“Let me guess. This is all for doctor Daniel?” it certainly wasn’t because her cousin needed to work out more. Bridget was in fantastic shape, the kind of shape kitty envyed but would never put in the hard work to achieve it. She liked carbs too much. “ happy to boost your ego anytime princess..” kitty smiled in return. “ You’re my mom and dad‘s favorite too but keep that on the down low. I don’t want to hurt Bryan and Brady’s feelings.” Speaking of her male cousins, she wondered how Brady was getting on with his own baby mama drama. “Oh nothing. Just getting you a little thank you gift for putting up with me.” She put her Phone down after buying the perfume. “You’re honestly gonna sit there and tell me that all you’re gonna do with him is run??” She arched a brow, not believing Bridget was so innocent. “ uhm.. Let’s just say Brady isn’t the only one with baby drama.” She sighed, chewing on her lip as she looked away from her cousin. “Possibly.I’m a little nervous about the future with him now. Are you sure you want to hear all this? “
“What? No. I’ve ran every day since high school. You know that.” She said and shook her head. It was just she was changing her routine because of Daniel, but she didn’t mind that. A laugh escaped her lips and Bridget nodded. “Your secret is safe with me.” She promised. She always loved how close their family was and that she had an aunt and uncle to be like parents to her when she lost her dad and then had almost nothing to do with her mom. “Kit, you don’t have to get me anything.” She told her phone and pouted a little before rolling her eyes. “Yes. All we’re going to do is run.” She promised her before taking a drink and almost choking on it the next moment. “What?��� The brunette said as she looked over at Kitty. “You’re pregnant? And you’re not sure about a future with him? What the hell is going on in this family?”
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“I think I can come up with a few things you’ve done that make you not so sweet.” Finn teased, his nose wrinkling before letting a soft chuckle escape from him. He needed this conversation more than she realized. She always had a way of making him forget his problems, at least temporarily, and focus on her and their goals for the day, even if that was something simple as getting brunch or going to the museum. It also didn’t hurt that she was gorgeous and easy to flirt with. He always wondered why nothing ever happened between them, especially after his relationship with Ruby ended. It was clear there could be something between them, even if was just a night together. The problem is, how do you ask a question like that? And what would her answer be? “I, Finn Walker, am lucky to have Bridget Levitt in my life. Please send help, she’s holding me hostage and made me say that!” He yelled into her phone, gently pushing it away. “And what does your brother think about all this? Is he happy, sad, freaking out?”
She gasped. “I am a nurse. I help people. I am sweet.” She said and rolled her eyes at him. She had always loved how easy their banter always was. Everything came easy with Finn and if he hadn’t been dating someone in the past, maybe she would’ve dated him back in the day. Lord knew she thought about it enough. He made her feel happy and with him, everything came natural. She didn’t get as nervous as she did with others, but it was probably because around them, she was hyper aware of herself because she felt like a fool. Bridget smirked as he talked into her phone before making a face and smacking his arm playfully. “You wish I was holding you hostage.” She teased and shook her head as she put her phone down. “Freaking out definitely is the way to describe it. He was in denial it was even his for a minute there. I’m not sure how he feels now.” She shrugged. “But apparently there was proof, so I guess I’m gonna be an aunt again. What about you? Anything interesting going on?”
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“Wait, really?” Rafael raised his brows, really unable to believe that she would agree to skinny dippy. The man just wanted to give her a hard time but since she actually agreed, he wasn’t going to disappoint her. “Shit, I would never do that,” he laughed, shaking his head. “I can point you to some people in town that would but not me, I’m just here to make sure you have a good time,” he held his hands up in a mock surrender, “and that’s exactly what we are going to do.” He gestured to her drink, “Drink up, we got some skinny dipping to do,” he said with a teasing smile on his lips.
“Yes, really. Don’t ask too much or I’ll change my mind.” Bridget told him, already nervous about this. “No thanks. I’m sure I can pick a few girls from high school myself that would.” She took a deep breath. “Sorry. I’m going to be anxious until we do this, okay?” She said and just nodded her head quickly as he told her to drink up and she downed the rest of her drink and waving to the waitress. “I need one more to do this.” She said before ordering her drink and after getting it, downed that one quick. “Alright. We can do this.”
