brechantel · 2 years
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brechantel · 4 years
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brechantel · 4 years
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brechantel · 4 years
Y’all pretend to be good people. That’s my issue.
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brechantel · 4 years
There were several glossy black scorpions in my bed while I was sleeping. My mom picked a few of them up by the tail so that they couldn’t sting or pinch her. Then I felt one crawling on the back of my arm. I reached to feel for it, and it pricked my fingertip with its stinger. I wondered whether the venom was strong enough to kill me. Then I woke up.
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brechantel · 4 years
the blessings of your moon sign:
⎡MOON IN ARIES ⎦⇁ you are always quick to verbalize how you feel, never hiding anything. that is admirably fearless. bottling it up is no option with you. your message is the most heard.
⎡MOON IN TAURUS ⎦⇁ you will never not be reliable. you think through things instead of rushing in. to the benefit of everyone, you are a 0% annoying person. you neutralize troublemakers.
⎡MOON IN GEMINI ⎦⇁ there won’t be a time where you don’t have something smart to say, even in hard and depressing times. you’re great at expressing your feelings through characters you create.
⎡MOON IN CANCER ⎦⇁ you have a good heart with an ever-adequate mood. you will be rewarded for your sensitivity and caring ways. you have an innate sense for comfort and good taste.
⎡MOON IN LEO ⎦⇁ your smile is bright and everlasting. you’re the purest. entertainment is your utmost talent, there’s nothing you can’t do. standing your ground under pressure is no problem.
⎡MOON IN VIRGO ⎦⇁ never hasty, you aren’t easily manipulated. every detective wishes they had your moon sign. you don’t give abrasive people and trolls fuel by reacting to them.
⎡MOON IN LIBRA ⎦⇁ a true romantic that is hard to find. never unfair and biased in your affection, you are pleasant to be around. you could mend the most shattered, closed-off heart around.
⎡MOON IN SCORPIO ⎦⇁ what a fine-tuned radar. you don’t have to ask how another person feels, you just know already. you don’t embarrass others. you are endlessly enduring and stick to your values. 
⎡MOON IN SAGITTARIUS ⎦⇁ advice for anybody, anywhere, anytime. you simply don’t discriminate and give deserved second chances. improvement over where cancel culture would be inappropriate.
⎡MOON IN CAPRICORN ⎦⇁ blue-eyed you will never be in this world, naivety can’t mess with you. this is a drama-free zone. you have a built-in idiot filter. you know who you can be loyal to.
⎡MOON IN AQUARIUS ⎦⇁ you solve even the most difficult conflicts being one natural step ahead. your wit and presence adds something refreshing to any gathering. you’ll never feel deeply bored.
⎡MOON IN PISCES ⎦⇁ never obtrusive or arrogant, you make an art form out of comforting someone and couldn’t harm a fly. you will be thanked for it. you won’t provoke any bad blood for fun, ever.
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brechantel · 4 years
My astrology observations🔮
- Capricorn placements tend to have anger issues, but a lot of their anger is very much so repressed and they are good at appearing composed. When they release it, it can be scary. 
- Sagittarius moons (especially men) tend to not take accountability for their actions, they say very rude comments but the moment you give them the same energy they throw a whole fit
- Saturn in the Seventh house can attract a lot of predators
- Gemini placements tell a lot of lies, but the thing is they convince themselves they are real and such. And a lot of the times their lies are with no motive, out of imagination. 
-Aquarius, Capricorn, and Virgo placements tend to be very book smart
-Cancers and Pisces have amazing singing voices, and a lot of famous singers tend to be cancer women. Ex. Lana del Rey, Ariana Grande, Kali Uchis
- Leo moons need more validation than Leo suns
- Fire signs are very emotional, I feel like they can express it more than water signs at times
- Aries are very funny and blunt 
- Mercury Moons (virgo and gemini) have such a good long term memory
- In my opinion, I do not think Aquarius are emotionally detached. They can be quite emotional. 
- Aquarius moons can feel as if no one understand how they feel, and how they work. This can lead to them feeling isolated and lonely at times. 
- Pisces Venus are very indecisive with love, they tend to go wherever the wave take them. They enjoy being chased. 
