bored-bibliophile · 1 year
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This is a Breaking Dawn Part 2 inspired chess set I made from polymer clay and two clear Perspex acrylic sheets for the board.
The process took several months both in terms of concepting and actual making 😭 Chess pieces are a pain to make and it’s hard to get them all the right proportions when you’re doing everything free hand.
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bored-bibliophile · 3 years
Rosalie meeting Bitchward for the first time and learning she has to live with him now:
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Rosalie finding out how Bitchward spent the years between 1927 and 1931:
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bored-bibliophile · 3 years
Thoughts after seeing The Batman and trying desperately to not think of it as a theatrical version of Edward’s years away from Carlisle:
If any of the Cullens should have had a vigilante phase, it should’ve been Rosalie. She literally turned around and killed Royce and co. , and it wasn’t about human blood. Why didn’t she continue?
Sure, the mind-reading helps spot targets, but Edward just has a God complex. His gift just had to be used. He couldn’t come to grips with the “monster” Carlisle made him, so he went and justified that title with killing for blood.
And how is any of what he did different from Alice grabbing someone out of a dangerous situation she saw they were going to be in? Or Carlisle using his abilities to diagnose?Interfering with human lives to help is OK, as long as you don’t kill? That’s why Carlisle drugged the Port Angeles dudes, right?
Maybe that’s why she didn’t continue…
Maybe killing them was the only justice in her mind, the only guarantee of safety.
I’d think she maybe didn’t have the stomach for it, but she was down to kill Bella pretty quickly and seems unrepentant about killing Royce.
I’m sure Carlisle would never agree to an extended campaign which involved killing humans, but if it gives her some peace to know that she’d prevented what happened to her happening again let the woman have her vengeance.
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bored-bibliophile · 3 years
It took me 12 years and many, many listens to the New Moon soundtrack to realize that White Demon Love Song is by the Killers...like the Mr. Brightside people are also on my beloved depression album what other lies have I been living with my whole existence.
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bored-bibliophile · 4 years
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Sorry, not sorry.
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bored-bibliophile · 4 years
I will find and ❤️ every Twilight X Bernie meme I lay eyes on so help me gawd.
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bored-bibliophile · 4 years
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When I tell you I screamed
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bored-bibliophile · 4 years
How they do Esme dirty like this SMH
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Graphical displays of how many times the Cullens’ names are mentioned in the texts: 
Graph 1: Original Series (Twilight + New Moon + Eclipse + Breaking Dawn)
Graph 2: Midnight Sun
Graph 3: Overall (Original Series + Midnight Sun)
Some observations:
Esme’s name is mentioned 461 times across five books, barely more than the 443 times Renesmee’s is mentioned in Breaking Dawn alone.
Emmett’s name is mentioned more in Midnight Sun alone than it is throughout the original four books combined.
For anyone interested, I’m dumping the raw data and accompanying notes below:
Keep reading
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bored-bibliophile · 4 years
Twilight au where Edward answers “You brought a snack?” with, “Nah, she’s my girlfriend” and the nomads think these golden-eyed vampires are so fucking dumb and they just leave without another word
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bored-bibliophile · 4 years
On Edward knowing:
Heard in an interview with SM that she wanted Edward to know how Bella would react to him leaving her so that it would be a fair decision on his part. Like, he’s gotta know what that will cause, or at least a portion of what may happen, to make an educated decision. 
I don’t remember ever being mad that Edward left in New Moon. Hell, I skipped the middle portion of that book because I was dumb and wanted him back in the story. If anything, I thought he was being stupid and would never have made the choice to leave if he knew what it would do to her...
I guess now I’m mad at him...and SM...but mostly at myself for skipping the first time I read New Moon LIKE SERIOUSLY YOU DUMB BITCH!
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bored-bibliophile · 4 years
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Ok, let’s talk about this scene.
Jasper is a fucking legend. Using his ability to make Bella, Alice, and himself almost invisible is amazing! I hate that we didn’t know about this before, but it makes me wonder about other situations he may have used this??? Also, it’s probably SM retconning the shit outta how three vampires managed to not notice a human standing right in front of them, but it makes so much more sense now why it took James and co. so long to notice her. 
Edward tapping his foot was cool too.
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bored-bibliophile · 4 years
re: the soccer mom
Denial:  Carlisle wouldn’t ever do that! I just cannot see it happening. I refuse to accept this as canon. 
Anger: HOW DARE SM write him doing that! I signed up for Super Compassion not drugging people to steal their cars! 
Bargaining: okay, well, it’s not really his fault because Jasper made him ignore the moral issues with his ‘war focus.’ Or maybe he just felt so guilty that his humane approach to the James situation led to this that he was willing to go to extremes to make it up to Edward, as a parallel to changing Emmett for Rosalie?
Depression: She keeps tarnishing my favorite characters whyyyyy. :(
Acceptance: okay, I guess he did it, but he feels really bad about it, and found something in the car with her name and address and (anonymously) wrote her a formal apology letter and sent her a big check and set up college funds for her daughters and donated to three different Arizona dog rescues in honor of her dogs and 
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bored-bibliophile · 4 years
I’ve got so many thoughts on Midnight Sun. Finished it last night. I’ll probably start comparing it to the draft soon, but I also wanna get some ideas outta my head because that book really wasn’t what I was expecting.
I guess overall it was...sad. Like I new Edward was a little Emo boy, but damn I just wanted to give him a hug so many times. I thought that it would be so much more like a love story, but he’s just so upset that he’s going to ruin Bella’s life that when he is happy it’s with so much guilt. 
Like damn...anyway more “review” posts to come. I’ll probably space ‘em out so I don’t end up spamming y’all. 
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bored-bibliophile · 4 years
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bored-bibliophile · 4 years
nessie and renée parallels
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it seems nessie’s gift is very much correlated to how renée’s mind works.
anyway headcanons that nessie will be an eccentric, free spirited, fun and a wild child confirmed.
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bored-bibliophile · 4 years
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brb getting this quote framed so I can hang it on my wall
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bored-bibliophile · 4 years
Edward in Twilight:
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Edward in Midnight Sun:
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