bornxidols · 2 years
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i just like his hair so much here
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bornxidols · 2 years
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bornxidols · 2 years
Experiment... Reblog if it's ok for people to read/like your rps even if they aren't involved in them
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bornxidols · 2 years
`huntersxhunted​ :
It was nice knowing that the other felt comfortable enough to walk next to him despite what he’d gone through so far. “It’s very nice to meet you, Insu. I’m sorry it was under unsavory conditions.” Daemok said softly, nodding to confirm to the other that there wasn’t any pack he had to worry about. At the very least, it was one less thing the hell cat had to worry about. As serious as it was that the male had been chased in the first place, the mention of him not ‘yet’ chasing the male had a huff of laughter slip out from Daemok as they walked. 
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“I can confidently say you don’t have to worry about me ever chasing you. I have no reason to instigate trouble just to idly pass the time, I like to think I’m more refined than that.” He mused, as they soon walked up to his huge home, Daemok unlocking the door and opening it for Insu. “Besides, these old bones can’t even play tag without creaking, no way I’m chasing anything.”
Insu nodded at the greeting, giving a slight head bow to show he agreed, it was nice to meet him, even under these circumstances. At least he didn’t try and eat him for dinner and saved his ass. It was shocking to hear the other didn’t have a pack, but it wasn’t like Insu to pry where he shouldn’t. Maybe if they got closer he would ask him about why he didn’t have a pack, but right now it was best to leave subjects like that alone. If a wolf didn’t have a pack it was rarely for a positive reasons.
When he assured him he didn’t have to worry about being chased by him, Insu let out a soft sigh. At least the reassurance made him feel a little better. Even if he was lying, he’d rather not see it coming. Insu followed him until Daemok opened his door, “I doubt you’re that old. You don’t look old at all.” But looks could be deceiving he supposed. As he stepped forward to walk into the opened door, out of the corner of his eye Insu spotted it, a snake. He practically jumped straight into the air, transformed into a ball of fire and fur before landing just slightly behind the alpha with his fur puffed out, hissing at the ‘snake’ only to realize... The snake was in fact, a water hose.
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After Insu came to the realization he quieted down before gingerly walking through the doorway, keeping the hose in sight at all times. 
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bornxidols · 2 years
huntersxhunted​ :
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There was a moment when Xion asked about the location of the books that the hydra almost regretting saying anything. He was just going to run out and try to find them himself, a two day trip maximum, and not even mention to Xion where he’d gotten them from. The last thing Ravn wanted to do was make his partner relive bad memories. Taking a moment the hydra thought over his words carefully, but never letting his smile completely fade. 
“They’re in a place that I’m sure you wouldn’t enjoy being. As much as I appreciate your offer, and as much as I’d love your time and company, I prefer not making you go someplace like that if I can help it.” Looking back at his mostly rearranged books Ravn was happy to try to change the subject. “Thanks, I’m super glad I did now that I’m going to need the room for this one once I’ve had it all translated.”
The moment Ravn took a moment to answer, Xion glanced up at him. To be honest, Ravn didn’t need to say a thing before Xion knew exactly where he was talking about. Just the hesitation told him all he needed to know. He nodded his head after a moment, understanding why he wouldn’t want him to go. A part of him, the part that wanted to be with Ravn whenever possible told him to go with him, but the logical part of him knew it would be better to just listen to Ravn, and take his advice. 
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Ravn knew what was best for him, even if he didn’t like to admit that he wouldn’t be able to handle being back in that place. “Ah, that reminds me. While I was hanging out with Rina last week, Yoongi told me to ask you how you felt about an addition connected to your room so you can bring more books here and have more space.” Xion didn’t talk to Yoongi often even though he liked spending time with Rina and Yoongi was usually there. When he was there he tended not to talk to Xion, but every once in a while he had a moment of inspiration and he tended to build new areas for the family, but this was the first time he had asked him to deliver the message. He supposed it was because it would have to connect to Ravn’s room and he didn’t want to disturb him. Last time he built something it had been his room, the time before that had been Wooseok’s room. He thought he briefly heard Yoongi mention to Rina a possible addition for Jiah for more plants if she ever wanted it, but he knew Yoongi would never ask her. He was just waiting for Yoongi to ask him to ask her next. 
