Welcome to Bouquet Office~!
25 posts
A small grade 3 office run by 2 siblings and their retired mother. Asks open!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
bouquet-office · 2 months ago
Ah, a fixer office that's also a flower shop? That's interesting, I cannot say I've seen anything like it before...
Oh, right, apologies. I was wondering if I could get some... orchids? Along with carnations and camellias, if that is possible. Thank you.
Tap, of @dieci-association
-Hiya, Tap! Nice to meet you!
-Hello. I'll get a bouquet ready for you in a bit. I'll go ahead and mail it to you, expect it in a bit.
-(Thorn, c'mon! You can give 'em a bit more than that!)
-Sigh.... Fine. Orchids then, huh? They're a real pretty flower, I'll give you that. Real easy to take care of, if you want to plant your own.
-(There we go!) Also, didja know that in the language of flowers, orchids are a symbol of beauty, luxury, love and grace?
-They come in a lot of colors, too. People assign their own meanings to those, too.
-Mainly basic color association, really. White means purity, purple means class, yellow is joy and red is looooove!
-You see what I mean when I say that flower language is a bunch of bull?
-Not! In front! Of the Customers!
(Rose shoves Thorn out of the way, finishing up what it was working on.)
-Sorry about that~! You'll receive your flowers in a bit~~~!
-Thank you for visiting Bouquet office and have a wonderful day!!
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bouquet-office · 2 months ago
//hiiii! also. so real on the "drawint is hard" thing. ive been working on sprites for this blog and it's been.
//i wish you the best!!!
//HIIjust whilst im remembering
// I need to interact with more of u guys' rp blogs. PLEASE interact with this post if its alright if i sent the cavalry in to bother ur blogs, and I'll try my best to send an ask or two when I am able to :)
//oh and as i said in my last post (tho it wa s in the tags) drawing is hard so answering will be a bit slow 👍
// thank u i love u all
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bouquet-office · 2 months ago
500 hogs vs boquet office. who wins
-Mom wins.
-I was not part of this question?????
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bouquet-office · 2 months ago
-Rose! The fuck did I say about shouting?!
-Sorry! But look!
-What th- oh shit? Where the fuck did you get tickets to P Corp?!
-Heeheehee! I put our names in a lottery for free tickets.
-Im surprised you even won...
-I mmmaay have pulled some strings~
-Of course you did. Whatever. Mom! Look!
-Oh, morning kids. Did you get those requests I sent you done?
-Yeah, yeah, yeah, look!
(Thron shoves the tickets in her face. Clematis takes a moment to adjust her glasses.)
-First class warp train tickets? To P Corp? How did you get those?
-Long story, c'mon mom! Lets go on a vacation, it'll be super fun! C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, 'cmon!!!
-I... I suppose. Where would we even go there...?
-Uhm.... Good question! I head there's a weird amusement park there!
-They still do those???
("The Family Trip To La Manchaland" arc has begun!)
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bouquet-office · 2 months ago
opinion on cats?
-I'm more of a dog person, myself.
-Whwn we briefly lived on our own we used to have a dog! She was a really cute aussie, but we couldn't take care of her since we got sweeped up in our job... I miss her, she was a good girl!
-... We should get another dog.
-Thorn, no! Bad! Not until we get a raise!
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bouquet-office · 2 months ago
Do you want some Bees
-Bees are never a bother to the garden! Why not?
-Wait this looks suspicious as hell. What are the terms of this deal?
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bouquet-office · 2 months ago
favorite flowers?
-We answered a question like this before, didn't we?
-Yep yep! Over here!
-Hey, but, mom only got a lil' bit of that post! Hey! Mom! Talk more about flowers!
-Oh, sure!
-I suppose I'll talk about easy flower things... so.... my name! Clematis is a type of climbing plants, their name being greek for "climbing flower"! Isn't that neat? Another name for the flower is "traveler's joy," since they often grow on structures. Some species can actually be quite the pests, since they grow so fast. The one I wear is a lanuginosa, also known as a Nelly Moser!
-Yeah, but is it your favorite?
-Oh! Well, that's a different question, dear.
-It's certainly a flower I enjoy, that's for sure. I wouldn't call it a favorite though.
-Last time, you mentioned orchids, but thats because of the emotional journey or something. What about a flower you like for a normal reason?
-Hmmm... For normal reasons.... maybe the Mexican Butterfly Weed. It's also known as the blood flower or scarlet milkweed! The actual flowers that bloom on them are rather small, but I find them very elegant. They're also very important to monarch butterflies, so they invite some very beautiful guests to my garden!
-I'm also appreciative of snowdrops. Once I...
-One of the first gifts I gave your father was a bouquet of snowdrops and lily-of-the-valley. It was our first date, and he plucked one of the flowers from the bunch and put it in my hair. After that, I started putting flowers in my hair more often.
-... Hm.
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bouquet-office · 2 months ago
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-Well... that wasn't the worst interaction I've had...?
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bouquet-office · 2 months ago
you know any good soup stores?
-We're not really..... soup people..?
-Well no wonder they're asking if we know where soup is considering how sick we are.
-Damn- that was a good one!
-Thank you, thank you.
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bouquet-office · 2 months ago
have yall heard the pianist?
-Pianist, pianist, pianist....... Oh! Wait! That super mega distortion, right?!
-Oh yeahh... that guy. The Pianist is, like, super old news though, isn't it?
