bratgirlniq · 3 months
I'm Just A Whore
Pairing: Aemond x Brothel!worker!reader
Part two of this
A/N: no description of reader
warning: Mean words, Aegon
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It was some days after the incident at the brothel, and during the day, Aemond couldn't stop thinking about what he said and why. He knew he didn't mean those words he just wanted his brother to leave him alone.
It was now night time, Aemond was going to talk to you, whether you like it or not, he had his hood on, head down, as he walk through Flea Bottom, getting closer to the brothel.
As he walked in the front part of the Brothel where men get drunk on Ale and use their money whores. He walk through the door that leads him to the brothel part, opening he see people dancing or fucking in a corner, but that wasn't his mission, his mission was to get to you.
While he walked, whores throws themself at him, wanting to be the one that please him, everyone one knew that he came for you and you only he never laid with anyone other than you, after Sylvi of course (I think that's her name, I forgot.)
But as he approached your door, a man stumbled out, drunk, it was one of Aegons buddies. Aemond was pissed, so he barged in your Chamber.
You was surprised to see him, after what he said, it hurted knowing that the one person who see you as more than a whore said it, but you didn't let him know, putting your straight face back on, and getting ready for your next client, the king.
It was quiet between the two of you for a second, before you decided to talk first, " Ae- Prince Aemond, I hate to say but you have to leave my next client is about to come, and you can not be in here while he's here, like you said I'm just a whore, and you shouldn't be here if you didn't wait." you couldn't even look him in the eyes as you speak to him. Truth was, after Aegon had left, he told his friends about you, and now they all come every other night.
Aemond was hurts when you called by his Royale name, but he know that he hurted you more. even though you called him that, he was still going to call you by the pet name he always did, "Darling, please forgive me I didn't mean to hurt you with my words, truth was I was embarrased-" he couldn't finish his sentence after that word, before you had start speaking, "You're embarrassed of me?" that word had hurt even more than the one he said before, "I was embarrassed because I let my guard down in front of my brother. I never wanted to show that side of me, especially not to you." He talked while searching your eye for understanding.
You looked away, trying to control the tears that try to escape your eyes, as you talked, "If you really mean it then I could forgive you, only if you could start telling me about your emotions as I tell you, and enough with the titles." Aemond was happy with you forgiving him, "Of course, I hated those titles with you anyways, I still can call you 'darling', Right?" His voice was masked with insurance.
"yes." you replied softly, a small smile breaking through your pain.
So your night went with emotions being shared between the two of you, with secrets along.
Even when you thought Aemond was going to go when his brother, the king, walked in dunked and ready to fuck you.
You was surprise when Aemond told his brother to go find a new one, but Aegon had said something that pissed Aemond off, "Oh just let me fuck her, like you said 'she's just a whore'" before you let out a shocked squeal, as you watch the king land on the floor by being punched by Aemond
"Don't ever call her that"
Tags: @polireader @shadowzena43 @tranquilty @pizzerella42 @p45510n4f4shi0n @sm0kingr0s3p3tals @sabinkavlesicku @mazingmarissa23
(I didn't know if the people who asked for part wanted to be tag so I just tag them)
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bratgirlniq · 3 months
She's Just A Whore
Pairing: Aemond x Brothel!worker!reader
A/N: no description of reader
warning: Getting it on and Aegon being Aegon
Word Count: 521
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Aemond always visited brothels at night, he thought if he goes at night, it would be hard to recognize him.
That's where he was right now, laying down, while you moan out of pleasure by riding him, you never knew why he always asked for you, you were you, and he was a prince. But, that was your job to satisfy people. Even though you two always talk after doing it, you stay wondering why stays.
But your mind drift back to his face, as he grabs your hips, flipping you over, and start thrusting into you fast and hard. He was groaning and grunting as he does it, while you were moaning shocked by the pleasure.
It was until, he let out one final groan as he release himself into you, before sliding out, laying down besides you, pulling you on to his chest, where you two caught your breath.
You stared at him as he breaths heavily, but when he caught you staring, you question him, "Why do you always choose me when you come here?" He was clearly surprise by your question, but he replied with a question, "What do you mean" "I mean, when you come here other girls throws themselves at you but you always come to me, why is that?"
Aemond, who was shocked by your boldness, decided to answer truly, "I come to you because I've take an liking towards you, I hate when I see other men come out of this room, I love it when you moan out of pleasure by me and not them. I see you less as a whore, and more of a person. I love y-" he stoped before he could say more, but you was shocked by his upcoming sentence, "Say it" as you climb to straddle him from moving, as he got the courage, he begin to continued, "I love yo-" before being cut off again as the doors is barged open.