- Capricorns are really picky eaters lmfao
-Aries moons tend to move from one partner to another really quick and get deeply invested and move forward easily
- Taurus placements have acts of service as their love language, they tend to give a lot without expecting much in return. They are very good at keeping their composure and acting like they are all okay. 
- Virgos are wild and funny asf lmao, their humor can be very blunt and sarcastic which makes it even more hilarious. 
- Libra moons I feel like have the most “stable” emotions
- Libra’s are like Geminis a lot, they adjust to their situations and the people around them. They are quite adaptable. 
- Scorpio moons are more intense than the suns, the suns can be very nice and soft. 
- Scorpios lie just as much as Geminis 
- Sagittarius can be extremely passionate about the world and be some of the best humanitarians, similar to Aquarius 
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brechantel · 4 years
📘Astro Notes Part 3 📖🌬
*hey all, another Astro notes post, just in time for the end of the year! As per usual, these are aren’t facts, simple patterns I’ve observed so take it all with a grain of salt. Also, if something doesn’t resonate with you feel free to leave it and scroll along, or let me know your experience with the placement in the comments! Also I’ve been doing a lot of aspect research lately, so there’s a ton of facts about them here haha.*
🪁The house opposite Uranus is where you want to be in control. (For example if you have you’re uranus in the 10th house or career house, you may be more controlling in your 4th house of family). The energies seem to balance out this way!
🪁Out of all the Jupiter signs, those with air Jupiter seem to be the most interested in astrology
🪁The 11th house not only shows your interests, but it can show the interests and careers of your friends (for example someone with Taurus in the 11th might have artistic friends)
🪁People with planets in their 3rd house (especially Venus) can make great poets, they understand everyday life at a deeper level
🪁while Scorpio’s or water signs are nutorious for emotions and wanting love, I’ve found that most geminis want or are obsessed with finding love (they’re sign is based on duality). Or I’ve met some very odd geminis 😂
🪁Pisces give off a very twin like energy, much like Gemini. They are symbolized by two fish. I’ve found when Pisces find a good friend they’ll call them their ‘twin’.
🪁People with mercury-ascendant aspects usually benefit from therapy. Having someone to talk to can be a great release for them. It can help them get their own perspective and position on topics as well
🪁People with mercury-ascendant aspects can also appear jumpy or anxious, or simply like they in their own head. They may also walk fast
🪁Sagittarius risings are often interested in film, videos or photogenic in some way
🪁People with Saturn-Ascendant aspects have an anxious energy to them, they feel like the world is dangerous
🪁People with Jupiter and Neptune aspecting (especially tight aspects with trine and square) are interested in things like tarot, spirituality and magic
🪁Those with mercury ruled signs (Virgo or Gemini) in their big three (sun/moon/rising) often remember small details and can feel lonely when other people do not remember the same things (I’ve found this especially in moon)
🪁Air moons (Gemini, libra and Aquarius) are jumpy, they seem like they’re always ready to move or as if they’re anxious or unsettled. They may figit a lot as well
🪁People with a lot of fire 🔥 in their chart are often watched. Peoples eyes gravitate to them, much like you can’t help but look at fire. That or they tend to be popular
🪁People with Saturn in a fire sign make great actors!
🪁Gemini and Cancer suns really seem to like kids cartoons
🪁Peopke with air dominated charts or lots of air placements are horrible for comparing themselves to other people. By nature air signs are reflective, social, and dual sided, but they can easily turn to make others a reflection of their own worth
🪁Neptune rules nostalgia, so anytime Neptune transits a personal planet you might start to remember old parts of your life more frequently.
🪁You might be able to make friends with people who have the same element ruling the 11th house. (For example if you have Aries in the 11th, you might attract the fire element or others with fire in the 11th house)
🪁People with moon trine Venus emulate a certain kind of warmth and sensitivity. They’re the type to listen to you without interrupting or imposing their opinion 🙏
🪁Mercury and Venus relate more than one would think. Our mercury sign allows us to input information and observe, and then our Venus sign interprets the information and makes judgements from it, or personalizes it. How your perceive the world is a mix between your mercury and Venus!
🪁Venus connects things, and this is one reason it might be related to relationships. It shows your likes and dislikes. How you handle and maintain relationships is also dictated by your Venus sign and aspects. It also rules your taste (both in style and flavour)!
