Well at least I can go back to lacrosse now. 
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That’s the spirit. 
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"Liam Dunbar. Who're you?"
"I don’t think I know you…."
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Back to hell.
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Liam couldn't help but stare at Malia. The teenager was a little freaked out, but he was intrigued at the same time. He watched as she sat on her hands. "What are you..?" His blue eyes looked over her body trying to look for other signs that she was different. 
"I never said you were." His tone was sweet and he tried to comfort her. "Freaks are cool though. I went to a freak show in LA once and it was pretty awesome." Liam chuckled a bit and smiled at Malia. 
The fact that she was different didn't change his feelings for her. After all, she wasn't the only one with a secret. He still hadn't told her about his I.E.D. 
Malia saw liam watching her and she started to panic. This was one of her biggest fears. She didnt want to lose liam she didnt want to hurt him or be labeled a freak.
But she was pretty much trapped with no were to run to in his room sh dropped the co troler and sat on her hands hoping things wouldnt go bad. She tried to breathe tried to get them to go back in.
She kept her eyes closed and she whispered. "Im not a freak" it was all she could think to say. She was scared of liam knowimg her sevret but most of all she was scared that liam wpuld run away from her and she would lose all the happieness that he gave her.
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Liam felt someone grab him and he was prepared to fight back until he realised it was Emma. He hugged the female back and took deep breathes trying to calm himself down. "I have to go to his level." He whispered back. "He needs to learn a lesson." Rage was still boiling in Liam's blood as he pulled the female off of him and walked over to the guy.
"Anything else you wanna say?" The teenager's voice was harsh and deeper than usual. "Yeah, but not to you." The guy smirked and looked at Emma. "Wanna hookup?" As the words came out of the other males mouth, Liam clenched his fist. That was too far. The male didn't realise what he was doing until his knuckles were covered in blood. Not his own blood, but that of the other guy. He heard the sound of someone calling his name in the background and it started to get louder. "GET OFF OF HIM!" The voice yelled at Liam. He looked up and saw a teacher running towards the group. 
He couldn't get expelled for fighting again. His mom and step-dad would be disappointed in him. Liam couldn't risk getting expelled from another school, it would just complicate things more. The lacrosse player did the first things he could think to do; run. He ran as fast as he feet would carry him. 
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Rage // Liam & Emma
Emma was sitting in the bleachers watching liam for his tryouts. She sat around the middle area of the bleachers. Every time he scored she would yell out “go liam” and she knew he was having a sucky day so she would try to make him feel better by routine for him.
She heard the guys making fun of her and she glared at them, then she saw them tell liam shit about her and she saw him being held back by two guys. She ran down to him and put her hands on his face  and trying to calm him down. She whispers to him “It is okay liam don’t listen to him.” She turned around and said to the guy ” Shut the fuck up now.”
Then she turned back to liam but he was already out of the two guys grip they had of him. She ran to liam and she grabbed both of his arms and turned him towards her and tried to calm him down. She whispers “It is going to be okay, don’t worry about him okay.” she gave him a hug.
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"Don’t go to him level, okay, he is not worth it." Trying still to calm him down.
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Liam noticed as the girl seemed to become less nervous and more happy when he asked about her pictures. It must be her passion. He'd never seen someone so excited to talk about pictures before. The teenager chuckled at bit at the girl's excitement. "That's awesome. Is that where you go to relax? Everyone's got somewhere they go, right?" Liam always went to the gym when he got too angry. He felt like Bruce Banner most of the time since he always had to watch how angry he got about things. The teenager looked at the pictures on the camera screen and was surprised to see professional looking shots. He'd expected to see amateur shots like girls share on Facebook. "You're really good." Liam smiled at Gaby. He chuckled when he heard her question. "Yeah, that's me." The male couldn't help but laugh at her comment. "Oh really? Are you one of those girls?" He winked teasingly at her. 
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Gaby was nervous of him not completely sure what to do. That was till he asked about her pictures. Those were the one thing that without a doubt could cause her lips to turn into a proud smile and her to open up. Looking at him the fear was mostly gone and her eyes lit up as she spoke about the pictures. “I went to the woods and got some cool shots with the trees. The sun setting causes such a glow and peaceful atmosphere that I love.” Gaby then added, “See.” Out of instinct she felt the need to share her work with him. Moving closer so they were side be side she brought up the pictures on the camera’s screen for him to see. Then she heard the males name and it gave her more sense of safety and looked up to him as she spoke, “Are the Liam who is like insanely good at lacrosse? A couple girls in my English class have the biggest crush on you.”
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The male smirked at the lacrosse game being played on the field as he processed what Malia has said. He looked down at her with a sweet smile "I hope in a good way."
"Liam, you.. you make me feel different"she didnt know how else to word t
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Liam nodded at the girls response. "Do you keep them all in that notebook?" He gestured to the one she was drawing in at the moment. The lacrosse player put his gear down and sat beside Winter.
Winter shrugged.”Animals buildings people, pretty much everything.” She looked over at the trees once more and added the last few details. She started to draw the outline of the bottom of the tree trunks and began to shade them in.
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Liam smiled at the small circles he felt being drawn on his leg. Malia’s touch sent a shiver down his spine and electricity through his body.
Malia traced small circles on liams leg smiling softly. She was enjoying this whatever was happening she was ok
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Liam glanced at Malia for a second before looking back at the screen of the television. "And ruin all the fun I'm having?" The teenager hadn't expected Malia to sit so close to him when they got to his house, but he didn't mind it. He actually really liked it and her. As they continued playing, Liam found where Malia was hiding and had his character sneak up on hers and aim it's gun at her. "You should stick to lacrosse." He chuckled as his character pulled the trigger on Malia's. 