It was Aemond brother, the king, with his fellow friend you think, you hurried to climb off of him before covering your self with the covers, while Aemond just sits up.
The king just laughs as he talks, "Aemond the fierce, you've come so far, yet you still lay with you're fir-" he stopped when he saw you, you wasn't Aemond first and he knew that, he continued, "Oh wait, this is a new one, did you fuck her like a hound" as he starts to bark. "Hard luck for your squire, though. As you can see this whore is occupied with my brother."
Meanwhile, Aemond was getting up, to stand on the bed. "You and your squire can have her, all she is, is a whore."
After he said that you felt your heart ache, thinking all the stuff he said had to be fake. Aemond was walking the door, passing the kings squire and fellow friends, when the king said, "As he said she's just a whore, you guys go find another one for the squire, I'll have her."
I hope you like it.
Don't forget to like and follow for more.
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bratgirlniq · 3 months
We'll Avenge Our Son
( This is part 2 for "Kill Me" )
Summary: You mourns your dead child, Aegon comes to comfort you, but things take a turn
Warning: NONE
It was the day after everything, Aegon had everyone evacuated the castle, wanting to find the people who has done this. You had to ride in a carriage with your dead son body on it, all through flea bottom with the small folk giving you kind words, and tossing flowers. But, as soon as you got back to the castles, you grabbed your children and went into your queen's apartments. Even after a while, you was still in your Apartments with your Children, you had just put them down for a nap, not wanting them out of your sight, thinking they would die next.
Meanwhile, Aegon just had gotten done from beating the guard who was apart of the death of his son. He walked all the way from the dungeons to the queen Apartments, not bothering on cleaning up or to have any guards with him. He was mad at himself when he heard of his child death, wondering why there was no guards to prevent this from happening, and wondering why he had to get drunk instead of protecting his family after you begged him to stay.
When he arrives to the doors, the guards let him, not questioning why he was covered in blood. Then he walked in on you, watching the kids like a hawk as they sleep.
"Darling" Aegon mutters not wanting to wake up the children.
You, who got up immediately when you heard your husband voice, walking over to him, before saying, in a broken tone, "They've killed our boy, Aegon."
Aegon, not liking to see you hurt, said, "I know."
After those words come out his mouth, you snapped on him, "You don't know Aegon, you'll never know, you were the one who chose to get drunk with your so called 'friends' in the throne room, your the one who never spends time with the kids, and if you do you only spend time with Jahaery's, not realizing you have other children, do you even know any of their favorite color, or what their first words were. I'll answers for you, you don't because you've never been there for them, do you know, how to explain to Jaehaera that her twin will never play with her, grow up beside her, and protect her from people. You, Aegon, couldn't even protect your own family." After you said the last part, you felt a hand go across your cheek, so powerful that she fell to the ground.
Aegon, who realized his mistakes, hurried to get you off the ground, and onto the couch. You was surprise he had hit you, but you know you deserve it for saying all those mean things to him
"I'm sorry, my dear, my anger got the best of me, I'm sorry for whatever pain I have caused you, I am deeply." Aegon knew that he had to get his shit together for his family, and he'll start now, "Forward on, I'll come see the kids every chance I get, I promise that I'll spend time with you more, we can go on dragon rides, with Vermithor and Sunfrye, and when the time is right I'll avenge our son"
You didn't know what to say to that, not wanting to believe him, but part of you did want to believe him, so you say the only thing that was on your, "We'll Avenge Our Son."
The grammar might be messed up, but it's alright nothing perfect. I like this one. I hope you did too.
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bratgirlniq · 3 months
Kill Me
OC: Velaryon wife! reader (your name is Anora or you can change it).
Summary: The death of Jaehaerys Targaryen
Author note: Helaena is not married to Aegon. Anora is the one married to him, making her queen, she is the mother of their children. And, I add one more child to her kids.
As the young mother, rock her youngest daughter, only 4 months old, she kept an eye on the twins, they were hard to put down while having to care for an baby.
she was rocking the baby back and forth, making the child doze off. Anora places her youngest daughter down in her cradle, she hears a creak, she turns but see nothing, so she turned her full attention on her baby, trying not to wake her with the movement.
Until she felt a cold, sharp, blade on her neck.