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When the female rounded the corner, Daniel froze in his tracks. His blue gaze roamed over her in just the bike shorts and sports bra, admiring the contrast of the pink on her pale complexion. He realized he was merely standing there and gawking at her, so a nervous chuckle came from him. “Um, yes. I’m good, I’m ready I mean.” Daniel answered, smiling at her. “We don’t have to walk very long, you know. I mean, I understand if you got uh, other plans to get to or something.” The male quickly said, wanting Bridget to know she wasn’t forced to walk with him just because he was the boss. He figured she probably only agreed cause she didn’t want to tell him no.
She blushed a little as Daniel just looked her over. She wondered if he was thinking her outfit wasn’t appropriate for going for a walk with your boss. Her heart raced a little as he finally talked and she nodded with a smile. “Great.” Bridget moved and closer to him so they could leave. “What?” She asked him before shaking her head. “No. I don’t have any other plans. You’re all I’m doing today.” Her cheeks flushed quickly. “I mean, you’re the only one I have plans with!” She corrected herself and looked away as she cursed herself for her choice of words; her cousin’s being the one that seemed to slip out of her. “I guess I just mean I’m free to just walk with you tonight. And any night. If you don’t have plans, of course.”
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“The point is to not get caught, Bridget,” he chuckled, shaking his head, “you’re with me, so you’re not going to get caught. Plus, I feel like peopel have better things to do than look out for skinny dippers. It’s already dark.” He told the woman, “You gotta try something, even if that. I won’t pressure you. Karaoke?” He suggested, raising a brow, “What’s gettin’ you out of your comfort zone tonight?”
She cocked her head as she listened to him and tried figuring out if his words were true or not. Bridge took a deep breath as she thought about what they could do to break her comfort zone and she bit the inside of her lip as she swayed from side to side. “Okay. We’ll do the skinny dipping.” She said. It maybe have been a bold choice, but it sounded like they were doing the more bold choices tonight and she figured why not. “But if you take my clothes and leave me stranded there like the Parent Trap, I’ll get you back.”
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“Running? Why?? You look great already.” . Kitty for the life and her couldn’t understand why anyone would want to willingly work out. “No way! This too juicy.” She said, taking a bite of popcorn as she watched her cousin fluster over her boss. “ Fairpoint. As much as I love them, you are the superior Levitt.” She admitted with a laugh. How are young cousin was more of a sister in kitty eyes, when she could talk serious things with while her boy cousins were who understood her neediness more. “ No free passes even for your favorite cousin? How rude.” She pouted. “ i’m sorry. I don’t know what’s come over me lately I’ve been a mess.” Which wasn’t like her honestly. Probably due to with all the things she’d found out about Eddie lately. “ Victoria’s Secret you say?” Kitty picked up her phone, she’lling it from her cousin while she looked to make the order for it. After all Bridget deserved it. “ i’m sorry. I was hungry and you were taking a while getting changed. You know me though I’ll have room for this and that. Also, there’s no way he’s just your boss.. nor do I believe for a second that you’re going to be ‘running’ anywhere with him except to the bedroom.” She couldn’t help herself. When she asked about Eddie though she shrugged and looked at the TV. “We’re okay.. I guess.. I don’t know. There’s a lot.”
“I run every day. Or try to. But now it’s going to be after work and more consistent.” Because she got to see more of Daniel that way. “It is not.” She pouted before grinning as her cousin called her superior. “Thank you. I already know I am, but I love hearing it.” She shimmied in her seat proudly. She was glad that she had Kitty in her life. The two were always more like sisters than cousins and it was nice to have her to lean on and to be there for her. “Nope. Not unless you pay me.” She teased her with a grin before creasing her eyebrows. “What do you mean?” Bridget asked and turned her body to face Kitty a little more. “Yeah. I need to make time to go to the mall to get it.” She said, not paying attention to what her cousin was doing. “I know, I know.” The brunette gasped and made a face. “We are not going to do anything in the bedroom. We’re really going running together.” She told her honestly after she finished chewing her food and noticed the change Kitty did. “A lot? Like what?”
