boston-legal-week · 4 days
okay, like or respond to this post if you want an invite to the Boston Legal community. Communities are in beta test currently, so they're invite only. If you're one of the three (3) people on this webbed site who's interested in Boston Legal we'd love to have you
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boston-legal-week · 7 days
very aware that i dropped off the map for a bit - exam week was crazy. anyway, I've created a Boston Legal Community (I'm happy to try the latest gimmick from Staff). It's not a challenge / week / fanfic specific community, just for the show in general (although of course those discussions are more than welcome)
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boston-legal-week · 2 months
boston legal week. anyone interested?
(it wont be for a little while, I'm at uni I'd want to be able to give this my full attention - but organising events like this take time, so if you'd be interested in contributing as a writer, or an artist, or in any other way - please follow this blog for updates).
If you have any questions, please send them in!!!
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