🪁While many people might equate mars with sexual desire, at its core it’s about pure desire. What do you want? Desire forms and energized our actions. If you feel unmotivated, check your mars sign and transits. It’s also a great planet to check when considering what career you want
🪁Your solar return Jupiter (sign and house placement) can show where you’ll grow in the next year!
🪁 While many turn to Neptune when looking for manifestations, in reality it might be better to look to Saturn. Saturn rules laws, even universal or comsic laws . So when manifesting, check your Saturn sign and house placement. (Jupiter can also aid but at the core Saturn is very important!)
🪁I’m not 100% sure about this one, but recently I’ve noticed people interested in astrology tend to have personal planets aspecting worldly plants (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto).
🪁 people often equate intuition to Neptune, but I think Uranus might have a big part to play in it as well. Stricking truth or quick bursts of information sounds very uranian. When looking at intuitive aspects I’d look for Uranus or Aquarius as well as water signs.
🪁Sun-Pluto aspect people are prone to purging or sudden urges to get rid of things, whether this be people, items, ideas, ect. Pluto works through crisis by intensifying extremes, so people with Pluto aspects may see situations as extreme until a crisis is produced. They may a see people as villains until they have to get ride of them.
🪁Sagittarius suns tend to be more focused or studious than Sagittarius moons. They both show passion for their interests though!
🪁People with Venus in the 6th house want people to work for their affection. They want people to ‘earn’ them
🪁 People with positive/easy aspects between sun and moon seem more confident with themselves, more at ease with showing their emotions and accepting them into their persona
🪁People with moon-mars aspects can seem guarded and on edge a lot of the time
🪁People born with sun and moon conjunct (new moon) tend to have an Aries energy about them. That make quick decisions and know what they want. Those born with the oppositions (full moon) tend to have a libra energy, and weight the scales a lot more, intrepring others desires with their own before making a choice.
🪁People with sun-moon opposition also tend to see relationships as fragile or easily failing. They might constantly look for potential problems in the relationship
🪁People with hard aspects between mercury and Saturn (especially square) tend to be skeptical of things like astrology and other spiritual systems. It’s a lot more common to find people with mercury-Neptune or mercury-Uranus aspects in the field
🪁 Mercury- Saturn people are also likely to have their parents compare them to others especially intellectually and they may have felt like they needed to catch up or redeem themselves. They may also be shamed for the way they speak or ideas they have
🪁I’ve noticed that a lot of sagittarius suns like to hide their emotions, they can see it as weak to show emotions, aside from positivity or laughing. They might also feel like they hold more power or control when they hold their feelings
🪁This ones a bit odd but I’ve found people who have more hard aspects (square, opposition, sometimes conjunction) in their chart enjoy fall or winter more and those with more harmonious aspects (trine/sextile) tend to like the spring or summer better 🍁🌻🌸
🪁If you want to anger an air mars, don’t listen to them. They absolute hate when you don’t listen to their side of the argument, or if they ask a question and you refuse to answer. Not listening when they tell you something hurts them
🪁Taurus Saturn people like to live in pleasant environments. They care a lot about atmosphere and creating beautiful spaces.
* For some reason air and fire signs got a lot of attention in this post, I’ll make sure to include more for my water and earth folks next time!*
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brechantel · 4 years
Astro Notes pt. 2
Capricorn’s are always soft for Cancers. Esp cancer risings. They automatically unlock the caretaker in them and they turn them into MUSH.
Taurus venuses LOVE people that can cook. It is incredibly ironic lmao. I’ve known people with this placement that have actively sought out people that can cook because it’s such a turn on/plus for them.
Taurus venuses are also some of the most simple lovers out there. When it comes to spending time with their loved ones, they’re very chill. Going out is fine, but honestly making some good food and just chilling out and watching some tv is more than enough to make them happy.
Pisces suns/moons LOVE TV. They love movies and music. Anything they can get themselves lost in. They have addictive personalities and are constantly looking for the next rush mainly because they fail to fix the gigantic, looming hole inside of them.
Water suns/moons would benefit from grounding techniques/mindfulness greatly due to their tendency to overthink.
