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Inside the Borrowers' Home
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Someone needs to pay attention to me, like right now.
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She's not to sure where everyone has gone all of a sudden but the borrower is pretty lonely. So she's sitting in plain sight and hoping to get some attention soon.
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  "Uh oh where am I...." The little 4 inch tall girl mumbled as she looked around her new surroundings. Maybe she shouldn't have wondered off like her brother warned her not to. But she couldn't help it! She was adventurous! There was no threat that was to big for this borrower!
Well, except maybe a cat. She was scared of those --
The girl hid behind a piece of furniture, looking around to see if she could find a way out and back to the place where she and her brother lived - hopefully she wasn't to far.
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Kpop Ghibli: 9 of ? - Nichkhun Horvejkul as Shawn
“It’s funny how each day you wake up and never really know if it will be one that will change your life forever.”
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She almost pouted when the glowing stopped. Why did it stop? It was so pretty! She blinked up at him as he waited for the other to look around and notice him on the ground. "What were you doing? How were you glowing?" She called up to him, finding it hard to talk from the ground.
"Say um, can you pick me up? It's hard to talk from down here!" She called with a smile on her face, bouncing on the balls of her feet. "Please mister!"
Willow saw her chance when the other was simply standing there. She just had to get a better look at this being — his hair was glowing for crying outloud! And was her eyes playing tricks on her or was that sand floating and glowing too?
Throwing caution to the wind, the barely 4 inches tall girl scurried away from the lampost and headed over to the interesting stranger. “Excuse me!” She calls out to him, jumping to get his attention.
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Willow saw her chance when the other was simply standing there. She just had to get a better look at this being -- his hair was glowing for crying outloud! And was her eyes playing tricks on her or was that sand floating and glowing too?
Throwing caution to the wind, the barely 4 inches tall girl scurried away from the lampost and headed over to the interesting stranger. "Excuse me!" She calls out to him, jumping to get his attention.
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The borrower had been quiet lately which wasn’t her style - so of course without her brother’s permission she snuck away from the house and went on one of her own adventures. Granted, it was night time and she probably should be sleeping, and her little light would run out of power soon. One more block couldn’t hurt right? 
She liked the fact that she could walk in the middle of the sidewalk, there were no beings around at this time to step on her or freak out about her small size. However there was one guy out so Willow quickly hid herself behind a light post, but she poked her head out only seconds later. This guy looked kinda interesting—
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The borrower had been quiet lately which wasn't her style - so of course without her brother's permission she snuck away from the house and went on one of her own adventures. Granted, it was night time and she probably should be sleeping, and her little light would run out of power soon. One more block couldn't hurt right? 
She liked the fact that she could walk in the middle of the sidewalk, there were no beings around at this time to step on her or freak out about her small size. However there was one guy out so Willow quickly hid herself behind a light post, but she poked her head out only seconds later. This guy looked kinda interesting--
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"Okay then Joey!" She said with a smile. She loved giving people nicknames. It was her on little game of sorts, so he was glad he was playing along. At him putting his hands together, the borrower grinned and jumped off of the roof of the tiny house display and into his hands, rolling for a moment before she was sitting criss cross in them. 
"A shadow?" She blinked, looking back at her own before pointing at it. "Like that kind of shadow? That's cool!" She questioned why he wasn't sticking to someone's feet or not black but at the same time she had been told to have restraint with her questions.
"Yeah! That's cool." She said, rocking back in forth slightly. "Is being a shadow fun? Do you scare people?"
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"Yup! We borrow things, kinda our M.O. ya know?" She giggled softly at her own little rhyme before looking up at him again. Man beings were huge — why were they so big? "What’s with the -sshi thing?! Just call me Willow! or Will! I don’t mind either one!" She said with a nod. She didn’t like formalities at all really.
"Nice to meet you L.Joe! Can I call you Joey too?" She asked with a grin before blinking at his words, giving a nod. "I can keep a secret!" She said, nodding a few times before making grabby hands towards the being. "But I’d be more comfortable if I was sitting in your hand or somethin’, can you pick me up?"
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done editing things so I'm up for more rps! I'll get to the one i have in my drafts and starters if people would like them
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"Like the white glass of dreams new beginning.."
Byun Baekhyun
The Sandman
Oldest of the Guardians
In need of Friends
& people to talk to
a kind lonely soul in the sky
Literate || AU character || SFW  ||  Based on Rise of the Guardians.
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hopefully will finish editing over here abit later
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would you like to continue our rp??? I have it drafted and I can answer it after I do alittle revamping
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I'm revamping alittle of Willow's bio and theme then i'll be up for rps if anyone wants to??
and I'd be happy to continue a few if you don't mind how long you've waited for my reply--
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I'm sorry I haven't been over here, Willow's muse got really quiet (didn't think that was possible alsdkfj she's always so awake.) But yeah I'll be over here later revamping a few things before asking for new threads.
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