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braemjeorn · 8 days ago
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Left image: A revolutionary era illustration depicting Marie Antoinette creating a potion to poison and kill her child, Louis Charles.
Right image:  An 1844 illustration depicting Marie Antoinette churning butter at the hameau de la reine.
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braemjeorn · 8 days ago
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“We have little new and interesting here. The Queen has determined to wear none but French gauzes hereafter. How many English looms will this put down?”
–Thomas Jefferson to Abigail Adams, 4 September 1785
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braemjeorn · 8 days ago
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“Such acts of humanity set nobility in a higher point of view, than can all the empty honours attendant on the parade of names and titles.”
A 1773 magazine account of a 1773 incident in which a man was injured during the royal hunt; this act was detailed in a letter by comte de Mercy.
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braemjeorn · 8 days ago
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During her 10th pregnancy, Maria Theresa did not have an easy time of things. She never abandoned her royal duties during pregnancy, she famously would still work on state papers while in labour, but this particular pregnancy she found everything increasingly difficult saying:
“If the dear God would like to give me the children I have, I would be quite content with one more; because I feel that it weakens me and makes me grow older and does not make it easy for me to do all my work”
She went into labour late in the day on Sept 17th, of 1748. It was a difficult birth, the child was feet first, and when she was finally born she immediately appeared weak. An emergency baptism was performed on the little girl, much to her mother’s relief, and she was given the name Maria Carolina in honour of her deceased older sister.
Sadly, this second Maria Carolina only lived for a few hours, and by the evening of the following day she was buried in the Imperial Crypt with her Habsburg ancestors.
Maria Theresa went on to have a further six children, another of whom would be named Maria Carolina in honour of her two deceased sisters, and would go on to become the longest lived of Maria Theresa and Francis I’s children.
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braemjeorn · 8 days ago
Animation short I made in 48hr, the theme was “princess”
Special Thanks: Michelle Cheng
Music: Rose of Versailles Opening Theme
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braemjeorn · 8 days ago
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TAEMIN | 'Heaven' ✦ Metamorph
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braemjeorn · 8 days ago
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#exomomentswelove: thunder but make it cute ✳ exo’rdium in japan
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braemjeorn · 8 days ago
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Lee Byung-hun as Ahn Sang-goo in Inside Men
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braemjeorn · 8 days ago
There is no logical explanation to the emptiness I feel whenever I finish a book
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braemjeorn · 8 days ago
Can we appreciate the accurate tarot card reading during Friends on the Other Side from Princess and the Frog? Here's my analysis on the cards and what they say about the characters.
Naveen's Cards:
1) "Now you, young man, are from across the sea, you come from two long lines of royalty"
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At the end of the extending card (?) Naveen is shown with the 3 pentacles/stars above his head.
3 of Pentacles: "dignity through renown rank or power"
This is self-explanatory, Naveen has inherited the title of prince and has some level of power over his country.
2) "Your lifestyle's high"
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This has the Major Arcana number XV at the top along with two other figures.
The Devil: "... represents being seduced by the material world and physical pleasures. Also living in fear, domination and bondage, being caged by an overabundance of luxury..."
Naveen has been pampered and spends his time flirting with women without settling down for someone he is actually in love with. This "cage" prevents him from developing his own skills and character.
3) "But your funds are low"
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This has the Major Arcana XVI with a tower in the background.
The Tower: "commonly interpreted as meaning danger, crisis, destruction, and liberation."
Self-explanatory, Naveen had his funds cut off by his family, but has liberation from being stuck in a palace and gets to explore Louisiana.
4) "You need to marry a li'l honey whose daddy got dough!"
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This has the number 9 on top in addition to Eli "Big Daddy" La Bouff raising a cup in a toast. This likens it to the 9 of cups.
9 of Cups: "emotional happiness and fulfillment"
This is a double meaning, along with the lyrics. On the card, Naveen is marrying Charlotte La Bouff, whose father has lots of "dough," or money. But the card specifically means emotional happiness, which he finds in Tiana. Tiana's father cooked with his family, which makes the term "dough" literal, the base for many dishes.
5) "And when I look into your future, it's the green that I see"
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There's a zero at the top of the card with Naveen's pose being open.
The Fool: "new beginnings, having faith in the future, being inexperienced, not knowing what to expect, having beginner's luck, improvisation and believing in the universe"
This is foreshadowing of Naveen becoming a frog. Many people noticed the lily pad behind him, and this card shows the character development he goes through as a frog. He's inexperienced and mostly relies on Tiana to help him with cooking, navigating, and showing how the lower classes survive without the privileges he had growing up.
