bookishnonesense · 2 months
it’s the way Apollo doesn’t believe prophecies condemn their heroes and that they act more like guides. it’s the way all of ToA is about breaking out of cycles/narratives, such as Frank and Hazel breaking their curses. it’s the way Zeus believes prophecies do condemn their heroes. it’s the way Jason did believe he was meant to die, for real, no way out. it’s the way he’s the only character to succumb to his narrative.
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bookishnonesense · 2 months
I hope my message finds you well 🍉❤️
I would be very grateful if you could donate to me and my family 💔🇵🇸
Your donation saves an entire family from death
Thank you in advance 🫶
Share and donate if you can 💕
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bookishnonesense · 2 months
Hello Tumblr community!
This blog has been started to document and share fundraisers vetted by @nabulsi, @el-shab-hussein, and Moh'd Ayesh. We felt it would help to create a space dedicated to this documentation process.
The fundraisers we are vetting will be added to this page as well as included in our google sheet.
We will continue to reblog and share on our personal blogs, and that will not change, but this blog will help better organize these fundraisers.
Please spread this as we'd like to start using this primarily to share newly vetted fundraisers.
~ Thank you
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bookishnonesense · 2 months
omg my bad 😭 all the ads I keep seeing for it make it sound like it hasn’t been published yet
Wait so if it’s not coldwire what could it be?? Maybe an anthology piece again?? Because first person isn’t in any of Chloe’s existing series
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bookishnonesense · 2 months
Isn’t she also writing something for that horror anthology? Like The White Guy Dies First or something like that. I feel like first person is used in horror more often so it could also be that
Wait so if it’s not coldwire what could it be?? Maybe an anthology piece again?? Because first person isn’t in any of Chloe’s existing series
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bookishnonesense · 2 months
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every time.
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bookishnonesense · 2 months
Not the callback to Tess Tess Tessa 😭 there are going to be so many parallels in TWP and I’ll cry over every one I swear
letters unsent
Ty, Ty, Ty.
Your name looks strange written out like that. Like an abbreviation. But Tiberius would be so formal. I never think of you that way. Or, I suppose I should say, I never thought of you that way. Tenses matter in these situations, I guess.
It’s late, past midnight, and I’m sitting on the windowsill in my bedroom at Cirenworth....
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bookishnonesense · 2 months
rip jean moreau you would’ve hated emily in paris
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bookishnonesense · 2 months
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“You shouldn’t make friends with crows,” he’d told her.
“Why not?” she asked.
He’d looked up from his desk to answer, but whatever he’d been about to say had vanished on his tongue.
Inej Ghafa from Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
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bookishnonesense · 2 months
Some random tips and trivia for anyone wanting to take a slightly more realistic look at exy and sport in their fanfics:
Long jogs are not good for sports like exy. The best you can say is they're good cardio, but most exercise they should be doing anyway is good cardio. To oversimplify: long term energy and fast action energy have different power supplies and training one doesn't really help the other. There's a reason sprinters and marathon runners are not the same people. Exy is a sport of fast bursts and in some cases long jogs can actually be detrimental to your ability to play these sports.
Dear lord, warm up and cool down. I know most of us just assume this is in there and glossed over, but if you're going into details, warm up and cool down and wear warm jackets after. Especially cool down. I know Kevin and Neil have already fucked their bodies but don't make it worse. Also, rest days. You body needs time to recover. Kevin and Jean will be lucky if they recover enough not to have any career after college given how much Tetsuji has fucked the Ravens with his training. Thea is probably in agony the entire time and she doesn't have long left playing.
Goalie's lead the defence line. If you want to throw around a defence captain type plot, it's your goalies, it's always goalies. Because they have the best view of the entire court. You dealer should control the entire team's plays, as the person who should be going from defence to offence and back (assuming they work similarly to other sports with a similar position) but the defence is always run by the goalie, and your goalies are usually really fucking loud about it.
Your division/class is actually nothing to do with your team's skill, but your school's sports program and budget. The Foxes are not a Class I team, Palmetto is a D1 school. To get this status, your school has to have a certain level of sports program, featuring a certain number of sports, sports for women, upcoming/rarer sports and certain required sports. While EAU blatantly ignores all of this as presented in canon (they seem to be D3 status, maybe D2 at best) who got their status through bribery and corruption and their coach, Palmetto, as presented in canon, clearly meets D1 school status. Your school's division also affects what kinds of scholarships they offer. Typically, only D1 schools offer full ride sports scholarships. It's most likely Palmetto was looking to fund an exy team and Wymack went to them because they're a D1 school, or they approached Wymack, unlike the Ravens who clearly don't understand how this works.