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bornxidols · 2 years
huntersxhunted‌ :
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“… Because they make you happy.” It was admittedly a foreign concept to most demons. Most would claim they know what it felt like to be ‘happy’, even Jongho had claimed it before but having a favorite anything simply because it made San happy made the demon second guess if he actually understood the emotion. What he always said would make him happy is being back in Hell, given a small territory and just, existing in his little patch of eternal damnation for the rest of his life. But… Would that really be the same happiness that San felt? Or was it just that he was mistaking the security it would bring, the minuscule lift in status and diminished risk of other demons coming around and challenging him. It’d mean he was safer to a degree, but his safety wasn’t ever really a worry in the first place, he wasn’t someone easily overpowered anyway but… It definitely meant he’d be better off, and to him that made him ‘happy’. But in the brutal uncertainty of Hell, Jongho wondered if his idea of happiness wasn’t even happiness at all, it was just… The feeling of less stress, less suffering and difficulties. What if it was just a sense of relief and he didn’t even know what it was like to be happy? Funny how he never thought about anything remotely similar to this before he got sent topside in thee first place. 
“So… Your favorite people make you feel safe, which makes you happy? But… Even if you were in a safe place without them, you’d feel… Lonely? And not happy?” The demon questioned softly, trying to work human emotions out as best he could. Jongho himself was human once, sadly all memory of who and what he used to be before Hell was long gone. Relearning was… A little harder than he thought it might be. But then again, he never thought he’d want to learn things like this in the first place. “You wouldn’t be happy just… Being alone? No surprise company, no being on guard…. Just being alone and being able to actually relax and not be in danger at all wouldn’t make you happy? It’d make you unhappy, even?”
San nodded as Jongho tried to work out what he was talking about, how humans feel when they have a friend, someone to care about, and how it was to be lonely when you didn’t have them by your side. “Yeah, cause what’s the point of safety if you have no one to share it with. Being friends with someone means you trust them and want what’s best for them, and you trust that they want what’s best for you. You have someone to talk to, to share interests with, to cuddle and enjoy their company. Safety and being alone, is that really living? It’s surviving, sure, but it’s not living. Living is to take risks, even if they could backfire. Most, if they knew Jaehwa, Seonghwa, and your secret would think I was taking a risk, but I’d trust you all with my life any day because I care about you, and you’re special to me. Without that trust, I couldn’t keep you as close as I would like. I’d have to keep everyone at arms length, and what good is that when you can’t even enjoy the simplest joys in life. Feeling loved, and loving someone else no matter their flaws, no matter how much they annoy you like I do to Seonghwa all the time.” Not a perfect explanation, but it was close enough. 
“This isn’t hell, remember that. I know it must be very different in hell, but up here... No one’s gonna stab you in the back, and they certainly won’t be able to kill you even if they tried. The most you really have to worry about up here is like... Fake friends who gossip behind your back. It’s alright not to like company and to like being alone, but even if it’s only sometimes, it’s nice to spend time with someone and have some company of people you care about.” 
Jongho had already proved to him when he continued to warn him to stop while they fought. He could trust him. He showed he didn’t want to hurt him, even though San was still going at him to win. He may not have been in control, he may have had his father’s brainwashing fueling him, but Jongho had tried to stop him before Mingi shown up. “If I had chosen safety I wouldn’t have such amazing friends. That includes you, ya know...” He added with a small smile. 
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Win Or Die Trying || CLOSED ||
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bornxidols · 2 years
huntersxhunted​ :
Hanbin hardly noticed the note taking at first, his past experiences showing that humans did many actions that seemed correlated but actually at random. It was the third or forth time that had a pang of familiarity hit him. He’d take notes of Cya all the time, he had a closet full of notes of his human observing, he could notice subject studying when he saw it. It made him a little flattered in fact, and only solidified the fact that Sai would be prime companion material for someone like him. 
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“I wholeheartedly agree, being up front and honest takes no effort to read between the lines, it’s cut and dry, an easy set up for an equally easy response. If one doesn’t like company from certain people, why waste the energy pretending otherwise?” Taking a bite of his food the alien felt so proud of himself, he’d integrated so well to human life he’s found one with a similar mindset. And Moonbyul said he was a hazard to their operation. Silly, silly Moonbyul. “I’d be honored to see you painting sometime then. Things not done in public means not many have seen you paint, right? I’ll have to return the favor, once I think of a hobby I don’t tend to do in public.” One that didn’t include revealing he wasn’t human, he already let that cat out of the bag too much already. But then again… Hanbin was good at not telling people secrets, mostly because he didn’t really talk to people. But Sai might be just the same! “How good are you at keeping secrets? I’ll arrange accordingly, seeing as I can trust you to be forthright.”
