. It’s raining here at work and the phones aren't ringing. What else to do but write?? Hope you enjoy!
Characters: Sam, Reader, Dean, Cas, special guest star.
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Summary: When someone makes a surprise appearance you and Sam fight for your lives.
Word Count: 1,205
Warnings: Language, ghosts...angst maybe.
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Not mine. Can I just....spread him on a cracker?? YUM.
Sam had just showered and changed into his gray sweatpants and was talking to Dean in the library. “She seems to be ok. I sat with her while she took a bath because she was afraid of falling asleep and drowning.” He chuckled softly, “Dean, I think I’m in love with her.”
“Well hell Sammy, it’s about time!” Dean pat his little brother on the back. “Let’s hope it ain’t catching.” And winked.
Sam laughed and rolled his eyes. “Come on Dean, you know you want to fall in love. Maybe not marriage or a regular apple pie life, but what if you fell in love with a hunter, huh? What would you do then?”
Dean brooded into his beer. “I don’t know, Sam. I’ve never really thought about it. I always figured that kind of thing would never happen for me. I didn’t..” The sound of your screaming and a shotgun blast had them racing to your room.
Kicking the door in they surveyed the scene. You stood in your small tank and underwear with your shotgun, eyes wide and ready for an attack. “She’s fucking back!” You yelled before you were thrown across the room into your dresser. “Fuck!! Salt the door, we’ll trap her in here!”
“Sammy, my dear Sammy.” A sing-song voice came from down the hallway. “Come here Sammy, come find me.”
“Sam no!” Dean shouted as he salt lined your door. “Y/N you stay and keep him in here with you!” He said as he shoved Sammy over the line. He tossed you the bag with more salt just in case. “I’m going to finish this shit. I’ll be back. CAS! I NEED YOU!” He bellowed. No sooner had he yelled his name did Castiel appear. “Take me back to that house.”
You hoped and prayed that burning her body would be all it would take. That Isabelle didn’t attach herself to Sam in some way. Otherwise you were going to be stuck fighting a ghost to let go for a long time. “Sam,” you said as you grabbed his arm, “We need to get a plan together, because if she comes back, we’re fucked.”
“Ok.” Sam licked his lips and cursed himself for getting distracted by your thighs. Now was not the time Winchester. “How many shells do you have for your shotgun?”
“6. There’s more in my bag in the library.”
“There’s a whole case full in my room. Shit. Do you have any iron in here?”
“I have 2 old fire pokers behind my dresser.” You grinned as Sam stared at you. “What??” You laughed a little as you went to get them. Sam tried not to stare as you bent over, struggling a little to pull them free.
“Maybe you should put on some pants? Something?” Sam said, cheeks burning.
“Maybe.” You winked at him and started pulling on some old shorts.
Sam turned around and saw Isabelle standing at the door. “Y/N!” He shouted a second before shooting at the ghost.
“It’s ok I’m done, here, take this.” You handed him the other fire poker. “You have more shells in your room than I do my bag. Let’s go slowly at first, back to back, and then we’ll salt the door and wait for Dean.”
“Sounds good. You ready?”
You sighed. Taking his head in your hands you pressed a kiss to his lips. “I just don’t want to die without having done that.”
He grabbed your arm before you could turn away, “Then let’s do it right then.” His lips were soft, but bruising. He traced your bottom lip with his tongue before gently parting your lips and softly caressing your tongue with his. With one hand sliding down your side, he slid the other up into your hair, making a fist to keep you closer. You wrapped your arms around his neck, then gripping his bare shoulders, giving him every ounce of love you had into the kiss. When you parted you kept your foreheads together, “Sam, I need you to know before we cross that line,” The screaming interrupted you, and then the wind started. “Fuck, Sam, we need to move.” Shooting Isabelle in the face gave you a lot of satisfaction, as you and Sam made your way towards his room. Sam at your back as you half walked, half ran, only to come up short when you didn’t feel Sam’s hand on your shoulder anymore. “Sam?” Turning around you saw Isabelle had her hand through his chest squeezing his heart.
“Not tonight bitch,” as you struck the iron poker through her. “Come on, we’re almost there.” Just as you said those words Isabelle flashed in front of you, only to disappear and strike at Sam again.