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WHERE: Outside Bridgeport Family Care, after hours WHO: @bridgetlevitt
Daniel honestly figured Bridget would cancel on them running after work like they had discussed. However, feeling hopeful and in case she didn’t, Daniel packed some workout clothes to change into after the shift ended and brought them to work with him. The delight appeared in his eyes when he saw Bridget walking inside the clinic with a bag as well. He felt like the day was never going to end, but finally it was 4:30PM. The receptionist locked the main door and left, leaving Bridget and Daniel alone. “I’m going to finish this last chart and change in my office. I’ll try to be quick.” He said to her, giving her a smile before ducking inside the office he shared with his father who still worked a few days throughout the month. Daniel quickly finished the necessary documentation on the last patient he had seen then traded his professional doctor’s jacket for a pair of black running shorts, faded red tank top, and running shoes. Walking out of his office, the male didn’t spot Bridget right away. “Bridget?” Daniel asked the quiet clinic, waiting for her answer. He wondered if the woman had ditched him.
Bridget was trying not to think about going running with Daniel after work all day, but it was hard to keep the idea out of her head. She had brought a bag to change into and put it in the breakroom to wait for after work and kept staring at the clock as it got closer and closer to be closing time. While she was day dreaming about it, she did focus on the patients and finally the work day was over and she started cleaning up before she turned and looked at Daniel. A blush filled her cheeks and she looked away as she finished what she was dong. “Sounds good. I’ll go change in the bathroom.” She said and moved to the breakroom to grab her back and then went into the bathroom and got into her pink sports bra and matching bike shorts and her running shoes. After putting her stuff in her bag, she went out to put the bag in the car and grabbed her hair tie before pulling her hair into a pony tail and going back in in time to hear Daniel call her name. She rounded the corner, she stopped and just took him in for a moment before clearing her throat. “I-I’m here.” She said, a light blush filling her cheeks again. “Are you ready?”
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“Yeah, yeah, yeah, always trying to get a rise out of me,” he teased Bridget with a shake of his head. It’s not like he would put it past her. As Bridget went into her demise growing up, his heart sank to the bottom of his stomach. He hadn’t meant to hit a sore spot, trying to keep a fun conversation between them. “Well,” he didn’t want her to dwell on a miserable past, one that she couldn’t forget or change, “then let’s change that up, Levitt.” He offered, “What’s something you want to do that you haven’t? Or I’ll pick. Hell, we can even go skinny dipping, just something out of the ordinary tonight.”
She shrugged and just continued smiling at him. “No idea what you’re talking about.” Bridget teased as she took a drink from her glass. She noticed his face change a bit as she talked and felt bad she dragged down the conversation. It was the truth, but she knew how depressing her childhood and teen years were. When Rafael said that they should change that up, she raised an eyebrow at him before her eyes widened. “Skinny dipping? Wouldn’t we get in trouble if we got caught? Isn’t that like public indecency or something?”
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“I’ll keep that in mind. I wouldn’t worry about kidnappers, I know you could take them.” She winked at her younger cousin. For one so tiny, Bridget packed a real punch. Even his kids when they would play fight, kitty always lost to Bridget. “ah ah ah, you said his name!!! I knew it! You do like him.” Kitty’s mouth curled into a triumphant grin as she moved the cat to stand up.“Yep. Sure am.. good thing my best cousin is a nurse so she can look out for me.” Kitty sang the words, giving her a look as she handed the remote over. “What’s it called? I want some.” Kitty always admired her cousin, she had a good sense of fashion and style and things like perfume where his kitty was more of a black fits everything wardrobe kind of gal. “He’s already on. I made you some popcorn too.” She said, pressing play on the movie and passing her cousin the bowl. “So.. tell me more about this Dr. Ward..” She wasn’t going to let that go so easily.
“With the amount of true crime I digest, you know it. Although, I may be later these days. I’m gonna start running after work.” She just wasn’t going to mention who with just yet. A deep blush filled her cheeks as Kitty said that she did like Daniel and she looked away from her cousin. “Shut up.” She said and looked down, but it was definitely true that she did like him. There was just no way she was going to be able to act on it ever. “First, of course I’m the best. Who’s going to beat me? My brothers?” She asked and raised an eyebrow. “Second, I would definitely take care of you, but that doesn’t mean you can be needy.” Bridget teased before she shrugged. “It’s something from the boutique downtown. I haven’t been able to order my perfume from Victoria Secret yet.” She hated that she ran out of it, but it is what it is. “But I brought food.” She said and shook her head. “Why do I bother?” She asked and she grabbed the to go containers and put Kitty’s down as well as a fork on the coffee table before eating her own. “I don’t know what you want me to say. He’s just my boss.” She said and picked at the food. “And we’re going to start running together after work. How is Eddie?” She asked quickly before shoveling food in her mouth.