Sai couldn’t believe his ears. This was the first person he met that agreed with his way of thinking. Of course, people normally agreed with the ‘being honest’ part, but their actions never seemed to align. This one, however, he seemed to be just about the only person he met that was easy to read, and even easier to converse with. “Exactly, it’s rare that people actually agree and uphold such beliefs. I’m glad I’ve finally found someone like me.” He mused as he set his pen down to continue eating. 
When he mentioned not many seeing him paint he shook his head. Off the top of his head, he could think of one person that he’d shown his paintings and it was actually Moonbyul. “One person has seen, off the top of my head. You would be the second to know my secret while painting.” He confirmed. At the question of how good he was at keeping secrets he shrugged. “I don’t really talk to many people, and honestly don’t see anyone else’s secrets as their business. I would say I’m trustable with secrets.” He replied honestly. Most would think he was boasting or some form of self-flattery, but neither would be true. It was just the facts, and he was not one to go around to random strangers who wouldn’t even converse with him on any other occasion and blab secrets that didn’t involve them. 
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bornxidols · 2 years
huntersxhunted​ :
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“With how they treat their idols, I bet they’d really make it far if they ever decided to get into torture and interrogations. Depriving people of sleep is actually one of the most effective tactics, but it takes a long time to do it correctly. Just thinking about how down to a science your company has it is a little worrying. Well, it would be if I ever had to worry about being at the receiving end of something like that. On the bright side, you’d probably be one tough cookie to crack since you’re used to similar torture already.”  The reaper joked lightly, only half meaning the words she spoke. It was almost a freeing feeling to follow Song out of the bar and leave all responsibilities of Alex and Yoojun behind for once. Of course she’d return if something serious happened, but this was the first time she’d ever ditched them like this. Normally she only visited when she had nothing better to do and was desperate for a solution to her boredom, but her nightly plans now were far better in her opinion. 
“I don’t really need human food, you know. The taste of most food is enjoyable to me but it doesn’t really do anything for me other than taste good. If you’re hungry, please order pizza for yourself. I may have a slice myself just so you’re not eating alone, but don’t get anything just for my sake.” It wasn’t worth the trouble if it was just for the reaper, it was just nonsense. If it had been Alex, sure she’d insist he order her food without a second thought just to pay him back for all the inconveniences he provided for her, but Song? She hadn’t wronged her in the least, there wasn’t any reason to be anything but kind to her. “Well, even if it’s just the two of us there I’m sure we’ll find a way to make things entertaining. I’m not exactly the life of the party usually, I’m not really supposed to be letting myself be seen let alone interacting with living beings… But I’ll try my best to make sure you have a good time tonight.”
Hearing sleep deprivation was the best form of torture, and how down to a science her company had it, Song was shrugging her shoulders. To her, it was normal to go without sleep for so long. They were idols, they worked and worked until they couldn’t work anymore. There wasn’t much they could do about shitty companies when every company was a shitty company. You either suffer and succeed, or you fail. There’s no getting further without the help of a company. While some are worse than others, hers was actually on the fairly decent end of the spectrum for most things. “Hey man, you should’ve seen Yoonjin this last comeback. She’s in my group, and she’s a model for multiple companies, one being in New York. I don’t know how she literally gets less sleep than me and still keeps going. I mean, she looked pretty dead after this comeback, but this last one was harder than most. It was longer, and more grueling.” She sighed out. At least they had a vacation after it. It was hard enough not getting any breaks during comebacks but not getting any rest in between? Definitely worse. 
“Hey man, enjoying the taste is more than enough for me. What’s your favorite toppings for pizza? I’ll get half of your kind and half mine, that sound alright?” She questioned, already pulling her phone out to start the order while she headed toward her empty dorm. “That’s lame. I mean, I get why you shouldn’t be showing yourself, but it’s also still kinda lame cause... If I couldn’t hang out with you, I don’t know what my life would even be right now... I’ll fight your boss if I have to.” She threatened, holding her fists up. “But seriously, you don’t have to worry about being any sort of life of the party. I have fun just watching cute animal videos and movies. Speaking of movies, do you like horror movies? I mean, I love them but they also scare the shit out of me so I normally don’t watch them alone. But since you’re there I have nothing to worry about.”