“Run Y/N!! Get to the shells!” Sam shouted when Isabelle threw him down the hallway. “Go!”
“I won’t leave you!” You said as you fired another shot of rock salt through Isabelle.
“He’s mine!” She screamed when she returned and tossed you in the opposite direction. Floating above you as you tried reaching for your iron poker she reached her hand through your chest. It burned, and you couldn’t breathe.
“Sam,” You whispered. “I love you.” I hope he heard me, you thought as your world went dark.
“Y/N. Y/N. Please don’t do this, please.” Sam begged for you to wake up.
“It’s done. We salted and burned the bodies, then set the whole house on fire. How is she?” Dean ran to your side as Cas knelt beside you. “What happened?”
“Isabelle had her by the heart. She won’t wake up.” Sam cradled you in his arms, murmuring in your ear to wake up, to just open your eyes.
“Here, let me.” Cas touched his fingers to your forehead, the power of his grace flowing through you. It was too bright, you thought. Too much. You struggled against it, not wanting to come out of the dark. “She’s fighting it. Isabelle was a lot stronger than normal.” Cas removed his hand. “Put her on your bed Sam. Lie with her.”
Sam picked you up and carried down to his room. Shifting you on his bed so you were on your back, he lay flush against you. “Come on, Y/N. I’m right here. Please wake up.”
“What are we going to do Cas?” Dean stood with his arms crossed, worried.
“I’m not sure. It’s possible I can send Sam into her consciousness. She’s alive, but barely. If she’s in a coma it’s possible she could be dreaming.” Cas studied your face while contemplating what to do.
“Send me in. I don’t want to wait, just send me in. We have to save her. I love her.” Sam looked Cas in the eye and begged him. “Do it now. I’m ready.”
“Alright. I will give you five minutes Sam. You need to hurry and convince her to stay.” With that, Cas sent him to you in your mind.
“Do you think it can be done in five minutes Cas?” Dean sat on the edge of the bed, worried for both his brother and you.
“Love is a powerful force Dean.” Was all Cas would say.
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brokenbeatandabused · 7 years
A Blank Page (Part 4)
A/N: I don’t know guys. Not sure if I like this one or not. I wish I had someone to go over it for me :/ or hell, all of them lol. I hope you guys enjoy it.
Characters: Sam, Reader, Dean, Cas
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Summary: ummm...aftermath of being rescued? I guess?
Word Count: 1,431
Warnings: Language. Angst?? --It’s been a long night.
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Not my gif.
The drive back to the bunker was a quiet one. You had fallen asleep on Sam’s shoulder, curled into him. His arm had come around you, and held tightly, like he was afraid you might disappear again. He stared out the windshield, exhausted and ready to have you home. Your soft snoring the only thing that had started to relax him.
“Should I wake her once we get back or should I just carry her in?” Sam looked over at Dean, talking quietly because he was afraid of waking you.
“I don’t know man, I would say let her sleep but you know she’s going to want a shower.” Dean shook his head, “Just carry her to her room and see if she’ll wake up, then ask her.”
Dean pulled the car into the garage and Sam carefully slid you into his arms, lifting you slowly so he didn’t wake you fully. You whimpered and held on tightly, burrowing your face in his neck. Sam sighed and held you that much tighter.
“Dean,” Cas said in his gravelly voice. “Are you ok?”
“Yeah, why?”
“They were humans. The woman was knocked out. Couldn’t we have let her go?”
“No, Cas. She would have found more guys, would have found a way to get back at Y/N and Sammy. She was a psycho bitch, there was no other way.”
“Ok, Dean.” And with a flutter of wings, Cas was gone.
Dean rolled his shoulders. It wasn’t often that he had to kill humans. He needed whiskey, and a lot of it.
“Y/N. Y/N, baby wake up.” Sam lightly shook your shoulder after lying you on the bed. When you groaned and hid your head under the pillow he chuckled softly. “Y/N, I just need to know if you want a shower before you sleep for a week.”
“A hot ass bubble bath, heavy on the bubbles sounds fucking amazing right now.” You peeked out from under the pillow,” Would you mind starting it for me? I’m going to pry these boots off and make my way towards the bath.”
“Sure. I’ll see you in a few.” Sam gave you once last glance before heading out of your room.
You sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing your eyes with your fingertips. Sighing, you started taking off your boots, socks and then your belt. For one fleeting moment you felt for your necklace, hoping you hadn’t really lost it. But of course you had. That bitch Isabelle probably took it and destroyed it. Throwing your belt across the room you allowed yourself to grieve the loss of the one present you cherished. The only gift Sam had ever given you.
Gathering up fresh clothes you headed towards the bathroom in your bare feet. Wishing you could just sleep but knowing sleep would be so much better with the last few days washed away. Coming through the doorway you saw Sam sitting on the side of the large claw foot tub, a mountain of bubbles already starting. He looked over with a small smile and walked over to you.
“I got it started, just yell for me if you need something.”
“Could you stay with me? I’m exhausted and I’m afraid of falling asleep in there.” You nodded towards the tub.
“Sure. Let me know when you climb in, I’ll come back and sit with you.” He tucked your hair behind your ear and closed the door behind him. Hugging your clothes to yourself you walked over to the tub now almost overflowing with bubbles. You laughed a little as you spread them out and turned the water off. Stripped naked you took stock in the mirror. Nothing looked damaged, everything was back to normal. But, that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt like hell to move. Just remembering the last few days had your whole body wanting to cave in on itself.
Sliding down until the bubbles were at your chin you called out for Sam. He opened the door slowly and peaked his head around. Relieved to see you were covered, he walked over to the chair and sat down. He didn’t want to make you uncomfortable by staring so he fixed his gaze on his boots. “Are you alright, Y/N?” He asked slowly. He didn’t want you to know the type of reaction he was having towards you.
“I think I’m just exhausted. It’s been a rough couple of days.” You smiled a little, hoping to get him to relax. “Don’t worry, I’m going to be fine.”
“I’m so sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. This is all my fault. I didn’t know.” Sam put his head in his hands and leaned it against the tub. “She was just supposed to go away. Goddammit, she was supposed to go away!!”
“Sam, Sammy.” You shifted, coming up beside him and wrapped your dripping arms around his head. “You couldn’t have known, she may have been crazy to start with but no one could have known she would do this. No one.” You pressed your head against his, willing him to not take responsibility, and to realize that you were all home safe. “I’m home with you, Sam.”
Sam sighed and leaned into your wet embrace. “She told me she would make everyone around me pay. But I didn’t take her seriously. I would never forgive myself if something happened to you,”
“Well, I’m home and safe. I definitely won’t be taking any more breaks for a while.” You laughed, “Come on, that’s kinda funny.”
Sam smiled a little. Leaning back he reached into his jacket pocket, “Here, Dean found this by your car.”
“I thought she took it and it was lost forever. Thank God!!” You said as you clutched it to your chest, “Thank you, thank you so much.” Afraid you would start crying, you handed it back to him. “Hold on to it a little longer, please. I’m going to dunk my head and wash and get out because I’m an emotional wreck right now and I’m ready to crawl into my bed and crash.”
Sam sighed and resigned himself to watching his boots while you bathed. He knew he was going to have to tell you soon, how much he cared for and loved you. How he was tired of dancing around his feelings and trying to keep things just friends. He wondered what you would say, if you felt the same, or if you would politely smile with regret in your eyes and tell him you didn’t. God, he hoped not. The scent of your shampoo and soap were invading his senses, and he could no longer concentrate on his boots. Thoughts of climbing in that giant tub with you, stroking and massaging your back until you relaxed against him. Him rubbing your chest and slowly making his way down to…
“Yeah.” Sam pinched the bridge of his nose and tried to think of something, anything else.
“Could you hand me a towel?” You had started rinsing off and was about to let the water out. Even though Sam had seen you nearly naked before, you didn’t want his first time seeing you completely naked when you were in this state. You smiled a little when he averted his eyes as you spread out the towel, stood up and wrapped it around you. Stepping out you slipped causing Sam to rush to catch you, his strong arms holding you up while you gripped his shirt for balance. You took in the scent of him, a little of sweat and blood, a little of citrus.
Your faces were close, and as you looked up into his eyes you were even closer. You took a small breath and held it, parting your lips in invitation as he ran his hands up your sides and framed your face. His thumbs tracing small circles, not too light, not too rough as he leaned in closer and brushed his lips lightly with yours.