On the topic of Wymack: the ERC couldn't have had anything to do with Andrew's miracle in October. We'll get to this but the ERC is just not that powerful, and, see above point, they have nothing to do with Palmetto's status. Now, Nora actually gives us a far more likely and better reason in the EC, that she then overcomplicated in canon trying to make the ERC more powerful for no reason, especially given Kevin wasn't even with the Foxes at the time. In the scene where we see Wymack recruiting the cousins, Andrew brings up the idea that Wymack's initial four year will be on it's last year that year and he needs results or the school will decline renewing his contract and rebuild the exy program from scratch under a new coach. This is far more likely a reason for him to need Andrew's miracle. It's his final year of his contract, the school wants results, and if they drop out now with so few games won, he's done for. And given how many NCAA rules he and Abby help the Foxes break, it won't be long before the rest of the Foxes lose their scholarships too.
Four years might seem like an odd amount of time for an initial contract, and it sorta is, but one thing mentioned in TSC that's never brought up in the original trilogy is redshirting. Basically, for all you have a five year contract, you can only play four seasons. One season, you get to practice, but not play games, this is called red shirting, and in my experience and what I've heard from others, it's typically the freshman, for obvious reason, but this does bring up issues for Wymack's team design, and means Neil will have to take a year off eventually. And don't even think about how this affects the Ravens.
Speaking of Ravens, this is honestly one of the most basic NCAA rules: you cannot play professionally and play NCAA. Kevin and Riko literally cannot be playing for professional teams and be playing for the Ravens, the NCAA would boot them instantly. And, up until very recently, you also cannot be paid for your photoshoots, or using your likeness or sponsorships. To play NCAA, during the period AFTG is set, you cannot make any money as a player. Now, there's an argument that Tetsuji could probably make that Kevin and Riko didn't make money as players, but as celebrities in their own rights, but that's a very grey area. But, no, they weren't getting paid for photoshoots or interviews or sponsorships or anything like that. The only exceptions are tournament winnings, and there is a very strict cap on that, and stipends which there was a lot of debate over whether that counted as payment or not. They cannot be paid for anything related to exy because the second the NCAA makes an exception for exy, every other sport wants it too, and I'm sure some of them are mafia backed too. Mafia bribery doesn't fix everything, and if your trying to write your mafia as not a bunch of idiots, they'll know where to stop.
And then the ERC. They're just not that powerful, y'all. I get that Nora wanted to make them seem powerful, but given how Riko does most of the shit not Tetsuji, even that's pointless. So, for a start, the ERC needs specific scope. It's cool to call it the Exy Rules and Regulations Committee, but for what? Sports tend to have an overall ruling body, but they don't actually control everything. They control things like national tournaments and teams. Then you have the country's body, that controls things like the leagues, and they often have different rules that take time to catch up to each other. Different leagues within the same country can have slightly different rules. And often the NCAA also has its own rules. (To use volleyball, because that does have wildly different rules, in the NCAA liberos can serve in certain conditions, and that's about the only place in the world this rule exists). Basically, they only have control if you're competing in their tournament or affiliated. For the ERC to have such control over the Foxes, they're likely an NCAA committee, this means the ERC only has power over rule and regulations of Class I exy (oh yes, each division has their own committee), meaning they control things like gear regulations, rules on bench size, foul rules ect. Not which class the Foxes are in, not if Andrew's allowed to play with them, nothing like that. It's strictly the rules of the game. And they are the bottom of the power chart. Above them you have things like the division committee, the student athlete's committee and so many others. The ERC actually has very little power because the NCAA is a massive, slow moving, complicated bureaucracy. Even if they could drop the Foxes a division or get rid of Andrew, it would take years.
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bookishnonesense · 2 months
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bookishnonesense · 2 months
same here ! I don’t wanna f it up !!