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bornxidols · 2 years
huntersxhunted​ :
“Hey, hey I promise I’ll go easy. I’m good at distracting myself from, you know… Big, life changing events.” Yoojun mused bittersweetly, wanting to sound like it wouldn’t be as daunting for him as it really would be, however he wasn’t very sure how convincing he was to her. She saw through his lies just as easily as Sungjin seemed to. Funnily enough he used to be so much more convincing when it was to people who didn’t really give a shit in the first place, what a shitty way to be a bad liar. Yoojun intended to stay true to his word however. No matter how focused on eternity his mind ended up getting he wouldn’t go too far. He’d try his damnest, he’d stay glued to Sungjin’s side to ensure it if he absolutely had to. The only thing that stopped his mind from being stuck on the thought now was when Song told him her intent to be changed as well. Living forever was a scary idea for Yoojun, but not nearly as terrifying as someone else living forever because of him.
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“Wait, whoa, don’t tell me you’re being serious. Not that I would enjoy you eventually dying but…” Yoojun already felt Sungjin would regret wanting him around for forever, no matter how much the vampire showed him the opposite, but someone else signing up just to be let down by him for the sake of fairness? Even worse, someone he genuinely felt close to intending to place that amount of faith in him. The human knew himself too well, and living forever just for a fuck up just didn’t sound like a fair shake for her. “Forever’s a long time. Besides, what if I’m just different after it? Sungjin says you’re still you when you change, but- I mean have you met vampires? Just… It’s not fair to you to do it just because I have to. If you want to for other reasons, fine you do you. But I wouldn’t agree to some like that for someone like me if I were you.”
Hearing Yoojun’s promise, Song stared into his eyes for a moment, taking a second to gauge whether or not he was telling the truth. From what she could tell, he was and so she let out a small sigh of relief before nodding her head. “Alright, Yoojun. I’ll trust you on this. But promise me if you need a distraction or anything, you’ll call me? I’m sure I can find something that can distract you.” She told him, giving her best smirk. She had the best Youtube video’s lined up for just an occasion. Any distraction wouldn’t be complete without a bit of cute animal videos before going onto the cracky videos. 
When Yoojun voiced his thoughts on her decision, Song shrugged her shoulder. “Listen, let me make excuses to get to hang out with you more, alright?” She smiled at him before shaking her head. “I’ve already talked with Sungjin about it, don’t worry alright? I know you’re nervous, and it’s a big decision but dude... Why wouldn’t I agree to do something like that? If it means I can hang out with my best friend whenever I want? And don’t say things like that. ‘Someone like me...’ you sound like you’re comparing yourself to the worst of the worst, and I’m sorry but you’re really not as bad as you make yourself out to be. I’m happy any time I get to hang out with you, any time I pop in and see you at the bar, or hanging with Alex. That’s the only reason I really go there anyway, you realize that, right?” She pointed out before grabbing his arm. “Alright, now it’s time to take a chill pill and hang out watching cracky videos for the rest of the night...”
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bornxidols · 2 years
huntersxhunted​ :
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His response was exactly what the alien was expecting, honestly he was so predictable it was almost endearing. Plus, once they were in dark space Dino’s troublesome best friend wouldn’t be able to meddle in their affairs for a while. The more Dino was infatuated and manipulatable and the less Cya was able to intervene the better. “We’ll be taking my cruiser once I get us to the mothership. It has a pillow and a few blankets but since you’ll be there and I’ve gotten spoiled with comfy bed nests we’ll have to bring a few with us. Any snacks you want me to pack for us too? Honestly my ship runs on the radiation from stars so even if we’re lightyears from a planet with food we’ll have more than enough juice to go grab anything we need, even all the way out there.” They’d only be a hop and skip away from her own planet anyway, and there was more available there than on Earth anyway. 
Dino honestly didn’t understand Cya’s deal, but he was his best friend. Still, how could he not give the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, the most amazing alien ever to exist, anything and everything she wanted? It was unthinkable. Hearing that she’d need more blankets, Dino was already heading to grab as many as he could carry. “Enough blankets for a nest coming right up!” He told her before thinking on any snacks he’d want her to bring. “Uhh, maybe some chips? And ramen, cause who doesn’t love ramen? Do you want anything? I can run out and grab anything you need.” He offered, hearing just how fast her ship was. It blew his mind, staring in awe before he broke out in an excited grin. “That’s so fucking cool, I can’t wait to see that. Does it feel like you’re going that fast? I hear astronauts pass out when they launch into space at the smallest fraction of that speed.” He was curious just how disorienting it was, but more impressed with the capabilities of her species. 
