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“To get over the past you first have to accept that the past is over. No matter how many times you revisit it, analyze it, regret it, or sweat it… it’s over. It can hurt you no more.”
— Mandy Hale
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I will remove anyone from my life to protect the peace that I've worked so hard for. Nobody took me out of the dark. I did it on my own.
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You deserve a calm relationship that's good for your mental health, heart, and nervous system. A lover who's your bestie, your safe space, and soothes your soul during stressful situations. Life is tough enough – you deserve someone who brings you peace, not problems.
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Chapter 2
We arrived to internship and i was so nervous and scared but what i could i do.
I stepped out of the car and they looked at me like if i was a sin and then they signed me in. They bought me a uniform but i still needed my clothes from home.
We will bring you all your clothes tomorrow - my mom said
Alright - i said
The principal got here and took me and my parents to walk inside the internship and i was shocked because it all looked so good but i was sad at the same time.
They left me there and the principal took me to my room where i got to share with two more boys. I placed my stuff in the empty bed.
The principal left and i just layed in my bed until i fell asleep and i woke up with roommate screaming.
I saw my phone and it was 8:00 am and few messages from my parents that they would be here in twenty minutes but the message was sent thirty minutes ago so i ran to the entrance they were already driving away but i saw this big luggage and new books there.
I took it all and then i placed my stuff in the room and after i took a shower and got my uniform on and i went to pick up my schedule for my classes but they told me it wasn’t ready but the principal saw me and took me to the library and told me to stay there until he comes back.
When the principal cames back thirty minutes later he gave me my schedule that started tomorrow and he also gave me a pen and begged me to use it to write all my homeworks.
After he left i checked the pen very carefully and it seemed a normal pen just with the internship name written and the logo.
I walked to my room and layed down in my bed reading a comics magazine and i draw something but i can’t remember much because suddenly i fell asleep quickly.
#story #fiction #teenager #writer #drama
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Es una mezcla de varios géneros
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“A healthy relationship is where two independent people just make a deal that they will help the other person be the best version of themselves.”
— Unknown
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My family lives in desperate conditions. I present to you a family of more than fifteen children. We live in very difficult circumstances😭🙏🇵🇸🍉��
Our children often say: "Stop the war - we are children - we want to live." But does anyone in the world hear his screams and respond to him? We live in a state of despair. This family has been living for nine months in a small tent no larger than 3 metres. Imagine spending every day, every night, and every moment in such cramped conditions. They need urgent support to rebuild our home and restore a sense of normalcy

@sayruq @90-ghost @soon-palestine @appsa @27-moons
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“I love talking to you, even if I have nothing to say.”
— Mahmoud Darwish
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