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The male smiled at the other saying she enjoyed working with him. “I know it’s more about the weekends off, but I’ll take it.” Daniel teased her. Working days and weekends off were something Daniel loved about primary care. The evenings were spent at home doing his hobbies and weekends normally consisted of camping and hiking or video games depending on moods. “Well, after working together so long, I think we probably know each other more than our own family.” He joked, but it was true. The office staff were together more than being at their own homes. Daniel lifted another bite of the chicken to his mouth. He enjoyed the redness that spread across her pale cheeks, always finding the female beautiful. Daniel moved his eyes to her and nodded at her question of really. “Well, yeah. It sounds fun. Just start bringing some uh, workout clothes. We can start tomorrow.” He muttered and smiled again at her before looking away and taking another bite of his food. The rain started to let up at that moment and Daniel looked out. “It looks like it’s starting to let up. We might have to just leg it back to the office.”
“That’s not true. Trust me.” There was a part of Bridget that felt that she would work seven days a week if Daniel was there and wanted her too. She liked her job, truly, and she really liked having Daniel as her boss. More than, honestly. The woman smiled and nodded at his words. “That’s true. We definitely pick up on things.” He was the one person she saw more than anyone else. She ate another bite of her food and at it as they were quiet for a moment then looked at him and swallowed. “Yeah. Yeah. I can definitely do that. I’ll bring my bag and we can go running after work.” Bridget grinned before looking out at the rain. “We may have to book it.” She said and closed her lid before putting it back in the bag and standing up. “What do you say? You jump, I jump.” She cursed herself for quoting the Titanic at a time like this, but it was already out there. Instead, she just reached her hand out to him to take so they could get back to the office.
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Brady dropped his head when she asked why he didn’t see it and gave a shrug. “I didn’t let her show them to me, I guess. I just told her to leave.” he admitted. “Sorry. It’s just that you’re like the fourth person to tell me.” he explained. His heart sank a little when she told him that it could happen to her, and he realized it was probably something she was fearful of. Bridget had moved out by the time the twins were born, but since they had grown close, she was the one who noticed when Brady had gone off the deep end with his drinking. She had watched their mother do the same thing, after all. He nodded slowly. “I know. I just never wanted to go through something like that again. I didn’t even want to take the risk, in case it was something genetic or whatever.” He swallowed before letting out a sigh as she spoke. “Yeah. I know I do. I just…I don’t think she wants to talk to me right now.”
"She had the proof and you still called her a liar?" Bridget sighed and shook her head. "Maybe we have a point then, Brady." Bridget sighed and shook her head. She tried to make it seem like she wasn't scared of the same thing happening to her in the future. She was thankful when Bryan's kids were healthy, but it made her panic that maybe she was next. However, she was supposed to put up the front that all ways okay. She was used to it. It's the face she put on since their dad died. "Then if it's genetic, I'm next so you're okay." She knew that wasn't how things worked. She knew more than well, but she wanted him to feel better. "You can't change what happened. You two had sex. You knew this could be an outcome of that. Protection can fail." She looked into his eyes. "Then make her talk to you. Show up until she can't say no anymore. Show her you're going to be there no matter what. Explain to her all this and show her you are still going to be there. She deserves it and so do you."
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“I love to read” he said nodding his head. Going through all the books he’s reading and listening to at the moment. “I’m reading at least three or four different books” he said nodding his head. “It’s Warner, the last name is Warner” he said laughing. “I understand that” he said “I have a lot of trouble sleeping as well and stare at the ceiling and wait for myself to fall asleep.” He said laughing. Taking off his jacket, he stood up to wrap it around the girls shoulders “I live right there” he said pointing to the sea food shack.