He wasn't sure how it had happened, but two other guys on the game had made a silent alliance with Liam. It was all fun and games until he realised who the other two were after. The blue-eyed boy continued following them until Malia's character was back up to a cliff. Liam looked over a Malia to tell her that he was going to shoot one of the other guys, but he couldn't get a word out. 
Malia's eyes had turned a shade of blue that were deeper than his. He wondered if he was tired and just imagining it. He must have just been tired because he knew Malia didn't have blue eyes. Liam noticed she was gripping the controller pretty hard and saw her claws. "...Malia...?" He was speechless as he stared at her.  
Malia grumbled, " maybe if you wkuld help me." She was sitting close to liam since they had been geting closer since they had kissed that day in the locker room. She glared at him when he shot her yet again.
She was okay for a few rounds even shot someone in the game that made her happy. But then she got ambushed, liam and three others had gotten her character on the back of a cliff, it was either sucide or get murdered.
This didnt make malia happy like at all. She growled and her eyes had trned to blue from the thinking she had been doig trying to figure ways out. Malia made a move and tried to attack one of them. She got shot in the arm. And as soon as she moved the rest of them opened firer. She wasnt sure if liam had. She didnt know her claws and eyes were both showing and she had no idea that liam had been lookig at her when it happened.
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"I know. It helps get rid of aggression too." Liam quickly glanced at Malia before looking back at the ongoing game. 
Malia sighed, “lacrosse isnt meant to pieceful liam its meant to be agressive. I mean i like agressuvre at times but still
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"So do you only draw trees or are there other things?"
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Liam was surprised by the incredible detail from drawing so far away from the subject. "You're welcome." He gave her a half smile. 
Winter shrugged.”I just like drawing some things better from far away I guess.” She then looked at the tree and back down at her paper continuing to sketch.”Thanks.”
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Malia had been talking about being bored of lacrosse for a while and Liam didn't know what to do about it. The only thing he could think to entertain her was; playing video games. Liam could still get some aggression and spend time with Malia. 
Liam had bought a new fighting game after his encounter with Jade at the Game Stop. He didn't have many friends because he was new to the school and he wasn't very good at trusting people. There were very few people that Liam considered a friend, but Malia was definitely one of them. Something about her had intrigued him when they first met. Maybe it was the fact that she was just as competitive as him or maybe it was how different she was from other girls. He didn't know what it was, but something clicked when he was with her. Liam didn't worry about his I.E.D when she was around, it seemed to disappear almost like he never had the disorder. 
As they played, Liam would occasionally die, but no where near as much as Malia. The teenager seemed to be able to predict where she would be hiding and so did the other players. It probably had to due with the fact that she was new to the game though. Newbies usually made the same mistakes more than once. She kept hiding in the same places or using the same strategy, she was becoming predictable. 
"That's the whole point of the game." Liam chuckled as he shot Malia's character again. 
Liam finds out the truth about malia
Malia had met liam about two weeks ago out on the lacrosse field. Malia was starting to see liam in a new light. They were hanging out more since they both were very competitive and of course he was helping her with lacrosse.
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Rage // Liam & Emma
Liam's day had started out bad. He'd accidentally told his step-dad that he'd kissed a girl at the school and his mom found out. When she did, she went ballistic on Liam.  She yelled until she lost her voice and hit him when she couldn't express how angry she was with words. Of course the teenager knew his mom had good intentions; she was trying to protect Malia from the monster that Liam really was. His mom didn't know how he was when he was around her though.
The male's blood had started to boil as his mom yelled at him, but he knew there was nothing him could do while she angered him. It would only prove her point; he was unstable. Liam would never say it out loud, but he knew that he was and it tore him up inside. His cocky exterior hid it well though. 
Now Liam was having to be held back by a few of his lacrosse team mates. One of the other guys had said something about Emma and Liam snapped. Rage boiled inside of him and he needed to get his hands on someone. Emma was one of Liam's best friends at the school and he was very protective over the girl. 
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"She's such a loser. How could you possibly even want to talk to her. I mean she's hot and I would fuck her if she asked me to, but I could never hangout with her." The lacrosse player went on and Liam's nostrils flared in anger. Things were getting harder for the guys trying to hold Liam back. More adrenaline had started flowing through him and he broke out of his confinement. The pissed off teenager ran over to the guy who was still going on about Emma and his struck him in the face. 
"You wanna talk shit, you better be able to take the consequences." Liam almost growled at the bigger guy. 
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"When you look this good, How could you not?" Liam wiggled his eyebrows at her. "Me too." He gave her a half smile before Coach blew his whistle. The lacrosse player instinctively looked up and saw that practice was starting. "Not so peaceful anymore." He chuckled.
"You are sococky liam" she had a smile as she said it. She kept her hand on his cheek. "I lik this liam its peace ful" as soon as she said peacefull coach blew his whistle for practice to start
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Liam wasn't sure who had seen them kiss and who hadn't, but he honestly didn't care. "I'm a great obsession to have though." Cockiness was dripping from his tone. His expression softened as he felt her hand on his cheek. 
She kissed him untill he pulled away and laughs softly “good they need to find a new obsession.” She lays her hand on his cheek.
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Liam felt her smile into the kiss and he continued kissing her. He never wanted the contact to break. It was almost as if Malia was a drug to him. After a while, he pulled away and looked at her. "I don't think they're looking anymore." The male smiled at her.
Malia blushes when he called her perfect. She kisses him back when his lips touch hers and smile aginst his lips content to keep doig that
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