Scorpio moons have this unnecessary tendency to keep things inside which just leads to hardship and unnecessary drama but I’m convinced they don’t know how to stop. Would benefit from therapy.
No one ever talks about this but Aqua risings have been going through a lot with Saturn transiting Capricorn these past 3 years because Capricorn is in their 12th house. Talk about literal depression. Rip.
Gemini in the 5th house make excellent writers. They also enjoy dirty talk🙂
The essence of the signs is really prominent in children. It’s really easy to tell what’s dominant in their chart. If someone has a lot of fire in their chart or even a fire moon they were probably known to be a trouble maker/problem child as a kid with an abundance of energy. The type of kid that always wanted to play outside. Whereas those with a lot of water placements were seen to be more emotional. Those with earth were seen to be mature for their age (etc etc)
Having your moon in the 1st house can make it so hard to hide your emotions. Trying to hold back tears/show that you’re not going to cry is also EXTREMELY difficult. Rip.
Pisces/Neptune risings might get told that they look high a lot due to their spacey/chill persona. It is what it is. Rip.
Virgo venuses are extremely dedicated lovers. They will remember your birthday. They will remember what flavor of icecream you like. How you like your hand to be held. The way you smile when you talk about the things you love. They will go to the edge of the world for you when no one else is there. They just want to be THERE for you because they just wish someone could be there for them and that is their way of showing you that they care. And if you can do the same for them you’ll have their heart. Too often they’re described in this dull, drab motherly way which I feel like does not do them any justice at all.
Those with Pisces placements are typically low energy people. They are almost ALWAYS sleepy anywhere at any time no matter what they do.
Not sure if this resonates with anyone but I’ve often found that libra suns are either extremely quiet or extremely LOUD. You will ALWAYS be able to hear them.
Aqua Mars almost never blow up when angry. It is very very RARE. I’m convinced that they don’t even know how to blow up.
Sag Venuses are so chaotic in love but like......mainly when they’re single.......but still lmao
Leo placements will talk over you whether it is by accident or on purpose🧍🏽‍♀️
Capricorn risings LOVE to dye their hair/get piercings.
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brechantel · 4 years
Astro observations pt.3🌙
part 1; part 2 
🌸 having a leo rising exaggerates the qualities of the sun sign (because sun -> chart ruler)
🌸 virgo rising men tend to be late bloomers
🌸 people with sun in 11th are usually patriots and care a lot about the future of their country; they want to make a difference for the better
🌸 sagittarius sun/rising tend to have either really big or really small teeth
🌸 moon in 10th is the true workaholic placement; these people’s heart truly lies in their success and career
🌸 moon opposite mars can create very bad anger issues
🌸 gemini moons are the funniest people out there. seriously i have a few friends with this and they never fail to crack me up
🌸 cancer placements are the best sugar babies💀
🌸 libra placements arent as lost and aloof as everyone makes them out to be. theyre a cardinal sign after all- these people usually know what they want and are more intelligent and strong-minded than we give them credit for.
🌸 aries can be bigger gossipers than libras tbh xd
🌸 the 3rd house is very important, as it shows your overall thought process and outlook on life, as well as your basic mental health
🌸 pluto in 4th can always tell when you’re lying, especially if you’re a family member
🌸 moon conjunct uranus people often disagree with their family’s values and want to be nothing like them
🌸 chiron in 1st natives usually had a complication at birth
credit: tumblr blog @svturnschild
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brechantel · 4 years
Venus in the houses
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Venus in the 1st house:
1)They like to take care of themselves.They tend to buy beautiful clothes,high-quality cosmetics and monitor their health.
2)By the way,this is the same friend from whom you can ask what kind of thing to buy.They have good taste and can find beautiful clothes in the cheapest store.
3)In general,they like art and fashion,but they also pay great attention to their personality.They like to improve,they appreciate criticism.
4)Bad aspects indicate low self-esteem.He hates his appearance.It also indicates laziness and inability to defend your opinion.
5)Good aspects indicate a friendly and calm person.He is prone to optimism and he controls his feelings(or rather knows how to deal with them)
Venus in the 2nd house:
1)This position indicates the presence of any talent.With proper development,natural abilities can bring him a good income.