The banging on the door and Dean yelling for Sam made you jump and he rested his forehead against yours. “Go get some sleep. We will finish this when we’re both rested.” He pulled back and after a long look said, “Goodnight, Y/N.”
Lying in your bed you stared at the wall. The brush of lips with Sam in the bathroom just wasn’t enough. You yearned for more. Resigning yourself to a sleepless night you rolled to your back. The face staring back at you was one of rage and malice. “Found you.” You couldn’t help but to start screaming.
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brokenbeatandabused · 7 years
A Blank Page (Part 3)
A/N: This is what happens when you work a third shift job with nothing to do :D Feedback is always welcome, I am taking requests btw! I’m not great at smut, just throwing that out there. Right now this is the only thing I’m working on. I just don’t know if I want Part 4 to be the end or if I want it to keep going. Who knows!
Characters: Sam, Reader, Dean, Cas, Isabelle, Matt
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Summary: The boys and Cas come to your rescue.
Word Count: 1,572
Warnings: Torture, mentions blood, murder, gunshots...language. I think that’s it.
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Not my gif. Found on Google.
“Cas, is she still in there?” Sam asked as they sat down the block in the Impala.
“Yes. She’s hurt pretty bad Sam. We need to get her out of there now. Let me go get her.” Can leaned forward, “I’ll be in and out.”
“Can’t let you do that, Cas.” Dean shook his head, “We don’t know who’s in there with her. They may not know we have an angel on our side, we need to be careful. We don’t know if she has demons with her or what. For now, we wait until midnight, and make our move.”
“But Dean, she’s praying again.” Cas looked towards the house.
“What is she saying?” Sam breathed hard through his nose, struggling to keep his anger in check.
“She’s fading. Fast.” Cas said in his deep monotone voice.
“Fuck. We need to make sure we get her out alive. I don’t care about anyone else in that house except Y/N.”
Dean looked over at Sam and raised his eyebrows. “Alright then. Let’s go over the plan one more time, and we’ll go kick that bitches ass.”
Isabelle had kicked you so hard your chair fell over on it’s side. “Aren’t laughing now are you, Y/N?”
“Not yet, psycho. Not yet.” You lay your head on the floor. Exhausted. Bloody and bruised. You were starting to wonder if Cas had heard you. Praying once more, you begged him to come. You could feel yourself fading, slowly yes, but definitely getting harder to stay awake and alert. Moving your hand a little you felt a piece of glass. Grabbing it, you slid it up into the ropes. Isabelle kicked you in the stomach making you spit more blood. “Getting tired yet Isabelle? Maybe you should go take a nap.”
“You bitch.” She grabbed you by the hair and lifted your chair back up. “I would kill you right now if I didn’t need you alive for when Sam comes. Keep an eye on her, I need to go make sure the other two are keeping watch. It won’t be long now. Stay alert, stay focused. I will get my man.”
Sam crept silently onto the porch. The plan in place he took a deep breath, reached out, and banged on the door.
Consistently sawing the ropes, painstaking slow, you jerked your head up. Someone was knocking. You looked over to Matt and grinned with a fresh spurt of energy. “Are you ready big boy? You’re fixing to be all mine.” You started working a little faster since Matt had hurried out the door. You knew your boys had a plan. You just had to free your hands.
Suddenly, there was yelling and what sounded like a scuffle in the next room. You stilled your hands even though you were almost free, shoving the broken glass back into the ropes. Matt burst into the room and slammed a chair down in front of you. You looked up, confused when they brought a limp and bloody Sam in. They dropped him in a chair and checked him over for weapons before tying him to the chair.
“Sam! No!!” You screamed as they hit him once more. As they walked out the door you shouted after them, “I’m going to kill each and every one of you, do you hear me?! Sam. Sam, wake up. Look at me.” Tears fell from your eyes as you pleaded with him to wake up. “Sam, please.”
“Ok, Cas, he’s in. There’s two guys in the main room, the big guy guarding that back bedroom. I don’t have eyes on Isabelle anymore. But if you get her, take her out.”
“Is she really that dangerous?”
“Yeah Cas. She is.”
