bountifulbulk · 18 minutes
Many many horny thoughts today
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bountifulbulk · 18 hours
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"Just...shush. I was let into your room so easily, so you're mine now. Don't you know what happens to a prize winning pig when a wolf slips inside the barn...?"
CeCe's sagging midsection receives a thick, meaty slap from a sweaty palm before the chubby manga author pulls herself up and mounts on top of her new pet's bean bag-sized gut.
"So...you're going to do as I exactly as I say when I say it, understood? Belch or fart for me if you comprehend."
Anna's...not usually like this, is the slobby NEET secreting some sort of mating hormone?? Except in this case instead of mating it's a dom feeder's awakening-
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“It’s more like you let yourself and worked your way upstairs to my room while I was napping.”
The lazy hog groaned as the impact from the slap caused the contents of her gut to slosh harshly. Feeling herself dry heave before swallowing whatever digest was coming up after this weird mangaka mounted her belly like a horse.
“Sure, I’ll agree with those terms just so long as I get food on top of that.”
Belching on the other’s general direction, letting her get a whiff of her dinner. CeCe has that affect on a lot of people, which is how she gained such a widespread audience so fast.
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bountifulbulk · 8 days
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The thoughts of Mukuro being a huge mound of sweat glistening flab is so hot to me
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bountifulbulk · 8 days
Does CeCe like getting spanked?~ Or does it just spook the farts outta her-
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“You could come over and find out for yourself, then see if your thought process is true or not…”
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bountifulbulk · 8 days
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“My sister Junko ordered me to become this pig, she never truly saw me as her sister. So what was once a soldier is now nothing more than a fat, ugly, stupid hog of her former self.”
Although her pudgy face didn’t depict it, it was secretly a turn on to get degraded in such a vile and cruel way. A look of shock filled her gaze as she waddled closer towards you to hear you better.
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“W-What… you actually don’t mind that I’m now this gross unhygienic slob with an insatiable appetite… and a floor draping gut…”
As she presses her gut into you, the sensation was overwhelming as you feel your body get engulfed by the simmering heat that Mukuro’s body leaves off. The soldier’s pungent aroma clung to your nostrils and lingered in the air. Her hammy hand’s against the wall, leaving greasy smudges on it adding to her oppressive nature.
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“Do you wanna come… feed me then… but I’ll most likely will end up puking my guts out… but that gives you more time to stuff me with more food.”
Her breath also hot and humid, you could even smell what she ate last.
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bountifulbulk · 8 days
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Anna's heart cannot handle the cutest NEET she ever did see-
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“Mmm… did you say something?”
Don’t mind her she just woke up from a nap, her mind is still pretty foggy. Her stomach rising and falling with each heavy breath was growling right on cue so she’s free for the spoiling.
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bountifulbulk · 8 days
Chelsea doesn't need to go out to be girlfriend material, all that blubber IS the girlfriend material! Wonder how she'd enjoy being courted over Dms or stream chat by a certain fast food heiress?
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“If you think that, there’s no use of me fighting it. While I am a big butterball, there’s a lot more to me than just being huge so keep that in mind. But being courted by an infamous fast food heiress sounds like something straight out of a rom com. But who am I to refuse such help, just be sure to bring the best of the best service to my door with deliveries.”
CeCe speaking with the utmost confidence, even if her voice and tone is nonchalant as usual.
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bountifulbulk · 8 days
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“It’s not like you made it that much of a secret, outside of me you’ve just been pigging out everytime we complete a quest.”
Hearing Darkness’ confession out loud did make the chunky explosion caster back off a bit.
“There’s really no end to how much of a degenerate you can be, you must fantasize about being nothing but a useless meatball. Even if I’m this big now, I don’t even think they would even fit you.”
"Megumin... I-I don't mean to question things, but maybe it'd be best if you dropped the gaining idea? You've been following my anti-training diet to a tee and it's only made you bigger than you were before in a... shocking and almost envying amount of time."
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“I appreciate your concern but I’ve already made up my mind… and giving up now would just mean abandoning everything. My size now is just a means of my dedication, despite the fact that I’m a lot wider than I am tall. I’m the shortest in this party you could at least let me have this.”
It’s not like Megumin was capable of putting in the effort to lose the weight, there are weight reduction spells but do you really think she would waste her time learning them.
Don’t mind Megumin as she presses her softness against the perverted crusader as she lays into her.
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“I mean if you really wanted me to stop… why did you let me reach up to almost 500 pounds before saying something.”
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bountifulbulk · 9 days
Sluttonous Sunday!
Send in your sluttiest, gluttonous, and promiscuous related questions or teases!
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bountifulbulk · 9 days
"Megumin... I-I don't mean to question things, but maybe it'd be best if you dropped the gaining idea? You've been following my anti-training diet to a tee and it's only made you bigger than you were before in a... shocking and almost envying amount of time."
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“I appreciate your concern but I’ve already made up my mind… and giving up now would just mean abandoning everything. My size now is just a means of my dedication, despite the fact that I’m a lot wider than I am tall. I’m the shortest in this party you could at least let me have this.”
It’s not like Megumin was capable of putting in the effort to lose the weight, there are weight reduction spells but do you really think she would waste her time learning them.
Don’t mind Megumin as she presses her softness against the perverted crusader as she lays into her.
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“I mean if you really wanted me to stop… why did you let me reach up to almost 500 pounds before saying something.”
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bountifulbulk · 9 days
Yunyun would give out some helpful pointers on bulking, but she doesn't want to have her tits slapped again...
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Out of all people she most likely doesn’t want to hear her “advice”, if she does she might get more than just her boobs slapped.
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bountifulbulk · 9 days
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Thinking that putting on weight for mana storage might be her own fault. She now realizes that her height is a burning factor of making her appear larger than she should, her slow metabolism doesn’t help out much either in that regard.
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bountifulbulk · 9 days
I forgot to turn on anon asks, I’m stupid
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bountifulbulk · 9 days
Anonymously or not, ask me something you’ve always wondered.
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bountifulbulk · 9 days
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The “I really want a girlfriend” kind of slob but doesn’t get out much out all to even be considered girlfriend material
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bountifulbulk · 10 days
Get you a girl that’s huge, loves to show off and can belch/brap loudly
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bountifulbulk · 10 days
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The shortest girls makes the biggest orbs
Be on the look out for another oc cause that she’s going to be once I figure everything out for her
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