2)Hard work,perseverance and great creative abilities are the key to success and glory of a person.
3)He is attracted to successful and rich people.This position likes to save money or increase it.Sometimes it points to collectors.
4)A large number of aspects indicate that he is loved by people and has a pleasant appearance and voice.
5)Bad aspects indicate greed and inability to manage money.A person likes to live a luxurious life,but can’t afford it.
Venus in the 3rd house:
1)Friendly and pleasant to communicate with.Very good position for managers.They know how to get acquainted and avoid conflicts.
2)Has the gift of eloquence.He knows how to express his thoughts easily and beautifully.It is interesting to read and listen to.A good position for writers and poets.
3)I noticed that this is the type of people who learn beautifully.They have beautiful pens,notebooks,markers and even handwriting.Beauty inspires and motivates them.
4)Negative aspects indicate problems with flirting.It is difficult for a person to get acquainted and take the first step in a relationship.
5)Good aspects indicate ease in communicating with the gender that attracts him.He often smiles and feels comfortable.
Venus in the 4th house:
1)The person lived in comfortable conditions.Either he had a very nice house,or he had good food.They often had visitors.Their parents loved each other very much.
2)They have a 100% very beautiful mother.
3)Such a person likes nature and a cozy home.I know a few people in this position who have a house in a quiet place.They like flowers and architecture.They like to watch the design of rooms in Ikea.
4)A large number of trunks indicates that a person is inclined to look at the world through rose-colored glasses.He should look at the world more realistically.Too dreamy.
5)Bad aspects indicate a bad environment in the house.The man lacked love and attention.My parents were always busy.
Venus in the 5th house:
1)They love children.They are good parents,teachers and specialists in the field of child psychology.Their children are often girls,with artistic talent and physical beauty.
2)He likes to celebrate events beautifully and effectively.
3)In a relationship,they love attention and gifts.They love compliments and tend to show their feelings to their partner more often.
4)Bad aspects are indicative to idleness and unwillingness to be serious.A person wants to have fun all the time and not work.
5)The good aspects are indicative of the artistry,charisma and luck.But I would still recommend that they take no chances.
Venus in the 6th house:
1)The position of a perfectionist.If he does the work,he strives to do it well.If he doesn’t like it,he’ll redo it.
2)A person is very careful about his health.He is attracted to natural beauty(but he doesn’t refuse cosmetics),so he has a lot of care cosmetics.
3)Bad aspects indicate problems with the skin,kidneys,and sometimes blood.
4)Good aspects indicates that the person is easy to communicate with colleagues and to make new friends.He is loved and appreciated at work.
5)Their partner can be a careerist or just a successful person.Sometimes indicates a marriage at work.
Venus in the 7th house:
1)Good aspects indicate a happy marriage.People love and understand each other.They are very similar.
2)The bad aspects indicate that their partners may be trying to seduce or interfere with their marriage.Constant jealousy and envy.
3)This person is very fair,calm and tactful.In communication,he seeks to create comfort.If a topic is unpleasant to him,he will say it directly.
4)Good teamwork skills.Depending on Mars,this person can be a commander or a manager.
5)He loves romance.He likes courtship.On the first date to the extent they are flirting and internally evaluate a potential partner.
Venus in the 8th house:
1)Strong feelings,attracting money,inheritance,profitable marriage.
2)Prone to jealousy and possessiveness.
3)He is sexually attractive,bold and not afraid to take risks.I have a friend with the same situation who wants to jump with a parachute.
4)They are attracted to successful,quiet and slightly gloomy people.They also like confident and powerful people.
5)Indicates a calm and beautiful death(for example,in a dream).They will receive an inheritance from a woman.Bad aspects can indicate the death of a partner.
Venus in the 9th house:
1)Love of philosophy,religion,art,often long trips.High ideals and ideas about love.
2)Getting to know your partner through religion,art,travel.They have a preference for foreigners,other races and religions.Good relations with the partner’s parents.
3)The 9th house indicates education and most likely you prefer something unusual and beautiful.For example,philosophy,history,architecture,politics,or foreign languages.
4)In your perfect society,giving up love would be a major sin.You believe that love should fill the world,that people should be more attentive to each other.
5)Negative aspects indicate a bad or incomplete education and the threat of travel.