“Sammy! I’ve missed you.” Isabelle sat down on Sam’s lap and kissed his bloody lips. Sam recoiled, and spit towards her face. “Not nice. I’ve kept her alive for you this long haven’t I?” She slapped his face hard, “If you want to keep her that way, you’ll start being a gentleman.”
“Isabelle. Why?” Sam glared at her, “We’ve been over for years. This is insane.”
“You are mine!” She screamed. “We were perfect together! SHE ruined everything!” She pointed towards you and you flinched, hoping she wouldn’t hit you again. You were almost through the ropes. “If it weren’t for her you and I would be together, in New York. Fucking happy and moving towards the future. Just us two!!” She started pacing the room. “I love you Sam, that has never changed! She’s in the way. It’s time for her to get out of it.”
Matt stuck his head in the door. “Isabelle, we need to talk.” She huffed and stomped out into the hallway. With the door shut all you could her were her muffled orders and shouts.
“Sam, are you ok?” You asked quietly.
“No. I am so sorry for this. I am so sorry I didn’t tell you how fucking crazy she really was. Is. This is all my fault and I swear I’m going to make this right.” Sam cleared his throat, “Are you alright?”
You chuckled, “Nothing I can’t handle. I wouldn’t mind a candlelit bubble bath and about a week of sleep. Where is Dean?”
“Him and Cas should be coming in any minute.” Sam sighed, pulling at his ropes. “They took my knife.”
“It’s ok Sammy,” you said as you pulled your arms free and smiled, “They didn’t get the one from my boot.” You cut through the ropes around your middle and legs with your knife and went to work on Sam’s. “Let’s get you free, and you leave that big guy to me. This knife is going straight through his heart.”
“Is he human?”
“As far as I know. Sam, this is the first time that I don’t care that he is. He tortured me, for absolutely no reason. There was no information he was trying to get from me. It was all for her. Everything he did, was for her.”
Sam looked at you sadly and shook his head. “I don’t understand why she’s doing this. I made it clear why I was leaving her. It wasn’t…It wasn’t because of you. Not really.”
You looked up into Sam’s eyes as you finished cutting the ropes on his feet. “What?”
“Y/N, it wasn’t entirely because of you that I left her. I knew she was batshit crazy. But I,” The shouts coming from the other room interrupted him and made you work faster. Cutting his last hand free you headed towards the door. “Wait, she’s going to come back in here, we need to be ready.”
No sooner than the words had left his mouth did she come running through the door. “How did you get free?!” She screamed and launched herself at Sam. “You’re not going anywhere! You are not leaving me again!!! She’s going to die when Matt comes back!” She pounded her fists on his chest.
Sam tossed her at the wall, knocking her out. Shrugging when you just stood there looking at him. “Alright then, the big guy is mine.” You twirled the knife in your hand and got into your fighting stance behind your chair. Sam hid behind the door. Shots rang out, more shouts.
“Dean!” You shouted, you were ready to get this over with. “Dean we’re back here!” But it wasn’t Dean that came through the door. Matt stood in the doorway with blood running from his temple, and a gunshot wound in his arm. Raising your eyebrow, you tilted your head. “I see you’re ready for me now. Come on big bastard. Let’s do this.” You threw the chair at him as he charged, Sam grabbing his arms from behind. “Just so you know, I’m not sorry for this.” With that, you jammed the knife deep into his chest, watching his eyes roll back in pain as he slipped from Sam’s grasp and onto the floor. You pulled your knife out with a sickening sound and wiped the blood off. Looking down you said, “I told him how he was going to die. He didn’t believe me.”
Cas and Dean barreled through the door, Dean aiming his gun around the room, ready for anything. “Other guys are dead. Is he?”
“Yeah,” Sam said. “Isabelle is over there. Alive.” He reached for you, wrapping you in a tight hug as he struggled with his emotions. You wrapped your arms around his waist and sagged against him as all the adrenaline was sucked out of you. Sam looked over at Isabelle, “Dean, I..”
“I’ll handle it. Cas, take Sammy and Y/N back to the car.”
“Ok. First things first.” Cas said as he walked over towards you. With a touch of your forehead you instantly felt better. Tired, a little sore, but the cuts and bruises were gone, along with the swollen eye. Cas’ eyes widened when you threw your arms around him.
“Thank you.” You whispered.
“Ah…you’re welcome.” He then lay his hands on both yours and Sam’s head and suddenly you were back at the car.