She smiled more at the man. "You're speaking my language. You have to have a book for every mood, right? What's the one your most interested in right now?" She asked curiously before nodding. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Bentley Warner." Bridget corrected her words. A blush filled her cheeks a little as he put his jacket around her and she fixed it on her shoulders. "Glad to know I'm not the only one in town." Her eyes moved to look at the seafood place and back at him "Really? I didn't know they had a place there. Do you work there too?" She asked curiously. "I live the the apartments downtown." She pointed towards their direction. "You can barely see it."
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Hearing her words, Daniel’s eyes roamed over to look at the woman’s face. He wanted to ask what she meant, however Bridget quickly spoke again. Daniel’s face fell slightly at the reasoning, but quickly recovered into a smile. “Of course, but you know the hospital isn’t as fun. Plus, you got to admit having weekends off are a plus.” He pointed out, teasing her as well. Daniel once again swirled some of the noodles in the marinara sauce onto his fork before taking another bite of it. No longer seeing her shiver from coldness, Daniel kept his body near hers while they kept talking and eating. The rain continued to pour down around them. “Relax, Bridge, I’m only teasing you. I know you offered to switch because you’re just kind, sweet person…” He admitted before moving his eyes off her and back to his food. He swallowed a lump that had formed in his throat while Daniel focused on cutting the rest of his chicken up. At the mention of them taking runs together, Daniel glanced back to Bridget with a smile. “Yeah, of course. I love to take walks or runs. That sounds like a good idea.” He agreed, maybe a bit too quickly but the male didn’t care at that moment.
Bridget put on her soft smile and nodded. "You're right. Working with you is definitely more fun. And I do like having weekends off." She was about to say something about those nights being good for dates, but she was nervous and also didn't want him thinking she was seeing someone when she wasn't. She twirled her noodles and took a bite before blushing a little and covering her mouth with her hand as she chewed. "Seems like you figured me out." She said after she swallowed and just smiled softly at him. However, her blush grew a bit as he agreed to go running with her and she sat a little straighter. "Really? That's awesome. We can definitely do that then."
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Rafael shrugged his shoulders, “I’d hope so but I don’t know why you like doing so,” he teased her, knowing it was because she got a rise out of him. He let out a laugh as she caught on, “Yeah, well, you know I have to please the ladies,” he teased Bridget in response, laughing some more. “Come on tell me,” he raised a brow, “what was the craziest thing you ever did back in high school?”
She laughed softly. "Because it's fun seeing you get worked up about it." Bridget teased before nodding. "I'm sure you did. You probably still do." She said before taking a drink and putting her glass back down. "Craziest thing I did? Which part? Cleaning the entire house to make it look like my drunk mom was actually fine so mu brothers wouldn't find out or moving in with Brady at sixteen while said Mom was in rehab?" She asked him curiously. "I didn't do anything in high school. I don't do anything now. I'm hopelessly boring and live through other people."
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“All in good fun, Bridge, you know that. I never mean any of the stuff I say when it comes to poking fun at you.” Finn clarified bumping her shoulder with his. Apart from Ruby, Bridget was the only person who got to see this part of him. Not that he was ashamed of it but no one it seemed had taken the time to get to know him, either catching him on a bad day or one where he wasn’t particulary talkative. With Bridget, he didn’t have to hide, didn’t throw up his walls. She didn’t know the whole story about him and Ruby and while it wasn’t a secret, it also wasn’t something he just tossed about whenever he wanted. “You’re right. I am very lucky to have you, Bridge. Its slowly starting to feel like home but there’s still some people I need to catch up with.” He said, listening to her talk about the Rhodes family. He wasn’t familiar with a lot of the Rhodes, not having spoken to many of them but he definitely knew about Maggie. “No way, which one?” He inquired, lips upturned. Too bad he wasn’t a gossip radio show because this town had plenty to go around.
She pouted a little at him and batted her eyelashes. “But it’s not fair. I’m too sweet to poke at.” Bridget said and smiled at him. She liked being cute and trying to get her way with Finn. She found herself always comfortable around him and one of the few people she was. She perked up again as he said he was lucky to have her and pulled out her phone. “I’m going to have to ask you to repeat that so I can record it and always have it to play.” The brunette teased him a bit. “That’s good, though. I’m glad you’re feeling like home again.” She sipped her drink and nodded as he talked. “Maggie, actually. Guess this year she’ll be the pregnant woman of the lighthouse.” She smiled. “Though, I think it’s uncertain if it’s his or something. I don’t know. It’s all very high school, even if I get his side to a point.”