Venus in the 10th house:
1)They are very graceful,stylishly dressed,although not necessarily expensive.But they still look successful and successful,even if there is very little money in the account.
2)They can only do what brings them pleasure,so they choose a job for love.This helps them achieve great success in their chosen field of activity.
3)Sometimes indicates a late marriage.A person seeks to realize himself in a career,and then create a family.
4)Excellent speakers,they are able to win the attention of the public and be the center of attention.They speak clearly and beautifully.
5)Negative aspects indicate harmful workaholism.A person forgets about his health and family and thinks only about his career.
Venus in the 11th house:
1)Very often I notice that their friend later becomes a partner.So take a closer look at your group of friends:)
2)Good aspects indicate sociability,a person has good friends and they help him develop.
3)Bad aspects indicate that it is difficult for a person to get acquainted.It is unusual and doesn’t match any of the companies of people.Often indicates unrequited love.
4)You are inspired by other people.You can get to know a person and be impressed by their hobby,and the next day try it out.If you want to get inspired,go to Pinterest or write to your friends.
5)You are attracted to smart and modern people.Your partner will teach you something new.Sometimes indicates that their partner works in the field of technology or science.
Venus in the 12th house:
1)A person likes peace and solitude.He is shy in terms of feelings and rarely shows them openly.
2)This is a position I often see in feminists.They have a lot of thoughts about marriage and women’s rights.They value equal marriage and relationships.
3)He may have an unpleasant experience in a relationship.For example,he had a toxic partner or an affair.
4)Good intuition and imagination.They are inspired by music,peace and quiet.They themselves are a huge vessel of creativity.
5)Bad aspects indicate difficulties in communicating with a partner.A person experiences many feelings and thoughts and can’t understand them.The partner tries to understand them,but can’t.There is an understatement and misunderstanding.
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brechantel · 4 years
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Astro Note Pt.15 : 
Scorpio Rising / Pluto In 1st House :
Alluring feel, magnetic, sexually enticing, and heavenly opinionated. Although they are very shy. You will have to talk first.
Virgo Rising / Mercury In 1st House : 
More susceptible to introversion and their keen on personal observations. Detail oriented, kind and gentle.
Cancer Rising / Moon In 1st House : 
Quite shy, humble, sweet and sincere. They help the people around them feel at ease. Light aura.
Libra Rising / Venus In 1st House : 
Come across as bubbly, quirky and eager to meet new people. They are easy to get along with. And very chatty.
Leo Rising / Sun In 1st House : Stylish, radiant and happy. Stepping up to offer assistance. They usually make the first steps in friendships.
until next time… XOXO
Credit: Vintagegyal
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brechantel · 4 years
What does it mean if I keep meeting people who’s sun and/or moon fall in my 12th house (virgo)?
I always think that people who fall in the 12th house are kind of instrumental on our life path.  The 12th house supports the 1st house. People with planets in our 12th can help us connect with an inner sense of purpose, teach us the resources to better achieve the aim of the rising sign.
It would go something like this.  Libra Rising loves to look beautiful?  Virgo people falling in your 12th house will teach you the value of taking care of your health so you can be beautiful.  Libra Rising loves to partner with people for business?  Virgo rising will teach you the importance of improving your skills so you have something to offer people.
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brechantel · 4 years
Study of Astrology Learning Academy
Care to learn Astrology?  This masterpost will link you to the resources I created intending to teach subject matter related to Astrology. Each link goes to a resource to learn about the associated topic. Many of the subject links lead to a broader masterpost with greater detailed subject matter.
Donations are appreciated for my work.  Click here to use PayPal to send me a chartable contribution.