A muffled gunshot confirmed Isabelle’s fate. You reached out and held Sam’s hand. “I’m sorry, Sam. I’m so sorry.”
“I’m ok. She chose this path. Let’s go home, clean up and then we’ll talk.” Sam guided you to the Impala and opened the door for you. You climbed in and breathed your first sigh of relief in days.
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brokenbeatandabused · 7 years
A Blank Page (Part 2)
A/N: Still a working title. Really enjoyed writing this one, though I feel like it could use a little more work.
Characters: Sam, Reader, Dean, Cas, Isabelle, Matt
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Summary: You’re being tortured by Sam’s ex girlfriend, they’re trying to find you.
Word Count: 1,347
Warnings: Language, some torture
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Gif not mine. Found on Google.
“Y/N! Rise and shine!” A hard blow to your face had you moaning a response. Weak, you tried to move. Ropes bound your middle, as well as your hands and feet. Another blow to your cheek had you shaking your head, trying to clear it.
“There you are! How do you feel?!” A female voice asked sarcastically. “I bet you feel wonderful. Do you want to know how long I have wanted to do that? How long I’ve been planning this moment?”
“Isabelle.” Straining to see in the dim light and swollen eye you could just make out her face. “Why?”
“YOU are the reason he left me! Any time I got to spend with him when he wasn’t mysteriously gone with his stupid brother all I would hear about is you! Y/N this and Y/N that! All the fucking time!” She was yelling now, louder and louder with each word. “What is it about YOU?!” and slapped you again.
“We’ve never been anything but friends, Isabelle. We hunt together. That’s it. Please, let me go. We can forget this whole thing, just please, let me go.” You pleaded with her, knowing that it wouldn’t work. You hung your head, hoping, praying to Chuck that she would calm down so you could reason with her. “Dean and Sam are going to come find me.”
“Good. I want them to come. I have a nice surprise for Sammy when he gets here. I’m not alone, you fool. I’ve been doing a lot of research, a lot of planning for this. Don’t worry,” she patted you on the cheek and stuck duct tape over your mouth, “I’ve got everything under control.” With that, she left you alone.
Oh God, oh God. Your mind was racing. How can I get out of here? Isabelle had taken your gun and knife. Shaking your foot a little you could feel the knife you had stuck down in your boot. But how to get to it? Whoever had tied the knots had done a great job. Fuck, you thought, what do I do?
“Ok, so the bartender said she was here, but only for a short time. Said that she took a few sips of beer before a blonde woman, shorter than Y/N, approached her. He does have a camera in the bar and is going to show me the video once the manager comes back. Her car is right there, so where could she be?” Sam ran his fingers through his hands and sighed. Looking over at Dean he asked, “Did you find anything?”
Dean held out his hand. “It was just under her car. The tail was in front of her tire.”
Sam stared at the dragon necklace before reaching out to take it. “She wouldn’t take it off. Not without having her box she puts it in. I’ve asked her about it. She loves it too much to let something happen to it.”
“I don’t know, man. Something isn’t right. She wouldn’t just disappear. When is the manager supposed to be here?” Dean asked wearily.
“About 10 minutes now.” Sam put the necklace in his inside jacket pocket. Promising himself he would be the one to put it back around your neck.
“Alright, let’s go wait.”
“Hello, Y/N.” A deep voice startled you, where had he come from? “My name is Matt. I’ll be torturing you today.” He ripped the duct tape from you mouth.
“Ow! Fuck! Why?!” You shouted.
“Well because, that’s what I get paid to do, darlin’.” He said as he showed you his knife.
“Don’t. I can pay more. A hell of a lot more. Let me go.” You were desperate.
“Oh no. I don’t think so. It’s time to get this party started.” As he ended his sentence he sliced your arm, making you scream out in pain. Once you stopped screaming he sliced the other arm. Soon, it was non-stop screaming, echoing down the hallways and making an evil smile spread across Isabelle’s face.
Watching the video Sam gasped and grabbed Dean’s arm. “Dean! It’s Isabelle.”
“Are you sure?” Dean jumped up from his chair to look closer. “What would that psycho be doing here?”