-Yeah, we weren't even born yet when it was around. But I'm pretty sure mom knows more! Hey, mom!
-... Mom? Everything alright?
-Y- Yes, dear. Apologies. That name brings back... bad memories.
-Ah. Well, that's that, then.
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bouquet-office · 2 months ago
(It's the New Year, isn't it?
We'd be celebrating right about now. How old would he be if he was still here?
Happy Birthday, my love.)
-Mooooom! Where did you put that fancy champagne?! We need to do the toast!
-Rose! Thorn! Don't scare me like that...
-Ah! Sorry!
-Told you not to yell so loud.
-No worries. I only lost a year or two. The alcohol should be in the garage, on the bottom shelf of the fridge.
-Thaaaank you! Love you mom! Mwah!
-Love you as well, Ma. Happy New Year.
-... Happy New Year.
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bouquet-office · 2 months ago
-Potentially cursed God flowers? Absolutely!
-Might make some money from it in the future. Might as well.
-Not everything has to be about money!!
[Cordelle slams the door open]
[🌙 🗝]
"BWAGH—" "...what now?"
Ate god flowers. Might've done something funny to me and I wanna see if it did.
I'm... not sure if this is gonna get a new leaf out of you.
Just try it anyway!
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bouquet-office · 2 months ago
-Did none of us learn that eating random plants is bad or do we need more people to die of food poisoning before that lesson really gets cemented in our brains?
-Wait, hold on, we're just going to over the 'Killed God' stuff?
-Everyone's killed God, apparently. We were late to the party.
[Cordelle slams the door open]
[🌙 🗝]
"BWAGH—" "...what now?"
Ate god flowers. Might've done something funny to me and I wanna see if it did.
I'm... not sure if this is gonna get a new leaf out of you.
Just try it anyway!
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bouquet-office · 2 months ago
-Did I hear "God flowers"? Are we inventing new and fucked up plants now?
[Cordelle slams the door open]
[🌙 🗝]
"BWAGH—" "...what now?"
Ate god flowers. Might've done something funny to me and I wanna see if it did.
I'm... not sure if this is gonna get a new leaf out of you.
Just try it anyway!
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bouquet-office · 2 months ago
Do you guys have any particular weapons you prefer to work with for the more... murdery side of the job?
-Ooooh yes yes yes! I looove showing off my stuff, hold on!
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-Tadaaaa! My sickles! They're easy to carry around, nobody questions them at first glance because I can fold the blade up, and they're reeeal good at slicing through people like paper! Plus, they're useful for helping around the shop.
-Of course they're helpful around the shop they're just gardening tools you dolled up.
-You just use a guitar you dolled up! At least mine work as actual weapons.
-Yeah well at least I do actual damage with my shit.
(Rose sticks their tongue out at Thorn.)
-Real mature. Anyways, onto my guitar.
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-She makes noises loud enough to bust eardrums and has the metal to bash in the skulls of who ever is left. And when she isn't doing that, she's a damn good instrument. She's my baby and I'd kill anyone that even touches a cord on her neck.
-Aww. Even me?
-Especially you.
-Rude. What about mom?
-'Kay, well, she's an exception since she actually knows how to use a guitar and gives my baby the respect she deserves.
-Actually, speaking of mom, if you want some actual weaponry, she's where you should look at.
-Mom! Can you show people your old equipment?
-Oh, sure my little petals. I don't use any of it anymore, though. They're basically wall dressing now...
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-Woah, mom... you used a lotta stuff!
-Please, you've seen this all before...
-Still doesn't make it any less impressive.
-Well, a lot of colors use a variety of different tools... ah well. Doesn't matter much anyways.
-You used a lot of guns though, ma. How come?
-Made things quick. And, in my experience, there's nothing that can quite clear out a room like a good shotgun shell.
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bouquet-office · 2 months ago
-Wait, mom, haven't you had your own fair share of weird battles?
-Well, every fixer has had a "weird battle" at some point, sweetheart.
-Well I mean, yeah no duh, but you were a color so you have to have some suuuper weird stories, right?
-Nothing as weird as a gnomeck, but... hmm. Oh, here's one.
-This was around the time L Corp was falling, so it was little bit before you were born. I was actually in L Corp at the time, for... personal business. I had one last thing I wanted to do before I quit that lifestyle for good.
-While I was there, I got into a fight with a man with a skull for a head who used contracts and floating runes. They were quite pretty, in fact.
-He mainly fought by using my attacks against me. But he was there as a distraction. Unfortunately he was a good one.
-I did win the fight, but it was all too late. The one thing I was after ran away.
(Clematis looks down. She's fiddling with a ring on her finger. She lets out a deep sigh.)
-After that, I realized that what I was after had left me for good and I... couldn't fix it. I left L Corp and decided to take what I had left and find a nice place to raise you both.
-That was the best decision of my life.
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bouquet-office · 2 months ago
What's the most interesting thing yall fought?
-Hmmm... Well! Sometimes me and Thorn like to go out into the outskirts for little adventures-
-This is something we do outside of work. Don't send us outskirts requests.
-Thank you, Thorn. But yeah, we go to the outskirts sometimes and see some wild things out there. Big crabs. Weird fish. Robot bugs. But some of the craziest things we see out there usually tend to be the results of different things the humans and the other... sentient creatures did out there.
-Remember the gnome mech?
-The... gnomech?
-The gnome. Mech.
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