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bornxidols · 2 years
huntersxhunted​ :
Daemok remained still until the feline decided whether it wanted to travel of it’s own accord or not, his smile as gentle as ever as Insu hopped off his shoulder, growing larger before deciding to fully shift forms. The sentiment wasn’t lost on the wolf, knowing just how more vulnerable one was when they were limited to a human form, Daemok bowing his head slightly in appretiation. Sure, they got opposable thumbs but they could run and evade so much easier with four legs at their disposal. Even as the male thanked him, his fright was apparent. The alpha had a nurturing disposition, Insu’s state only heightening it. Pack or no pack, his species or not, the other needed help and he’d be damned if he didn’t do all he could to help while in the position to. 
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“No need to thank me, it was the right thing to do.” He’d do it for anyone. It was an alpha’s duty above all to protect those who couldn’t protect themselves, sadly it obviously wasn’t a common teaching any longer. “I’m going to lead the way then, if it makes you more comfortable to walk behind me rather than beside me, do whatever is easiest for you. I’ll make sure nothing happens to you, you have my word.” The alpha promised with a smile, slowly moving to start walking down the sidewalk. He was glad his home wasn’t too far, at least it would be a safe place for the hellcat to take a moment to breathe if he wanted. “My name’s Daemok, if there’s anything I can do for you, you just need to tell me. Once we get to my home, you’re welcome to come inside if you’d like. I live alone, so you don’t have to worry about any strangers, especially other werewolves while there. However, I also understand that you may feel safer not even entering, in which case I will bring out everything we need to get you feeling better, alright?”
Despite already having been sure they were alone, Insu still insisted on looking around every once in a while just to be sure his sniffer didn’t lie to him. When the wolf insisted there was no need to thank him, that it was the right thing to do, Insu nodded his head, glancing back at the male. At the offer to have the Wolf walk in front of him to make him feel a bit more comfortable, Insu honestly thought about it but after a moment he came to the conclusion that if the other wolf came back, there was no way he’d do that while Daemok was around, and if Daemok wanted to kill him instead, he’d have already done it by now. “That’s alright, I’ll be fine walking beside you.” That wouldn’t stop him from looking around every few minutes, but could you really blame him?
When the other introduced himself, Insu looked at him once more, giving him a slight bow of the head. “It’s nice to meet you, my name is Insu.” He introduced himself, letting out another breath to calm himself a little at a time. When he offered him the option to go inside, Insu took another moment to think on the offer while he took his place next to the wolf to show he was ready to head out. It’d probably be safer inside, he figured. Especially if the other lived alone, no reason to worry about a pack. Now that he thought about it, wolves often stayed in packs. But this one didn’t? Odd, but he wasn’t about to judge. However, he was still curious. “You don’t have a pack like the guy back there?” He took one more second before he nodded. “I guess it couldn’t hurt to go inside for a minute... I mean, you haven’t chased after me yet...” Not like most other’s that didn’t seem too fond of cats. 
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bornxidols · 2 years
huntersxhunted​ :
Namjoon worked best in a quiet environment, it was why he worked so diligently while Korain was occupied. He liked the small pockets of peace he got to use on his research so he wouldn’t feel like he wasn’t making progress; however Namjoon didn’t like being in silence created by loneliness. When a quiet home meant a perfect working environment it was ruined by how desolate he’d feel from days on end of just himself and books. Feeling like he was separated from the world, only looking at life and the world through a window he couldn’t pass through used to be something he’d learned to live with after he left home. It was a necessary evil he knew he had to bare, he couldn’t expect anyone to want to be in the company of someone, something like himself. Before Korain he’d be able to go almost a month before the same scenery of his home felt like a prison and he had to walk around town to see the bustling city full of life that he’d no longer could be a part of. The demigod changed that however. He didn’t take no for an answer, he was stubborn and did whatever he wanted no matter what anyone said. For the first time since he’d been on the run, his home had life in it, even alone the air didn’t feel quite as still even when Korain wasn’t present. The warlock was aware any disruptions and noise he dealt with now were a blessing compared to the continuous ‘monday’ feeling that used to be every day of his existence beforehand. The day he lets that be known would be the day Korain’s head got too big for his shoulders, and god knows he and Daeshim didn’t need that. 