“I don’t know. I didn’t tell Y/N the whole truth about Isabelle. I thought I had gotten rid of her. It’s been two fucking years! Why is she doing this to Y/N? We were just friends!” Sam shouted.
“Were? Something happen between you two?”
“What? No. Dean. That’s not what I meant.” Sam struggled through trying to explain.
“Did you give Isabelle any reason to believe otherwise?” Dean asked.
“I don’t…I don’t think so. I knew she was jealous of Y/N, but I always told her we were nothing but friends.”
“Well, Sammy, you need to start being honest with yourself. Y/N has had feelings for you for a long time. If Isabelle picked up on that then she’s in definite trouble. We need to get moving Sam. I’ll call out for Cas.” Dean strode out the door leaving Sam alone with his thoughts.
“I swear Y/N, we are going to find you. And when we do, I’m going to fix all of this.” He said quietly to himself before heading outside. By the time he got to the car Cas had already appeared and was talking to Dean.
“I don’t think they know I can track her. She has not prayed to me yet. Once she does I will be able to find her immediately.”
“They don’t have a camera on the outside of the building, so we don’t know which way they headed but we do know the big dude went out a few minutes before Y/N did, Isabelle going out last with two other guys. We need to go to the bunker and get more weapons. We don’t know if they’re demons, or if they’re just following crazy bitch. Sam, you were with her for awhile, what’s her move going to be?”
“She’s going to take her somewhere close. She’s making a trap for me. One of the last things she ever said to me was that one way or another I would be hers, she would see to it, and those around me would pay. I brushed it off as the usual crazy. I didn’t think it was going to be like this. Y/N is smart. She’ll keep her head about her.” Sam rubbed his face with his hands.
“I don’t know man. Y/N is known for her smart ass comebacks. If she’s torturing her, Y/N isn’t just going to roll over and take it. She’ll laugh in their faces.” Dean smirked a little. “I’d like to see that.”
“Dean. She is praying. You are going to need your weapons.”
“Come on Y/N, come on back around.” The big guy tapped the blade to your cheek trying to wake you up. Cuts covered both arms, some of your chest and thighs. “Wake up you stubborn bitch.”
You were breathing, but it was shallow breaths. You were biding your time, praying. ‘Cas. I don’t know if you can hear me if I’m not praying out loud. I don’t know where they are keeping me. It’s Isabelle. Sam will know who it is. There is a really big guy, name is Matt. I don’t know if there are more. Bring the boys, Cas. He’s cut me up pretty bad. Hurry. I don’t know how much time I have left.’
When you raised your head, you looked into Matt’s eyes. He jerked the tape the rest of the way off, “You have something to say to me?” He smiled.
“When my friends find you, they’re going to hold you down while I stab you in the heart.” You grinned through the pain, knowing that by now Sam and Dean were on their way. “Just wait and see you big bastard. Just wait and see.” You saw stars when he hit you again, but this time all you could do was laugh, and you continued to laugh as he walked out the door shouting for Isabelle.
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brokenbeatandabused · 7 years
A Blank Page (Part 1)
A/N: I got a little bored at work tonight. Hope you enjoy. Also, this is a working title, I’m terrible at coming up with those. If you’d like to recommend one feel free! :)
Characters: Sam, Reader, Dean, Sam’s ex
Pairing: Sam x Reader (eventually? Maybe.)
Summary: In this part, Reader is bored at the bunker after sitting out a hunt.
Word Count: 1,156
Warnings: None? Language maybe.
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Gif found on google. Not mine.
Sitting in your room in the bunker you stared at your computer screen. You had been researching shape shifters and lore on angels but all the words had started to blur together. Bored out of your mind and wondering where the men were, you shifted to your back on the bed.
You stayed behind instead of joining them on the hunt. A break, you thought, would do some good. You didn’t think it would be the most boring 3 days of your life. You had slept, researched, slept and walked around the bunker. That was just day 1. Day 2 consisted of more walking around the bunker and looking through rooms you had never been in. Including Sam’s room.
You hadn’t meant to actually go in, to sit in his chair, lie in his bed. So what if you had put on one of his shirts and climbed into his bed? So what if you fell asleep breathing in his scent on his pillow? No one would know, they wouldn’t be home for another couple of days. When you awoke you made sure to fix his bed and put his shirt back. However much you wanted to keep it, you knew he would notice it was missing. Smelling it one last time you stuffed it back in the drawer.