Basic Fundamentals
Sign Traits
The Elements (Fire, Earth, Air, Water)
The Sign Modalities (Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable)
The Sun  /  The Moon /  Mercury  /  Venus  /  Mars  /  Jupiter  /  Saturn  /  Uranus  /  Neptune  /  Pluto
Quick Guide Planet Traits and Keywords
Asteroid Traits and Keywords (coming soon)
—Nakshatra/Lunar Mansions—
Nakshatra/Lunar Mansion Descriptions (coming soon)
Explaining the Astrology Chart
—The Houses— 
House descriptions and Keywords
—Breaking down the Houses—
The Four House Quadrants of the Chart
—House Systems—
Astrology House Systems Guide (10 popular used house systems explained)
–Planets in the Signs Descriptions–
Sun in the Signs
Moon in the Signs
Black Moon Lilith in the Signs
–Signs on House Cusps Descriptions–
Signs in the 1st House (Rising / Ascendant Sign)
Signs in the 2nd House
Signs in the 3rd House
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brechantel · 4 years
I'm so curious: as a scorpio, what activity or situation would you want to have the other signs for? You always got the best answers in these questions! Funny but informative responses at the same time! 😍😍 Thanks and gods bless, lady diana! 💃🏻💃🏻
The Best Time to Be with a Zodiac Sign
Aries – Zombie Apocalypse
As the first of the signs and the Cardinal among Fire, Aries rarely thinks before they act. And while that puts them in a lot of trouble on a daily basis, when it comes to a zombie apocalypse, it is what keeps them alive. Stick with an Aries, and you are likely to survive.
Taurus – Lockdown
The mistress of pleasure and comfort, Taurus knows how to turn quarantine into a luxurious experience. While others would feel like they are in prison, Taurus would take the opportunity to turn it into a self-care moment – for themselves and for whoever they are stuck with.
Gemini – Formal Event
The thing with formal events is they tend to be boring. The thing with Gemini is they tend to be not. A dash of this sociable Air sign can make any awkward environment warmer and more welcoming. In a room full of strangers and people you dislike, always look for a Gemini.
Cancer – After a Breakup
As the nurturer of the Zodiac, this Water sign is the best person to be with in such a painful time. Cancer is highly receptive – listening compassionately instead of shouting advice. With their parental instinct, they can soothe a wound in countless ways, such as baking and cooking.
Leo – Theme Park
A native of the Fifth House of Fun, as well as being naturally brave, this Fire sign has the childlike curiosity and the daring tendency to get on every scary ride – while making even hours of queuing exciting. A first-class trip to Disneyland is worth it with a Leo around.
Virgo – Before an Exam
A university entrance exam, or your driver’s license road test. Ruled by Airy Mercury while also being an Earth sign, Virgo is the master of efficiency. Their intelligence is practical, tangible, applicable. If you have a test to pass, studying with Virgo could help you ace it.
Libra – Makeover
Ruled by Venus, Goddess of Beauty, Libra is innately elegant. Whether they shop at Christian Louboutin or Forever 21, and whether they wear makeup from Estée Lauder or Maybelline, their sense of gracefulness will help you transform into your most exquisite.
Scorpio – Moment of Loss
Ruled by the Lord of the Underworld, Scorpio is touched by Death and the afterlife. So whether you lost a loved one or a fight, Scorpio can help you reclaim your power. And when your oppressor is not destiny, but a person, Scorpio will help you serve your vengeance.
Sagittarius – Emotional Breakdown
You may not know it from looking at them, but Sagittarius is highly philosophical. They may appear shallow on the surface, but deep down, they keep a well of wisdom –  delivered in the most honest and refreshing way. They can help you get through your toughest days.
Capricorn – Crisis
This sign has the sensibility of Earth and the initiative of Cardinals. Calm in the face of a storm, they can come up with the best solutions. Whatever disaster you are facing – from a power outage or flooding, to getting fired or getting scammed, Capricorn can pull you out of it.
Aquarius – Bullying
When you are being attacked for thinking, dressing or being different, Aquarius can be your refuge. Ruled by Uranus, Lord of Chaos, this sign welcomes weirdness and sees it as uniqueness. When you are being rejected by everyone else, Aquarius will be more than accepting.
Pisces – Fantasizing
We all have wild dreams. Dreams we are embarrassed to admit. But dreams are the realm of Pisces, a deeply mystical sign. Share your fantasies with them, and you will face no ounce of judgment. Even better, they will give you enlightenment and encouragement.
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brechantel · 4 years
Hi !! What are some placements that would indicate doctors or a job in the medical field ? :)
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brechantel · 4 years
hey! what are some of the best placements for a career in law? thx 💕
BIRTHDAY NUMBERS: 8, 10, 11, 26, 28, 30, 1 
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