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“Yep. That’s her.” he said with little emotion. He rolled his eyes hearing the words come out of her mouth and exhaled. “I don’t know. Like I said, it’s possible.” he shook his head. It was all becoming too real too quickly, but he still wasn’t completely convinced. There was still that glimmer of that he wouldn’t have to deal with any of this. He just didn’t want for it to destroy his friendship with Maggie if he didn’t, or for his neighbors to hate him for the rest of their lives. “She said she does, but I didn’t see it.” he explained and rubbed his head. “I know that, thanks.” he muttered sarcastically. It had taken him hearing it from Bryan to believe it, but he knew it was possible. He looked up at his sister. “Why do you think, Bridge? Just the thought of having a baby again scares the shit out of me.” he let out a breath. “This is not me avoiding responsibility. This is me scared to death that…what happened to Jesse could happen again. It would probably be the best thing for everyone if it wasn’t mine.”
“Why didn’t you see it?” She asked curiously as he said he didn’t see the proof Maggie had that this child was his. “I was just saying, jeez. You don’t have to get snippy with me.” She sat a little straighter and took a deep breath. However, she slumped back down and looked at the floor as she felt bad for asking him that question. Of course he would freak out. She would too. Honestly, the whole thing made her scared as well for the day she had kids. “That’s not true, Brady. You’re a good father.” She said and stood before moving closer to her brother. She took his hand and looked into his eyes. “It could happen if it was anyone’s kid. It could happen to me when I have kids. It could still happen to Maggie if it was someone else’s. It could happen to Prince William’s kid if they have another one. Anyone could have this happen. Its not you.” She said and squeezed his hand. “I know how horrible it was. How it tore you apart and I am going to pray that it doesn’t happen again. But, you can’t hide from it. You need to talk to Maggie and tell her about all this. You need to face it.”
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Daniel smiled at the eye roll given from the female and shrugged. “Perhaps it’s a bonus for us both. I’m sure you hate being stuck here with me.” He mumbled and swirled some noodles onto his fork before taking a bite. A slight wind came at that moment and Daniel moved slightly closer to Bridget, their bodies merely inches away from touching at this point. His hope was his body heat would perhaps reflect off onto her… Or maybe secretly he wanted to be closer to her. “I’d have to nurse you back to health, order you a z-pak and flonase. And you know how much I hate doing that.” He groaned, obviously teasing her. Daniel admired her snarky remark and a small smirk came onto his face. “Well, that’s true. You can always say no, Bridget.” The male merely pointed out. Feeling her shift, his eyes went from his food to her and noticed the redness on her cheeks. He wondered to himself why she blushing, but figured it was best not to point it out. His eyes fell back to his food while he brought another piece of chicken to his mouth to eat. “Maybe I can just get us a little gym corner put in the break room.” He jokingly offered. “You can do your, er, yoga, you know, between patients and stuff.” Daniel mumbled, trying hard to not mentally picture the woman in the various yoga positions and tight clothing that was normally wore…
She looked at him and gave him a serious look. “I could never hate being stuck with you.” Her heart raced even saying it. She felt panicked and she felt she needed to add more quick. “I mean, if I did, do you think I’d work with you? I could transfer to the hospital if I wanted to.” She spoke fast and turned back to her food to hide her blush. Bridget felt him move closer to her as the wind blew and she wasn’t sure if she could feel the heat from his body or if she was just flushed with nerves right now, but it seemed to be working to warm her up. “Right. It would be a travesty.” She said and ate a little more before nodding. “I know, but I was just... never mind.” She didn’t know exactly and she was feeling herself wanting nothing more than to go hide until she could calm herself down. Bridget’s eyes stayed focused on her food and listened as he suggested a gym corner in the breakroom. “Yeah... That could be good. Or, maybe we can go for walks or runs together. After work. If its not too dark or something.” Even though there was way more daylight these days than winter, but still. Maybe they could. And now she was picturing him running without a shirt. Dear lord, she needed help.
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