Now, lying on your bed and longing to go back to his room, you sighed. However much you needed this break, you needed to be with Sam more. Hunting with him and Dean was always a thrill. Even when you came back bruised and bloody, it was always exciting. They may have saved your life a thousand times over, but there were times you saved theirs right back. 
Sighing again, you got up and started getting dressed to go out. Jeans, t-shirt, your favorite boots and your favorite accessory, your .45 holstered on your hip for easy access. You put your trusty knife in your pocket and the other in your boot. Slipping your necklace over your head you walked towards the garage. The necklace had been a gift from Sam last year. A silver dragon curled like it was sleeping, tail curling downward, it had small turquoise stones lining down it’s back. What no one knew was the tail disconnected and a small knife slid out. You could never be overly prepared. Not when you’re a hunter.
Driving to the bar you smiled to yourself, one hand on the dragon. The night Sam had given it to you it had been snowing. It wasn’t quite Christmas and the three of you had just finished hunting a nest of vampires. It had gone particularly well and you and Dean were celebrating over a beer.
“Y/N. I got you this. I hope you like it, I saw it a couple weeks ago and thought it suited you.” Sam grinned at you and handed over the box.
“You didn’t have to get me anything! Thank you so much,” you said as you opened the box. “Sam, I-I love it. This is perfect. I don’t know what to say.” You looked over at him, sure that your heart was showing through your eyes. Sure that he would see just how you felt.
But he wasn’t looking at you anymore. Pulling things out of a bag he said, “I’m so glad you like it! I know how much you love your knives. Here Dean, I got you something too.”
You got out of the car and walked in. It was hardly busy so you had your choice of bar stools.
“What can I get ya?” The scruffy bartender asked.
“You know what, surprise me.” Shifting on your stool you took in your surroundings. Old guy at the end of the bar, blank eyes staring at nothing. A couple of guys playing pool and a younger woman watching their game. Furrowing your brow, you wondered where you had seen her before. You didn’t want to be caught staring and turned back as the bartender sat your beer in front of you. Nodding your head, silently thanking him, you took your first sip.
Oh, shit. The woman watching the pool game. Sam’s ex. You frowned into your beer. They had broke it off two and a half years ago, why would she be in this town? From what you understood, she found out about the hunter life and got out of town as fast as her little car could take her. Off to bigger and better things in New York City according to Sam. Dean always disliked her, had said that she talked too much and was trying to get Sam to move away with her. Rolling your eyes you hoped she wouldn’t recognize you. Granted, you had started living at the bunker towards the end of their relationship, only seeing her when you went to the bar with the boys. It wasn’t that you didn’t get along, you just hated that she had been with Sam. And maybe she did talk too much.
“Y/N, right? How are you?”
You sighed a little. “I’m doing ok, Isabelle. How about yourself?” Ugh, you thought. Why didn’t you go along on the hunt??
“I’m doing just fine. How are Sam and Dean?” She flipped her blonde hair behind her shoulder, looking back at one of the men at the pool game. Winking at him, she looked back to you.
“They are doing good. Out of town at the moment.” Shrugging your shoulder a little, ready to just walk out the door. You hoped she would catch the hint and go back to her man, so you could pay and get the hell out of there.
“Oh yeah, hunting.” She smirked, “And how is that going for Sam? I always thought I’d be able to get him to see his full potential but he just couldn’t get away from that brother of his. Are you sleeping with him yet? Oh come on,” She continued when you glanced sharply at her, your mouth dropping open, “I know you had a little crush on him when I was still with him. Everyone but Sam saw how you looked at him. Be careful little girl, you have no idea what you’re in for.”
“What is that supposed to mean? Get out of my face bitch.” You slapped a $20 on the bar and stalked out. What the hell was that about? You jerked open the car door and everything went dark.
“Dean. I’ve been trying to call Y/N but she isn’t answering. She text me last night that she was going to the bar but hasn’t answered any of my texts or calls since then. I’m worried.” Sam sat in the passenger seat of the Impala, repeatedly glancing at his phone.
“Well, why don’t we drive by the bar on our way to the bunker. See if the bartender remembers her being there.”
“Ok…ok.” Sam nodded and feared the worst.
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