Lawrence's Cards:
6) "On you, little man, I don't wanna waste much time, you been pushed around all your life"
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This has a 10 at the top with Lawrence struggling to carry sticks on his back before said sticks are swapped for his family.
10 of Wands: "carries the meaning of overload and burdening situations where too much responsibility has been taken on by the subject"
Lawrence is the advisor for a manchild prince and has a family who always uses him as a doormat, so he's always at the bottom of the fortune food chain.
7) "And if you was married, you'd be pushed around by your wife"
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At first, I had no clue what this was supposed to represent, but if you look at the hypothetical wife's dress, you see an "X" right below her dress's collar line. This is the same card as before with the same meaning of Lawrence being pushed around by everybody.
8) "But in your future, the you I see/is exactly the man you always wanted to be"
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This is nearly the same as the 10 of wands, but the positions of him and Naveen are reversed.
Reversed 10 of Wands: "ending of work burdens, can't represent others"
Lawrence's hope is to end all of the work he's been doing for a selfish prince, but his scheme with Dr Facilier didn't work because he couldn't effectively impersonate him without the talisman. Ultimately, the ruse was easily uncovered and Lawrence will likely be tried for treason after the events of the movie.
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braemjeorn · 8 days ago
Tiana Headcanons
I haven’t found a solid plot for my PATF fanfics. Here are some ideas…
◻ Queen& King of Maldonia declare their second son, Ralphie, shall become the heir to the throne. Naveen is thrilled to hear this and live his happy, smelly, commoner life working only at his wife’s restaurant.  Tiana doesn’t agree with making a child the king and drags Naveen (and friends) to Maldonia.
◻ In Maldonia Tiana’s grace and ethics place her as a promising queen; green to the new culture but dignified in learning from in-laws.
◻ Naveen tolerates his old friends poking fun at his chain-and-ball marriage, and the slight weight-gain. Oh, and no one understands his thick American accent.
◻ The people of Maldonia express laughter and disgust at American history. Tiana chooses to use her title-power silence people because while her father was a solider who died for his country, her country is cruel and hypocritical. 
◻The Maldonian people adore Tiana’s dark skin and celebrate her hair, also they encourage her to wear her hair full instead of pulled back.
 ◻ Naveen misses New Orleans but doesn’t push rushing back because he sees Tiana respected better in his country than America. His parents enforce this with wishes see their future grandchildren grow up in Maldonia.
 ◻I love Lottie and want her to have a cool plot but mostly imagine her being an obnoxious tourist.
 ◻ Lottie will climb into bed with Tiana and Naveen. Naveen has expressed openness to ‘exploring their friendship’ but Lottie will spoil the mood by acting like a giggling teenager and Tiana will submit to giggling along with her.
◻Louis the Alligator is the big cuddler/ protector of Tiana like Rajah was to Jasmine. Also, Louis talks/ snarks.
 ◻Tiana surprises herself by enjoying pants-suits. Naveen likes how they fit but Lottie fears pants on women is the devil’s work and crosses her chest every time she sees Tiana dressed as such.
◻ Seeing anyone smash a bug causes Tiana, Naveen and Louis to catch their breathes. 
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braemjeorn · 8 days ago
Sure, we all talk about Lottie and what an amazing friend she was to Tiana, and obviously she got that from her Daddy…
But where did HE get it from??? He who would have either been very tiny during the Civil War or would have just missed it, and likely had wealthy parents of his own who would likely have been full of salt and hellfire about the whole thing.  I want to know his story, man…how did he become the Jolly Old White Guy who actively crosses the tracks to support the black community, not for clout, but because he legitimately sees them as his neighbors and has raised his daughter to do the same. SIR WHERE DID YOU COME FROM???
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braemjeorn · 8 days ago
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A queen and her Wit One of the images that starkly appeared in my mind during my first read of RoW. argh, I have been fiddling around with this one for a while and even though there are still parts and bits that leave me unsure and unsatisfied, at some point it is just best to declare it finished and move onto a next thing...
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braemjeorn · 8 days ago
Jon Favreau and Chef Roy Choi are essentially the Nobita and Doraemon of the cooking world.
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braemjeorn · 8 days ago
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Here’s my second piece for the @officialtolkiensecretsanta gift exchange; Celegorm & Aredhel with Huan resting after a hunt in Valinor.
This gift is for…
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braemjeorn · 8 days ago
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Here’s my first piece for the @officialtolkiensecretsanta gift exchange; Elladan & Elrohir out on a autumnal hunt !
This gift is for…
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braemjeorn · 8 days ago
Tolkien Secret Santa Advent Calendar Day 6: Singing
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The prompt was singing so I decided to redraw this old doodle of Mags singing Mae and the Twins to sleep :)
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