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Brows furrowed as his eyes scanned over the ancient text he’d recently acquired when Korain’s words broke the silence. Namjoon almost ignored it at first, but as the words registered the warlock didn’t even finish the word he was transcribing before his eyes were leaving the page to stare at the younger. “It’s… Open?” The syllables felt awkward in his mouth, definitely not what he’d hypothesize would happen and definitely not from someone without intensive schooling on both magic and dead civilizations. Still, probable or not, he could see the box was open, that result couldn’t be denied. “Do you feel anything off? Anything happen when the seal broke when it opened? Sights, sounds, anything?” The warlock couldn’t stop the inquizitative demeanor as he gently prodded at the younger’s form, looking for any effects on him negative or otherwise. It wouldn’t make sense for the box to end up malignant, but Namjoon couldn’t ever be too careful to make sure. “It was an empty inner compartment right? It would align…” Breaking off the warlock gave a sheepish smile as he forced himself to switch from ‘research’ mode to normal. At least for now. “I theorized it wasn’t anything physical. It seemed to house a boon of fortune to the one meant to open it, the temple I found it in was ruins of a long forgotten civilization and it was clear they were more spiritually tied than industrial. My best guess was that it was their main deity’s gift to them for whoever was to be in power. Whether it was god appointed or other wise I don’t know. It was obvious it was for who was to be charge of the temple itself, but with everything to their way of life being tied to their God I wouldn’t be surprised if they weren’t only in charge of the temple but in charge of it all. It’s possible you just got the good luck of a god appointed king, but if you want a physical prize what would meet your fancy?”
Korain always had a habit of fucking with anything he got his hands on until it either broke or opened. Thanks Daeshim. As he told Namjoon it was open and watched the Warlock, he saw it take a moment for the words to register, and the next thing he said was quite unlike Namjoon’s always ready for anything responses most times. He nodded his head and sighed. “Are you sure there’s not another one you have? Oh, you know what... I think I’m going to make Daeshim buy me one of those thousand dollar puzzle things. I saw one that was a castle and you had to find pieces and compartments to open area’s of it or whatever...” He rambled before Namjoon’s questions sunk in. Did he feel anything off? Different? All the questions had the demi god thinking for a moment, putting some real thought into answering his questions for once without giving him a hard time. “Hmm, there was like a light and airy feeling for a sec, but that was about it. Probably even my imagination or something.” He shrugged his shoulders as Namjoon turned back from researcher to normal. 
When Korain heard what Namjoon’s hypothesis was about what it contained, Korain let out a ‘ugh boring’ with a pout on his lips. “Well, I am a demi-god. Now I’m a real god!” It was more of a joke disguised as cocky statement/assumption. “And a king? Hey, I could get used to being a king.” He continued with a smirk as he thought about what he wanted as a real gift. “Money and another puzzle thing like that.” He decided with a giddy laugh.
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bornxidols · 2 years
Most of the family had insisted on Ilkwan taking more time to rest, and Yoongi, to stop him from constantly trying to get back to his office had volunteered to take over while he relaxed. As the aswang headed out, Yoongi stumbled through the hall heading in with bed head and ‘I literally just crawled out of bed’ eyes. “Hey Ilkwan, just... got up. Don’t worry...”  He yawned, “I’ll have most of your work caught up by the time you get back. Have fun with Yunho, see ya.” He drawled as he headed in. When Yunho heard his phone go off with Ilkwan’s ringtone he was immediately answering his phone, a smile breaking out on his face. “Oh hell yeah, I’ll be there in a sec, I was just getting my room put together. Seonghwa complained that it was a mess when he walked in yesterday and I haven’t heard the end of it.” His best friend was OCD as hell, and he tended to keep things rather tidy because of that, but he’d been slacking because he wanted to be there to chill with Ilkwan and provide at least a bit of a calm atmosphere for him. “Any place you wanna go in particular? Leedo told me there’s this great bubble tea stand a few blocks from here, we could start there and get a drink before we continue our walk.” He suggested as he closed his room door. “You wanna meet at the bar? Or did you have to drop some things off in your room first?”
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Ilkwan still didn’t like having free time knowing there was work to be done, however he’d come a long way when it came to working. The ghoul was still meticulous during switches but thankfully over time he’d stopped nervously quadruple checking things were good before finally leaving. Instead of fussing for a half hour needlessly before leaving, Ilkwan had gotten it down to a few minutes for a quick run through of where he was at in that moment but that was about it. Sure, every now and then he’d procrastinate and linger in the office just a few minutes more pretending to gather his things, but at least Yunho and Leedo didn’t have to escort him out every time anymore. Taking a drink of the monster in one hand the aswang pulled out his phone with the other to call Yunho as he walked down the hallway towards his room. “Hey, I just left my office. I was planning on going out to get some fresh air, wanna tag along?”