"Put the baby down" The very much rough tone say. he stank of ale. she wanted to say that but hold her tounge.
so she does as he says, putting her sleeping baby down.
when he started to turn her around another one came in, she thought it was a guard, and it was, but he had betrayed them.
"Who the fuck is she?"
The one who held her start to talk, "The queen, she is",he then proceed to add on, " A son for a son". Queen Anora eyes widened, understanding what they mean. they continued to talk until they didn't know which one was the boy.
"Which one is the boy?"
"No please, I have an necklace" Anora says, she was shocked they got in here.
"Do you want money, this necklace is worth a lot, is the person behind this offering money, I can give double the amount, just don't kill my son or any of my children" She offered and begged, not wanting her boy to die so young.
"Which one, or we will kill all of your children, the baby included." As the men behind her with the blade, pushes in into her skin, drawing a little blood.
Her eyes widened at this, she didn't want for this to happen, it was like she wasn't there as she pointed to her son.
The two men smiled at each other like they just win something, the one behind her let go of her, they both start walking to her son bed, as she starts muttering ' no, no, no, no, no'.
she start crying as she went to gather her two children going for her oldest daughter, Jaehaera, pushing her head in her neck so she want see her twin death and going to get her youngest, Hyacinth, out of the cradle.
she starts to walk out of the room, as she hears her sons bone be saw through with the dagger, she starts to walk down the stairs, not seeing no one to help her, until she remembers where her best friends chambers are
As she walk through the halls, she see's Helaena chambers, as she opens the door she see Helaena, lying in bed until she sit up hearing the doors open.
her eyes widened, Helaena was shocked to see Anora here so late, and with the children. Anora walked by Helaena's bed and sat down on her floors, with her children still in her arms, as she rock back and forth.
Helaena concern, ask, "What happened."
Anora, still heartbroken, answers in a whisper, "They killed my boy."
Hope you like it.
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bratgirlniq · 3 months
Best Friends For A Reason
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Pairing: Best friend Lucas x It Black Reader x Asshole Nathan Warnings: Offensive Words ( I don't know )
Y/n, the school's 'it girl,' had an undeniable aura. Her radiant skin, impeccable style, and confident demeanor made her the person everyone either wanted to be or be with. Despite the constant attention, she remained grounded, always looking out for her friends, especially Lucas Scott.
The history class was in full swing when the tension started brewing. Mrs. Johnson, the teacher, was discussing the Civil War, but the class's attention was divided between the lesson and the undercurrent of rivalry between Nathan Scott and Lucas Scott, who sat a few rows apart.
Nathan, ever the provocateur, had been glaring at Lucas throughout the lesson. Finally, unable to contain his anger, he whispered loudly, "You're a bastard, Scott."
The classroom fell silent, all eyes turning to Nathan. Lucas tried to maintain his composure, his jaw tightening. "Grow up, Nathan," he muttered, attempting to focus on his notes.
But Nathan was far from done. "You think you're better than me? You're nothing!" he hissed, his voice louder this time.
Y/n, seated near the center of the room, couldn't let this slide. She spoke loud and clear, "Hey Nathan, why are you such a dick? Is it because your dad doesn't give you enough attention at home?"
Nathan's eyes flicked to Y/n, a smirk playing on his lips. "Oh, look who it is. The 'it girl' coming to save her best friend. Maybe you should tell everyone about the night we spent together. Or is that your little secret?"
Gasps echoed through the classroom. Mrs. Johnson attempted to regain control, but the shockwave of Nathan's words had already done its damage. Lucas, his shock quickly turning to fury, stood up. "What the hell are you talking about, Nathan?"
Nathan leaned back in his chair, enjoying the chaos he had unleashed. "You heard me. Y/n and I had a little... fun. Isn't that right, sweetheart?"
Y/n's face flushed with a mix of anger and embarrassment. "That's a lie, Nathan! You and I both know that. Why would you say that?"
Lucas's restraint snapped. He lunged at Nathan, his fist connecting with Nathan's jaw, sending him reeling backward. The class erupted into shouts and chaos. Nathan recovered quickly, retaliating with a punch of his own. Desks and chairs were knocked over as the two boys clashed, their rivalry boiling over into a full-blown fight.
"Stop it!" Y/n yelled, trying to pull them apart. "Both of you, stop!"
It took the combined efforts of Mrs. Johnson and several other students to finally separate the two. Lucas stood there, breathing heavily, his eyes blazing with anger. Nathan wiped a trickle of blood from his lip, his expression equally furious.