🕯️This year I will actually make friends at college and my adhd will not completely fuck over my gpa to the point of no return🕯️
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bookishnonesense · 2 months
Marisol and Jon: A Love Story in Scenes
Marisol stared at him, her gaze clear and cold. "They told me," she said, "that I was going to fight." She had been taking fencing classes since she could walk, as it turned out. She cut him off at the knees and left him literally in the dust, stumbling as a tiny, swordy whirlwind came at him across the practice grounds, and falling. "Went a little too easy on her," Jon said, passing by and helping Simon up. "The dregs won't learn if they're not taught, you know." His voice was kind; his glance at Marisol was not.
I'll teach you some lessons down in the training grounds," Jon snapped. "I could challenge you to a duel. Watch your mouth." "That's not a bad idea," remarked Marisol. "Oh, hey now," said Beatriz. "Duels with fourteen-year-olds are a bad idea." Everyone looked with scorn upon Beatriz, the voice of reason. Marisol sniffed. "Not a duel. A challenge. If the elites beat us in a challenge, then they get to speak out first in class for a week. If we beat them, then they hold their tongues." "I'll do it, and you'll be sorry you ever suggested it, mundie. What's the challenge?" Jon asked. "Staff, sword, bow, dagger work, a horse race, a boxing match? I'm ready!" Marisol smiled sweetly. "Baseball." Simon had the feeling Marisol was going to be a terrifying, tiny expert on baseball, the same was she was at fencing. He also had the feeling the elite stream was in for a surprise.
"Amazing," said the girl. "I mean that. I'm going to explain all of modern medicine to you." "Please don't do that, Marisol," said Jon. "I did not feel good after you explained appendectomies. I couldn't eat." Marisol made a face at her plate. "So what you're saying is, I did you a huge favor." I like to eat," said Jon sadly. "Right," said Marisol. "So, I don't explain modern medicine to you, and then a medical emergency occurs to me. I could be solved with the application of a little first aid, but you don't know that, and so I die. I die at your feet. Is that what you want, Jon?" "No," said Jon. "What's first aid? Is there a...second aid?" "I can't believe you're going to let me die when my death could so easily be avoided, if you had just listened," Marisol went on mercilessly. "Okay, okay! I'll listen." "Great. Get me some juice, because I'll be talking for a while. I'm still very hurt that you even considered letting me die," Marisol added as Jon scrambled up and made for the side of the room where the unappetizing food and potentially poisonous drinks were laid out. "I thought Shadowhunters had a mandate to protect mundanes!" Marisol shouted after him. "Not orange juice. I want apple juice!" "Would you believe," said Catarina, appearing at Magnus's elbow, "that the Cartwright kid was the biggest bully in the Academy?" "Seems like he met a bigger bully," Magnus murmured.
"What do you think it will be like?" Marisol Garza asked now, nestled beneath Jon Cartwright's beefy arm and looking like she was almost happy to be there. "The ceremony, I mean. What do you thin we'll have to do?" (A bit later) Marisol whacked Jon's shoulder. "Shut up, idiot," she said. But she said it rather too lovingly for Simon's taste. (A bit later) Jon took her hand, and Simon expected her to slap him, but instead she squeezed tight. "It's from Sunil," she said in a tight, angry voice. She passed the note to Simon. "I guess he 'considered his options.'"
Julie Beauvale and Beatriz Mendoza, their parabatai runes glimmering on their forearms. Marisol Garza, wearing white in memory of Jon Cartwright.
Sorry this is so long, I just wanted to capture their love story in one post because it was one of my favorite parts of Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy ♥️
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bookishnonesense · 2 months
finding out this is ONE of MANY hairstyles Annabeth will have in season 2??? oh someone cooked here
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bookishnonesense · 2 months
With the news that Biden is dropping out now its more important than ever to stop Trump and Project 2025. I'm 100% serious on how we cant let Trump back in the WH. If we do here are examples of Project 2025:
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These could actually happen. Social Security GONE! Public Assistance GONE! any mention of LGBTA+ on the internet: Ao3, Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram anywhere GONE!! Protections against discrimination GONE! Women's Right GONE!
Also Palestine yeah it will 10X worse. Trump had repeatedly says he wants Bibi to "Finish the Job" and will pretty much give Bibi anything he wants.
Please I begged you guys look more into Project 2025 its horrible and we must vote to defeat Trump.
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bookishnonesense · 3 months
finally reading immortal longings for the first time!
did miss gong put drugs in this book bs tell me why I’m already 150 pages in 😭
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bookishnonesense · 3 months
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