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bornxidols · 2 years
huntersxhunted​ :
“Please, witchers only get truly hangry at a ten or eleven- okay.” Siyeon was quick to defend herself playfully, a small pout even forming at her feigned offense. Her act didn’t last long, a smile returning to her face as Handong hugged her. Instantly Siyeon returned the affection easily, however a few seconds in she couldn’t resist gently nipping at the other’s shoulder. “Mmm, I think I’m going to get this dessert to go as well. Compliments to the chef.” She mused shamelessly. Honestly witchers lived such rough lives that most would take moments of pleasure where they could get it. Siyeon didn’t know a single witcher that got shy at flirtations or the like, and she was just as uninhibited. Thankfully Handong didn’t seem to have issues with getting shy and flustered either. “White rice please and thank you~” 
Siyeon finally let her friend go, knowing Handong wouldn’t be able to cook with a whole witcher clinging to her. Listening to the other as she spoke about what she’d give over a trophy any day Siyeon only felt more fond of her dear friend in that moment. Witchers didn’t receive gifts- they received payments. Most prefer dealing strictly with money only but it wasn’t any secret that Siyeon was a sucker for helping the already helpless. She’d taken items as payment, often much less than she’d normally charge and in certain circumstances she opted to take nothing at all. Anything she received from Handong however was easy to only view as a gift. And of course leave it to the princess to be the first one to get her something specifically thinking of her. “I’d never sell anything you gave me, Dongdong. I definitely like the idea of something wearable more than a trophy though. We witchers don’t keep many personal trinkets and stuff, too much to lug around all the time. Not to mention there’s no use hoarding a bunch of shit when you could be killed the next time you do a job.” If they were one thing, it was logical. 
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“But from seven, how long would it take for you to get to that point? I don’t think I would wanna even get to level nine hunger let alone ten.” She teased, laughing at the Witcher’s feigned offense before she was smirking at her next comment. “Dessert to go, you got it. It’ll be the best damn dessert you’ve ever had in your life. A dessert fit for a Princess.” She winked before Siyeon told her what kind of rice she wanted and she nodded her head. “White rice it is,” She confirmed as she pulled the Witcher to sit on the stool near the counter while she cooked. “The chef requires only the best company, so you’re required to keep me company because no one else is up to par.” No one else was there, but an excuse was an excuse, right?
Handong started preparing their food, taking her time just enough that she was sure it would turn out alright, but she didn’t like taking too long on cooking either. She did get rather impatient for food, but that didn’t impact how well she prepared it, at least. “Good, I’d be really upset if you sold it, you know...” She told her with a smile before she was placing everything on the counter in front of Siyeon, “I’m just saying, if you die on me I will bring you back one way or another just to kill you myself. You’re not allowed to leave me.” She told her with her best pout before she was humming in thought. “What kind of wearable gift would be best for you? Anything that wouldn’t get in the way as much?” She questioned, occasionally glancing up at the Witcher as she spoke. 
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bornxidols · 2 years
huntersxhunted​ :
In spite of all that had transpired as of late, how quickly the jiangshi stopped shying away from him had Ravn’s heart fluttering. He really had missed the younger, arms gently tightening around Xion’s form. No matter what else happened, as long as the hydra could keep Xion with him like this he’d be happy. It really made it easy to answer the other’s request just moments later, Ravn’s response almost immediate. 
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“You’d be silly to think I’d be willing to let you out of reach for the next five days minimum. Even longer if you let me.” The hydra nuzzled his face against Xion’s neck, finally letting his heavy eyelids stay closed. “The entire time I was gone all I could think of was getting to hold you like this again. When I wake up, we’ll have plenty of lost time to make up.”
The moment Ravn’s arms were around him, Xion couldn’t help relaxing. It had been so long since he was able to just lay there and relax. He couldn’t seem to quell his anxiety, even at night when there was nothing more he could do to track Ravn, he still tossed and turned restlessly, tensely, thinking about all the possibilities of what could have happened to the hydra. Now, he didn’t have to worry. Now he could relax in the familiar warmth of the hydra’s arms and the moment he did, he felt the wave of exhaustion hit him. 
“Longer,” Xion answered quickly, “a week minimum...” He added with the slightest pout. How could he pull himself away from Ravn after being apart for two weeks? It was just impossible to even consider. “I missed you so much,” he breathed, “We’ll have to brainstorm things to do together when we wake up to make up for all that lost time...” He added while his own eyes fell closed.