"You're a liar, Nathan," Lucas said, his voice low and dangerous. "Don't ever drag Y/n into your bullshit again."
Nathan, still seething, glared at Lucas before turning his eyes to Y/n. "This isn't over," he muttered, storming out of the classroom.
The class slowly settled down, with Mrs. Johnson trying to regain some semblance of order. Lucas turned to Y/n, his expression softening. "I'm sorry you got dragged into this."
Y/n shook her head, trying to steady her breathing. "It's not your fault. Nathan's just... I don't know what's gotten into him."
Lucas nodded, his jaw still clenched. "I'll handle him. Are you okay?"
Y/n sighed, the adrenaline slowly fading. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for standing up for me."
Lucas gave her a small, reassuring smile. "Best friends for a reason."
Hope you like it
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bratgirlniq · 4 months
A Diamond
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The big ballroom of Lady Danbury’s house was filled with London’s high society. The Sharma family, dressed in their best, watched as Edwina, their perfect daughter, mingled with the crowd.
You stood by the entrance, feeling everyone’s eyes on you. Your green silk dress looked amazing against your dark skin, making you feel like royalty. Tonight was your big debut, and you wanted to make a lasting impression.
Lady Whistledown’s latest gossip hinted at a new girl who might be the season’s diamond. People whispered and wondered, but no one spoke too loudly. The Sharmas weren’t used to having competition, and Edwina was considered the best.
As you walked down the stairs, everyone turned to look. The music seemed to play just for you. Edwina, surrounded by admirers, noticed you and her smile faded a bit. Her sister, Kate, and their mother watched you with narrowed eyes.
Lady Danbury, always sharp and kind, approached you with a smile. “My dear, you look stunning. You might outshine Miss Sharma tonight.”
You thanked her, but before you could say more, the room went quiet. Queen Charlotte had arrived, and everyone showed respect. She walked through the crowd, looking at each young lady. When she saw you, she stopped.
The silence was intense as the Queen came closer. You curtsied deeply, your heart racing. The Sharmas watched nervously.
“Rise, my dear,” Queen Charlotte said warmly. “What is your name?”
“(Y/N),” you replied, looking up at her.
“Tell me, (Y/N),” she said with a smile. “What makes a diamond truly shine?”
You took a deep breath. “A diamond shines brightest not just because of its beauty, but its strength, Your Majesty. It withstands pressure and becomes even more brilliant.”
The crowd murmured in approval. Queen Charlotte smiled wider. “Indeed. You are wise and beautiful. I believe we have found our diamond.”
The room buzzed with surprise and shock. The Sharma family, especially Edwina, looked stunned. Kate clenched her jaw, and their mother forced a tight smile.
As the Queen’s words sank in, it was clear you had won. You, a young Black woman, had been chosen as the diamond of the season, outshining Edwina Sharma.
Lady Danbury, proud and happy, stepped forward. “Come, my dear, let’s enjoy your moment.”
You smiled triumphantly as you were led into the ballroom. The Sharmas, though upset, could only watch as you danced your way into the hearts of high society.
As the evening went on, you felt the pressure and jealousy, but also the thrill of victory. Tonight, you made history, and no one could take that away from you.
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A/N: I hope you enjoy this, sorry for not putting a summary, i was tired.
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bratgirlniq · 4 months
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Pairing: Nathan Scott x black ‘it girlreader
Warnings: Smut ( kinda my first time writing smut)
Summary: Don’t feel like making one
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The cheers of the crowd still echoed in Nathan Scott’s ears as he walked off the court, the taste of victory sweet on his lips. He had just led the Tree Hill Ravens to a crucial win, and the adrenaline was still coursing through his veins. But there was only one person he wanted to celebrate with tonight—his girlfriend, Y/N.
Nathan quickly showered and changed, his mind already drifting to thoughts of her. She had been in the stands, cheering louder than anyone else, her smile brighter than the stadium lights. He made his way through the bustling locker room and out into the hall, where she was waiting for him.
Y/N stood there, her eyes lighting up when she saw him. “You were amazing out there,” she said, her voice filled with pride.
Nathan grinned, pulling her into his arms. “Thanks, babe. But you know I only play this well when you’re watching.”
She laughed, a sound that always made his heart race. “You know, you should be more humble in victory.”
He leaned in, brushing his lips against her ear. “I’ll be humble later. Right now, I just want to be with you.”
They left the gym together, heading to his apartment. The air between them was charged with anticipation, the unspoken promise of what was to come making Nathan’s pulse quicken. Once inside, he barely had the door closed before he was on her, his hands roaming her body, his mouth finding hers in a heated kiss.
Y/N responded with equal fervor, her fingers tangling in his hair as she pulled him closer. “You’re still buzzing from the game, aren’t you?” she murmured against his lips.
He nodded, his breath ragged. “You have no idea.” He kissed her again, deeper this time, his hands slipping under her shirt to feel the warmth of her skin.
She moaned softly, the sound sending a thrill through him. “Nathan,” she whispered, “I need you.”
That was all the encouragement he needed. He lifted her effortlessly, carrying her to the bedroom and laying her down gently on the bed. He stood for a moment, just looking at her—her dark skin glowing in the soft light, her eyes filled with desire. She was perfect.
Slowly, he undressed her, taking his time to savor the sight of her body. Every curve, every line was etched into his memory, but seeing her like this, laid out before him, never ceased to take his breath away. He stripped off his own clothes and joined her on the bed, his hands and mouth exploring every inch of her.
Y/N’s hands roamed his back, her nails digging in lightly as he kissed his way down her body. When he reached the juncture of her thighs, he paused, looking up at her. Her eyes were closed, her chest rising and falling with each shallow breath. He grinned and pressed a kiss to her inner thigh, eliciting a gasp from her.
“Nathan, please,” she pleaded, her voice a needy whisper.
He didn’t make her wait any longer. He moved between her legs, his mouth finding her most sensitive spot. The sound of her moans, the way her body responded to his touch—it drove him wild. He took his time, bringing her to the edge again and again until she was trembling beneath him.
When he finally moved up her body and positioned himself at her entrance, he paused, meeting her eyes. “Are you ready?” he asked, his voice rough with desire.
She nodded, her eyes dark with need. “Yes, Nathan. Please.”
He entered her slowly, savoring the feel of her around him. They moved together in a rhythm as old as time, their bodies perfectly in sync. The intensity of their connection, the way they fit together so seamlessly—it was overwhelming.
“Nathan,” she moaned, her hands clutching at his shoulders as she moved with him.
Hearing his name on her lips, feeling her body arch against his—it was all too much. He increased his pace, driving them both higher and higher until they were both teetering on the edge. With a final thrust, he pushed them both over, her name a ragged cry on his lips as they found their release together.
Afterward, they lay tangled together, their bodies slick with sweat, their breaths coming in gasps. Nathan held her close, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “I love you, Y/N,” he murmured.
She smiled, snuggling closer to him. “I love you too, Nathan. Always.”
As they drifted off to sleep, the memory of the game already fading, Nathan knew that this—being with her—was his true victory.
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bratgirlniq · 4 months
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Soft Rafe Cameron x black reader
Summary: In the tranquil embrace of a sunset-lit beach, Rafe Cameron finds himself drawn to a girl whose presence amplifies the beauty of the ocean's dusk. With the salty breeze and laughter as their companions, they share a moment of connection, igniting a serene romance amidst the golden hues of the fading day.
The sun dipped low, casting a warm golden glow over the beach. Rafe Cameron leaned against his surfboard, the salty breeze tousling his hair as he watched the waves roll in. It was moments like these that he cherished the most – the quiet serenity of the ocean at dusk.
As he scanned the shoreline, his eyes caught sight of her – the girl who had captured his attention since the start of summer. She moved with a graceful ease, her laughter carrying on the wind as she chased seagulls along the water's edge.
Rafe felt a familiar tug in his chest as he watched her, unable to tear his gaze away. He had always been drawn to the ocean, but there was something about her that made it even more irresistible.
With a quick glance around to make sure no one was watching, Rafe pushed off from his surfboard and made his way towards her. She looked up as he approached, her smile widening at the sight of him.
"Hey," he said, his voice low and husky from the salt air.
"Hey yourself," she replied, tucking a strand of her braid behind her ear.
They stood there for a moment, the only sounds the gentle lapping of the waves and the distant cry of seagulls. Rafe felt a sense of peace wash over him, a feeling he only ever found in her presence.
"Want to go for a walk?" he asked, gesturing towards the shoreline.
She nodded, slipping her hand into his as they began to stroll along the beach. The sand was cool beneath their feet, the ocean breeze ruffling their clothes as they walked side by side.
As the last rays of sunlight faded from the sky, Rafe knew that this was where he was meant to be – here, with her, on these endless summer nights.
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Request are open and I hope you like it!!!
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