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bornxidols · 2 years
huntersxhunted​ :
Hearing that the werewolf had actually attacked him, well it was enough to have the alpha’s blood boiling, however it didn’t show when he was looking at Insu. He was always very good at controlling what emotions showed to specific people, and he didn’t want to risk doing anything that made the feline wary of him. Daemok was half expecting the other to run off as he shifted forms, but as he hopped up on his shoulder the alpha couldn’t help but raise a hand up just to support the small creature to ensure he wouldn’t fall. He knew it most likely wasn’t needed, but better safe than sorry. Hearing Insu’s request he knew he couldn’t scold the young alpha the way he really wanted to, but it was more important to make the feline feel safe than it was to chew some stupid kid out. 
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“You’re still young, so I’ll assume you’re still in a pack where you’re not the top dog. I don’t care how frustrating it feels at times, just because you’re an alpha doesn’t mean it’s your birthright to be in control. If I see you causing trouble like this again, you’re not going to like it. Learn to grow up, or you won’t make it long enough to grow more mature. Now leave.” Thankfully, the kid listened well now, practically scrambling to get away and out of sight. Seriously, packs around here didn’t raise pups like they used to. “I know he’s away now, but you looked like you had a few scrapes earlier. Even if they aren’t anything serious, at least let me send you off with some bandaids. My home is only a block down, so it won’t take long. Would you rather walk, or do you want me to carry you there?”
As the other wolf spoke to the younger, Insu kept quiet, hiding against the crevice of the males shoulder and neck, not daring to even peek out until he heard the footsteps of the other wolf running off in the opposite direction. The moment he was sure he was gone, he finally moved slowly so he could see the other better. He was still a wolf, but the friendly nature of the other, and the fact that he had quite literally saved his ass was enough to quell his fear of the other being a wolf. ‘Thank you.’ He spoke in the other’s mind timidly, hesitating when he mentioned at least giving him a band aid for his wounds. He wasn’t sure at first, but he couldn’t see any harm in it. Plus, it would probably be a good idea to stay near the other Alpha for a time until he was sure the other wouldn’t come back. 
‘Y-yeah, we can do that,’ he agreed, hesitating once more when he asked if he would rather walk or have the other carry him. He sniffed the air briefly for the scent of the other alpha pup nearby, but it had already faded. He was long gone. Insu looked around one last time before he made the decision that it was safe to hop down. After making his cat form just a little bigger, he stared at the other, trying to decide just how much he could trust the other before making his final decision to shift back to his human form, letting a breath out as he felt the injuries he’d received transfer to his human form. Nothing serious, but enough to be uncomfortable at least. “Seriously, thank you...” He breathed out, still trying to calm the panic, his face flushed and his body shaking ever so slightly. Man, he really hated anything related to hounds or wolves. Why’d they always have to go after him? Well, at least this one didn’t. 
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bornxidols · 2 years
huntersxhunted​ :
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Soyi couldn’t stop her smile from widening at hearing Dami say she’d keep the keychain with her always. Sure, to anyone else it wouldn’t be that major, but when you belong to a family of purebloods, nothing gets kept forever. Little trinkets get left behind after a century or so. Of course the vampire understood, it was just their way of life and knew it was silly to be sentimental about anything, especially little trinkets like hers. It didn’t make it any less meaningful that the witch planned to, though. If anything, it made Soyi appreciate it that much more. “Well, you’re not entirely wrong. I do like to get flowers that I like the smell of the most so I do follow my nose a lot.” The vampire laughed out, already getting giddy at the anticipation of a cute and peaceful picnic date with Dami. “This is going to be the best picnic ever. Ah, do you know what the weather’s going to be like this week? We should pick out the best day for it, just because I won’t get sick because of being out in bad weather doesn’t mean you won’t.”
Dami wasn’t ever one to make false promises. She wasn’t even the type to make promises period. But Soyi was different. She would promise her just about whatever she wanted, and she would keep that promise. She would keep this keychain with her until the end of her days, and if it just so happened to break before she took her last breathe, she’d be bringing it back to Soyi to fix so she could put it right back on her stuff. “I bet you do, it’s kinda impressive if I’m being honest.” She admitted, already pulling her phone out to start looking at the weather. “Eh, I’ll be alright. Cold or no cold, I’ll just be happy to spend the vacation with you.” She murmured nonchalantly, pulling up the weeks weather. “How about Thursday? Sunny all day and fairly warm too. That work for you?” She questioned, showing her the week of weather. “And we can go and get anything we need the night before so it’ll be fresh, sound good to you?”
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